Voodoo magic sources in Russian. Voodoo magic at home. Secrets of voodoo magic. Protection from voodoo magic. The consequences of black magic voodoo. The consequences of such magic

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Most people are absolutely sure that voodoo dolls are used only for exceptional purposes. And of course, for many, voodoo magic is associated with the dark side. But this is far from true.

Voodoo - what is it?

Voodoo magic is often a combination of several powerful rituals that are based on appealing to the spirits of the loa. That is, appealing to the spirits of nature, in particular the forest. In addition, voodoo magic also includes the basis of Christianity, which involves mixing spells with powerful prayers.

What is Voodoo?

Voodoo is an Afro-Caribbean religion based on the island of Haiti. Voodoo is used to heal sick and injured people.


There are at least three types of voodoo.

  1. Traditional. This is an African voodoo cult, which is now practiced by about 30 million people. Human. It is practiced mainly in African countries.
  2. Haitian voodoo. The most consistent form of this religion. It arose among West African slaves in Haiti, as a result of the contamination of folk religions and elements of Catholicism.
  3. Louisiana cult. A phenomenal cult practiced by the descendants of black slaves from the American state of Louisiana. Its development was significantly influenced by Spanish, Portuguese and French colonists.

Voodoo dolls

Voodoo dolls seem like something simple only to the uninitiated. Experts are sure that a voodoo doll gets a connection with the person it symbolizes - after something related to this person is attached to it.

A person who does not have theoretical and practical skills cannot make a voodoo doll and use it to influence others. Also, not all priests are able to control such a doll. Only a sorcerer of the highest, sixth level has the ability to make a doll and exert a remote, energetic influence on a person. You can’t just go and make a voodoo doll. This can be done, but without a competent specialist in this field, a voodoo doll does not carry any magical power.


Most people don’t even have a general picture of what power energy essences have and still they go where they shouldn’t.

Advice: You should not play with energy entities just like that, out of curiosity. Do not start this game if you do not have knowledge in this area, believe me! Serious information failures may begin in For example, watch the film - Mind on Fire, 2016. He'll talk some sense into it.

In fact, voodoo dolls have become more famous due to films and various books. They talk about the wrong purpose of this type of magic. Movies and books talk about the fact that voodoo can harm a person, cast the evil eye - and this is due to the desire to take revenge on the offender. It's not like that at all.

Few people know that the original instruction when using voodoo was the phrase “Do no harm to anyone.” Do not harm yourself or others. Otherwise, it will work in the opposite way and will strike the person who wants to commit evil, double or even triple.

The real purpose of a voodoo doll is to help people who need it through communication with spirits.

Voodoo dolls can handle:

  • Serious illnesses;
  • Failures;
  • Bad energy;
  • Get rid of the evil eye;

Voodoo deities

Bondier is the main deity of the voodoo subspecies, which correlates with the image of God inherent in another faith. He is revered as the arbiter of judgment in this world, and no one will ever dare to disturb his peace, no matter what problem arises. To contradict his wishes means to anger the creator and receive retribution.

When performing rituals, adherents ask for help from powerful spirits who hide in the forest - loa. They control all human lives, or rather, their divisions: luck, prosperity and, of course, happiness.

The leader in importance among the loa is Legbe, the creator of portals between two dimensions. This is the main factor in any successful voodoo ritual. The complete opposite of Legba is Kalfu, who is subject to all dark spells. But voodooists resort to his help only in exceptional cases.

An experienced voodooist can always determine which loa to turn to in a given situation. Because each of them has their own goal and their own abilities. With the help of these abilities, people's lives can be controlled, without harm, of course.

Since voodoo magic is based on ritual songs and special dances during rituals, there are talismans that are also used by magicians to achieve success in performing rituals.

For example, Gri-gri is the most famous amulet among voodoo practitioners. This is a small bag of natural resources in which you need to put the biological element of the person to whom it will belong.

Beginning voodooists should remember one rule - inept handling of magic can lead to not the most pleasant consequences for a person. After all, one must be able to use ancient power correctly, without incurring the wrath of the spirits. For this reason, before you finally decide to practice voodoo magic, you must weigh the pros and cons. In order not to make a mistake in your choice.

Does magic choose man or does man choose magic?

Is only a truly willing person always able to touch and experience magic? Is it possible to learn magic without consciously setting such a goal for yourself? Yes, a person may want and not receive knowledge. And vice versa, very often, people who don’t even think about magic fall into the sphere of her attention. In this case, magic, like a magnet, attracts a person and “drags” him in a certain direction. Some believe that it is in this state that one must go to magic. But there is no clear answer to the question “What is the correct way?” in magic.

There are people who really wanted to know magic and knew it. There are also people who did not want to learn magic, but still, they set out on this path. No one knows by what algorithm magic chooses its carriers.

When a person begins to practice magic, he always attracts entities to himself, moreover, from various energy systems. If a person works on low vibrations, then he accordingly attracts those entities that hear and understand these vibrations. For example, in Christianity, low vibration is demons and demons. Higher vibrational frequency - work through prayers, reprimands, etc.

Voodoo magic rituals: 6 interesting facts about the belief + 3 simple rituals that you can perform yourself

Magic, like girls, can be different - white and black, love and money, ancient and newfangled - it all depends on the goal, timing and method of achieving it. But there is one that gives goosebumps not only to ordinary people, but also to experienced psychics - voodoo magic, the rituals of which are particularly cruel and, at the same time, powerful.
And if you decide to “advance” in magical science, then you need to learn a little more about the practice of voodoo.

6 interesting facts about voodoo magic: the practice of rituals and spells in action

  1. Voodoo is one of the oldest mystical teachings in the world. Scientists believe that it originated more than 10 thousand years ago in West Africa. Over time, the teaching was supplemented with more and more new practices, rituals and transformed into what it is today.
  2. Experts distinguish three types of voodoo magic with their inherent rituals and practices:

    • African (traditional)– voodoo in its “classical” form, the kind that is practiced specifically in African countries;
    • Haitian - this practice continues the traditions of the voodoo cult that originated among slaves in Haiti. Includes elements of Catholicism and folk beliefs;
    • Louisianan - these are rituals that were practiced by black slaves in the south and west of the United States. This type of magic was greatly influenced by the Spaniards, French, and Creoles.
  3. Voodoo practice includes special music and dances. They are believed to help enter trance to communicate with spirits, cure illnesses, predict and change the future, etc.
  4. Followers of this cult distinguish between two divine beings - Bondi and Lwa (Lova).
    The first is a being of a higher order, which, in essence, is the creator of everything, the prototype of the Christian omnipotent God. But Bondi has long since “retired” and is not engaged in promoting justice in the world.

    But all the rituals in the voodoo belief are addressed to Lvu (Lov) - a being of a lower order, which can be “reached” through spirits.

  5. No matter how strange it may sound, traditional voodoo magic takes a lot from Christianity. And back in 1860, the Vatican even recognized it as one of the directions in Catholicism. So many of those who know first-hand about the practices of voodoo sincerely consider themselves Christians.
  6. Priests who practice voodoo magic its rituals come at different levels:
    • at the initial levels, the sorcerer can talk to animals, bewitch a person, communicate with the dead;
    • at medium levels, these skills are supplemented by the practice of stunning the enemy, calling the spirits of nature to help;
    • sorcerers of the highest rank not only know how to make a voodoo doll, but also turn the dead into zombies, send death to a person and a host of other amazing, but often terrible things.

If you are one of the real daredevils, you can try yourself in the role of a voodoo priest. And it’s worth starting with the simplest practices.

Voodoo magic: the practice of rituals and spells that can help you

No matter how mysterious the rituals with dance and blood sacrifices may seem to you, there are also quite harmless ones among them that anyone can practice. Want to try?

Voodoo Magic: The #1 Spell That Will Give You Wealth

Everyone wants a full wallet, trips abroad and designer clothes! And a voodoo magic ritual can help with this:

  1. To begin, prepare:

    • 40 thin candles. Moreover, you don’t have to buy them at a church; you can also buy them at a regular hardware store;
    • white thread made of natural material, such as cotton or silk;
    • saucer. Its color and shape don't matter;
    • 5 yellow metal coins;
    • regular chalk. Can be purchased at any children's or stationery store. Color is not important;
    • handkerchief. Its color and size can be any.
  2. Wait until the full moon and close yourself with everything you need in a quiet room where no one will disturb you.
  3. Place and light 10 candles around the perimeter of the room, tie the rest with white thread and place in the center of the room.
  4. Now kneel down with your back to the tied candles.
  5. Draw the number “8” with prepared chalk so that you are in the center of one of its rings, and a bunch of candles in the other.
  6. Place a bowl with yellow coins in the center of the figure eight (at the intersection of the rings).
  7. Light each candle in the armful and say the voodoo spell:

    “Iam aui mumsam gaipi baor som!”

  8. Wait until the candles burn out and go out on their own; you cannot extinguish them!
  9. After this ritual, the coins need to be hidden in a secluded place, wrapped in a handkerchief - from now on this money will be your talisman.
  10. All other things (thread, cinders, saucer) also need to be hidden and kept in the house for at least a year, and then you can simply throw it away.

Psychics specializing in voodoo magic say that such a spell works almost instantly: the person who performed the ritual always has money. This could be winning the lottery, or an unexpected inheritance or promotion.

Voodoo magic: spell No. 2 to punish the offender, or that same doll!

It seems that retired grandmothers from your front door, kindergarten students, and even your Labrador have heard about voodoo dolls. As a rule, a spell on a doll (volt) from voodoo magic is carried out in order to take revenge on your enemy:
  1. First of all, you need to prepare natural wax, a piece of cloth that the offender wore and his organic material (hair, nail clippings, sweat, blood, a piece of dead skin, even dandruff - anything will do!).
  2. Now you need to melt the wax in a water bath and mold something in the likeness of a person out of it.
  3. Next, organic material is added. For example, if you have a couple of hairs, then you need to stick them to the doll’s head, blood or sweat - just add them to the wax.
  4. Wrap the prepared doll in a scrap of clothing that your enemy used to wear.
  5. The part of the body into which you begin to stick needles will be damaged by your abuser if everything is done correctly.
  6. IMPORTANT: This ritual of voodoo magic can harm the offender exactly to the extent that he deserves if performed by a beginner. That is, if the boss unfairly fired you, the maximum this can lead to is monetary losses or minor illnesses.

    However, even in this case, you need to think three times whether you should get involved with voodoo magic - lest life’s boomerang return to you.

The practice of voodoo uses these same dolls for a completely different purpose - to make the “object” fall in love with itself.

Voodoo magic

Voodoo magic: practice No. 3 to attract love

If you are 100% sure that the person next to you is the love of your life and are ready for the fact that you will always be the sweetheart in his heart, you can perform a strong ritual of voodoo magic to bind your loved one to you forever:
  1. Make a voodoo doll as written above (see practice No. 2).
  2. Prick yourself in the ring finger of your right hand and when it bleeds, write your name on a piece of paper.
  3. Attach this piece of paper to the doll’s left side, in place of the heart.
  4. Next, concentrate and, looking at the doll, say a small spell:

    “Ara cat IMHO. Taba koru tilka. I can’t stand it!”

  5. Hide the doll with which you performed the voodoo magic ritual away: while you have the product, your other half will also be with you with all his heart and soul.

As you can see, voodoo magic rituals are not as scary and dark as Hollywood film directors instill in us. However, they must also be used with extreme caution when you are sure of your desire to take revenge on a person or tie him to you for life.

Add to this self-confidence and optimism - and you will definitely achieve your goals!

And the background of southern and central Togo, Benin and (under another name) the Yoruba in the southwestern part of Nigeria.

Voodoo is a conglomerate of various animistic cults, which includes the traditional beliefs of the African (Black) diaspora (English) Russian in the New World, such as Haitian voodoo (English) Russian(English: Voodoo, Vodun, Vodoun), Candomblé (English: Vodum) in Brazil, Winti in Suriname, Louisiana (New Orleans) Voodoo (English) Russian and santeria in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. All these directions have a syncretic nature, connecting with Christianity African traditional religions that originated among the Congo people on the territory of the modern Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    ✪ HISTORY and interesting facts about the CULT OF VOODOO

    ✪ What makes your blood run cold / Devil dolls / Voodoo dolls

    ✪ Evgeny Green - Black magic of Voodoo: practice of Voodoo magic!


Haitian voodoo

Haitian Voodoo, which is the most orthodox variety of this religion, was formed among West African slaves in Haiti as a result of a mixture of folk beliefs and elements of Catholicism. The main basis for the formation of voodoo were the religions of the Fon and Ewe peoples.

Priesthood in Haitian Vodou

In voodoo, there are several types of professional religious activities, which are distinguished on the basis of gender and specialization.

  • Houngan (priest) and mambo (female priest) are actually voodoo priests, whose activities are focused on receiving predictions from spirits during possession;
  • Bokor (sorcerer) is a person professionally engaged in magical activities. Bokors are often understood as people who practice "black magic" and are not always recognized by houngans and mambo as voodoo practitioners.

Voodoo priests are divided into several categories depending on the level of priestly initiation.

  • Hounsi - an assistant, roughly comparable to the Catholic position of minister;
  • Houngan Si pwen or Mambo Si pwen;
  • Houngan Asogwe or Mambo Asogwe.

Religious practices inherent in voodoo

Pantheon of Haitian Voodoo

The Haitian Vodou pantheon includes two main types of deities:

  • Bondye is the highest deity of the voodoo religion, an omnipotent God comparable to the Christian image of God. However, unlike Christianity, in voodoo there is a concept according to which Bondi has distanced himself from everything that happens in this world and does not interfere in the affairs of people. The name Bondi comes from the French bon Dieu, meaning "good God";
  • Loa are deities of a lower order, with whom, due to Bondi’s detachment from worldly affairs, followers of voodoo deal. It is with the appeal to Loa that prayers and rituals performed by followers of voodoo are associated.

Louisiana voodoo

The term "Louisiana Voodoo" is used to refer to religious practices whose origins are associated with the African diaspora of the state of Louisiana. Unlike Haitian voodoo, Louisiana voodoo is more open, prone to syncretism and is characterized by active borrowings from Western culture, especially from Catholicism. In Louisiana Voodoo, parallels between Christian saints and loa play an important role, and Catholic prayers are used during Voodoo practices.

In culture

The religion of voodoo has gained widespread popularity in modern popular culture, particularly due to its themes of zombies, magic dolls and black magic. This is reflected in:

  • cinema - films “Angel’s Heart”, “Live and Let Die”, “The Serpent and the Rainbow”, “Child’s Play”, “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”, “American Horror Story”, “Predator 2”, etc. ;
  • computer games - Risen 2: Dark Waters, Risen 3: Titan Lords, Shadow Man;
  • books - for example, in the novel by Abraham Merritt "Burn, Witch, Burn!"(in Russian translation - "The Devil's Dolls of Madame Mendelip").

At the same time, it should be noted that in the overwhelming majority of cases, works of this kind use only the external surroundings of voodoo, ignoring the real content of the teachings of this religion.

Let's clarify a little what this mysterious voodoo is. Any Magic is something incredibly attractive, mysterious and unknown. Just the mention of it brings the soul into some confusion and trembling. But when we hear the word voodoo, an association arises with black witchcraft, curses, dolls, tormented by needles, and legends about zombification of people come to mind.

Many will say that voodoo is African black magic that was created to destroy a person, as they have heard about the power of a voodoo doll, which can not only cause illness, but also death.

Voodoo is a powerful magic, but it is not always only black and brings death with it.

But first of all, we must understand that, first of all, this is an ancient pagan religion. It is based, like many others, on the worship of nature spirits, trees, and the elements. There is totemism in it. And this religion is no more terrible than any other.

There are many prejudices associated with voodoo, and Hollywood played a big role in this, turning its rituals into some kind of terrible destructive force. But few people know that there are rituals to attract money, or rituals that give love.

In real life, almost no one knows how to handle this art. Voodoo spells are complex, but very powerful.

Everything is further complicated by the fact that there are a huge number of movements that have already become independent directions, among them there are those that practiced human sacrifice. Each of them has its own characteristics, and this religion is so exotic that many of those who offer magical services themselves do not particularly understand how one differs from the other.

White magic and black magic

For many, voodoo magic is black African magic. Voodoo dolls, death rituals, mysterious spells, conspiracies, human destruction, zombies... Indeed, there is such a thing. This is one of the varieties of voodoo - Petro. As you know, voodoo magic uses the help of invisible spirits - loa. They can serve those people who agree to serve them. Spirits live in stones or trees, sometimes in the bodies of animals. All loa are divided into three groups, each of which has its own ceremonies, songs, and colors.

  • Rada loa. These are good spirits. Their color is white. They can help, fulfill those requests that do not harm another person. These loas do not require great sacrifices. But their help is not significant, they are not very strong.
  • Guede loa. These are the spirits of the dead. Their colors are black and purple. The spirits are led by Guede. These loas are very obscene and vulgar. But they can give prophecies, as well as joke and advise.
  • Petro loa. The most feared loa spirits are the Petro spirits. Their color is red. They represent revenge, threat, death. It is to them that the sorcerer turns when he wants to harm another with the help of a voodoo doll. These are the most aggressive and cruel spirits. Anyone who casts spells addressing these spirits will receive help in the most difficult matters. Rada next to them are children, they cannot compare in abilities and power of magic. But these loa enslave a person, helping him only when he promises to serve them. If the sorcerer breaks his promise, they begin to take revenge.

Therefore, those who decide to try their hand at magic should think twice before using spells or voodoo dolls to destroy a person. Your wishes, even your wildest dreams, will come true, but you will have to pay for it all your life. This is black African magic associated with the most powerful, but at the same time the most evil spirits. Breaking up with them later will not only be difficult, but impossible. By causing death, you are agreeing to eternal slavery.

If your hatred is too strong, you can perform a ritual using a doll, which guarantees death to the victim. Experts do not recommend performing such rituals at home; it is better to ask a sorcerer for help. Although the ritual itself is not difficult to perform. To do this, you need to make a volt according to all the rules (that’s what a voodoo doll is called).

Regardless of whether you believe in mysticism, doing such things, performing rituals and casting spells for fun is not worth it. Every action and word has its own energy; sent into the universe, it will certainly return to the one who gave birth to it. It’s good when love and happiness return like a boomerang, but hatred, anger and envy also have the opposite effect, often hitting not even us, but our loved ones.

Experienced sorcerers, teaching their students, tell them that dark spells can be used only in the most extreme cases, when the caster himself or another person is in serious danger. In other cases, using curses is strictly prohibited, because who, if not experienced magicians, knows what kind of troubles any evil committed by a person can lead to.

Creation of a volt for the ritual

Magic is not possible without rituals. Voodoo is characterized by the creation of a volt for work.

Volt is a doll representing a person. To give it a real connection, you need to use something that belongs to that person. Suitable for such purposes:

  • hair;
  • nails, teeth;
  • a piece of leather;
  • blood;
  • for some rituals, part of a person's clothing;
  • talismans, amulets.

The real magic is not revealed. It is owned by a few who are in no hurry to share their knowledge with other people. It is known that most often the volt is created from wax. For this you need natural wax without impurities. The wax is melted over a fire, and then a doll is molded in the shape of a person.

To enhance the effect, add the following to the wax:

  • the magician's blood or saliva;
  • ritual plants: sage, cactus juice, St. John's wort;
  • the ashes of a deceased person, perhaps another magician.

The face is shown schematically. If there is hair, it is attached to the head. For sexual attachments and love spells, genitals are added to the doll.

Voodoo magic then and now

Modern Voodoo magic, as a religion, arose quite recently, but its basis is the traditional beliefs of African peoples, which have existed for many thousands of years.

At the heart of this religion and magic are people’s beliefs that nothing in this world exists on its own. Since ancient times, people have been confident that the universe is one and all the processes occurring in it are interconnected. Voodoo says that there is a sacred cycle between a person's life and death. When death occurs, the dead must be buried or burned, and his relatives and fellow tribesmen must escort him to the other world with honor.

Followers of Voodoo worshiped many spirits and gods; they believe that the God named Olorun has the greatest power, but man cannot know him because of his insignificance. According to the same beliefs, all living things on our planet have their own spirit - a protector. In some cases, angry guardians could even cause disasters, cataclysms and wars to punish disobedient people. That is why, in order not to awaken the wrath of the Gods with their careless actions, followers of this religion must always appease the spirits with the help of special magical rituals.

Traditionally, Voodoo magic could not be used at home, because the main elements of any ritual were music and dancing, in which all the people of the tribe participated. Subsequently, when Voodoo changed due to some integration with Catholicism, and came to America with African slaves, the basic principles of conducting such rituals also changed. Since slaves were forbidden to gather together, much less carry out traditional rituals, magic also changed. Since then, Voodoo has been a rite of passage for a recluse, a loner, a person who wants to change his life.

It is not surprising that popular culture shows us Voodoo from a less than pleasant side. Africans in slavery actually performed various dark rituals that could be aimed at causing illness and even death in their offender. Such rituals arose because magic was the only way slaves could respond to the pain and humiliation inflicted on them by their new masters.

Is there white voodoo magic that will help remove damage, cure illness, put the general state of mind in order, help you believe in your own strength and move on? Yes, with the help of voodoo magic you can achieve all this.

In fact, at the dawn of civilization, the universe was perceived as a whole. Voodoo magic made it possible to pair each element of the system with the others. The sorcerer established a connection between the doll and the desired patient and “sent” his spells through it. Moreover, these were not necessarily curses. According to sorcerers, voodoo magic can be used for a variety of purposes; they often made figurines of themselves, invoking good luck. The main point is the ability to concentrate and direct the bundle of energy in the right direction.

Voodoo magic rituals at home

Many healers use ancient rituals to fulfill the requests of their patients. Some of these rituals are easy to perform at home.

There is a lot of literature that describes voodoo magic. At home, people are encouraged to perform quite accessible rituals that can significantly change their lives. In fact, a true sacrament is an entire art that only a few can master. But if we omit this general availability, then white magic is the art of healing, removing damage, and conspiracies for success.

At home, the most important thing is to thoroughly prepare, clear your mind, concentrate, then the ritual will receive the necessary energy boost.

When organizing a ritual, you will need additional equipment. A voodoo doll is not the only attribute that should be prepared. First of all, this magic is associated with fire, so each ritual is accompanied by the lighting of candles, the color of which is selected for each situation. Thus, white candles symbolize spirituality and purity, yellow is responsible for memory and intellectual abilities, orange – ambition and career. The color red typically symbolizes strength and courage, energy and sexual desire. Brown denotes earthly blessings, pink is usually used for love spells - it is tenderness, romance. Green promotes spells for good luck, and blue promotes inspiration. The color violet helps develop psychic abilities.

Any conspiracy is aimed at awakening a person. The magic of any ritual calls to him. To do this, you need to pronounce special spells.

Black fortune telling

Voodoo magic is witchcraft in which there are many rituals aimed at causing harm to another person. Such rituals are often based on the use of a special doll. In some rituals, the doll was made from various natural materials, in particular wood, straw, fabric, clay, earth, etc. This doll symbolizes a person, and all the sorcerer needs to do is to establish an energetic connection between the image and the person it symbolizes. When the connection is established, everything bad that the magician does to the doll will be transferred to the victim of the ritual.

In the European magical tradition, there were also special witchcraft dolls, which were called volts. Volt is a double of the object of magical influence, in relation to which the magician is going to perform certain actions. Therefore, we can safely say that the doll was used in magic in various countries and peoples, and not just in Voodoo.

In order for the ritual with the doll to be as effective as possible, the volt needs to be given the characteristics of the person on whom the magical intervention will be directed. To establish a strong energetic connection, sorcerers use organic matter belonging to the victim of the ritual to make a doll; this can be blood, hair, nails, saliva, skin and any other secretions of the human body. If you have the victim’s clothes or a photograph, they can also be used to enhance the effect of the ritual. At the last stage of creating a witchcraft doll, the magician names it with the name of his victim, thereby strengthening the energetic connection.

Attracting black luck

Anyone can attract good luck. To do this you will have to make your own volt. Add a few drops of your blood to the wax and attach a strand of your hair to the doll's head. Hands are made with open palms.
For the ritual you need to prepare:

  • 80 thin black candles;
  • coins from different countries;
  • white wool thread;
  • the doll itself is Volt.

How to attract good luck? The ritual takes place at midnight under the full moon.

  • Draw a wide circle on the floor with chalk. It will protect you from the world of the dead, but will allow you to use their energy. You cannot leave the circle until you complete the ritual!
  • Blind 40 candles together, place them in a circle in front of you, put coins.
  • The remaining 40 candles need to be placed around the room so that all dark corners are illuminated.
  • Sit in a circle, place your hands on your knees, palms up, and your volt on them.
  • Say 40 times:
    “Iam aathat iushes gaily mumhan vases tut am. Raais kulla abakaam abrakalam.”

Take any coin at random and press it into the volt's belly. Fill the coin with wax from 40 burning candles.
Stand up and bow. This way you will complete the ritual, the world of the dead will return to its limits, and you will be able to leave the circle. There is no need to put out the candles. They should burn down to the ground themselves. If any entities remain in your room, the candlelight will destroy them.

Healing a disease by switching to an empty volt

With the help of this plot, you can transfer any disease to an empty doll. Disease, like magic, does not disappear anywhere. In order for it to leave one creature, it must be transferred to another.

For this ritual you need to make an empty volt. It does not contain anyone's energy. This is a wax doll with the addition of sage. Observe the gender, if you take away the disease from a woman, make her breasts, draw the genitals.


  • Fresh animal ribs - goats, cows, pigs, sheep;
  • a shoe box covered with black paper on all sides;
  • white thread;
  • shovel.

Carrying out the ritual.

This magic works with the world of the dead, so come to the cemetery. The older it is, the better.
Place a volt on the grave of a person who has the same name as the patient. You need to kneel down and tie the edge to the volt. Say all the time:
“Iaam,Iaam (person's name backwards). Sii asmagaj. Abrakalaam."

Volt is placed in a black box and buried on the grave.

Thus, you buried the disease where it will no longer harm anyone. In the next 24 hours, you need to burn a large piece of meat, at least 1 kilogram, on a fire. This is a gift to the spirits for their help. It is best to choose meat with blood. It should burn to ash.

Ritual for love

This ancient magical ritual is suitable for you if you have been unrequitedly in love with someone for a long time. An important condition for carrying out the ritual is that you must unconditionally believe in the power of Voodoo, and in the power of the Twins Ibeji-Taebo and Kainde.

Imagine the twins next to you, offer them a sweet treat, close your eyes, imagine that the spirits have come and are nearby, and then honestly and in detail tell them about your problem.

Over the next few days, you will need to continue offering Gemini sweet treats, and one day you will feel that the situation with your unrequited love has been successfully resolved.

Black magic Voodoo is perhaps the most sinister religion in the world. But her popularity does not cease to multiply her fans every year. So why are there so many who decide to turn their attention to solving problems and life circumstances with the help of Voodoo magic at home? Surely the secret lies in the fact that this is also the most powerful magic that is practiced today, and few people are bothered by the fact that it is black. In this article we will teach you how to correctly achieve what you want and reveal the secrets of Voodoo magic.

Before you start learning Voodoo magic and getting to know various rituals, it’s worth getting a little familiar with the practice itself. This type of magic is a cult of magical teachings, and also personifies an entire religion in Western African countries. The vast majority rejected Voodoo magic as the official religious status of the country, considering it a barbaric culture of the past. This is not surprising, because even third world countries, steadily following the new trends of the civilized world, make their choice in favor of humanity towards their fellow citizens. But it turned out to be not so easy to come to terms with and forget the occult culture that was professed for many centuries, which is why some countries still willingly practice Voodoo magic.

The magic of Voodoo is so complete in the third world that if you dared to call their culture the humble word “magic”, they would probably kick you out of their tribe, while in the meantime their children were making your Voodoo doll. This is an entire religion that dates back to time immemorial. There is a whole hierarchy in it, similar to the keepers of ancient knowledge:

  • Houngan 1 and Mambo 2 - man 1 and woman 2, who occupy the role of leading guardians - priests in the religious community. That is, they are the prototype of priests. Their advantage over others is associated with the ability to communicate with otherworldly spirits during a trance, who give them valuable advice, decisions and can leave an important warning.
  • Bokor is a sorcerer. Occupies the second rank after the above-described Voodoo priests. It is the bokor who has the right to conduct important rituals. They can send a curse on an entire family and a dozen subsequent generations. Their power in the world of magic is almost limitless. They are often entrusted with matters of national importance.
  • Ounsi, unagan are assistants who can also communicate with otherworldly forces, communicate with the dead and perform various rituals, but do not have the same power as bokor.

It is interesting to know that cult zombies are a product of the culture of Voodoo magic. A bokor (sorcerer) could make a free slave out of a person. To do this, he had to come at night at a certain time to the door of his beloved victim and draw in the air (along with his soul). The man began to waste away greatly and soon died. Bokor casts spells over the soul of the deceased to deprive him of his memory. When he comes to the cemetery to revive a dead man using a certain ritual of Voodoo magic, he will never remember his former life. After the resurrection, the Bokor continue to drink potions from herbs for some time. So he becomes obedient and recognizes the sorcerer as his master.

Oddly enough, some residents of areas where Voodoo magic is actively practiced are very afraid of this prospect and tape up or clog up their keyholes.

Voodoo magic for human death

A Voodoo doll or volt, as it is commonly called in narrow circles, is an integral attribute of this type of magic. It can also be done at home if you need it. But it is worth considering that rituals over a Voodoo doll have a rather powerful result, which is often aimed at harming a person. This process is already irreversible, so think carefully about what exactly you want to do with your offender, simply punish or take his life. Rituals with a doll are the strongest in the book of Voodoo magic.

With the help of a doll, you can punish the offender in various ways, right up to death. To make a Voodoo doll at home you will need:

  1. Personal item of the offender in the form of a small cloth
  2. Organic material of the abuser

Let's start working on our volt:

  • Heat the wax in a steam bath
  • We throw organic material of the future deceased into it

This could be hair or nails, that is, whatever is easiest for you to get. You can also take dead skin, dandruff, semen, blood or sweat from your abuser. Many people use the latter for this ritual. If you have the opportunity to blot the sweaty area with a piece of toilet paper or tissue, then such material will do. Another common ingredient is blood, which is no less effective. But, if you have the opportunity to get at least hair, then the ritual is possible.

  • Stir and remove wax
  • We wait until it cools down and begin to sculpt the body of your Volt
  • When your creativity resembles something more or less like a doll, leave it until it hardens completely
  • We dress the doll in a piece of fabric that belonged to your offender

Thus, African slaves (slaves of the colonists) punished their masters. And, apparently, very successfully, since this practice has reached our time.

You can keep the doll, punishing your offender from time to time, but the volt also gives you the power to condemn him to a quick or long and painful death. The main thing is that no one sees the doll until his death - this is the main and only rule. Keep it away from prying eyes and under no circumstances tell anyone about your idea.

You can also make a rag doll or like a soft toy, for this you need to sew organic material inside. In this case, the volta does not need to be dressed up in the fabric of the offender; it should serve as the material of the doll itself.

Your doll is almost ready, all that’s left is to breathe life into it using the following spell: “ Imnu aui, Taba som chaza baor imne!”

You can do whatever you want with the doll: poke it with needles, pour hot oil or acid on it. But, if you want to know how Voodoo confessors punished their offenders, then you can glance at the list below:

  • If pins and setting a doll on fire are too banal for you, then we can conclude that you are an esthete. But we definitely have something to pamper you with, because even revenge can be approached beautifully and tastefully.
  • Black pepper was used to make a person susceptible to serious illnesses followed by death. It is necessary to plant the volta in the pepper for several days; when it lies there for a sufficient time, the offender’s illness will already become irreversible.
  • It is also worth mentioning that the doll in a container with black pepper burns simply enchantingly.
  • If, before the death of your offender, you want to stop the gossip that he spreads, you can sew his mouth shut. It will also be helpful to take a piece of something to sew into your mouth before crafting. Many people use soil (including cemetery soil), salt and even feces, based on how much the actual volt says.
  • If you sew a piece of meat into a doll’s mouth, the real Volt’s speech will be impaired.
  • If your offense was the betrayal of a loved one, then it would be relevant to carry out the ritual of punishment in this way, take a doll and sew up the place between her legs. The man will be doomed to impotence, and the woman to frigidity and infertility. Don't forget to wish your ex-lover "good luck" in his personal life.
  • In Voodoo magic there is such a term as involting - this is a method of taking a person’s life, and quite a serious one at that. Volta needs to be ripped open and sewn up with cemetery soil. Your abuser will lose vitality every day without any reason. He will be accompanied by severe pain, and death will be a long torment. Such are the terrible consequences of Voodoo magic.

Voodoo magic for love

Voodoo love magic is performed with volts. This method will help you regain lost love or find a very strong, loyal and obsessive admirer. Voodoo magic love spells are the most powerful and you should think 100 times whether you need such torment, because rest assured that your beloved will run your errands for the rest of his days. Agree, it will turn out somehow ugly if after a couple of months you find yourself a new love.

With Volt you can do absolutely everything, even enslave the heart of your admirer, for this you will need Volt, well, because... Since we already know how to do it, let’s move straight to the Voodoo love ritual:

  • The good news is that you will one hundred percent get what you want, the bad news is that it requires your blood.
  • Cut your finger and write your name on a small piece of paper with your blood.
  • Attach it to the left chest, where your volt's heart should be.

The ritual is completed, all that remains is to say the spell: “ Ara kotu IMHO, Taba koru tilka, Zora chaza terpu!”

You will have to take upon yourself all the consequences of Voodoo magic, because... unrequited love pushes people to rash, crazy actions. You never know what the result might be, because Voodoo magic has a fairly strong effect on a person.

Voodoo magic to attract money

Voodoo magic can also bring wealth into your home. This is probably the most harmless and pleasant of all Voodoo magic rituals. Only one step separates you from unimaginable wealth. Surely no one would refuse to replenish their household budget with a tidy sum, regardless of income. To attract money using Voodoo magic, you will need:

  • 40 pcs. thin candles
  • white thread made from natural material
  • saucer
  • handkerchief
  • 5 yellow coins

Now that we have stocked up with everything we need, we can begin the ritual:

  • This ritual is most effective during the full moon. Choose the quietest room and make sure that no one will disturb you: close the door, turn off the phones, lock the animals in a closet or kick them outside.
  • Place 10 candles around the room as convenient for your lighting.

  • Tie the remaining 30 with white thread and place them in front of you. If the candles are not standing, place them in some container.
  • Sit on your knees facing the candles and draw the number 8 so that both you and the candles are in the center of the circle.
  • The space in front of the candles should be an interlacing of figure eight circles. Place a saucer there and pour a handful of prepared coins.
  • Light your armful of candles.

Say the spell: " Iam aui mumsam gai baor som!”

When the candles burn out, collect the coins in a scarf, tie them and hide them in a secluded place away. Coins must be in the house for at least a year. The ritual begins to take effect immediately!

Voodoo magic for motherhood

Many women are doomed to loneliness due to reasons with the female reproductive organs. It's a shame, but the statistics are inexorable. For fear of never knowing the desired joy of motherhood, women take desperate steps, and Voodoo magic is not the worst option. As mentioned earlier, this is a very powerful type of magic that can not only punish a person with death, but also give new life. To perform the maternity ritual, you will need:

  1. Baby booties
  2. Sunflower seeds
  3. Glass of water

It is better to start the ritual at dawn, because... This period of the day is the personification of rebirth and new life. The ritual is simple, you just need to pour sunflower seeds into the booties and say the following spell: “ Imnu imne imna, savu brole sinusch!”

Repeat this spell 3 times and then simply pour water into the booties to make your seeds grow. Put them in a secluded place. They need to be protected throughout the entire period of pregnancy and the first year of the child’s life. Congratulations, you will soon experience the joys of motherhood.

Protection from Voodoo magic

There is no protection against Voodoo magic as such. Perhaps that is why it inspires fear of being under its influence in everyone without exception, but you can make yourself a talisman or amulet for good luck, popular in Voodoo magic, which is called “gri-gri.” The only catch with performing this attribute is that you won’t be able to do it without the help of a magician or, even better, the bokor himself.

  • The gris-gris talisman is made from various items. It itself is a bag with various herbs and organic materials.
  • Only the bokor can determine which herbs are suitable for your amulet, and what items in the bag you will need, and he takes this information from the loa spirits themselves.
  • Even the material of the bag is not of secondary importance, let alone its contents. You may be required to provide your hair, nails, blood, favorite item, etc.
  • Gris-gris is often used for good luck, but it is also a very powerful amulet. It has the greatest powers when it is given to another person.
  • This means that the patrons of the owner of the gris-gris have now been instructed to keep you out of trouble.
  • Parents often give such gifts to their children; some decide to pass on gris-gris from generation to generation.

Think for a moment about who you are speaking the words of the spell to. Do you really think that the very power of the word has such a gift as to take away or give human life? No. You turn to the loa - the spirits who make your request come true, but if it seems to you that these are harmless friends who are ready to help everyone around, then you are deeply mistaken and your mistake may cost you your life.

Spirits never did anything for nothing. They need your soul, which they will probably want to enslave in the other world, but they can be bought off. Leave sweets at the site of your ritual. Some loa only accept sacrifice, in which case you will have to chop a rooster and sprinkle its blood on yourself with words of gratitude in the loa language.

Video: “10 little-known factors about Voodoo black magic”