Presentation on the topic

Presentation on the topic "copper" Copper and copper alloys presentation

Dec 5, 2017
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Slide 2 History of copper Copper is one of the first metals widely mastered by man due to its relative availability and low temperature...

Recipes for making dough for pies, Easter cakes and bread machines

Recipes for making dough for pies, Easter cakes and bread machines

Dec 5, 2017
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Viennese dough is practically no different from ordinary yeast dough. But it turns out more airy, sweeter and does not go stale for a long time. Viennese dough should...

Cake “Hummingbird” – assorted fruits and juicy biscuits

Cake “Hummingbird” – assorted fruits and juicy biscuits

Dec 5, 2017
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Hi all. Today I want to tell you about a cake under the fabulous name Hummingbird. The recipe for this dish originated in the 60s in Jamaica, and only...

Siberians have made their choice

Siberians have made their choice

Dec 5, 2017
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Navy pasta with stewed meat is a dish that combines simplicity, excellent taste and speed of preparation. Modern cooking has taken a new look at...

How to properly cook pasta (horns, spaghetti, shells, spirals, nests, etc.

How to properly cook pasta (horns, spaghetti, shells, spirals, nests, etc.

Dec 5, 2017
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Pasta is an integral part of not only Italian cuisine, but also a traditional product of many eastern countries. Today they are popular everywhere:...

Scenario Fairy Tale “In the school kingdom-state Fairytale School

Scenario Fairy Tale “In the school kingdom-state Fairytale School

Dec 5, 2017
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At the Fairytale School, children learn to read and count through fairy tales and games. and educational crafts, coloring books, interesting and fun tasks help translate new...

Theory of everything Labor Code Art. 137 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Theory of everything Labor Code Art. 137 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Dec 5, 2017
Comments: 0

Practice shows that the emergence of a labor dispute between the employer and the employer regarding the part of the funds withheld by the latter from the earnings of the former -...

Application for deregistration of UTII Application for UTII for a year

Application for deregistration of UTII Application for UTII for a year

Dec 5, 2017
Comments: 0

An individual entrepreneur, subject to fulfilling the conditions for the application of UTII defined in Art. 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, may switch to paying imputed tax on certain...

Folk calendar of holidays, traditions and signs for October

Folk calendar of holidays, traditions and signs for October

Dec 5, 2017
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According to the Orthodox calendar, on March 20, believers remember the life and exploits of the Hieromartyr Vasily, and also venerate the miraculous icon “Suporuchnitsa...

Lecho from bell pepper with tomato paste for the winter

Lecho from bell pepper with tomato paste for the winter

Dec 5, 2017
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No tomatoes? Well, it is not necessary! You can prepare delicious and aromatic lecho without them. There are many recipes for a popular preparation that do not require fresh...