Curd biscuit in the oven. Curd biscuit: cooking recipes Biscuit with cottage cheese preparation



Curd biscuit differs from other types in its moist crumb and unusual creamy aroma. It can be used to prepare desserts, but it will also be a wonderful treat on its own. You just need to cut the cake into pieces and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Biscuit with cottage cheese - general principles of preparation

Cottage cheese for biscuits will work at any level of freshness, even not at the first level. This is a great way to identify a product that has been sitting in the refrigerator. Naturally, there should be no mold or unpleasant odor coming from it. It is important to rub the cottage cheese well so that it is easily distributed in the airy biscuit dough.

The biscuit dough is prepared using eggs and sugar. Usually these ingredients are beaten, then mixed with cottage cheese, and flour is added. Its quantity may vary slightly depending on the moisture content of the cottage cheese.

What else can be added to the dough:

Sour cream, milk, kefir;

Butter, margarine;

Fruits, berries, fresh, canned, dried;

Lemon zest, vanillin.

Curd biscuits are denser than the classic versions. They are more like cupcakes, which is why baking powder is often used. The easiest way is to take a special product from a bag. But baking soda will also work, which must be extinguished before adding to the dough.

Baking curd biscuits is usually carried out in the oven at a temperature of 170-180, it is advisable not to exceed it, since the dough contains wet ingredients, it is important to bake them. But you can also use a multicooker that has a baking mode.

Biscuit with cottage cheese and butter

A version of a simple sponge cake with cottage cheese and butter. You can take good fat margarine. We remove food from the refrigerator in advance so that the temperature becomes the same.


200 grams of sugar;

Two eggs;

100 grams of butter;

10 g vanilla sugar;

7 grams of ripper;

200 grams of flour;

200 grams of cottage cheese.


1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. If it is soft and the lumps are well ground, then you can simply stir it well with a spoon.

2. Combine softened butter with granulated sugar. Stir first with a spoon, then immerse the mixer whisks, beat until smooth.

3. Add the pureed cottage cheese and keep whisking.

4. Add one egg first and stir. Then add the second egg, beat everything together.

5. Combine vanilla sugar and flour. Add baking powder to the dry mixture and stir thoroughly.

6. Pour the flour into the curd mass. Knead a light, homogeneous dough.

7. Transfer to a greased form, always covered with parchment.

8. Let the curd biscuit bake. Cooking at 180 degrees. Remove from the oven, cover with a towel. Let it sit for about thirty minutes.

9. Remove the towel, turn it over, remove the parchment, transfer it to a dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar, but you can decorate with cream, jam, whipped cream.

Biscuit with cottage cheese and kefir (in a slow cooker and oven)

For this biscuit with cottage cheese, it is better to use good fat kefir or fermented baked milk. The recipe is great for a slow cooker, but can also be baked in a regular gas or electric oven.


200 grams of cottage cheese;

Three eggs;

200 grams of kefir;

200 grams of granulated sugar;

10 grams of baking powder;

20 g powder;

320 grams of flour.


1. Grind the cottage cheese or beat with a blender. There should not be any large or hard pieces in the product.

2. Break three eggs into a bowl at once, add granulated sugar to them, immediately add flour, vanilla, baking powder and all other products on the list, except powdered sugar.

3. Beat the dough for about three minutes at the highest power of the mixer.

4. Now is the time to add the grated cottage cheese. Add and beat the mixture for about two more minutes.

5. Grease a multi-cooker cup or any form for preparing cakes in the oven with butter, rub the bottom and walls well.

6. Pour in the dough and level it to ensure the same layer thickness.

7. Bake for 50 minutes in a multicooker saucepan on the baking program.

8. Or at 180 degrees, bring the curd biscuit to readiness in the oven. Cool, remove from the mold, and sprinkle with powdered sugar using a strainer.

Quick biscuit with cottage cheese (with sour cream)

Choose fatty sour cream for curd biscuit so that the dough turns out tender, tasty, and light. The fat content of the cottage cheese does not matter, but if it is weak in consistency, then add another 2-3 tablespoons of flour to the dough.


200 g cottage cheese;

110 grams of sour cream;

A glass of sugar (about 200 grams);

A pair of eggs;

8 grams of ripper from a bag;

220 grams of flour;

Salt, vanilla.


1. Beat the pureed cottage cheese with sour cream and half the amount of sugar until smooth, you should get a sweet and delicate cream.

2. Beat the eggs with the second part of the sugar until a fluffy foam is obtained, at the very end add a small pinch of salt. It will improve the taste of the biscuit and make it richer.

3. Combine both masses and stir gently with a spoon.

4. Mix the sifted flour, a couple of pinches of vanilla and 8 grams of baking powder from the bag.

5. Add the dry mixture to the curd dough. Mix with gentle movements from bottom to top to preserve the porosity and lightness of the dough as much as possible.

6. Transfer the curd dough from the bowl into the mold, level the layer with a spatula, and send to bake. In the oven at 180 degrees the process will take about 35-40 minutes. In the multicooker for 50-60 minutes on the baking program.

Biscuit with cottage cheese and apples

A stunning recipe for sponge cake with cottage cheese and apples, which can be called a kind of charlotte. If desired, apples can be replaced with pears or other fruits. Maybe make a platter?


Two eggs;

180 grams of cottage cheese;

70 grams of sour cream;

1.5 standard cups of flour;

A glass of sugar;

1 tsp. soda;

3 apples.


1. Combine cottage cheese and sour cream in a bowl; you can use dairy products of any fat content. Grind everything with a spoon until smooth, add a third of a glass of sugar, continue stirring thoroughly until the sand becomes visible and it completely dissolves in the mass.

2. Beat the eggs and remaining granulated sugar until foamy.

3. Add the mixture of cottage cheese and sour cream to the egg mixture and stir. If desired, add vanillin to this mass.

5. Cut the apples into small pieces. If the fruits are winter varieties and have a hard skin, it is better to peel them.

6. Apples can be added to a biscuit in three ways: immediately stir into the dough, put in a mold and pour on top, or pour the dough first and scatter pieces of apples on top. We do it the way we like best.

7. Bake the curd biscuit until ready. We take it out of the mold only 20-30 minutes after taking it out of the oven. The apple crust needs to firm up a little.

Biscuit with cottage cheese in vegetable oil

A variant of a simple biscuit with cottage cheese, the dough for which is kneaded using refined vegetable oil. It's great for a variety of cakes, but can also be a dessert on its own.


A pack of cottage cheese;

Three large eggs;

Vanilla bag;

0.8 cups sugar (about 150 grams);

1 tsp. soda;

50 grams of butter;

150 grams of flour;

A little acid (vinegar, lemon juice).


1. Grind the cottage cheese, set it aside, let it be ready.

2. Beat three eggs into a fluffy foam, gradually add the recipe granulated sugar in parts. Every time we beat it well, don’t let the foam settle.

3. Add grated cottage cheese.

4. Next, pour odorless vegetable oil into the dough. Stir, add vanilla to taste. Lemon zest goes well with this biscuit, but it needs to be finely chopped.

5. Add flour, start stirring and add slaked soda in the process. Under no circumstances should it be added to the oil. You can extinguish it with lemon juice or ordinary table vinegar.

6. Pour the prepared dough into a suitable mold, bake the curd biscuit until ready at 180 degrees.

Biscuit with cottage cheese and cocoa

Recipe for chocolate sponge cake with cottage cheese. If desired, it can be coated with chocolate glaze from the melted bar.


Four eggs;

160 grams of powdered sugar;

300 grams of pureed cottage cheese;

A glass of flour;

50 g butter;

35 grams of cocoa powder;

A packet of ripper;


1. Prepare regular egg biscuit dough. Add powdered sugar to them, beat until well foamed with a mixer.

2. Mix cocoa powder, baking powder, a glass of wheat flour, pass it all through a sieve. Add to eggs.

3. Lightly stir the chocolate biscuit dough and add the pureed cottage cheese in parts.

4. If desired, add a little vanilla.

5. At the end, pour in melted but cooled butter or take margarine, stir and send the dough into a greased form.

6. Bake the chocolate sponge cake with cottage cheese for about 40 minutes.

Almost all biscuits with cottage cheese can be baked in small muffin tins; it is better to use silicone containers. Miniature products can be used to make wonderful cakes or the now popular cupcakes; you just need to decorate them beautifully with cream, fondant, berries or chopped fruit.

If the cottage cheese is too dry, then it is better to add a little rich sour cream to it in advance and beat the mixture well with a blender.

Take your time melting the butter for the dough on the stove. It is better to soften it in the microwave using the defrost program. In this form it is convenient to add it to biscuit dough. The mass is not hot, but the crumb is much better.

Modern caring mothers, worried about the health of their offspring, but not wanting to leave them without desserts, are lost in thinking about what to cook that is tasty, not too high in calories, and even healthy. We can advise them to turn their attention to cottage cheese; they are also unlikely to be low-calorie, but still such a delicacy is much lighter than many types of baked goods and has undoubted benefits for growing organisms, into most of which cottage cheese often cannot be shoved by force. And how delicious it turns out!

Airy dessert

Try to bake a uniquely tasty and tender dish that, although it cannot boast of simplicity, will forever win the hearts and stomachs of all family members. First you need to work on the base: grind half a kilogram of cottage cheese with a quarter kilogram of powdered sugar, a pack of softened chopped margarine and the yolks of six medium-sized eggs. When homogeneity begins to appear, add a glass of flour. Whisking continues until there are no lumps left. The final consistency is slightly thicker than pancake batter. In another bowl with a few grains of salt. As a dense foam forms, a quarter kilogram of powder is gradually poured in. When the peaks become steep and stable, mix both masses carefully, preferably with a wooden spatula, so as not to disturb the structure. The mold is coated with margarine, crushed with flour, the dough is laid out in it, and the future curd biscuit (photo attached) is placed in an oven heated to 170 degrees Celsius for an hour and a half. At the end, you can raise the temperature to 220 for a few minutes so that a beautiful blush appears.

Delicate delicacy

Housewives imagine cottage cheese biscuits in different ways. It turns out very tasty if you use a fermented milk product as a filling. First, the biscuit is traditionally prepared:

  1. Five eggs are separated into yolks and whites.
  2. The yolks are ground with two tablespoons of sugar, after which they are kneaded with a glass of flour.
  3. Beat egg whites until stiff with a glass of granulated sugar.
  4. Both masses are combined and stirred carefully; The dough is distributed in the mold and placed in the oven for half an hour at 170 on the thermometer.

While the base arrives, the filling is made. For her, a packet of gelatin - 220 grams - is diluted in half a glass of water, and a third of a kilogram of cottage cheese is ground into a paste with a blender. 300 milliliters of heavy cream is whipped with two-thirds of a glass of sugar. All components are mixed, pieces of canned peaches or pineapples are added to them, then the filling is hidden in the cold for a quarter of an hour. When the biscuit base has cooled, it is cut into cakes parallel to the table, put inside and the delicacy is sent to the refrigerator for soaking and hardening. Already when serving, the biscuit is cut and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Lemon curd biscuits

A portioned version is offered here, in small molds. But, without a doubt, no one forbids you to make cottage cheese biscuits using this recipe in larger sizes. The zest is thinly removed from one lemon and the juice is squeezed out of it. They are whipped with a cup of sugar and half a stick of butter. After achieving splendor, add a pack of cottage cheese, two spoons of sour cream and at the very end - a quarter kilogram of flour mixed with a spoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt. The result is a fairly dense dough, which is laid out in molds, sprinkled with almonds and sugar and put into the oven for half an hour. These curd biscuits will taste better when they are warm.

Non-standard approach

Housewives who are not too fond of fiddling with dough or who have little time for baking can still make a delicious curd biscuit. The recipe instructs you to stock up on two hundred-gram packs of cookies - any kind, although it is preferable to take chocolate ones. Using a blender, it is crushed to crumbs, combined with grated butter (about a third of a standard pack) and two tablespoons of sugar. The components are mixed so that the crumb is approximately homogeneous. A third of the dough is put into the refrigerator, the rest is compacted in a mold and baked for a quarter of an hour. During this time, you will have time to beat a pack of full-fat cottage cheese with vanilla and half a glass of sugar. When there are no more grains in the mass, add an egg, a spoonful of lemon juice and two spoonfuls of milk. And again for the mixer. The filling turns out like soft dough. It is distributed over the finished cake, covered with the reserved mixture and returned to the oven for 25 minutes. When the delicacy has cooled, the curd biscuits are cut into convenient pieces and served with tea.

Chocolate and curd pleasure

For it, take 400 grams of cottage cheese. If it is grainy, it is better to rub it through a sieve. Three eggs are driven into the base and one and a half cups of sugar are poured. All this is well beaten. Next add softened butter (100 gram block), a spoonful of baking powder and vanillin. Knead until smooth, after which three tablespoons of vegetable oil, four of cocoa, and one of instant but good coffee are added to the dough. The last thing to add is flour, one and a half cups. The dough should be firm but soft. It is laid out in a greased and sprinkled form, and the chocolate-curd sponge cake is put into the oven for about forty minutes. The recipe specifies a temperature of 200 degrees, but it seems to us that either too much time was allotted, or the heating was too high. So check your baked goods regularly. It should cool right in the mold, and then on a plate it should be cut into portioned curd biscuits and sprinkled with powdered sugar. You can also add glaze if desired.

For multicooker fans

It's no secret that this miracle device can easily cope with any baked goods. By the way, it takes much less time from the cook than a conventional oven. If you want to bake cottage cheese cake in a slow cooker, we offer you this option. Beat three eggs and a glass of sugar with a mixer until white. Then little by little, in small portions, without stopping whisking, add a package of full-fat 9% cottage cheese (preferably soft, not crumbly), two tablespoons of melted and slightly cooled butter, a glass of flour mixed with a bag and a third glass of starch. To make it even more seductive, you can add candied fruits and raisins to the finished dough. The multicooker bowl is coated with a piece of butter, the dough is poured into it, the baking mode is turned on on the device and the time is set to 65 minutes. After the timer signal, the degree of readiness is checked; if necessary, time is added 10 minutes at a time.

Cream for all occasions

Even if you don’t want to add cottage cheese to the dough, it can be very useful for sponge cake - tender and suitable for any version of it. It is prepared very simply: 400 grams of cottage cheese (regular, not paste-like) are whipped with a glass of cream, sugar (to taste, approximately 0.5 cup) and vanilla. This “spread” holds its shape well and quickly saturates any cakes.

A tender, juicy sponge cake is made with the addition of cottage cheese. But how to bake a cottage cheese biscuit correctly so that the dough is completely baked and the cottage cheese does not burn? We offer 7 original options.

Standard pack of cottage cheese;

A glass of flour;

A glass of white sugar;

Butter 82.5%;

1 tsp. baking soda;

Salt is for contrast.

Your steps to create an airy cake - a classic recipe:

1. Let the butter melt until it reaches room temperature. Transfer to a large bowl and blend with an immersion blender until fluffy and fluffy.

2. Add sugar to the butter. If desired, you can also add a bag of vanillin or crushed vanilla pod.

3. Remove the cottage cheese from the pack. If time permits, place on several layers of kitchen napkins to get rid of excess whey. Then pass through a fine grater or sieve. Add to the whipped butter and stir thoroughly for a long time.

4. Wash and break the eggs. Pour into a bowl with butter and cottage cheese and beat again with a blender until fluffy and homogeneous.

5. Sift the flour.

Even if the flour has been sifted, it doesn’t hurt to repeat the procedure. This way the flour will be saturated with oxygen and will not make the dough heavier.

6. Mix flour with soda and add to the curd mass. The cottage cheese will extinguish the soda. Knead the dough until smooth.

7. Prepare a baking sheet - line it with baking paper or foil, spread melted butter.

8. Pour in the tender, soft dough.

9. Bake for 40 minutes.

Cover the biscuit with a thick kitchen cloth for half an hour to keep it soft.

In a slow cooker you will get not a sponge cake, but a cupcake - we are talking about the shape.

You need:

A pack of medium-fat cottage cheese;

A glass of white sugar;

Flour (preferably whole grain, so the biscuit will be not only pleasant, but also harmless) - 1 cup;

100 g of premium butter;

1 tsp. vanillin;

2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

1 tsp. baking powder or soda;

Half tsp. salt;

For decoration - chocolate, nuts, etc.

Your actions:

1. Cut the creamy component so that it thaws faster, put it in a large bowl. Add regular and vanilla sugar. Leave until the butter softens.

2. Wash the eggs, break them, add salt and mix with cottage cheese.

3. The consistency of the cottage cheese is at the hostess’s discretion. You can grind it, then the biscuit will be homogeneous, or you can knead it a little with a fork, and then curd pieces will be visible in the cake, which are very pleasant on the tongue.

4. Add baking powder to the cottage cheese and add flour little by little, stirring constantly.

5. Beat the softened butter until fluffy and transfer to the dough. Remove the remainder from the bowl using a silicone spatula.

6. Grease the multicooker pan generously with vegetable oil. Pour out the flour.

7. Set the “Bake” mode for 1 hour.

Remove the finished cake using a silicone spatula. Let cool and decorate with any sprinkles.

What you will need:

100 g low-fat cottage cheese;

80 g low-fat kefir;

2 chicken or 4 quail eggs;

3 tbsp. l. oat bran;

5 sweetener tablets;

1 tsp. lemon juice + a handful of grated lemon zest;

You can do without it, it is needed for splendor - 1 tsp. baking powder;

Cinnamon or vanilla.

Preparing curd biscuit in a slow cooker:

1. Rub the curd and mix with kefir.

2. Beat the eggs with a mixer.

3. Combine the composition and go through it again with a mixer or blender.

4. Pour into a bowl and bake according to the “Baking” program for about 10-20 minutes.

Cottage cheese biscuit with egg whites

An extraordinary sponge cake comes out with whipped whites. It is important to follow the instructions here, otherwise the biscuit will either be wet, or fall off, or burn. And most importantly, it cooks in less than half an hour! And disappears from the saucer instantly.

What products will you need:

A pack of cottage cheese;

200 g white sugar;

200 g flour;

100 g butter 82.5%;

Quarter tsp. salt;

Baking powder in a small bag;

Vanilla extract - a pinch;

A third of a tsp. soda

It is very important to place all the ingredients on the table and leave them so that they are at the same temperature at the time of cooking.

Execution actions:

1. Beat the butter with a submersible blender with granulated sugar until medium fluffy.

2. Add cottage cheese to the butter and stir vigorously to obtain a homogeneous and smooth consistency.

3. Wash the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites in a powerful mixer until stiff foam.

4. Mix the yolks with the remaining sugar. You can do this with a regular whisk.

5. Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough for at least 5 minutes.

6. Grease a baking sheet generously with oil and pour out the dough.

7. Turn on the oven.

8. Bake the sponge cake for 40-50 minutes. Check with a match.

The finished cake can be poured with glaze or decorated with coconut flakes. Let it sit for 2 hours and then serve!

Secret - the middle of the biscuit may fall off. To prevent this from happening, you need to turn the pan over, pressing something against the surface of the cake in advance so that it does not fall out completely. This way the middle will not sag when cooling.

This curd sponge cake is an excellent base. It’s good to divide it into 2 layers, brush it with cream, or put fruit inside, such as bananas.

With sour cream


A pack of cottage cheese;

A glass of whole grain flour;

2 large spoons of sour cream;

Butter 82.5% - 50 g;

A glass of white sugar;

Half tsp. soda;

A pinch of salt.


1. Melt butter on the stove.

2. Mix the egg with sugar.

3. Gradually add the remaining ingredients to the egg and continue beating.

4. Knead into a homogeneous dough - without lumps.

5. Take a silicone mold, coat it with vegetable oil, pour out the dough.

6. Place the biscuit in the oven for 35 minutes.

With curd mass


Curd mass - 400 g;

White sugar - 2 cups;

Flour - 2 cups;

Eggs - 4 pcs;

Butter 82.5% - 400 g;

Flour - 2-3 cups;

Baking powder - 1 sachet.

Your actions:

1. Beat the curd mass with the eggs. First in a blender, then using a mixer.

2. Do the same with butter and sugar.

3. Add the remaining products to the second stage and mix well.

4. Place the flour mixture on the bottom of the pan and spread it with your fingers, pressing firmly to the bottom. You need to make sagging around the edges.

The secret to preventing the dough from sticking to the pan is to sprinkle semolina on the bottom of the pan.

5. Lay out the curd-egg mixture.

6. Bake for half an hour.

Cool the finished pie, sprinkle with any nuts, dried fruits - whatever you like, and serve.

Curd biscuit with apples in the oven

What is needed for the test:

Flour - 250 g;

Premium butter - 200 g;

White sugar - 100 g;

Vanilla extract - sachet.

What you need for the filling:

Cottage cheese - 2 packs;

Sugar - 2/3 cup;

Medium apples - 6 pcs.;




1. First make the curd filling - beat the filling ingredients, except apples and cinnamon, with a blender or mixer.

3. Wash, peel and grate the apples. Stir in a pinch of cinnamon.

4. Prepare the mold - sprinkle with a small amount of semolina.

5. Divide the dough into 4 containers. Pour the first part into the mold and press down a little. Place half of the apples. Sprinkle more dough on top. Lay out the curd layer. Sprinkle with flour again. Next, make a layer of apples evenly and evenly and sprinkle with the remaining flour.

6. Bake for 1 hour.

You can remove it from the mold only after it has cooled completely.

At the finish, you get a very interesting result - a shortcrust pastry pie with a white layer of cottage cheese and a barely noticeable layer of apples. The pie not only tastes good, but is also very filling.

Step 1: prepare margarine.

Place the margarine on a cutting board and use a knife to chop into small pieces. Then we move the crushed component into a free saucer and leave it aside for a while. Attention: The margarine should come to room temperature on its own. Under no circumstances should you speed up this process using a microwave oven, as this will change the structure of the component and the dough simply will not work out.

Step 2: prepare chicken eggs.

Using a knife, carefully break the shells of the eggs, and pour the yolks and whites into different medium bowls. We will prepare the components separately, so it is very important not to mix them all at once in one container.

Step 3: prepare the cottage cheese.

Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl and grind until smooth. To do this, you can use a fork or a blender. I usually use the latter equipment, since the other option may leave grains, but we don’t need that. So, grind the component at medium speed and leave it alone for now.

Step 4: Prepare the egg whites for the dough.

Pour the egg whites into a deep mixer bowl and add salt on the tip of a knife. Using a mixer, beat the ingredients at high speed and at the same time begin adding in small portions 1/2 part powdered sugar. Important: Do not add everything at once, as the whites may not rise to peaks. Beat everything until a thick homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 5: prepare the curd dough for the biscuit.

Add egg yolks and pieces of soft margarine to the bowl with cottage cheese. Using a mixer, beat everything at medium speed until smooth. After a few minutes, we begin to pour out the remaining powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and flour in small portions. Attention: the last component must be immediately sifted through a sieve. We continue to beat everything until we get a fluffy, homogeneous dough with a consistency slightly thicker than that of pancakes.

Now we begin to introduce the whipped whites and at the same time continue to mix everything, but with a tablespoon. Important: We carry out this operation with extreme caution so that the air mass does not fall. That's it, the curd dough for the biscuit is ready!

Step 6: prepare the curd biscuit.

Grease the bottom and walls of a deep baking dish with a small piece of soft butter. To prevent the cake from burning, you can also sprinkle the surface of the container with flour. Transfer the finished dough into the mold and level it using a tablespoon.
Next, place the container immediately in the oven and turn it on (it should warm up to temperature 160–180 degrees, we don’t need more for now). We're detecting 1,5 hour and bake the pie until a golden brown crust forms on the surface. At the end, somewhere in 10–15 minutes, increase the temperature up to 200–220 degrees. This must be done in order to be sure that the cake will be covered with a beautiful color.

After the allotted time, use oven mitts to remove the pan from the oven and check the baked goods for doneness using a toothpick. If the wooden stick remains dry and without lumps of dough, then the cake is ready and you can turn off the oven. If not, then you should extend the baking time further. for 10–15 minutes. In any case, at the end we leave the container aside so that the dessert cools down and becomes barely warm.

Step 7: serve the curd biscuit.

Using a kitchen spatula, transfer the cooled curd biscuit onto a special flat plate and serve it to the dessert table, having previously cut it into portioned pieces. But you can treat your friends and family with such delicious and aromatic pastries along with fragrant tea or strong coffee. Compote or sweet water is perfect for children.
Enjoy your tea party everyone!

The biscuit will turn out very tasty if you make it from homemade fatty cottage cheese;

If you don’t have a blender at hand, don’t worry, because you can grind the cheese through a sieve or a meat grinder with a fine grid. Only in this version it must be done no less 3–4 times depending on the consistency of the cottage cheese;

To prepare an airy, tender dough, use only the highest grade, finely ground wheat flour and a trusted brand. In addition, it is best to sift the component at least twice.

Today I suggest making a curd sponge cake for a cake! However, you can eat it just like a cupcake. Or cut and coat with any cream without assembling the cake. You can dip the pieces in sour cream, condensed milk, hot chocolate, jam, topping... Oh, how delicious it all is! 😉

My love for biscuits can be judged by recipes...

Cooking features

Let me start with the fact that I took one and a half norms of products. I wanted a bigger cake! But it is important to adjust the cooking time - it will increase. I have a rectangular shape, its size is 24.5x18 cm. I baked this sponge cake for more than an hour at 200 degrees and then cut it into three layers. The photo shows just one of the three cakes I got. Do you see how porous it turned out? But at the same time it is quite heavy when compared with regular egg.

If two cake layers are enough for you (or you are going to eat it as a cupcake) or the area of ​​your mold is smaller, then you can divide the amount of all ingredients by 1.5. You will get 200 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 100 g of butter and so on.

Alcohol added to the dough should perform two functions - a leavening agent and a flavoring agent. However, you can do without it if you don’t have anything suitable. I took hawthorn tincture, but you can use liqueur, cognac, vodka or something else, preferably also strong, about 40 degrees. You don’t have to worry about the alcohol content in the finished baked goods - the particles disintegrate under the influence of temperature, so the sponge cake will be absolutely sober when it comes out of the oven! 😀

As for cottage cheese, for sponge cakes it is usually recommended to use soft, paste-like cottage cheese. Mine, on the contrary, was grainy. But because of this, I didn’t give up the idea of ​​baking a cake. Using a blender, I crushed the curd grains to a paste. Or you can rub it through a fine sieve. It is necessary for the cottage cheese to become soft and airy... Depending on its consistency, the amount of flour should be adjusted.

I needed the following ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g
  • eggs - 3 pieces
  • sugar - 180 g (can be increased to 270 g)
  • butter - 150 g
  • hawthorn tincture (or other alcoholic drink) - 4 tbsp.
  • premium wheat flour - 250 g (2 cups)*
  • soda - 1 tsp.
  • starch - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • * 1 cup = 200 ml liquid = 125 g flour

Cooking process:

I cut the butter into cubes and left it like that for a while. By the time you knead the dough, it should be at room temperature.

First, I crushed it with a spoon, and then beat it with an electric whisk until loose.

I added all the eggs one at a time (!), beating thoroughly each time.

The result was a nice homogeneous mass.

Next, I poured in the hawthorn tincture and stirred.

I transferred the cottage cheese into the grinder bowl.

Blend it with a blender until it becomes paste-like.

Combined with the egg-butter mixture and beat.

I sifted the flour mixed with soda and starch and added salt.

I just mixed in the flour with a spoon, or you can use a regular whisk, but you shouldn’t beat it with a mixer at this stage. It’s better not to add all the flour at once, like I did, but gradually. I would still reduce the flour a little, because my cottage cheese was not wet, and the dough turned out thick. This does not negatively affect the taste, but denser dough takes longer to bake.

Placed the dough in a mold greased with sunflower oil. I put the oven in a preheated oven to 180-200 degrees. After a while, when the biscuit was browned, I covered it with foil.
If you have a multi-level oven, then it is better to bake it on the middle shelf. The cooking time is long, so it is important that the top and bottom do not dry out too much.

I baked the biscuit for about 1 hour and 10 minutes - until a wooden skewer came out dry. It may rise in the oven and then settle a little - this is acceptable. Another important thing is that it bakes evenly.
The biscuit was well browned, but did not become hard on top. It is better to let it cool completely in the pan, and only then put it on a wire rack or dish.

I cut the completely cooled and rested sponge cake into three layers with a knife.

As I already wrote at the beginning of the recipe, the sponge cake can be eaten without anything, like a cupcake, or you can prepare any cream for it. I made !! I'll tell you about this tomorrow;)

I coated all the cake layers with cream, as well as the top and sides of the cake. The result was this handsome halvicha-curd cake that I prepared for Defender of the Fatherland Day))

Have you ever baked a biscuit with cottage cheese in the oven? What were your impressions of the preparation? ;)

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