I want children but I can’t get pregnant. Why can't I get pregnant? Causes and solutions to problems with conception. We increase the likelihood of conception



The article itself:

Lately, I have been hearing more and more often that a young, healthy (by medical standards) girl cannot give birth to a child. He really wants, waits, dreams. But for some reason it doesn't work. Of course, quite often in life it happens that pregnancy is not possible for physiological reasons. But today I would like to consider the situation when we ourselves become the cause of infertility.

I got married right after college. Let me tell you right away that back in my last year at the institute we had a pregnant girl. I remember very well my thoughts at that moment: “Oh, why does she need children now?”, “After all, they didn’t even have time to live for themselves.” The first three years after marriage flew by quite unnoticed. My husband and I were at work from morning to night. We dreamed of making a career, buying a house, a car! The conversation didn't even come up about children. How is it possible?! You must first settle down well in life.

And when everything got better, we decided that it was time for us to “have a baby.” But it was not there. Two years of active action in this direction did not produce any results. What we have not gone through during this time: doctors, examinations, calculating the favorable time for pregnancy. All the doctors unanimously said that there were no obvious reasons for infertility.

Life began to resemble hell. Communication with friends and relatives did not bring any more joy, because everyone already had children. And in their presence, I felt my pain even more acutely. No matter how hard I tried, thoughts about the child did not leave me for a second. I thought about this for days on end. Every month I listened to myself, hoping to feel the first signs of pregnancy. I took hundreds of pregnancy tests. Moreover, friends and relatives with daily questions: “When?”, “Probably you’re not trying hard?!” Immediately after the questions came recommendations and pity. Marital duty has ceased to bring pleasure. His main goal was to conceive a child.

Of course, all this affected my condition. The days passed in constant depression. I was afraid that my husband might leave, I was afraid to destroy my parents’ dreams of grandchildren. I was afraid that everyone might turn away from me. There was a pressing emptiness deep inside. The feeling of inferiority and unfulfillment constrained and destroyed me from the inside.

It was at this stage that health problems began to appear. Further - worse. There were several operations. My husband supported me as much as possible. But I felt that this couldn’t go on for long. When there is no longer any strength left to fight. I thought, come what may. In the end, you can always take the baby from the orphanage. After this decision, I let go of the situation and tried to relax. And, to everyone’s surprise, after a couple of months the test showed me the coveted two stripes!

According to statistics, approximately 20-30% of married couples face “psychological infertility.” So what causes a “psychological block” in pregnancy?!

There are a lot of reasons. Probably as many as childless couples with this diagnosis. And they are all very individual. Let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of “psychological infertility”:

1. Stress and the presence of traumatic situations in the past.

Unfortunately, in our society there are many families from which girls come out with great negativity. And this creates additional difficulties for them in adulthood.

So, for example, if a girl experienced violence. She may have a subconscious fear of having children, experiencing negative feelings and thereby “blocking” pregnancy.

This item can also include: alcoholism in the family, death of close relatives, divorce, unfavorable living conditions, caring for younger children to the detriment of oneself, excessive anxiety.

2. Internal conflicts can arise if a woman has not yet decided that work or a child are more important to her. Unfortunately, lately we very often hear that if it weren’t for the child, we would have a successful career, life would be easier, and there would be more opportunities for self-realization. This path is encouraged by society and promoted in the media.

A lot of women consider themselves unsuccessful if they are not successful in their careers. They are in a constant internal struggle: career or child. For many, having a child means isolation from society and loneliness. That is, it turns out that somewhere deep inside a woman is not ready for pregnancy. Although outwardly there is desire and effort.

3. All kinds of fears can be divided into a separate group.

For example, someone you know had a child injured or died during childbirth. The girl’s brain subconsciously puts a “block”. And the most interesting thing is that all these blockages are formed not only because of specific events that happened in real life.

For example, a girl saw a clip of a movie in which a woman dies during childbirth. And this picture scared her so much that her brain created a block: pregnancy = danger. The result of this phenomenon can be permanent termination of pregnancy.

In fact, there are a great many fears. But the most common ones are: fear of an unsuccessful pregnancy, fear for the baby’s health, fear of pain, fear of uncertainty after childbirth, fear of being left without the support of loved ones, fear of losing a job, fear of being unable to provide for a child, fear for one’s own health and beauty, etc.

4. Too strong a desire to have a child can also play a cruel joke on a girl. In this case, the girl is not afraid of pregnancy, but rather not getting pregnant!

For example, a girl grew up in a good family. She married the man she loved. And almost immediately after the wedding, parents began asking for grandchildren. At the same time, the girl is absolutely healthy, but the long-awaited pregnancy never occurred. In fact, strong pressure from friends or relatives can lead to even a completely healthy girl becoming stressed due to an excessive sense of duty.

5. Social opinion can also influence the appearance of “psychological infertility”.

It just so happens that modern society does not encourage early pregnancy (18-20 years old). The public is against early marriage and early motherhood. Therefore, parents have no choice but to protect their daughters from this “mistake” from childhood. Moreover, they try to protect them with lectures about the terrible consequences and the suggestion that first we should unlearn and live for ourselves.

So to speak, see the world and show yourself! And only after that you can think about children. But the “difficult” age is already behind us. You can, with peace of mind, check the boxes in your record book next to higher education, a prestigious job, and a marriage stamp. But the desired pregnancy does not occur. That is, since adolescence, the girl was so afraid of getting pregnant “at the wrong time” that deep in her subconscious she developed a negative attitude. And the result is psychological infertility.

As you can see, there are really many factors for the appearance of a “pregnancy ban”. And very often a woman is not even aware of her true fears and anxieties, which are stored in her subconscious. What to do?! And is there a way out of this situation?! Of course have!

First of all, you need to try to figure out why you really need a child. This alone can bring your baby closer to birth. The only thing that is important to remember at this stage is that a child cannot be a way to achieve goals. You need to dream about it without self-interest.

It is also important to “let go” of the problem. It is of great help to think that the birth of a baby is a Divine gift! By leaving this situation to the will of the Higher Powers, the woman will relax, and very soon she will notice that her internal state is completely different.

Girls who dream of having a baby very often notice that couples who dream of having a child cannot get pregnant for a long time. And those who are absolutely not “obsessed” with this don’t even notice how they become parents. And medicine does not refute this fact.

In fact, the insane desire to have a baby sometimes becomes an obstacle to pregnancy. But at the same time, various distracting measures will promote conception.

It often happens that a desired baby comes into a family after adoption. A woman plunges headlong into pleasant chores, takes care of a new family member, and is distracted from thoughts about pregnancy. Her calmness and joy remove all barriers, and the long-awaited pregnancy begins.

Finding peace and enjoying life is the most important way to remove psychological blockages. Many women find it difficult to stay positive. But, nevertheless, we are able to subjugate our thoughts. Even if you don't have a baby right now. But when he comes into your life, you will be able to give him all your love and tenderness!

Live a real life! Find happiness in the little things. Love each other! And have no doubt, the Higher powers will certainly reward you by sending you a long-awaited little miracle.


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Some people manage to get pregnant on the first try, while others try for years, but everything turns out to be unsuccessful. What is the reason?

If you want to increase your chances of having a baby, don't make the common mistakes we'll tell you about.

1. Worry too often

Stress is one of the main factors that reduces the likelihood of conception. If a woman's levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, increase, it can negatively impact her fertility. American scientists observed 400 couples trying to become parents and came to the following conclusions: if a woman has a high level of alpha-amylase (a stress indicator), her chances of becoming pregnant are reduced by 29% compared to those who have this indicator within the normal range. Experts are confident that under the influence of chronic stress, the production of hormones that ensure a stable cycle decreases.

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, try to relax and let go of the situation for a while. Try meditation, yoga - it contains asanas that improve blood flow to the pelvis and thus stimulate the synthesis of necessary hormones. This has a positive effect on the ability to conceive. Stop constantly planning your pregnancy. Instead, just remind yourself daily that this is a miracle that happens very often.

2. Don't do too much or too little

A large number of couples are convinced that the chances of conceiving a baby will increase greatly if they do not have sex for a week, “saving” sperm. It's a delusion. After a week of abstinence, sperm become much less mobile. Therefore, doctors advise having sex daily or every other day during the week before ovulation and on the day it occurs. More frequent intimacy can negatively affect the ability of sperm to fertilize, and less frequent intimacy creates the risk of missing the window of conception.

It has been scientifically proven that regular sex life helps stabilize the cycle: the male body secretes hormones that affect the female reproductive system. Therefore, with regular sex, more estrogen is produced.

3. Use questionable techniques

Although we live in the 21st century, many women continue to douche, believing in the miraculousness of this method. There seems to be some logic to this: due to infections, poor nutrition, and bad habits, the environment in the vagina becomes acidic, and the sperm in it dies and cannot fertilize the egg. Therefore, many begin to introduce a weak soda solution so that the environment becomes alkaline and favorable for conception.

Doctors do not support douching: along with harmful microorganisms, soda also destroys beneficial ones, disrupting the natural pH of the vagina. There is also a risk of exacerbation of inflammatory processes, which can cause damage and erosion of the cervix, which can often only be identified during an examination by a gynecologist.

4. Make mistakes in calculations

The most common mistake is incorrectly determining the day of ovulation. For most women, it occurs mid-cycle, but it affects women with a 28-32 day cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation. Therefore, if you have a 24-day cycle, then ovulation will occur on the 10th day. If your cycle is noticeably longer, say 42 days, then it can be assumed that you are ovulating less frequently, not every cycle. In this case, and also if you have an irregular cycle (in this case, ovulation can be either on the 6th day or on the 21st), or you don’t remember the last time you had your period, forget these rules. Here you cannot do without a test to determine ovulation, with which you can easily find out when your window of conception is.

Often women make another mistake - they do not count the beginning of the cycle from the first day of menstruation. The day your period begins is the one on which blood begins to be released, not the day before and not the day after. It is very important to know the exact day the cycle begins, because for a successful conception, the clock literally counts.

5. Blame yourself

If attempts to become pregnant are unsuccessful, infertility on the part of the woman is usually assumed. Only in reality both partners have the same degree of responsibility. According to statistics, in 40% of cases men are infertile, in another 40% women are infertile, and in the remaining 20% ​​unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant are due to problems with partner compatibility. So don't panic ahead of time: on average, a healthy couple takes from 6 months to 1 year to conceive.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

6. Trying to fit everything according to schedule

It is impossible to accurately plan a pregnancy. Although usually healthy couples need from 6 months to a year to conceive, sometimes the first six months are spent on a woman just to normalize her cycle, which has gone astray due to taking birth control pills. Until the cycle becomes regular, there will be no ovulation. So, if after 6 months your menstrual cycle has not returned to normal or you are not sure that you are ovulating, be sure to go to the gynecologist.

7. Hurry

Many people find sarcasm in the statement that after sex a woman needs to lie on her back with her buttocks raised for about 20 minutes. But, according to doctors, this increases the chances of getting pregnant by 80%. So don't neglect this method.

8. Ignore concerns for which there are reasons.

Consulting a doctor is not paranoia. There are situations when you should not ignore what is bothering you, because it is not only about you, but also about the future baby. It is possible that your cycle has always been irregular, and this is the reason that you cannot get pregnant. Or maybe you have some kind of illness, and you want to make sure that this does not threaten the health of your unborn baby.

If you are concerned about something or are unsure about something, go see a specialist. He will explain to you what surprises and difficulties you may encounter. If you later have difficulties trying to get pregnant, you will know what to do.

9. You can’t give up bad habits

You should give up bad habits at least a year before your planned pregnancy. Doctors around the world warn: the first trimester is the most important stage in the formation of the future baby’s body. Even a tiny dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm.

Some women drink alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy, not realizing their interesting situation. So, if you are not protecting yourself, either give up alcohol and cigarettes, or reduce their use to a minimum.

10. Don’t monitor your partner’s health

What harms your fertility can also negatively affect a man's ability to conceive. Tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy diet worsen the quality and reduce the quantity of sperm. According to research, smoking and alcohol damage sperm at the chromosome level. Considering that complete sperm renewal takes 3 months, at least for this period your partner should give up bad habits. Make sure his diet is balanced and includes selenium, vitamins C and E - they are very beneficial for men's health.

The effect of temperature on a man's ability to conceive has not been proven. American experts believe that it is not essential for the functioning of the male genital organs. However, some doctors do not advise taking frequent hot baths, even if a man does not have problems with sperm quality.

Several studies indicate that scrotal temperature increases when a person holds a laptop on their lap for a long time. Other experts have found that radiation from mobile phones can reduce a man's ability to conceive, especially if the gadget is in his pants pocket. However, a clear relationship between heat and male fertility has not been established.

Good afternoon, our dear readers! Today I have good news for those who really want to become parents, but they don’t succeed. Especially for you, this material contains a variety of tips and techniques that will tell you what to do if you can’t get pregnant. Sit back and don't forget to take notes!

If you can't get pregnant

So, you have created a wonderful married couple and now, of course, you dream of a small copy of yourself. But unfortunately, pregnancy does not always occur according to schedule and quite often you don’t have to “work” for months.

It’s worth reassuring right away that the absence of conception within a year is an acceptable norm, which does not indicate the presence of any pathologies. But if pregnancy does not occur for a longer period, then you cannot do without the help of doctors. In addition, consultation with relevant specialists never hurts.

However, before going to the clinic, you should think about the correct approach to conception.

The seven “golden” rules are:

  1. An examination by a gynecologist is a mandatory procedure that will help detect various pathologies, if any, or, conversely, confirm the ideal condition for bearing a child.
  2. You shouldn’t look for the “right” pose or bend at incredible angles, as some well-wishers advise. The effectiveness of the positions has not been confirmed in practice, but some of them can completely discourage interest in sex.
  3. Don’t forget about the female cycle, because 50% of success depends on it. Naturally, the best time for the appearance of a new life is ovulation. It can be determined the old fashioned way using a calendar method or using ultrasound or special express tests (similar to pregnancy tests, but showing the presence or absence of ovulation).
  4. After sex, you don’t need to immediately jump out of bed and run to the bathroom, but rather lie down and enjoy the moment, and at the same time let the sperm reach their goal. For girls with a bent uterus, it is better to lie on your stomach.
  5. When the days of ovulation arrive, you don’t need to have sex ten times a day, because this will not increase your chances, but even the opposite. It has been proven that with frequent ejaculation, sperm quality deteriorates significantly. Note to men: the reproductive quality of sperm is also affected by tight pants or very compressive underwear, constantly carrying a mobile phone in your trouser pocket, as well as frequent visits to the sauna. Do you want an heir? Give up these things for a while!
  6. You need to avoid stressful situations, as well as obsessive thoughts that pregnancy is not happening. A negative psycho-emotional state negatively affects not only others, but also reproductive functions.
  7. A healthy lifestyle is an essential part of planning a pregnancy. Moreover, you should give up not only alcohol and smoking (not to mention other more serious drugs), but also excessive coffee consumption, lack of sleep, and constant sitting at the computer. Drink juices, walk in the fresh air, enjoy the moment and everything will work out for you!

Of course, many will say that these rules are banal and written down on every corner. However, life shows that very few couples use them in practice!

What to do if you can't get pregnant

As statistics show, it is most difficult for women to become pregnant after 30 years of age, since at this age reproductive function is slowly beginning to fade away. It is worth emphasizing that the presence of a desire to have sex, as well as its quantity, does not in any way affect the possibility of having a child.

However, of course, there is no need to be upset, and if the doctor has confirmed the healthy condition of the partners, then the following will help speed up the birth of the baby:

  • Joint recreation, preferably in sanitary resort institutions. Climate change, wellness treatments, lack of stress and romantic evenings can work wonders. Forget about the whole world and devote these days only to yourself and a miracle will not keep you waiting.
  • A professional full body massage that increases blood flow, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs. By properly massaging the abdominal area and lower back, more blood flows to the ovaries, which leads to activation of the follicles and the likelihood of releasing several eggs. A little advice - ask your spouse to learn massage and pleasant moments can bring even more pleasure.
  • Avoid taking medications of the antibacterial, antihistamine group, as well as analgesics. They prevent the egg from fully maturing.
  • Organize proper nutrition, especially if you cannot get pregnant with a second child. Perhaps the body has given all the best to the first-born and he needs more goodies and benefits for recovery. So, preference should be given to fresh organic vegetables, herbs, and cereals. If ovulation “jumps”, then you need to eat walnuts and legumes. It’s sad, but in order to conceive faster, you will have to give up sweets, as they contribute to the release of adrenaline, which in turn suppresses progesterone (the female hormone).

Following these simple tips often led to a long-awaited pregnancy, even after miscarriages or frozen fetuses.

Finally, the most interesting thing - grandma’s methods

Of course, bypass folk remedies side would be wrong, because some have been successfully used for thousands of years. There are quite a few recipes, but we have collected only the most popular and, as they say, effective.

  • Sage decoction contains substances that act similarly to female hormones. In addition, it facilitates the path of sperm to the egg. How he does this is unknown, but it works – it’s a fact. Preparation: pour a tablespoon of sage into 200 g of boiling water and leave for two hours, drink a spoonful twice a day. Do not drink during menstruation!
  • Tincture from - has a positive effect on a woman’s health. Preparation: pour two tablespoons of the herb with water and boil, then let stand in a dark place for two hours, strain and drink a tablespoon four times a day.
  • An effective composition for men is one teaspoon of orchis (can be bought at the pharmacy), 200 ml of cream, two tablespoons each of hazelnuts and pumpkin seeds, Holosas syrup (sold at the pharmacy). Mix orchis with heated cream and add seeds and hazelnuts, mix and pour in “Holosas”. Store in the refrigerator and drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  • Tea made from knotweed will help you get pregnant even after an abortion, and to prepare it you need to pour a glass of knotweed, pour a glass of boiling water and let it stand for four hours. Drink half a glass four times a day before meals.
  • Viburnum juice is an ancient and effective remedy, simple to prepare and pleasant to the taste. You need to squeeze the juice out of the berries and mix sugar in it in a ratio of 1:2 (a liter of juice: two kilos of sugar). Store in the refrigerator, and before use, dilute two tablespoons of juice in a glass of water. Drink one glass per day (you can do it several times).

We hope that our article will help you quickly become happy parents and enjoy every moment of pregnancy. And if you want to learn even more interesting facts about motherhood and parenting, then subscribe to our blog. Everyone is welcome!

“I can’t get pregnant, what should I do?” – gynecologists note this issue as one of the most popular among women of childbearing age, which is completely solvable, the main thing is to know how the process of conception occurs, what drugs exist to improve reproductive function, and what positions are best to use.

Many couples who have been unable to conceive for more than a year are diagnosed with infertility. This can be influenced by various factors: these include the emotional state and the environment.

  1. Psychological factor.

Psychological condition is considered the most common cause of infertility. The emotional background of a woman is very subtle. At the first unsuccessful attempt to get pregnant, fear appears, panic states arise, and the woman seems to “get fixated” on this problem. The nervous system suffers from this, harmony in the body is disrupted, which leads to a failure of the necessary mechanisms of conception.

  1. Unfavorable days for fertilization.

Fertilization may not occur on every day of the cycle; it is important to take into account favorable and unfavorable times for this. Conceiving a child must be planned taking into account the timing before and after ovulation.

  1. Age.

According to statistics, many women over the age of 35, no matter what they do, still cannot get pregnant. Gynecologists explain this by the fact that reproductive age is considered to be up to 35 years, after which the reproductive system begins to fade.

  1. Body mass.

Often the cause of problems with conception is high weight: due to the thick layer of fat, the sperm simply cannot reach the egg. Therefore, for successful fertilization, it is recommended to lose extra pounds.

  1. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

Pathology occurs if any inflammatory process has not been treated. In this case, the egg cannot leave the follicle and dies, or becomes attached to the tube, causing an ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Failure of ovarian function.

Any damage to the ovaries can lead to infertility. If polycystic disease occurs, then conception becomes difficult.

  1. Lack of ovulation.

Often the cycle passes without ovulation. In this case, the egg does not mature and is not released for fertilization. This reason does not require treatment; ovulation is quite possible in subsequent cycles.

  1. Problems with the endocrine system.

Infertility is affected by the thyroid gland. The reproductive and endocrine systems are closely interconnected, therefore, if the thyroid gland is disrupted, reproductive function is also disrupted.

In addition, various pathologies of the uterus, which include fibroids and the intrauterine septum, can cause infertility.

How to get pregnant quickly: basic methods

In order for pregnancy to occur quickly, you need to be attentive to your health.

On what day after menstruation can you get pregnant?

If you fail to get pregnant over several cycles, then one of the reasons may be that the future parents are having a baby on the “wrong” days.

It is important to remember that on the 14th day after the critical days, conception may occur. This is explained by the fact that in women with a normal cycle, ovulation occurs during this period of time, the egg matures and reaches the required size.

However, there are exceptions; you can get pregnant on day 21 of your cycle. This is explained by the viability of sperm: active ones can live for a week, after which they fertilize the egg.

What days of the cycle can you definitely get pregnant?

Pregnancy can occur from 7 to 17 days of the cycle. This period is considered the most favorable: the egg leaves the follicle and is ready to meet the sperm.

If sexual intercourse occurs a couple of days before the expected ovulation, then the chances of getting pregnant are still high, since sperm can live in a woman’s body from 2 to 5 days.

When can you get pregnant after menstruation: how to calculate

  • Using a calendar.

It is necessary to mark the first and last day of the cycle on the calendar, then calculate the entire cycle. Observations should be carried out for several months. After this, count 2 weeks from the beginning of the cycle, marking the day of ovulation for each period. These days will be optimal for fertilization in the next cycle.

  • Test strip for the presence of ovulation.

You can find out when ovulation occurs thanks to special tests that are sold in pharmacies. The test is carried out every morning on the expected days of ovulation and the results are recorded.

  • Basal temperature value.

You can find out if you are ovulating by measuring your basal temperature. To do this, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum at the same time in the morning. Write down the results in a notepad. An increase in basal temperature to 37 degrees and above indicates the onset of ovulation.

  • Ultrasound monitoring.

This method is carried out over several months and allows you to understand how the ovaries behave when ovulation occurs. After receiving the necessary results, the specialist gives an opinion on days favorable for conception.

How to get pregnant the first time

To get pregnant the first time and not wonder “why I can’t get pregnant,” you need to stop using protection and start actively having sex.

In addition, gynecologists advise what to do to become pregnant:

  • determine the period of ovulation;
  • make love in the right position;
  • after sex, lie quietly for 15 minutes;
  • Before intimacy, drink a decoction of rose petals; it contains a large amount of vitamin E, which promotes the fertilization process.

Vitamins to get pregnant: list

There is no such vitamin that would help you get pregnant quickly and the first time, but it is complex taking them improves the functioning of the reproductive system and promotes successful conception:

  • Folic acid(responsible for sufficient production of red cells).
  • Vitamin C(maintaining immunity, removing toxins from the body).
  • Vitamin B 6(ensures the normal functioning of all enzymatic systems in the body).
  • Vitamin A(kills infectious bacteria that settle in the respiratory system).
  • Vitamin E(participation in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin, is an antioxidant of natural origin).
  • Vitamin B 2(promotes the development of bone tissue, participates in the production of red blood cells and hormones).
  • Vitamin D(promotes the development of bone tissue throughout the body).

What pills to take to get pregnant: list

Fertilization is promoted by special medications that stimulate follicle growth. They are prescribed only by a specialist after a complete comprehensive examination of the female body.

The following medications are considered the most effective:

  • Clostilbegit (stimulation of the production of pituitary hormones);
  • Puregon (helps several follicles grow);
  • Menogon (replenishes the lack of estrogen);
  • Metypred (restores hormonal levels).

If the drugs have a positive effect on the body, the gynecologist will definitely prescribe an injection of hCG to increase the amount of the pregnancy hormone.

Review of popular drugs

Special medications prescribed only by a gynecologist will help speed up the process of conception. Experts warn: such medications are aimed at eliminating other gynecological problems, so the dosage and course of administration should not be prescribed to yourself.

How to take Duphaston to get pregnant

Duphaston is a synthetic progesterone that promotes fertilization. The tablets prepare the endometrium to accept the embryo and reduce the tone of the uterus.

The drug is prescribed for 3 months. Start drinking from days 11 to 25 of the cycle, 2 tablets twice a day.. During fertilization, the course can be continued; the dosage in this case is calculated individually.

Inofert: how to take it, reviews, who it helped get pregnant

Inofert is a drug that contains folic acid. It is prescribed to regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce the risk of spontaneous abortion, and also to stimulate ovulation.

The drug is prescribed for at least 3 months. Available in powder (in sachets), you need to dilute 2 sachets of the drug per day. Use morning and evening.

Women report positive results after taking Inofert. Pregnancy begins soon. In addition, the menstrual cycle is normalized, hormonal levels are restored, the condition of nails and hair improves, and allergic reactions disappear.

Ovariamine: how to take to get pregnant

Ovariamine is a biologically active food supplement and is not a drug. The substances of the drug – cytamines – have a stimulating effect on the ovaries.

The drug is taken for 10-15 days. The daily dose is from 1 to 9 tablets per day, and they must be divided into equal dosages and taken three times a day.

Ovitrel: how to take, reviews, who got pregnant

Ovitrel normalizes the formation of hormones necessary for ovulation.

Ovitrel is available in two forms:

The package contains 1, 2 or 10 syringes or bags of powder. The dosage varies, it can be 0.25 or 0.5 mg of choriogonadotropin alfa.

The injection is given within 24-48 hours after the administration of the hormone to stimulate the ovaries; intimacy is necessary on the same and subsequent days. According to reviews, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test after 2 weeks; if the result is negative, then try the test again after a few days.

Folic acid: how to take to get pregnant

Folic acid contributes to the normal functioning of the immune and circulatory systems. This vitamin promotes cell and tissue renewal, which is important for reproductive function.

Experts usually prescribe 2 tablets 2 times a day with meals. The course of admission is 3 months before planning conception, then taken until the moment of pregnancy.

How to get pregnant if you can’t: folk methods

Many representatives of the fair sex, when they cannot get pregnant, despair and do not know what to do. When other means do not help, you can use traditional methods, but such treatment must be strictly discussed with a specialist and carried out under his supervision.

How to drink boron uterus to get pregnant

The boron uterus promotes the production of hormones that affect the occurrence of ovulation. It is necessary to take the plant for a long time, the course ranges from 1 to 3 months.

There are several ways to consume the herb:

  • alcohol tincture(50 g of herb pour 400 ml of 40% alcohol, place in a dark place for 21 days, shake the solution regularly, take 20-30 drops three times a day);
  • decoction(1 small spoon of herb is poured with boiling water, boil the solution in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for 4 hours, take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day).

Borovaya uterus can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of bagged tea, but the effect will be minimal, since during production the tea goes through several technological purification operations.

How to drink sage to get pregnant

Phytohormones contained in grass affect a woman’s body like estrogen. And he, in turn, is responsible for the growth of the egg, which is very important for the ovulation process. In addition, sage strengthens the cervical reflex.

For successful conception, sage can be taken in several ways:

  • Decoction(if the question arises: “I can’t get pregnant, what should I do?” you need to prepare a solution: pour 1 tbsp of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20-25 minutes, pass through a sieve, put in the refrigerator, take ¼ cup at a time, day, it is necessary to divide the solution into equal amounts, the course is on the 5th day from the start of menstruation to the 12th day).
  • Douching(Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of herbs, cool, a large spoon is enough to introduce the solution once).

Sage can also be purchased in the form of a seed tincture or freshly squeezed juice at a pharmacy and taken as directed.

In what position can you get pregnant quickly?

I can’t get pregnant, what should I do? The problem can be solved if you use the right postures to conceive a baby:

  • missionary position(according to medical terms, a woman lying on her back and a man on top are in complete harmony, the organs closely interact with each other);
  • man from behind(suitable for any structure of the female genital organs);
  • lying on your side(male sperm is released as close as possible to the female vagina).

How often to have sex to get pregnant

Experts recommend refraining from everyday intimacy while planning a child. The fact is that a man’s sperm does not have time to accumulate, therefore, its quantity and quality are not enough to fertilize the egg.

It is best to make love 2-3 times a week; in the short time between sexual relations, a man’s sperm will accumulate and be renewed.

Signs to get pregnant

The most popular folk signs:

To speed up pregnancy, gynecologists advise expectant mothers to:

Experts also assure that for the positive conception of a baby, the organization of rest and complete sleep plays a huge role. It is necessary to rest and get enough sleep so that the body does not get stressed.

I can’t get pregnant, what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist, and also to understand whether the future parents are approaching the process itself correctly. It is important to determine favorable days and lead a healthy lifestyle. If there are pathologies, consult a gynecologist in time for treatment.

Video on how to get pregnant quickly if you can’t

10 folk signs that foretell an imminent pregnancy. Video for those who cannot get pregnant:

We present to your attention the top 9 time-tested tips for a quick pregnancy. They will finally help you understand how to get pregnant quickly. After reading this collection of tips, you will immediately understand what you were doing wrong and why you could not get pregnant, no matter what you did. In short, these tips include both medical solutions and traditional methods. Before you start listing them, you need to briefly talk about the reasons for unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. This is very important for understanding the problem.

The most common reasons for lack of pregnancy

Conception may not occur for several reasons; let’s look at the most common ones.

The most common reasons:

  1. Inflammation in the body. Often the cause is sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Poor nutrition. A disrupted and unbalanced diet can cause improper functioning of the corpus luteum (temporary gland in the ovary). In a man, poor nutrition can affect production.
  3. Poor quality sperm. Low motility and insufficient sperm count. With such a problem, it is unlikely that you will be able to get pregnant quickly. These attempts can take a really long time, perhaps years.
  4. Smoking and alcohol have a very serious impact on the reproductive health of both men and women. They need to be abandoned.
  5. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  6. Hormonal disorders. The most classic symptom of such a disorder is cycle disruption.

To know what to treat, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of both partners. There is no need to delay this. After all, the sooner the disease is detected, the faster and easier it can be cured.

How to quickly get pregnant by starting to live correctly

In general, all people, regardless of whether they want to get pregnant or not, need to normalize their lifestyle. After all, bad habits such as smoking and alcohol seriously undermine the immune system. A weak immune system can seriously affect the functioning of organs, including reproductive and hormone-producing organs.

Being overweight or underweight also affects the reproductive health of both partners. In a woman with abnormal weight, the production of hormones is disrupted, in particular. This hormone is one of the main female elements that regulates a huge number of processes in the body. It is also responsible for fertility and pregnancy. A woman should not weigh more than 89 kg.

In addition, excess weight is already a symptom of estradiol deficiency, since it is responsible for metabolism and a beautiful female figure. Estradiol is a hormone of female beauty and health.

Non-exhaustive exercise is the key to health. A healthy woman should get pregnant without problems in one or two attempts.

Low weight is also dangerous. In this case, menstrual irregularities may occur. It happens that ovulation does not occur or merges with the menstrual cycle. With this development of events, pregnancy will definitely not occur. A woman should not weigh less than 42 kg.

Therefore, you need to lead an active lifestyle. It is very important not to subject your body to grueling and strength exercises, this applies to both men and women. The workout could be a brisk walk for at least 45 minutes or just an hour-long walk in the park in the fresh air.

Be sure to undergo a gynecological examination

The second piece of advice is a mandatory examination by a gynecologist. After the examination, the doctor can tell you what to do next, what tests to take and examinations to undergo. Therefore, visiting a gynecologist should be mandatory.

You need to be examined by a gynecologist. Perhaps you will learn about a problem that is preventing you from becoming a mother.

Tell your doctor about your problem. Modern medicine has tools and technologies that can help cure infertility or simply overcome it, for example, with the help of.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

Proper nutrition is absolutely necessary to get pregnant. To make this happen faster, do not neglect this advice. Remember, proper nutrition is not just a fashion statement, it is the key to good health for you and your future baby. Properly selected proper nutrition can normalize the functioning of organs and the entire body as a whole. The coordinated work of the whole body will have a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of both partners. This is a fact and should not be neglected.

Any doctor will tell you this - a proper diet will help you get pregnant faster.

Very fatty and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. Enrich your menu with fruits and vegetables. This is a good source of vitamins and microelements.

What foods are useful for speedy conception:

  • lean meat;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge;
  • fish.

You don't need to use a lot of salt to prepare these dishes. Salt retains water in the body.

Give up coffee. The thing is that caffeine has a strong effect on the central nervous system, due to a sharp surge of vigor. For this reason, androgens cannot be converted into hormones responsible for reproductive function in men and women.

Regularly tracking your basal temperature

The following advice can often be heard from experienced mothers. Daily monitoring of the so-called basal temperature is necessary. Tracking this indicator allows you to determine changes in the amount of hormones and the best time to conceive. Start checking your temperature only one thermometer from the very first day of the menstrual cycle.

This is what the basal temperature measurement chart looks like. The gray bar marks the beginning of ovulation; on this day there was a jump in temperature. This means that the “best day” to conceive has arrived.

Measurements should only be taken in the rectum. You need to check your temperature as soon as you wake up. You can't get out of bed. That is, you wake up, reach for the thermometer and measure your temperature. Such requirements were invented for a reason. During sleep, the temperature of the internal organs is normalized at rest without external influence. Even a simple morning trip to the toilet can already change your basal temperature. Therefore, at the moment of measurement, you cannot even move or talk again.

Record your indicators every day and create a BT schedule. The chart also needs to note changes in mood (for example, on this day you were happy, but on this day you were calm or depressed).

The purpose of this control is to determine the onset of ovulation. It occurs when the temperature rises by 0.4-0.5 degrees. The basal temperature these days will be about 37.2-37.3. Before ovulation, BT is below 37.0 (first half of the cycle).

At the beginning of the cycle, estrogen predominates in a woman’s body. During ovulation, it decreases and progesterone increases. An increase in progesterone should be monitored by measuring basal temperature.

Follow these rules for measuring basal temperature and then you will be able to determine the best day of conception.

If pregnancy occurs, do not stop measuring

If conception is successful and pregnancy has occurred, there is no need to stop measuring the temperature. Tracking your basal temperature will help you control your period. Those women who have previously had a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy should monitor their temperature especially carefully.

Monitor your basal temperature after successful conception; if it drops by 1 degree, be sure to visit a doctor. This indicator may indicate fetal fading or other developmental disorders.

Maintaining a menstrual cycle calendar

You need to keep a calendar of your menstrual cycle. Various applications for mobile devices can help with this. In these programs, you need to mark the day the discharge begins and its end. The application will show the most favorable day for conception. You can also set up the lunar calendar and plan the conception of a boy or girl.

You can determine the most favorable day yourself. To do this, you need to know on what day the menstrual cycle began. The very first day of the menstrual cycle is the day the discharge begins. A normal cycle lasts from 28 days to a maximum of 40.

Now you need to calculate how many days the cycle lasts. You count how many days have passed from the start of your period to the start of the next one and divide this number by 2. For example, the cycle lasted 30 days. Now we divide 30 by 2, we get 15. This means that the peak of ovulation (the best day for conception) occurs on the 15th day after the start of the first discharge. This can significantly increase your chance of getting pregnant.

But not only the day in the middle of the menstrual cycle is suitable. Two days before and two days after are also suitable for conception. This time in medicine is called the fertile period. If intimacy occurs at this time, the probability of pregnancy is about 30% (statistically, this is the maximum chance of becoming pregnant if the partners do not have health problems).

Drug treatment and preparation

A properly prescribed course of drug treatment paired with traditional medicine procedures will help you get pregnant faster. To do this, the doctor must properly examine both partners and then choose the treatment that suits them. Here's what doctors can offer if a couple has problems conceiving.

Be sure to visit a doctor. After the examination, he will prescribe a treatment that suits you, which can really help you get pregnant quickly.

The most common infertility treatment is:

  1. A course of hormonal medications. Very often, the reason why you cannot get pregnant is hormonal imbalance.
  2. Surgery. Perhaps the solution to the problem will be surgery. Very often, due to adhesive processes (adhesions, fibroids and cysts), pregnancy does not occur. Therefore, it is very important to undergo a complete examination, especially of the pelvic organs.
  3. In vitro fertilization. If the previous two options did not help, then with the help of IVF you can become parents with almost any diagnosis.

How to get pregnant using the right sex positions

Another important tip from our list of the best ways to get pregnant is the correct sex positions. There are the most favorable and effective positions for conception. The recommendations of sexologists come down to a small set of positions in which the chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

Here are the three best sex positions for conception:

  1. A very effective pose is lying on your side. The man is behind the woman, who must bend her knees. Don't forget to calculate your auspicious day by measuring your BT.
  2. Another equally effective position is “doggy style”. In this position, sperm will easily enter the cervix. There are some statistics according to which, when conceived in this position, boys are more often born. Experts explain this by saying that with this position, the egg will be fertilized by the fastest of the sperm.
  3. Missionary, classic pose. The best and natural way to conceive. The seed will immediately enter the uterus, then into the fallopian tubes, where the sperm will meet the egg.

Video about pregnancy positions:

If the partners are healthy and the day for conception is chosen correctly, then pregnancy with the correct position is highly likely to occur. Please note that if the uterus has an unconventional shape, fertilization in these positions will have a lower chance of success. If a woman has a tilted uterus, she should have sex only in positions that do not hurt and are comfortable for her.

It is very important not to have sex every day.

You need to take breaks to recover. Sperm reproduce within 2 days. Sex should be no more than 2 times a week. If there was a long break in intimacy, you need to repeat it after 2 days. A man should not go to the bathhouse at this time(overheating has a bad effect on sperm motility and quality) and exerting a lot of physical strain.

Traditional medicine comes to the rescue

Remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine will not be superfluous if you are trying to get pregnant, but it just doesn’t work. note that any use of “grandmother’s” recipes must be agreed with a doctor. The thoughtless use of folk remedies can even cause harm.

  • sage decoction. You need to brew one teaspoon of dried flower in a mug, just pour boiling water over this amount. The course lasts 14 days. The immune system will be strengthened, which will have a beneficial effect on the ability to get pregnant;
  • watch the phase of the moon. The expectant mother must choose the phase in which she herself was born;
  • good mood. A positive attitude is not just a bunch of advice, it is very important. When stressed, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which suppresses other hormones, including sex hormones. Thus, the body itself determines whether it is possible to have a child now or not. After all, if the environment is bad, it can affect the child’s development. Perhaps the process of cortisol production was intended by nature for a reason.

In this short video, the girl talks about how she couldn’t get pregnant for a long time and started taking sage decoctions, it really helped her:

Superstitions and signs are our everything

The last piece of advice in our top is following signs and superstitions. For some this may seem nonsense, but others will take them into service. Many people rightfully believe that in order to get pregnant faster, all means are good. It's hard to disagree with this.

Here is a list of the most famous signs and superstitions:

  1. Even in Ancient Rus' they believed that you should not cut your hair often. People believed that hair contained human strength.
  2. You cannot buy a crib, baby clothes or toys before the baby is born.
  3. It is forbidden to swear.
  4. It is forbidden to say to yourself that you are infertile. Many have heard that thoughts are material. If you talk like that to yourself, you will develop a bad attitude. This mood can actually affect fertility (ability to conceive).
  5. A child will be born ugly if you watch scary movies and listen to scary stories.
  6. A fluff on the belly of an expectant mother means that a boy will be born. But it is not exactly.

According to our editors there is no need to take these myths and superstitions as truth. Humanity often comes up with something to which it would be convenient to attribute something that cannot be explained.

In this interesting video, the girl explains in great detail how you can get pregnant faster if you haven’t been able to get pregnant for a long time. Be sure to check it out:

If you can add to this list of tips, we would greatly appreciate it. Write about it in the comments. Ask questions. Share this article on social networks with your friends and don't forget to rate it with stars. Thanks for visiting. We wish everyone who wants to give birth to good and beautiful children as soon as possible.