What is sambuca dessert and how to prepare it. Apple sambuca is a very tasty dietary dessert. Preparation of apple sambuca - ingredients


We offer one of the dessert options with a low sugar content - apple sambuca, which will satisfy the appetite of any sweet tooth without the threat of gaining extra pounds.

Apple Sambuca – recipe

Sambuca is a dessert with a base. The finished puree is beaten with egg whites, and the air mass is then combined with a gelatin solution and the delicacy is left until it hardens in the cold.


  • apples – 6 pcs.;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • egg whites – 2 pcs.;
  • – 5 g.


We start with a base of applesauce. To make the puree, apples are baked whole in the oven until soft. To prevent the fruits from burning and to bake evenly, sprinkle a little water on the baking sheet. Dilute gelatin in water, following the instructions from the instructions.

Cool the baked apples and puree them, rubbing the pulp through a sieve and separating it from the skin and seeds. Separately, beat a couple of egg whites and sugar into a stable foam. Mix the protein foam with the applesauce and continue beating until the volume of the mass increases three times its original volume. While whipping, periodically add gelatin solution.

Distribute the airy apple dessert into molds and leave in the cold until completely hardened.

Cream dessert “Apple Sambuca”


  • apples – 1.1 kg;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • sugar – 115 g;
  • vanilla essence – ½ teaspoon;
  • egg whites – 4 pcs.


Peel and core the apples. Place the fruit halves on a baking sheet and leave to bake under foil for about 40 minutes. Pour gelatin with half a glass of water and leave to swell, then heat the solution to dissolve the remaining crystals (no need to boil).

Puree the softened berries using a blender. Beat the egg whites together with a portion of granulated sugar until stiff peaks form, then mix the fluffy protein foam with applesauce, vanilla essence and gelatin solution. For textural and taste variety, you can put pieces of fresh apples, other fruits and berries in molds with apple sambuca, or sprinkle everything with nuts.

It is quite possible that many of us have heard the name “sambuca” more than once and, perhaps, are even aware of what it is: an anise liqueur to which elderberries are added, and the serving is necessarily complemented by coffee beans. In cafes or restaurants, this drink is beautifully set on fire right in the glass, after which it is cooled and served as an aperitif. But what is “sambuco”?

As it turned out, despite the similarity of names, sambuca has nothing in common with liqueur, and even elderberries, which, following the logic of the name, are not observed in it.

Sambuca is an incredibly airy, light and very tasty dessert, which is prepared from whipped fruit puree, egg whites and gelatin.

Sometimes, instead of puree, pieces of fruit can be used; for greater harmony and beauty, they are cut out figuratively, which looks extremely impressive when serving the dish. Today it is difficult to say who invented such a sophisticated and delicious dessert, but everyone agrees that its creator was definitely a romantic.

The process of preparing fruit sambuca

Surprisingly, such a delicious dish can be prepared in just half an hour; you must agree, it’s very pleasant. So, how to prepare an unusual dish called sambu?

Fruits for it need to be prepared in advance: if they are dried apricots or prunes, then first steam them in boiling water and pass through a meat grinder; if they are apples, then they are first baked in slices and then turned into a homogeneous porridge. Any other fruits and berries need to be processed in an accessible way: boiled, ground in a meat grinder, grated, and so on.

Usually, about 600 g of fruit is taken for 2-3 whites; in principle, the more eggs in the dessert, the more magnificent it turns out, however, there should be moderation in everything. In order for the dessert to acquire the required shape, gelatin must be added to it, after which it is sent to the refrigerator to completely harden.

At the formation stage, pieces of fruit and berries can be added, and this dish is served in small vases or bowls. Another important secret: if the default fruit component is very sweet (for example, banana), then a little citric acid must be added to the dessert.

Apple Sambuca Recipe

We will need:

  • apples without core and peel – 500 g;
  • proteins – 2 pcs.;
  • gelatin – 10 g;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water, vanillin, mint leaves.

Place the pre-prepared apples in a baking tray with high sides, pour a couple of tablespoons of water on the bottom, and cover everything on top with foil. Place the apples in the oven for 15 minutes, it is important to wait until they become soft. Oven temperature is about 180°. At this time, you need to dissolve the gelatin in water, according to the instructions on the package; remember that gelatin cannot be brought to a boil.

Remove the apples from the oven, let them cool slightly and turn them into a homogeneous consistency using a blender (you can simply rub them through a sieve). Add sugar to taste (may vary depending on the sweetness of the fruit), whisk a little again.

Carefully separate the yolks from the whites, add the latter to the apple mass and beat with a mixer for about 5 minutes (as a result, the mass should turn white and increase significantly in volume).

Next, pour in the gelatin solution in a thin stream and beat for a couple more minutes. Next, put the almost finished sambuca into small vases and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens. Serve garnished with mint leaves.

We offer a step-by-step recipe with a photo of the ideal dessert for all those with a sweet tooth who are worried about their figure and cannot afford to eat their favorite sweets again. Sambuca made from apples is uniquely tender and very low in calories. This dessert tastes very much like the well-known marshmallow, but differs in consistency and structure. Apple sambuca is not only amazingly tasty, but also does not cause any harm to the body, only benefit. If you want, you can experiment with the recipe. For example, add not only apples, but some other fruits and berries. And if you want to get a very light dessert, then you don’t have to add sugar at all. The main thing is to choose fruits that are sweeter and riper. The cooking process does not take much effort and time. Even the most inexperienced housewives can do it. And the result will definitely please you and your guests.


  • apples – 500 g;
  • sugar – 50 g; (if the apples are sweet, you can reduce the amount of sugar);
  • white (egg) – from 2 eggs;
  • gelatin (quick-acting) – 10 g.

How to cook apple sambuca - a very tasty dietary dessert

Wash the apples, remove the skins and cores and cut into slices. Place the chopped fruit in any baking dish.

Pour a couple of tbsp on top. l. plain water and cover the top with a piece of foil or a lid. Place the apples in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

Bake the apples until they become soft. This will take approximately +/- 30 minutes.

During this time, let's take care of the remaining components: pour the gelatin into a bowl, add water (100 ml), mix and leave for 10 minutes. Next, dissolve the gelatin in a water bath and leave to cool.

Blend the baked apples using a blender/mixer, add granulated sugar and blend a little more.

After the sugar crystals have dissolved, add two egg whites and beat for another five minutes.

Until the sambuca turns white and becomes thick.

At the very end, add gelatin and continue beating for a couple more minutes.

The dessert will increase in size and turn white.

Pour the finished dessert into vases or bowls. If desired, apple sambuca can be decorated.

Sambuca is a dessert made from applesauce. This dessert is cold, airy and tender. And it's also low-calorie. Children really like him. Prepare it, I’m sure you’ll love the dessert!

To prepare apple sambuca, you will need the products indicated in the list. The protein was frozen.

Peel the apples and remove the seeds. Cut into large pieces, place in a baking dish, cover with foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for approximately 40 minutes. The apples should become soft.

After 40 minutes the apples look like this.

We punch them with a blender.

Pour gelatin with cold water, stir and heat, without bringing to a boil. Gelatin should completely dissolve.

Add sugar to the applesauce and beat with a blender until the sugar dissolves.

Add egg whites and beat until the mixture doubles in size.

Add gelatin and beat for another 5 minutes.

Pour into bowls, garnish with mint and place in the refrigerator.

After 4 hours in the refrigerator, apple sambuca looks like this.

Dessert is ready!

Bon appetit!