How to recharge yourself with positive energy. How to gain strength and file for divorce? How to gain strength


This article will give methods for quickly gaining energy, but they have no meaning if they are not eliminated, at least partially, causes of drainage of vitality. No matter how much water you pour into a leaky cauldron, it will do little good. Moreover, without working through the basic fears and negative beliefs, this can even be dangerous, because the higher the energy, the faster our expectations about this world will be realized. Is this what you really want?

Internally strong, energetic people are usually quite successful, self-confident, and in the center of attention. There are many ways to quickly boost your energy naturally. The first and simplest is to change your usual breathing rhythm.

Breathing practices.

Triangle breathing. It is better to do this practice in the morning, then you will be in good luck and in a good mood all day. This method was developed a thousand years ago by Indian yogis. The practice is very easy, the main thing is not to forget and do it regularly. So, we stand up straight, relax the muscles of the body and begin to breathe according to the pattern: long inhale - hold - long exhale. It is desirable that the duration of inhalation, retention and exhalation be approximately equal. To do this, you need to maintain an internal account. For example, inhale to a count of six, hold and count to six again, then exhale smoothly, so that the air in the chest ends at the count of six. Then the next breathing cycle. If everything works out well on the count of six, then you can increase the count to seven, eight, nine, and so on. It is advisable to make the duration of each stage such that the exercise is performed with little effort, but without excessive tension. Perform 10-15 cycles.

After this exercise, a surge of strength, lightness, and self-confidence appears. Overexcitation will quickly pass, but in general the body will receive a powerful additional energy boost. As with everything, consistency and regularity are important. In principle, you can perform this exercise even while lying in bed, immediately after waking up.

Pranayama- special breathing exercises that affect the physiological component of a person by changing the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Pranayama are very useful for the body, as they saturate brain cells with oxygen, remove stagnant air, cleanse the body of toxins, and give a powerful boost of energy. You can read more about the benefits and effects of pranayamas in the article We are filled with energy. Pranayama . I highly recommend it; you can feel the positive effects of practicing pranayama almost instantly.

Endogenous respiration. This practice is very easy to do. You can buy a Frolov apparatus. Now it is sold in almost any pharmacy, or you can simply take a half-liter or liter plastic flask for an adult (for children, a bottle from Rostishka or something small is better), make three to five wide holes in the bottom (the diameter of a ballpoint pen or a little more). It’s better to start with five holes, then, over time, cover up the extra ones with tape or take a new flask, and just breathe through this bottle for three to fifteen minutes a day. There is no need to rush; increase your breathing time gradually. This is a very important precaution because the vessels will dilate and a large flow of blood will flow. You may feel dizzy or have blurry vision. Therefore, observe moderation, treat yourself and your health with care. We breathe through the mouth, that is, we inhale and exhale through the mouth. Endogenous breathing relieves vascular spasm, perfectly restores and rejuvenates the entire body, energizes, treats cardiovascular diseases, bronchitis, asthma and many other diseases. You can see more details about this in the video. An easy way to recharge your energy. Endogenous respiration.

The importance of oxygen for the body.

Very few people know that our health directly depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the blood. The vast majority of people have significantly lower CO2 concentrations than normal. This is observed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity). Let's try to figure it out in more detail. The main carrier of oxygen and carbon dioxide is hemoglobin, contained in red blood cells. In the lungs it combines with oxygen and is transported with the blood to the tissues, where it gives off oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. Then hemoglobin, again entering the lungs, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and, when inhaled, again combines with oxygen. Hemoglobin gives oxygen to tissues only in exchange for carbon dioxide. Therefore, it gives as much oxygen to the tissues as it receives carbon dioxide from them in return. If there is little carbon dioxide in the tissues, part of the hemoglobin does not give oxygen to the tissues, but is simply exhaled back into the atmosphere. That is, with normal, as it seems to us, breathing, oxygen starvation of tissues develops. The more carbon dioxide we accumulate in the body, the more when we inhale we receive life-giving oxygen, which will be absorbed into the tissues and organs with great pleasure, providing a rush of fresh and young blood. That's the whole secret! And the most interesting thing is that you can exhaust yourself with physical exercises, say running for a long time, doing push-ups, etc., in order to accumulate a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide in the body, which will be exchanged for the same amount of oxygen. Or you can simply increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood through breathing practices. In addition, carbon dioxide stimulation will help rid the entire body of toxins and waste products. Oxygen is truly a non-medicinal miracle!

Physical exercise.

When we are at rest, there is practically no carbon dioxide in our body, and therefore no oxygen. During physical activity, the combustion of fats and carbohydrates into carbon dioxide and water increases. Water leaves through the skin and excretory organs, and carbon dioxide in the lungs is exchanged for pure oxygen. This is why during physical activity our body is so well supplied with oxygen.

Choose any type of physical activity that is acceptable to you yoga , dancing , working out in the gym, running, swimming - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it brings you joy and is comfortable. Our body loves movement. It’s no longer a secret that during sports, endorphins, joy hormones, are produced, and your mood improves by itself. And classes yoga , in addition to everything, they normalize hormonal levels very well, even out the flow of energy in the body, cleanse and expand energy channels and harmonize work energy centers (chakras). And one more advantage of physical exercise - the more the muscles tense during training, the stronger and more deeply they relax after it, blocks, spasms, clamps go away, and toxins are removed from the body along with sweat.

All kinds of energy gymnastics are also very good for energizing. Some of the most famous are “Qigong” and “Eye of Renaissance” by Peter Kalder. The latter is very light, ideal for practicing at home. By subscribing to our website's newsletter, you will receive as a gift a link to a collection of 62 manrtas, under which it is very pleasant to practice yoga and other energy practices.

Other methods to quickly gain energy.

Deep relaxation, healthy, full sleep, rest. Now there are many techniques and practices for relieving stress and deep relaxation, both physical and mental. During the day, if you feel tired, stop, take a few deep breaths, stop the racing thoughts in your head , you can again practice triangle breathing. If you don’t even have the strength to do this, then just lie down, close your eyes and walk your mind’s eye throughout your body, focus on breathing or just don’t think about anything for 10-15 minutes and you will have much more energy. You can listen to relaxing music or meditation for relaxation, the main thing is not to fall asleep.

Proper nutritious nutrition, sufficient water consumption. There are a lot of tonic products that charge us with energy for the benefit of the body. First of all, these are foods rich in vitamin C, sprouted wheat , many spices and herbs are very tonic and good for health. If you are interested in learning about this in more detail, you can watch the video Foods and spices for youth, energy and health And Raw food diet. Basic principles. Drink enough water . Your entire body, and especially your skin and hair, will thank you very much for this. In addition, simple purified water is a very strong energy booster and cleanses the entire body well.

Stay in nature, fresh air. You can be charged with energy from the sun, earth, water, air, trees and other natural objects. As they say here, all methods are good. If it's a sunny day, you can try a practice called "Crystal Vessel". To do this, stand facing the sun and squint your eyes slightly. Try to see a light ray of sunlight coming from the Sun directly into your eyes. Remember this ray and close your eyes. Now imagine that your body is an empty crystal vessel that should be filled with solar liquid, imagine how this ray fills your legs and torso with solar liquid, pours into your hands, reaches your head and fills your head, pours out through the top of your head, creating solar energy around you. shining stream. The exercise lasts 3-5 minutes.

You can use your hands as an indicator of the progress of this exercise. Stand straight, relax your arms and let them hang. Start doing the Crystal Vessel exercise. As the vessel “fills,” the hands themselves should begin to rise up. This should happen spontaneously. On a conscious level, you are just observing.

This exercise will charge you with gentle and soft energy, which is very suitable for dates and a pleasant pastime.

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Exercise for vigor and quick recovery. Yoga.

Tibetan yoga exercise (Yantra Jugpa) to quickly restore strength and relieve fatigue. Increases the flow of oxygen to the head, stimulates the brain, allows you to wake up, invigorates, energizes, and causes clarity in the mind.

Excerpt from the speech of Viktor Lugansky.

Magic keys to your own energy.

Two simple and effective techniques that will help you easily, almost automatically, recharge your energy every day while performing normal everyday activities.

Excerpt from Tatyana Zherebtsova's speech.

Useful materials:

Absorbers of vital energy.

We are filled with energy. Pranayama.

Sprouted wheat. Medicinal properties. Recipes.

Yoga. A set of exercises for practicing at home. Yarga.

When using the material, an indexed link to the site is required.

  • Vigor, energy and endurance are important for everyone - from athletes to office workers and housewives. We all need strength and energy to fully engage in our daily activities without experiencing constant fatigue and drowsiness. Activity and composure are also necessary for full-fledged long-term mental work and ensure a minimum of stressful situations. I found what to do when you feel low: 8 great ways to increase energy that don’t require special material costs or a lot of time to prepare.

    Chronic fatigue and low energy levels in the body can be caused by a certain lifestyle. The reasons for this condition are hidden in the following factors:

    • sedentary lifestyle
    • excessive consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages
    • excessive physical activity
    • poor sleep, lack of sleep
    • too much stress
    • dehydration and unhealthy diet.

    Health problems such as colds, allergies, thyroid problems, obesity, diabetes and even cancer can also cause low stamina and energy levels.

    What to do when you feel low: 8 ways to increase energy

    1. Flower pollen

    It is a beekeeping product that bees carry on their legs when they collect honey from flowers and plants. Because of this, pollen has another name - “pollen”. is a useful tool for increasing endurance and energy, has adaptogenic properties and increases the resistance properties of the body. It contains large amounts of iron, manganese, potassium and copper - elements that give a boost of energy.

    Take 1 teaspoon of pollen 2-3 times a day, but no later than 16.00, as the product is very invigorating and late intake can lead to insomnia. You can drink it with water, simply dissolve it in your mouth, or mix it with honey and consume 1 tablespoon of the mixture with warm tea.

    To relieve fatigue, apathy and to increase immunity, you need to take pollen in courses of 10-20 days in the off-season - in early spring and autumn.

    2. Coconut oil

    Coconut oil is also good for increasing your energy and stamina. It contains healthy fats, especially MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), which are easily absorbed by the body and used as a quick source of energy.

    In addition, coconut oil is good for the heart, helps boost immunity and improve overall health. When taken in moderation, this remedy also helps reduce abdominal fat.

    Eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of natural, organic coconut oil daily. You can add it to smoothies or your morning coffee. You can also use it with baked goods (spread on whole grain bread, for example). The ideal option is breakfast.

    Real organic coconut oil is hard to find, most pharmacies and stores sell a hydrogenated product that has no benefits. I buy natural virgin oil Here

    3. Apple cider vinegar

    – another good remedy to overcome chronic fatigue and drowsiness. The effect of this is to acidify the body to help it stay energetic. This natural tonic is an excellent source of electrolytes that jumpstart and energize the body.

    Dissolve 1 tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar and a little honey in a glass of water. Drink twice a day.

    4. Turmeric

    This bright yellow spice contains a compound called curcumin, which has many health benefits. Its powerful anti-inflammatory effect helps reduce physical weakness to restore your energy levels.

    Curcumin reduces recovery time and increases maximum performance and endurance. It also promotes rapid muscle recovery after intense physical activity.

    Drink a glass of golden milk daily. To make this healthy drink, add ½ to 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of boiling milk. Cover with a lid and leave on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat, pour the turmeric milk into a glass and sweeten with a little honey.

    5. Green tea

    One of the simplest and most accessible methods out of 8, which makes it indispensable for loss of strength and chronic fatigue. The cup can also increase your stamina and energy levels. The polyphenols in green tea help fight fatigue, reduce stress and promote better sleep.

    Measure 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves per cup of boiling water. Pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Strain, sweeten with honey and drink this tea 2 or 3 times a day.

    6. Eat foods rich in magnesium

    Even a slight magnesium deficiency can affect your stamina and energy levels. Magnesium plays a key role in the process of breaking down glucose into energy.

    Therefore, when you are constantly tired and sleepy and your energy level is very low, switch to foods rich in magnesium. The recommended daily intake of magnesium is about 350 milligrams for men and 300 mg for women.

    Where is magnesium found:

    • greens with dark leaves (mint, parsley, romaine lettuce, spinach, etc.)
    • nuts
    • seeds
    • soya beans
    • avocado
    • bananas and dark chocolate.

    You can take magnesium supplements, which will also have a positive effect on your overall health.

    7. Energize with olive oil

    This ancient Ayurvedic method of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins will certainly help the body get rid of harmful substances and gain vitality and lightness throughout the body. According to Ayurveda, when the immune system clears toxic waste from the body, it also affects your energy levels. The principle of the method is to suck olive (or any other vegetable oil) for 15-20 minutes daily.

    1. Place 1 tablespoon of organic, cold-pressed vegetable oil in your mouth.
    2. Dissolve the oil in your mouth, as if rinsing your mouth with it, but without swallowing, for 15 to 20 minutes.
    3. Spit out the oil and under no circumstances swallow it! The white mass that you spit out contains toxins and harmful substances!
    4. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with warm water.
    5. Use this medication daily in the morning before meals.

    8. Drink more clean water

    Water makes up up to 65 to 70 percent of total body weight, and when the body doesn't get enough fluid it certainly affects our energy.

    By maintaining optimal hydration, you can reduce fatigue and keep your energy levels high. Water can also increase physical endurance during heavy exercise.

    Drink enough water at regular intervals throughout the day.

    You can also drink plenty of healthy homemade fruit or vegetable juices.

    Soups, compotes and decoctions also help maintain water balance in the body.

    If you experience increased fatigue and fatigue, you should reduce your intake of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks, as they contribute to dehydration. For comparison, after a cup of coffee you need to drink 2 glasses of water to replenish fluid loss.

    Additional tips for getting rid of drowsiness and fatigue

    • Consistently getting a good night's sleep is important to help your body heal and rejuvenate itself.
    • You need to take some rest after intense physical activity to regain your energy.
    • Eliminate energy hogs from your diet, such as refined foods (white flour, sugar, white rice, refined grains, etc.), simple carbohydrates (sweets and baked goods) and caffeine.
    • Eat enough foods rich in iron, protein and complex carbohydrates.
    • Be cheerful to help your body be healthy on a mental level.
    • Spend a few minutes in complete silence and silence to help your body release all negative accumulated emotions and thoughts.
    • Stay away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

    Dear readers! There are already articles on and on my blog, but I think that knowing simple 8 ways of what to do when you feel low and how to increase energy won’t hurt anyone

    Be healthy and full of strength!

    With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

    The body constantly, without any effort on the part of the person, absorbs and spends energy. However, with age, the body begins to absorb less energy and, accordingly, spend less, which leads to loss of strength and the occurrence of various diseases. Therefore, in order to restore and strengthen health, it is necessary to increase the flow of energy into the body with the help of special exercises.

    The collection of energy and its movement is carried out primarily by the power of thought. When gaining energy, you need to imagine how it flows into the body, spreads throughout the body, revitalizes every muscle, every cell, and the more imaginative and vivid the idea, the more effective the energy gain. You can imagine an energy flow in the form of rain, a cascading waterfall, rays, ethereal substance, etc. Everyone chooses the most accessible and imaginative representation of a moving flow of energy.

    I present the simplest and most effective, experience-tested exercises for gaining energy, by performing which you will achieve real healing and rejuvenation of the body.

    1. One of the simplest exercises for gaining energy in yoga is triangle breathing: inhale - hold - exhale and then repeat this cycle many times. It is best to use the same duration of stages: for example, 6 seconds inhale, 6 seconds hold and 6 seconds exhale. If this duration does not cause difficulties, it can be increased. Breathing should be done freely, without interruption or tension. The exercise can be performed standing, lying down and while walking. When walking, the duration of the stage is regulated by steps. By doing this exercise daily, you will achieve real success in restoring and improving your health.

    2. Another very effective exercise for gaining energy in yoga is Jalandhara Bandha. It is performed as follows: Inhale, press your chin firmly to your chest, hold your breath, stay in this position as long as you can, and exhale, lift your chin. The amount of exercise during the day depending on how you feel. I personally do about 10 times a day.

    According to the teachings of yogis, if you are able to hold your breath inside for five minutes, then you have the ability to predict the future;

    if you are able to hold your breath for six minutes, you have the ability to read other people's thoughts;

    if you are able to hold your breath for eight minutes - levitation;

    for nine minutes - psychometry, hyperacuity of hearing, and so on;

    for ten minutes - the ability to move invisibly;

    for twelve minutes - the ability to enter the body of another person;

    for thirteen minutes - eternal youth;

    for fifteen minutes - anima, mahima and other siddhis.

    3. The most effective exercise for gaining energy in yoga is Bhastrika. It provides a strong flow of energy into the body. No exercise gives as much energy in a very short period of time as Bhastrika. Take a comfortable position with your back straight. Take a deep breath, then a sharp exhalation and a passive inhalation, a sharp exhalation and a passive inhalation, and so on 20 times. After finishing your last exhalation, take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath for as long as you can.

    Repeat the exercise two more times. Yogic sources believe that accelerated exhalation should take approximately two-tenths of a second, and passive inhalation from three-tenths to eight-tenths of a second. If you do this exercise every day early in the morning before breakfast, the healing and rejuvenation of your body will become a reality.

    4. Energy breathing No. 1 (according to Yu. A. Andreev). The breathing graph resembles the drawing of a fortress wall: the rise of a prong - inhale, the step of a prong - a pause, the movement down the prong - exhale, the interval until the next prong - a pause, etc.

    Breathing is done by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. We mentally draw in energy as we inhale through the solar plexus. During the pause, we form an energy ball in the solar plexus, like a whitish cloud. As we exhale, we mentally direct this cloud to the organ that we want to strengthen energetically, for example, the heart. During the pause, we dissolve the energy ball in this organ. This breathing allows you to get the greatest effect while moving or jogging.

    It is best to collect energy into the solar plexus mentally from some powerful natural energy carrier, for example, the sun, a cloud, a piece of clear sky, the sea, a river, a mountain peak, trees, etc. This exercise significantly increases a person’s energy. If you constantly perform it, then healing from many diseases will not take long.

    5. Energy breathing No. 2 (according to Yu. A. Andreev). This breathing is like a two-way pump: as you inhale, energy is collected and sent to the organ whose energy you want to strengthen, and as you exhale, negative information is removed from another organ that usually bothers you, or something that is unnecessary and harmful to your body is eliminated. body (for example, accumulation of fat in a specific place).

    Inhale and exhale through your mouth. As we inhale, we simultaneously protrude the peritoneum and draw in energy through two fists folded into a tube, one in front of the other, near the area between the eyebrows (the “third eye” area).

    It is recommended to take a double breath. During this push-pull inhalation, we send an energy ball to that organ or that part of the body that requires energy recharge. This could be the heart, any other organ, muscle group, etc.

    During the pause between inhalation and exhalation, we dissolve this energy ball into the “addressee”. Exhaling long and slowly, we tuck our belly in and mentally push out of ourselves what we would like to eliminate through the surface of the body closest to this place. Some people, for example, are bothered by chronic cystitis in the bladder, while others are bothered by a fat fold in a specific place. When “dirty” energy is removed, the negative information to which the cells of a given organ obey is eliminated and occurs; the process of normalizing its activities.

    According to the experience of Yu. Andreev, obese people working with a second energetic breath experience rapid normalization of weight.

    6. Standing, imagine the bright sun overhead. We raise our hands to the top, imagining the sun descending into our hands. We hold it above our heads and watch the flow of its rays. Then we transfer the sun to one hand, for example, to the left, and imagine that it becomes liquid and flows down the hand into the upper part of the body. We draw the sun down the body, lower it along the right leg to the foot and through it it returns to the sky. While performing the exercise, imagine how the sun, passing through the body, fills all muscles and organs with golden energy. Repeat, changing arm and leg accordingly.

    7. The exercise is done standing. We close our eyes and imagine that we are standing on the Earth with bare feet and that a stream of heavy, warm, viscous, golden-colored liquid begins to flow through our feet. Your body is an empty vessel into which this liquid flows with pleasant sensations of warmth and heaviness. Once filled, imagine yourself glowing with golden energy. Stay in this state for a few seconds.

    8. Zen breathing. This breathing is used for a powerful gain of energy and strength. Its practice dates back many centuries. Its methodology involves the implementation of four mandatory elements of the ritual. During breathing, the lower abdomen moves back and forth in accordance with inhalations and exhalations.

    The gaze should be focused continuously on one fixed point. Breathing should be intermittent, that is, in jerks, with stops both on inhalation and exhalation. All your attention, especially on exhalation, is concentrated in the lower abdomen. You should clearly imagine that you are pumping yourself with gigantic power with this breath, as if charging a very capacious battery with energy. Zen breathing is a favorite exercise of the giant wrestlers of the Japanese sumo system.

    The next two exercises to gain energy should be performed in nature, in the country.

    9. Stand facing the sun and stretch your arms out in front of you, palms facing the sun. Close your eyes and feel the warmth on your palms, imagining how the rays of the sun enter your hands, pass inside your body and gradually fill it from the inside with a golden glow. Do this until a tingling sensation appears in your palms and you feel a pleasant warmth in your body.

    10. This is one of the ancient methods of increasing human energy. You need to sit cross-legged. Place your hands on your knees, connecting the thumb and index fingers on both hands, and extend the remaining fingers so that they touch the Earth. Establishing deep breathing and focusing on the thought that when you inhale, the energy of the Earth enters the body through your fingertips, and when you exhale, it dissolves in it.

    But it is necessary to remember that in the initial stages of training you cannot carry out particularly long bursts of energy, as this can lead to energy overload, which carries the danger of mental disorder (especially for those who are not very strong). A figurative idea should be developed in yourself and in your consciousness gradually, day after day, month after month. This psychological effort has a quick effect - a person immediately experiences an increase in vitality and health.

    (3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

    Sometimes we all feel that we do not have enough strength and energy to accomplish new things or to finish old things. We offer you 10 simple ways to restore and increase your energy.

    1. Drink a glass of clean water

    Better yet, drink a few, because water solves many problems: it saturates cells with fluid, speeds up metabolism, removes toxins from the body, thins the blood, which allows blood cells to carry oxygen faster. Most people are accustomed to drinking too little water, so they no longer feel dehydrated. However, our need for fluid is much greater than it might seem. Also read 10 reasons to drink more water in this article.

    2. A breath of fresh air

    It is difficult to live even a minute without breathing. It is not without reason that most spiritual and meditative practices pay special attention to breathing. But now everything will be simpler: saturate your body with oxygen. To do this, you can just ventilate the room, go outside and do simple physical exercises, play sports, or take a walk in the park. You will feel the pleasant effect instantly.

    3. Gratitude

    Answer the question: What am I grateful for right now? Complete this simple exercise and you will immediately begin to notice abundance around you, including your personal energy.

    4. Your movements

    Pay attention to how quickly you move, gesture, and talk. Start doing all this a little faster and you will feel more energized. If you are sitting, get up, move around, maybe dance. If you are sitting on a plane or train, take a walk around the cabin. Our condition and our body are interconnected. It’s not for nothing that we sleep in a motionless state, but we are filled with maximum energy precisely when we are actively moving.

    5. Music

    Music can instantly change our state. Classical music can relax you, while energetic music can give you strength. Make yourself a list of music for each state you want to experience: music for work, energetic music, music for sports and music for relaxation.

    6. Hugs

    Hugs lift your spirits and give you strength. They strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and improve sleep. They rejuvenate, give energy and, most importantly, have no harmful side effects. In short, hug more.

    7. Remember your goals

    When you feel a little tired, remember your goals, those goals that inspire you, that charge you with strength and motivation, that stimulate you to action.

    8. Smile.

    Smile! Not only will you lift your spirits, but you will also surround yourself with people as cheerful as you are. Read 15 interesting facts about smiling.

    9. Call a friend

    And just a sincere conversation with a loved one can raise energy.

    10. Admire nature

    We are always happy to return to our home. At home we gain strength and relax. Nature is also our common home. Being in nature calms you down, removes all unnecessary thoughts from your head, helps you focus on the eternal and find joy. Every week, spend at least a few hours walking in the woods or in the park. Better yet, go out of town with your family or friends for the weekend - you will be guaranteed a boost of energy for the next week.

    Massage. According to the Vedas, the female body simply needs touching. Our body needs to be moved and stretched. Otherwise, the energy stagnates, puts pressure on the body from the inside and causes illness.
    Visit to the hairdresser. A beautiful hairstyle is not just a way to cheer yourself up. A woman's hair is a reflection of her thoughts. Therefore, in India, where Vedic knowledge is very popular, such importance is attached to women's hair.
    Manicure. You want to kiss beautiful hands! That's what men say. After a manicure with red polish, you attract the energy of prosperity and beauty.
    Communication with other women. The mutual exchange of energy greatly enhances the energy of women. A man needs silence to become aware of himself. A woman understands her experiences better when communicating with her friends.
    Long conversations and conversations (even on the phone). This is not a waste of time. This is the very burst of energy that a woman needs. If words accumulate in a woman, then she will certainly throw them out on a man. And this is not the best way.
    Walks. A woman simply needs to go outside at least once a day. Despite the fact that we are keepers of the hearth, connection with nature is very important!

    Music. You need to listen to music every day. Meditative, classical, just the one you like. Make it a habit to turn on music, for example, in the morning with a cup of herbal drink. It will be very good if mantras sound.
    Refusal of difficult topics for reflection and negotiation. It is good for a woman to be frivolous and think about trifles. The role of a girl gives invincible youth. This point is especially important for a business woman. Try to leave things at work and not bring them into the house.
    Bath with rose petals and oils. This is not pampering, but a necessity! By giving such a little to your body, you will be surprised by your own radiance and excellent mood.
    Meditation. Like any relaxing practice, it increases the level of feminine power. You need to meditate at least once a day before going to bed. Meditation in nature is very useful.
    Vocal lessons. Singing cleanses the throat chakra, and we no longer want to swear or reproach men. In Sparta in ancient times, one of the compliments for a woman was the words “she is like a song.”
    Visiting shops. Shopping is not just a way to look for new things. Learn to go shopping even if you have no money. Try things on. Enjoy your beauty. And remember - feminine energy is so strong that sometimes it’s enough to see and touch a thing for it to soon migrate into your wardrobe. And the money for it comes naturally.

    Help. Helping someone or asking for help. Learn to abandon the “I myself” principle, because this is a typical male principle.
    Visit to a bookstore. Surprisingly, walking among books is very inspiring for a woman. Try to devote at least a couple of hours a week to this activity. A woman is a keeper of knowledge. And books are a source of knowledge. Choose the right books that develop)
    Asking a man for help. Any manifestation of care makes us more feminine. Try an experiment and ask a stranger to help you carry your bag. The mood will rise - 100%!
    Reading. Read a good book that you bought a long time ago and put on the shelf. It is especially useful to read stories about people's lives. By studying fate, you understand yourself better.
    Sharing household responsibilities with someone. Feel free to entrust some matters to your loved ones.
    Cooking. Everything related to cooking significantly increases the level of feminine energy. A woman is a housewife who knows how to feed and drink. If you don't know how to cook, learn. If you know how, improve your skills, master the cuisine of some country. Cook with love, because this is the MAGIC of LOVE.

    A house is not just an apartment in which we live. A woman has a powerful energetic connection with her home. That's why we are so annoyed by a squeaky door or a leaking faucet. For a woman, these are not just shortcomings; feminine energy flows through such “holes”.
    But it is precisely in such little things that sometimes it is important not to disturb a man. Why? The man thinks big: “When all the tiles in the bathroom become unusable, then we’ll make a new one.” Why grease the walls ten times!” Sometimes it’s easier to hire someone to fix minor issues. Just remember to tell your husband that you did this knowing that he is very busy, and not because his hands are growing in the wrong place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.
    Planning. Any incompleteness and doubt destroys a woman. Having a clear plan is a way to conserve your energy. Learn to plan little things, then move on to planning for several months and even years of your life. What will you do tomorrow evening?
    A formal lunch or dinner with candles, a beautiful tablecloth and delicious dishes. It turns out that we do all this even more for ourselves, although we want to raise the tone of our loved one. Bring such magical moments to life. Make yourself and your loved ones happy.

    Skirts, dresses. Such clothing restores connection with the energy of the lineage through the female line. There is a rule - do not wear trousers on the first 7 (!) dates if you really want to charm a man. It has been established that constantly wearing trousers has a negative effect on the female organs.
    Club of young mothers. If you have a small child, be sure to communicate with the same mothers. This is not only an exchange of experience, but also an exchange of energy. Motherhood is personified by the Moon, and lunar energy is feminine energy.
    Taking care of children. Do not refuse to help your married friend play with her child. Any manifestation of care for a woman is the path to Strength. The main thing is not to treat a man as a child.
    Feeding the needy. Mercy is a quality that enhances lunar energy. It is not necessary to help everyone. Surely there will be a person whom you can easily please with a pleasant little thing. Buy fruit for your lonely neighbor. Don't refuse a cup of tea to a guest who drops by.
    Communication. It is difficult for a woman to do without contact with other people. We gain energy from conversations. It is only important to ensure that the information you convey is not gossip or other negative things.

    Romantic cinema. Agree with a friend and watch a melodrama together. Any film about love is a useful pastime for a woman. But it is better to do this in the company of other women.
    Learning a new culture. Helps expand the worldview and allows a woman not to be confined to the inner world. Feminine energy strives to expand; there is no need to narrow it artificially.
    Water sources. Relaxing on a river, lake, or by the sea is a great way to raise your energy level. Water is the basis of a woman’s sexuality and her ability to be harmonious, adapting to circumstances, or, on the contrary, stormy.
    In the ancient Greek temples of Aphrodite, young priestesses were necessarily taught to swim and communicate with the water element.
    Exercise stress. If you feel a loss of strength, start learning a new sport. This can be not only a new type of fitness, but also just a morning jog. Dancing is very useful!

    A great way to recover if you're exhausted after breaking up with your partner.
    Outfits. A beautiful dress is one way to raise your energy level. By the way, you don’t have to go somewhere to dress up. Wear nice clothes at home.
    Clearing the rubble. Old things, garbage and rubbish weaken a woman’s energy. If a difficult period has come in your life, it’s time to sort out the rubble.
    Healthy lifestyle. Needless to say, bad habits negatively affect female energy and beauty. A bad habit can be not only smoking, but also the habit of going to bed late, slandering or being lazy.
    Poetry. Reading poetry helps to reveal the romantic side of your “I”. Feel free to write your own poems. The energy splashed out on paper will relieve you of worries. A beautiful syllable teaches you to speak beautifully and think correctly.

    Feeding birds and animals. A very simple way to boost your energy levels. Build a bird feeder under the window. Get canaries. This bird helps a happy marriage.
    Visiting a museum or exhibition. Everything beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.
    Communication with the Teacher. Go to a lecture by your favorite author, attend a training. Books give knowledge, this is undeniable, but when we meet a Teacher, we are recharged with energy from a person.
    Diary. Write down your thoughts, desires, goals every day. You can paste pictures into your diary or draw them yourself. Your feelings are important! Therefore, it is important to write them down. Accumulating the energy of emotions in herself, a woman will then be forced to throw it out on a man, which in itself is not very good. In addition, writing down thoughts facilitates their analysis.
    An album of your beautiful photographs. Paste your best photos into it and feel free to admire yourself. Remember that you are always beautiful!
    Definition of desires. Formulate your desires: what you really want, especially in a relationship. And forget about “I can.” I can - this is the prerogative of a Man. The man says: I can win her, I can take her as my wife (or I can’t). When a woman begins to think a lot in the style of “I can,” she becomes a man. Compare: “I want to look good. I want him to like me. I want to get married” and “I can look good, he can like me, I can get married.”

    Affectionate speeches. Learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. Feminine energy blossoms from a couple of gentle words spoken by you. Swearing and obscene words reduce feminine energy to nothing.
    Obedience. Arguments, competitions and other aspects of active behavior reduce energy levels. Try to be soft and diplomatic. For this reason, conquering a man is very draining on a woman. And a man doesn’t want a woman who takes initiative, because with her behavior she reminds him of himself.
    Selectivity in sexual relations. If a woman has several sex partners, she is doomed to devastation. Only have sexual relations with the person you love. Be faithful to your husband. Try to delay the first sex after meeting. It takes a lot of energy to interest a man. Don't lose her prematurely in sex.
    Purity. Keep your home, your body and your mind clean. Clean your home on time. Don't accumulate negative memories of the past. The easiest way to boost your energy is to get in the shower. Purity brings Strength.

    SATURING YOURSELF WITH LOVE. One of the most important aspects. If a woman has not filled her heart and soul with love, she is energetically weak and cannot give anything to a man. Even worse, she will begin to vampirize his energy. Hence the decline of men, financial collapse, illness. Use any technique to fill your “well” with love. A woman is a giver. It must be FULL of love.
    Decorative and applied arts. Knitting, embroidery, modeling: everything you can create with your own hands raises the level of your feminine energy.
    Compliment yourself and other women. A kind word makes us stronger. If you find it difficult to say something good about other women, solve this issue. Rejection of women can cause difficulties in relationships with mother, mother-in-law, and daughter.
    Expressing love in any form, at any time. Hug and kiss your loved ones. Speak words of love to the world, people, your things: the sun, the spring breeze, the rain, and even your sadness, for it is your teacher. Any rejection and struggle devastates a woman.
    Making bouquets. Working with flowers gives a charge of new strength, renewal and flowering.

    Proper nutrition. Use foods that are less processed and closer to nature. Remember what power an apple picked in the garden gives? And some kind of hamburger. The sensations are strikingly different.
    Weasel. Gentle touches help a woman understand and recognize herself.
    Being alone with yourself. Don't be afraid of those moments when you are completely alone. Don't run away to get married just because you're lonely. Use this time to take care of yourself. Nature has laid down a monthly period when a woman should think only about herself (menstruation).
    Soft toy. Don't blame yourself for still sleeping cuddled with a teddy bear. It is harmful for a woman to sleep alone, but the toy gives a feeling of warmth. Buy yourself a toy if you feel a lack of love and attention.
    Learn to work with the energy of the Moon. Stand outside in the moonlight, charge the water with the moon's rays, and then add it to the bath. Turn to the Moon for help with women's ailments.

    Postcard for no reason. By showing someone a sign of attention, you will fill yourself. Remember: a woman is a giver. By giving, you are filled.
    Charity. This is in its purest form an expression of feminine energy. If you can help a person with something, do it.
    Change your hair color. If there is a long pause in your personal life, go to a stylist.
    Fragrances. An aura of pleasant aroma should always emanate from you. A woman is a flower. Buying new perfumes and choosing a scent enhances feminine energy.
    Dignity. Be confident in your uniqueness. According to the Vedas, a Woman is the most beautiful thing that the Creator could create. You are beautiful! You are charming! You are a woman!

    Because with this energy we “feed” our man, our children and ourselves.
    Using this energy, you are able to influence the space and people around you.

    I hasten to add that if you and I do everything else and do not save energy, then we are not fulfilling our feminine responsibilities. And we are not able to either become happy ourselves or make those around us happy.

    Unfortunately or fortunately this is true.

    AND even We are ideal housewives, and we wash, cook, clean, and still manage to earn money and have children, but at the same time we have no energy, neither for ourselves nor for our loved ones, then we can say that we have not revealed our feminine nature. They did not fulfill their purpose.

    In ancient Vedic treatises, 2 types of energy are distinguished. Male and Female.

    It is believed that feminine energy – lunar energy. It is cold, or rather cooling, because it can calm a man.

    For example, scientists have noticed that the sand in the desert that is under the light of the moon is much cooler.

    Lunar energy is the energy of softness, humility, smoothness, emotionality, etc.

    While male energy is the energy of the sun. Activity, risk, courage, strength, aggressiveness. This energy heats up and can burn.
    Solar energy is the energy of achievement, great accomplishments and leadership.

    I am glad to tell you that our lunar energy is a kind of gasoline for the car in which your man drives with you to a bright future.

    In other words, a man needs your energy like air.

    With its help, you inspire him, guide him, help him, cool him.

    One day I realized one simple truth.

    If a woman doesn't care about anyone, she is degrading. She becomes callous, angry, unhappy, dissatisfied, etc.
    A man is also prone to degradation, if he doesn't take responsibility for someone.

    So here it is. Your energy has the power to benefit the world.
    Amazing, right?

    In my webinar “The Power of Feminine Energy” I always ask this question: “What do you think we are like when we are at our most energetic?”

    This is what the participants answer: creative, happy, flying, soft, gentle, joyful, calm, charming. We love everyone. We want to hug the whole world, we radiate beauty.

    Many people call this condition differently. For myself, I decided on this.

    When a woman is filled with energy, she is in a state of self-sufficiency.
    Fullness = self-sufficiency = inner abundance.

    What does self-sufficiency mean?

    Self-sufficiency is when everything is enough.
    This when you feel good with yourself.
    Self-sufficiency means that you have enough love and respect for yourself.

    Therefore, you have no need to receive love and respect from other people. In other words, I am self-sufficient when I don’t need outside confirmation that I’m awesome.

    Now all the attention is on the relationship with the man.

    When a woman is self-sufficient (full, abundant), she easily directs her energy to building strong, healthy, happy relationships.

    This means that female energy is a force that inspires a man to achieve feats, helps a man reveal all his strong qualities and achieve success.

    So, dear ones, whatever one may say, when a woman invests her Energy and her Femininity into a relationship, into her man, the relationship is transformed. They are filled with mutual understanding, tenderness, calmness, love.

    Practice shows that a man from such a relationship becomes more attentive, gentle, and caring.

    What other reasons do you think this happens?

    This also happens because With the help of Energy, we are able to reduce our man’s stress.

    And let us remember that a man experiences stress from time to time. Almost every day.
    He goes to work, there he makes decisions, solves problems, issues, etc.

    Please remember how, with the help of hugs, care, affection and your words, you could calm both a man and a child, any person.

    Indeed, when I am filled, I am self-sufficient, I am full of inner abundance, at such moments I do it more often, better and am able to give even more.


    And that’s the coolest thing – just love.
    This is so cool and wonderful. This is such happiness.
    And what's most interesting is that the more I give without expecting anything in return, the more I receive.

    How can you fill yourself with energy?

    I will tell you in more detail in my next article. Now I will give you several ways.

    How to enter a state of self-sufficiency?

    To do this, right from this very minute, it is important for you to start doing something for yourself.

    1.Take a piece of paper and a pen. And start writing your list of pleasures. Think and write down EVERYTHING that you like to do, everything that gives you pleasure and can give you. Don’t pay attention to the cost and your capabilities, just write.
    2.Wrote it? Great! Now highlight those points that are relevant to you now, i.e. I have both money and time.
    3.Fill yourself up! Find opportunities and time. Do what you like. Every day.

    Let's look at another one Abundance practice.

    I encourage you to start it today or tomorrow. Why put it off until later?

    The Abundance practice is based on the fact that we learn to see abundance in everything.
    Wherever you are, repeat “This is abundance. I see and feel it! I accept him into my life!”
    After all, abundance is not necessarily material values, it is also an abundance of love, air, objects, communication and everything that occurs and exists in your life.