Understanding ADHD – if a child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Little monster or hyperactive child Hyperactivity help esoterics


I encountered the problem of childhood hyperactivity while in the USA. My emigrant lover introduced me to his children from his divorce from an American. All the children were in diapers (3, 6 and 8 years old), and the youngest constantly sucked on a pacifier. The children could not eat at the table: they would put a piece in their mouth and then run around the room and lie on the floor.

The children did not respond to their names. Their games were also somewhat meaningless: racing around the house, pushing each other until they cried. Most of the time the children watched TV and fought in front of it.

A boy aged 8 years 6 months was on tablets for “attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder”. When he was on the pills, he retired alone to the room, quietly read a book, and did not play pranks. When they forgot to give the pill, he behaved the same way as his sisters - like a small animal. The pills caused him stomach pain, poor appetite, dizziness, and hallucinations at night: he heard screams and saw monsters. He couldn't sleep without light. From the age of 5, his mother regularly took him to psychotherapy.

As their father said, the children were raised by nannies, since the family was rich, and the mother took care of herself. Over the next three months, during the children's visits to their father, I taught them how to go to the toilet. And then she advised me to take the boy off the pills, since, according to my observations, he was absolutely healthy. All his illnesses indicated in the medical record, such as urinary and fecal incontinence, hyperactivity, were direct consequences of his upbringing.

The father exercised his parental rights and prohibited further treatment of his son.

Exactly a month later, a subpoena arrived: the mother was suing to place her son again in psychiatric treatment. And, as one would expect, the protection of the child fell on me. The lawyers only agreed to go to meetings, because they said that not a single judge would go against psychiatrists. But the psychiatrists did not listen to my father - they needed a patient, not a healthy child.

But my good Russian education worked here. First, I pulled up all the government documents with data on child mortality from psychotropic drugs. Everything is on the Internet. All of these drugs are no less than part of the cocaine group and hook a child on drugs.

Secondly, I found the entire medical history of the child and transcribed all the records. And then she showed that all the tests that the child received from psychiatrists were passed with flying colors, but the doctors paid attention not to them, but to the mother’s complaints.

Every school record and grade was analyzed by me. I filmed and documented all witness statements. As a result, after a year of struggle, contrary to established practice, the judge issued a verdict against the mother and against the psychiatrists.

Currently, the child is completely healthy and trained in the rules of behavior.

“Hyperactivity” and “attention deficit” of children are actually just passivity and lack of attention of parents to children. TV and electronic games give children impulses to action while they remain sitting on the sofa, unspent physical energy accumulates. The child throws it out afterwards.

Lack of discipline preserves wildness in children: they scream in supermarkets, chase non-stop, etc. And the absence of a parent in their worries and affairs makes children unfilled, empty.

Don't be afraid to raise children! Don't poison them with Ritalin, Concerta and other garbage. Fictional illnesses are an excuse for parental irresponsibility. The generation of Americans raised on pills is like zombies. Their brain connections were destroyed by pills at a tender age. Devastated, disobedient to themselves, children slide into depression. And then they try to lift their mood with drugs that they have already been accustomed to since childhood in the form of mood regulators. Don't succumb to this infection, Russians, don't kill your children!


From personal experience…….

Does everyone know what hyper muscle tone and hyper excitability are? So there is one simplest way to treat these conditions in children (it is also possible in adults). It’s just that these children have a terrible deficit of tactile affectionate sensations and a deficit of calm, loving and supportive communication. The recipe is as simple as two plus two! Hug and pet children often. Engage in more communication with your child, play a variety of games with him, especially those games that require tactile contact. And you will be surprised how quickly your hyperactive baby will relax, how the muscles twisted into knots and ropes will begin to disappear, how the psyche and sleep will gradually recover; in general, you simply won’t recognize your child, because... He (the child), instead of grief and difficulties, will bring you joy, and his smiles, instead of tears or roars.

Ps: Everything ingenious is simple!

Why children are restless: and what we can do about it

A complete stranger pours out his soul to me over the phone. She complains that her six-year-old son cannot sit still when he is in class. The school wants to test him for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). This is so familiar, I thought to myself. As a practicing pediatrician, I have noticed one common problem these days.

A mother complains that her son comes home every day with a yellow smile sticker (grading system in some schools in the USA, Canada, etc. - translator's note) The rest of the children come home with green stickers for good behavior. Every day this child is reminded that his behavior is unacceptable simply because he cannot sit still for long periods of time.

Mom starts crying. “He starts saying things like, 'I hate myself,' and 'I'm good for nothing.' This boy's self-esteem drops sharply because he needs to move much more often.

Over the past ten years, more and more children have been reported to have attention problems and possible ADHD. A local elementary school teacher tells me that at least eight out of twenty-two students have difficulty concentrating on the positive aspects of the day. At the same time, children are expected to be able to sit for longer periods of time. By the way, even children in kindergarten are required to sit for thirty minutes during welcome circle in some schools.

The problem is that kids these days are always upright. And it's quite rare to see a child rolling down a mountain, climbing trees, spinning around just for fun. Carousels and rocking chairs are things of the past.

Holidays and breaks have become shorter due to increased academic demands, children rarely play outside due to parental fears, responsibilities and the hectic schedules of modern society. Let's face it: babies don't move enough for them and it really becomes a problem.

Most recently, I observed a fifth grade class at the request of the teacher. I quietly entered and sat down on the last desk. The teacher read a book to the children and this continued until the end of the lesson. I've never seen anything like it. Children swung in their chairs to an extremely dangerous angle, some swayed their bodies back and forth, some chewed the ends of their pencils, and one child tapped a water bottle on his forehead in a rhythm.

This was not a class for special children, a typical class in a popular art school. At first I thought that perhaps the children were restless because it was already the end of the day and they were simply tired. Even though this may have been part of the problem, there was, of course, another, deeper reason.

We quickly found out after some tests that most of the children in the class had difficulty coordinating their movements. By the way, we tested several other classes from the early 80s, where only one out of twelve children had normal motor coordination. Only one! Oh my God, I thought. These kids need to move!

Paradoxically, many children around have an underdeveloped vestibular apparatus due to limited movement. In order to develop it, children need to move their bodies in different directions, sometimes for hours. It's much the same as with playing sports, they have to do it much more often than once a week to get results. In addition, going to football once or twice a week is absolutely not enough to develop a strong sensory system.

Children come to class with bodies less equipped to learn than ever before. With a sensory system that doesn't work as well as it should, they also have to sit still and pay attention. Children naturally become restless because their bodies crave movement and it is not enough for them to simply “get their brains to work.” What happens when babies start to twist and turn? We ask them to sit quietly and concentrate. As a result, their brain begins to “fall asleep.”

Restlessness is a real problem. This is a strong indicator that children are not getting enough movement during the day. Let's sum it up. Vacations and breaks should be extended, and children should play outside as soon as they return from school. Twenty minutes of movement a day is not enough! They need hours of outdoor play to build a healthy sensory system and maintain a high level of attention and learning ability in the classroom.

In order for children to learn, they need to be able to concentrate. In order for them to concentrate, we need to allow them to move.

Angela Hanscom

Who is this child who is causing everyone so much trouble? He is in constant motion, distracts other students and does not participate, like everyone else, in any school events. When he appears in class, he disrupts the entire learning process. One such child is enough, and the work of a teacher turns into a complete struggle.

Such children are called hyperactive and treat this definition as a medical diagnosis. There is only one radical way out of this situation today - to suppress the child’s activity with a sedative.

Anyone who decides to prescribe Ritalin or another similar medicine to a child thereby admits not only a lack of understanding of the situation, but also his complete indifference, unwillingness to understand and help the little person. The medicine only helps teachers and school administration, calming a restless student, it makes him quiet and indifferent, but does not solve the problems of the child himself.

By forcing a child to take tranquilizers, pushing the problem inside, we simply turn him off from life, not giving the opportunity for the processes occurring in him to develop and end in their natural way. We complicate its development, and this will certainly manifest itself later in a predisposition to drugs, mental illness, and problems in the sexual sphere.

In every class there have always been quiet children and restless children, but hyperactivity is something else. This is some unconscious internal restlessness, which the body tries to drown out with constant physical movement. Therefore, the child has difficulty maintaining attention, he cannot concentrate on the speech addressed to him, and he seems to ignore our words and comments. He is impatient and has difficulty following through on anything. He often refuses to complete tasks and participate in general activities, not because he does not like them, but because they require patience and attention, which he is not capable of.

Anyone can remember themselves in a state of anxiety and realize that they would behave the same way. He would rush from corner to corner, could not concentrate on anything, would be absent-minded, inattentive to the words addressed to him, and would constantly return his thoughts to the subject of his concern. Only the anxiety and discomfort of a hyperactive child do not have a clear reason that is understandable to him and the people around him.

An adult can also be hyperactive, but it is easier for him to find an activity that suits his characteristics. This may be a profession that requires physical activity, quick attention span and the ability to make unexpected decisions. This could be extreme sports or even frequent changes of sexual partners.

If you think about it, our entire civilization today is hyperactive. For thousands of years, people lived a very leisurely life, adopted the profession and lifestyle of their parents, married a neighbor's daughter and died in the same village in which they were born. Today people easily change their place of residence, profession and family. Today I have to go somewhere a couple of times a year and the farther the better - anyone who has not traveled somewhere to Africa, India or the Far East simply has nothing to talk about with him.

Today our lives are changing very quickly, and the gap between generations is growing. Our children are different. They grow up quickly, have a different outlook on life, different desires and abilities than we do. They have other problems. They lose interest in everything and do not find anything to fill themselves with, despite all the huge amount of entertainment that they have compared to previous generations. They appear more self-centered, have difficulty understanding others, and have difficulty communicating.

This is how the evolution of humanity manifests itself, this is how nature operates, and not recognizing this, trying to fight its laws, is a vain attempt. If you force a child to be like everyone else, this will cause protest and conflict, but if you direct his energy in the right direction, this will give him additional opportunities in life. These children have a lot of energy, they can do many things at the same time and get more done during the day. There are professions in which hyperactivity becomes the key to success.

We must help children understand themselves and under no circumstances blame them for things that do not depend on them. They should be explained what is happening to them, why they are so “explosive” and how their hyperactivity looks from the outside - so that they, in turn, do not blame others for misunderstanding and do not isolate themselves from them.

A hyperactive child, as a rule, is more developed - he more actively comprehends the world around him than ordinary children. He can achieve more in life than others, but he needs to learn to manage his qualities. He's like an ugly duckling who could become a beautiful swan if we don't clip his wings.

With the development of science, medical and pharmaceutical business, some conditions that were previously considered “features within the normal range” are becoming curable or at least correctable diseases. This is exactly what a disease is called ADHD.

A little about the history of ADHD and its rediagnosis

The child’s excessive fussiness, inability to concentrate on completing a task, and tendency to rather pointless, superficial communications have always alarmed parents. The reason is simple - these features negatively affect social adaptation, interfere with effective learning, and are not very pleasant in everyday life.

At the beginning of the 20th century, doctors began to pay close attention to this behavior of children. There is every reason to believe that such behavior is not always due to the child’s bad upbringing and promiscuity; sometimes it has chemical and biological reasons. The first to express such a point of view was in 1902 the English physician J. Frederick Still.

Medical research conducted throughout the 20th century provided the basis for the inclusion of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (this is what is hidden behind the repeatedly mentioned abbreviation) in the list of mental disorders (DSM-I).

Due to the fact that perseverance, discipline and obedience among children are not such a common occurrence, many caring parents, having read about ADHD, rushed to the doctors and...... the generous distribution of this diagnosis “right and left” began. Not all doctors have enough time, conscientiousness and qualifications to check for other reasons for such behavior (the notorious improper upbringing, the child’s temperament). In our time of continuous information flows from all sides, in which an adult, not to mention a child, sometimes drowns, problems with concentration can manifest themselves without ADHD; they can simply be a consequence of information overload and lack of self-discipline.

ADHD symptoms

There is no particular debate about the symptoms of ADHD; the disorder manifests itself in:

  1. Chronic inattention, as well as an extreme tendency to be distracted (“selective attention deficit”). Note that we are talking about situations where attention is supposed to be “supported”: the child’s activity is not very interesting, but it is useful and necessary, for example, completing educational tasks.
  2. Increased physical activity, often aimless (in contrast to simply active children, whose physical activity is quite conscious and occurs in the form of games, exercises, and dancing).
  3. Impulsivity. The child has extremely poor self-control: he shouts out an answer without the permission of the teacher or educator, and, obeying a momentary impulse, performs some action “outside the rules.”

The child’s behavior described above may not become a cause for concern until he is 3-4 years old.

However, individual manifestations of these symptoms do not always mean the presence of a disorder in a child. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary that such behavior be “chronic”, pronounced and not be determined by the child’s living conditions. It is optimal if, in parallel with medical and biochemical research, work with a competent child psychologist takes place.

The disorder in question is often accompanied by other problems: tics, phobias, systematic headaches. In such situations, qualified medical care should not be neglected under any circumstances.

Types of ADHD

Frequent confusion with diagnosis is also due to the fact that modern research has made it possible to distinguish two forms of the disorder:

1) ADHD-N, where the existing symptoms are associated specifically with attention deficit, and hyperactivity is not clearly expressed. Children susceptible to this disorder are inhibited, apathetic, and there is no talk of constant excessive motor activity.

2) Combined form with classic manifestations - a combination of attention deficit and often aimless excessive motor activity.

Causes of ADHD

The simplest explanation of ADHD as a disorder can be given using the “4 deficit theory”, that is, this condition is caused by:

  1. Attention deficit (difficult to maintain);
  2. Difficulty in being able to inhibit (restrain) impulsive behavior;
  3. Weakness of modulation of the level of activating influences (a feature of brain functioning);
  4. Problems understanding strategic consequences (simply put, people with ADHD have an extreme tendency to expect immediate rewards).

The disease is a consequence of biological characteristics - in some parts of the child’s brain there is a deficiency of dopamine and norepinephrine. The intensity of the manifestations of the disorder depends on the severity of the corresponding features, in most cases it is correctable.

Among the reasons, one can highlight a genetic predisposition (the disorder is often inherited and is observed in several children from the same family at the same time). This issue is not debatable.

There is also evidence of a possible connection between the development of ADHD and perinatal trauma and early childhood trauma and infections.

Treatment of ADHD in modern conditions

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, treatment should be left in the hands of specialists. The simultaneous presence of drug therapy and psychological correction is considered optimal. Back in the 80s. last century in the Russian Federation, a well-proven method of transcranial micropolarization was developed.

Doctors and psychologists do not hide the fact that correction of the behavior of their parents is essential in case of problems in the behavior of children with such a disorder.

In everyday life, parents of children with ADHD can be given the following recommendations:

  1. Use the method of encouraging (rewarding) the child for appropriate behavior as much as possible, and a simple lack of reward will be sufficient punishment for inappropriate behavior. The reward system, of course, is individual and depends on the personal characteristics of the child.
  2. Develop a positive model of communication with your child (he is not to blame for his manifestations; punishment in this case will not fix anything).

The positive model means:

  • the ability to motivate a child with praise and rewards;
  • creating an environment in which the child’s anxiety is minimized;
  • optimal daily routine (with time to rest, such a child especially needs it);
  • the presence of rules of behavior agreed upon with the child (maximum achievable and understandable to the child), but when demanding their execution, one should be adamant;
  • friendly and attentive communication with the child;
  • the reaction to mistakes, blunders, bad behavior should not be aggressive, but adequate - correctly express your negative emotions, explaining exactly what the child is wrong about and why this cannot be done.

It is important to eliminate distractions as much as possible from the child’s attention zone (thoughtful environment) and also to correctly plan activities and events, involving the child in this as much as possible. Teaching children with ADHD planning and self-discipline is a time-consuming process, but it is extremely necessary. It is highly desirable that in the daily routine there is time not only for planning, but also for quiet games, as well as water procedures.

In adults, ADHD does not appear “out of nowhere”; it is only possible if, despite the presence of symptoms in childhood, it was not diagnosed, and accordingly, treatment and development of life skills with this disorder were not carried out. Treatment or adjustment (if not particularly severe) is not very different from ADHD diagnosed in childhood, but an adult will have to deal with this on his own.

What is the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) most often confused with? Can untreated hyperactivity in childhood really ruin a person’s life? And what is the benefit - or harm - of "Indigo children"?

The child was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed treatment. The mother is trying to understand how to live now and how to build a relationship with him. Shares new information with others. But everyone around them has their own view of the situation. There are many points of view, and they are incompatible with each other. Let's try to deal with each group of beliefs separately.

This point of view is more common than others, and its owner is best left alone. It is almost impossible to convince him. You can carry him special literature, show him diagrams, talk about the frontal lobes, about executive dysfunction, even about the reuptake of neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft... But for one picture of the world to be replaced in a person’s mind by another, a long time must pass, he must do some... then observations and come to certain conclusions.

The problem with spoiled children is that adults have not set boundaries for acceptable behavior. Once these boundaries are set with the proper amount of seriousness, children's behavior normalizes. In the case of ADHD, the problem is different: even if the child knows perfectly well how to behave and really wants to behave well, he still fails to do so because of his impulsiveness. This does not mean that he does not need to set boundaries - he definitely should!

Hyperactivity is a newfangled fiction

"Where were these kids before?" - people ask, confident that ADHD was invented several years ago. But even before, these children were where they are now: in every class. Everyone, perhaps, can remember one or two hooligans and losers, cool jesters, brawlers and outrageous people. With a high degree of probability, this is exactly what they were.

Moreover, the loser and the bully are a very popular figure in children's literature, described in detail in many works in all their glory. If we analyze our favorite children's books taking into account modern scientific ideas about the nature of school difficulties, we will see there attention deficit, and a reduced level of brain activation, and hyperactivity, and specific learning difficulties, classified, however, as laziness and hooliganism.

The problem of overdiagnosis does exist: the diagnosis of hyperactivity in children is sometimes made not particularly carefully, and sometimes even unprofessionally. You often hear something like “the diagnosis was made by a doctor during a school medical examination” or “psychologists came to the school, tested, diagnosed.”

This is a violation of the normal diagnostic procedure, which requires filling out multi-page questionnaires, carefully collecting anamnesis, and talking with the teacher. Doctors who take diagnosis seriously spend several hours just talking with parents.

A psychologist cannot “diagnose” anything. The teacher - even more so. A psychologist can describe the problem to the parent, suggest what it may be related to, and advise them to see a doctor.

The doctor does not diagnose “ADHD” on the basis of a five-minute examination of the child during a school medical examination, and he also cannot diagnose it in the fifteen minutes allotted for his appointment at the clinic.

In addition, there is no officially accepted protocol for diagnosing ADHD in the country. In the meantime, the problem of overdiagnosis will not go away. However, if someone is diagnosed with ADHD illiterately, this does not mean that such a disorder does not exist.

The question of who is more affected by ADHD - the child or those around him - is not as simple as it seems. Indeed, such manifestations of a child exhaust adults and lead them to exhaustion, especially if it is hyperactivity in younger preschoolers.

But it’s not easy for children either. A study published by the journal Advances in Medical Sciences in 2009 shows that children with ADHD are almost twice as likely injury rate(sprains, open wounds of the head, neck, body and limbs, as well as fractures of the limbs are especially common). The risk of serious injury (skull fracture, neck fracture, spine fracture, skull fracture and brain damage, nerve damage and spinal cord damage) is three times higher with ADHD.

With severe forms of hyperactivity and inattention, some children even develop pedagogical neglect- this is with normal intelligence and loving, attentive parents! Just in order for a child to sit down to listen to a book, learn colors, and begin to understand letters and numbers, he must concentrate. But he cannot do this under normal conditions, and it would be good if parents or teachers can come up with methods to capture his unstable attention and make the most of the few minutes that they have.

Common in ADHD problems with social skills: children understand the rules of behavior with peers less well, jokes, have a harder time understanding gestures and facial expressions, react too impulsively, are too impatient, do not follow turns, like to give commands that are not relevant. Sooner or later, many such children find themselves without friends, and this already interferes with their lives personally, and not at all with adults.

Inattention, chaos, and disorganization also create problems for themselves: it is very difficult to study, it is impossible to cope with such simple matters as maintaining minimal order in their things and affairs without outside help. It’s even harder when these features lead to conflicts with others. The manifestations of ADHD themselves are not as severe as their consequence - social maladjustment.

Many studies show that the social cost of ADHD if a child does not receive timely help is very high. Most children who grow up continue to have the disorder into adulthood.(Researcher Russell Barkley believes that in reality, only 20-35% of adults outgrow their ADHD).

Many children with ADHD develop more serious problems (antisocial behavior, learning disabilities, low self-esteem, depression), and in 5-10% of cases, more severe diagnoses (bipolar affective disorder, antisocial behavior disorder).

10-25% abuse alcohol and psychoactive substances. 25-36% do not finish school. People with ADHD have difficulty adapting to new jobs, and the jobs they find often do not match their level of education and qualifications. They change jobs more often, usually because they are bored or because of conflicts. They have more problems in relationships with friends and lovers, and a higher level of family conflicts and divorces. The rate of traffic violations is higher, there are more accidents - and these accidents are more serious.

Some radical parents demand that society adapt itself to children. Ideally, of course, the movement towards each other should be two-way. But if society does not move towards the child, we must not only work to change society, but also help the child survive in the society that exists.

In the mid-2000s, the concept of “Indigo Children”, which is set out in the book of the same name by Americans Jen Tober and Lee Carroll, became widespread among parents of complex children. Its supporters are convinced that children with ADHD are actually a new stage in the development of humanity: children are especially gifted, brilliant, they are simply bored at school, and they need a different, non-repressive pedagogy.

This concept is entirely religious, esoteric, adjacent to the ideas of the occult movement New Age (New Era). To take it on faith or not is a matter of personal worldview. The scientific value of the concept is zero; the main ideas are of mainly religious interest.

The story of the appearance of the “Indigo Children” goes something like this: Lee Carroll, a businessman selling radio equipment, in 1989, according to him, came into contact with an alien entity named Kryon. Krion began to dictate messages to him. Then Carroll’s followers, who call themselves “lightworkers,” began to gather for dictation sessions. Krion dictated to Carroll a lot of various information on saving humanity, including mentioning that shifts are expected in human DNA, and humanity will evolve further. Indigo children, according to the beliefs of “lightworkers,” are the next link in human evolution: the book says that their DNA is structured differently (which is completely absurd from a genetic point of view).

The book announced that a new generation of children had come into the world. Now 90% of them are born (that is, 10% remain standard). They are named indigo because clairvoyant Nancy Ann Tepp saw a bright blue color (indigo) in their aura. For some, this is already enough to put the book aside forever - usually these are people with rational, scientific thinking.

But if a person loves the unusual, the occult, the esoteric and at the same time has an inattentive, hyperactive child, the book will sink deeply into his soul. It specifically points out that wise souls are often mistakenly diagnosed with ADHD and treated instead of being raised as kings, gods and geniuses should be raised. As one mother of a child with ADHD told me, “I would rather consider his actions to be a manifestation of genius than the antics of an idiot.”

The book “Indigo Children” contains the idea that children do not need to be raised, they already know and understand everything; they just need to be guided. For confused parents who find themselves in difficult educational situations, this sounds like news of salvation: there is no need to invent anything, you need to trust the child, he knows everything himself.

But ultimately, this results in shifting the choice and responsibility for the choice onto the child, who is not yet ready to make it. So the authors had to make an amendment - set boundaries, do not allow permissiveness. Some people have long known this old law of pedagogy, but for others, in order for simple thoughts to penetrate into consciousness, they need news from space, aura vision and the promise of a ready-made genius at the exit.

The sound concept is that the child is a unique individual, talented and deserving of respect; the child has great potential that needs to be developed; treating a child as “sick” or “defective” can ruin a lot.

Continuation of a series of publications about Indigo children, some of their characteristics and features. Read also previous articles.

Indigo Predisposition to Spirituality

Some children from birth show a predisposition to all things spiritual. There are often cases of such children being especially aware of esotericism. How they know this is unknown. This is probably a karmic memory from a past life. It is known that esotericism is the essence of all religions. Maybe these children are born on this earth to bring new knowledge and ideology?

Maybe they are here to make a spiritual revolution? Be that as it may, in the future these children will bring a qualitatively new belief integrated from all religions. In fact, Indigo children are our spiritual teachers who directly point out our mistakes in spiritual and psychological terms. They are indicators of the correctness of our behavior and by their behavior demand that we change!


Indigo children are often unbalanced and impulsive. This behavior in itself is contagious, so parents need to set a worthy example for their children. It has been discovered that hyperactive parents give birth to the same children. From this it follows that a person with hyperactive behavior needs to constantly work on himself so that the next generation is more mentally balanced. It has been proven that hyperactivity is hereditary, but this does not mean that this diagnosis should be treated with pills. There is also a method of alternative medicine that gives positive results.

Sensitivity of Indigo Children

Being very sensitive and vulnerable, Indigo children are often closed, unsociable and at the same time aggressive. They often do not have good relationships with their peers and often such people remain unclaimed until the end of their days. In the 80s, such people were mistakenly diagnosed with autism and prescribed a whole course of treatment, which certainly traumatized the psyche of people of this type. Often such people commit crimes, trying to be like everyone else, and as a result end up in prison.

In fact, Indigo children always know what they want and who they are, and are not at all embarrassed to tell you about it, but it is the stereotypes of this world that prevent such individuals from developing. There are times when Indigo children communicate with angels, saints, etc. - and this does not bother people of the new generation at all; only stubborn conservatives who are accustomed to “treating” such cases with psychotropic drugs and correctional colonies do not understand this phenomenon. The main problem for those around these children is their hyperactivity. Indigo children are not able to learn according to the generally accepted pattern, their visual and auditory nerves do not conduct information in a way that allows them to learn, they sense information rather than perceive it.

The question remains: what will the Indigo world look like when all people on earth represent a new race?

Will all people on earth really have unusual abilities? Apparently a new dimension will come on our earth, where people will be able to speak without uttering a word, where everyone will have access to all the knowledge about our earth and the universe, where every person will lead a Divine existence, without darkening their life with a single negative thought. Will what is predicted in the great Tibetan book Abhidharma really happen? “And mortal people will turn into celestials, where they will live indefinitely...” That means... someday in the near future we will have divine abilities!

Transition to a new dimension

Now, in our time, there is a painful transition from one dimension to another. More and more people around the world are taking antidepressants because... their inner world is still dominated by the elements of envy, greed, fear, and competition. People instinctively cling to the old, not realizing that the ever-turbulent competitive world is being replaced by a world of warm, sincere, good neighborly relations. Psychics all over the world foretell that soon the telepathic abilities of people will develop so much that lying will become simply impossible, and new rules and concepts will reign in the new world, the foundations of which will be laid by Indigo people.

Memories of the past life of the Indigo children

It has been proven that all children under four years old experience memories of a past life. In Indigo children these memories are especially clear. The child claims that he came up with a story he just invented, but at the same time he is talking about specific historical events, places, people. How else can these children know such exact facts if no one has ever told them about it?

I recently read a story about how one two-year-old girl, waking up early in the morning, threw a tantrum that she had to go to New York and that she had a daughter there and she herself was an actress. This went on for 3 days until a psychic was invited, who established that the girl in a past life was indeed an actress who died in a fire. This phenomenon was explained to the girl in an adult way and, oddly enough, the girl stopped mentioning it.

Indigo children often awaken to extraordinary abilities, such as auric vision, mind reading, communication with entities, etc. This fact, of course, surprises scientists a lot, but now people treat this phenomenon with understanding.