Is it possible to meet the soul of the deceased? “How can you ease the ordeal of the soul of a deceased person?” and other questions about the life of the soul after the death of the body. Where is the soul after death


Answers to questions about communication with the deceased and the rules for conducting commemoration are described.

Remembering deceased relatives is very important, because it is a certain respect for deceased relatives. But it is important to do it correctly. And how exactly you will find out from the article.

How to properly remember deceased relatives?

All people are mortal. Sometimes their life ends tragically, sometimes by an absurd accident, and sometimes the time just comes. Don't be upset about this. After all, no one is immune from this.

The least that can be done in such a situation is correctly remember and escort the deceased to another place R. All people have different understandings of how to do this correctly. Ignorance on this issue is sometimes astonishing.

You should always look to the church or Scripture for answers.
Many people understand the phrase “remember the deceased” as the distribution of sweets and cookies to people. This is correct, but there are still many customs and rules in this matter.

First of all, it is worth mentioning how to properly bury a person. After all, even in this, many people make mistakes. Mistakes that should not be made:

  • Under no circumstances should you remember the deceased alcoholic drinks. Faith forbids this; many scriptures speak about this. Thus, the deceased person will be doomed to inevitable torment. The best way out of the situation is considered to be the distribution of food and clothing to the homeless.
  • You shouldn't order a funeral band. Sometimes you walk and hear heartbreaking music. It makes her feel bad and uneasy. It can be used to determine that someone is being buried nearby.
    Wise people say that people come to this music crafty. They rejoice and dance. And the deceased cannot say goodbye to this world calmly.
  • People have died and are dying. And it will always be like this. Nowadays, the grave and monument are hung with wreaths. But if you go back in time, you can understand that in those distant times all this did not exist. People always came to the grave with fresh flowers. But the godless times of Soviet power made their own adjustments to this tradition. There is no such custom abroad.
    If you remember the film “Visiting Eternity,” you can be horrified. The hero talked about his journey through that world. There all the people were hanged with wreaths. They became gallows for them. So before you buy a wreath (and they are not cheap), think about the deceased. Does he need it and do you want to send your deceased relative to eternal torment?
  • You shouldn't remember a dead person sweet food. Almost everyone does this with candies and cookies. But you shouldn't do that. Such delicacies are foods that are considered to be the weaknesses of gluttons. And with this you only please them, and do not remember the deceased

So what is the right way to do this? What should you do, what should you not do? The answers to these questions should always be sought in the Bible or asked from old people. Any church will help you understand this matter, provide you with the necessary literature and simply give advice.

It is believed that the soul of a person wanders around our earth for another 40 days after death. Most often she is near her body. You should be attentive and listen to all extraneous noises and sensations. After all, a person can contact loved ones.

His soul is searching peace and tranquility. She is trying to reach out to the people around him.

On the fortieth day the soul flies away. And before deciding on her place in heaven, she will have to go through several circles of hell. To help the deceased in this difficult moment, you should read Psalms.

Love for the dead should be shown through funeral services. They are held in any church after morning prayer. You should prepare in advance: buy products. Then you will give them to those in need.

Don't forget about the ban on alcohol and treats. Also, do not lose sight of the fact that for such a ceremony they write a note according to the sample, which indicates the name of the deceased. You should go to funeral services in "parent" Saturdays. These days, the power of prayers increases several times.

There is a special day to remember the dead. He is called funeral. It falls on the ninth day after Easter. This day is called Radonitsa.

Many people go to the grave on Sunday, that is, a week after the holiday. But it's not right. The souls of the dead come to their graves only after a set time - 9 days.

Parents' Saturday is the main day of remembrance of the dead

If for some reason you cannot visit the gravestone of a loved one, then souls come to your home or work. They can also wait for you in church churches.

It happens that a person leaves this life of his own free will. The church does not pray for suicides. They consider this a great sin. But relatives can read the prayer themselves and ask the Lord for forgiveness for the actions of the deceased.

On the date of death or birth of the deceased, order a magpie in church

You can remember a person on the date of his birth and the date of death. Don't forget to order sorokoust in the church. It is better to arrange all funerals a day or two before the expected date.

Do deceased relatives see and hear us?

The church answers this question affirmatively. It’s worth understanding this matter a little and clarifying the main aspects.

According to church beliefs the human soul is immortal. And death is just an intermediate state in which a person is reborn, gains a new body and a new life.

People who have been in a state of clinical death claim that they remember everything and saw their body from the outside. From this we can conclude that death is just a dream. But sleep forgets the body, not the soul. The soul wanders, seeks refuge, visits loved ones.

According to beliefs, a sinful soul gains a chance to atone for its evil deeds. She is reborn and lives life again. Sinless souls go to heaven, to a place where there is no disease, sorrow, or grief. There they follow the lives of their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

They not only hear our speeches, but also look into our souls, read our thoughts and learn about our deepest secrets and desires. Therefore, you should not waste your life just like that, you should not plan bad deeds and commit bad deeds. The souls of our loved ones will suffer.

Do deceased relatives see us in the cemetery?

On memorial days, all relatives and close people of the deceased gather near his grave. There they talk about him, remember all the joyful and happy moments with his participation.

As the saying goes: “they either say good things about a dead person or nothing.” These days, souls also come to the cemetery to see everyone. On other days, the soul that has found peace does not visit the earth. If you decide to visit a deceased person on other days, then he is watching you from heaven.

The church teaches us all this. Skeptics are suspicious of these points. They believe that the person died and his consciousness was forgotten in eternal sleep. It cannot come to life in another reality and watch everyone from the side. This is Vera's business. If it is easier for you to survive the death of a person, hoping that he sees and hears you, then just believe in it.

How to summon the spirit of a deceased relative?

Magic has always made it possible to penetrate into another world, summon the spirit of any deceased person and talk to him. But before the ritual you should think about the consequences. Spirits don't always want to be disturbed.

It is better not to conduct such a dangerous ceremony yourself. You should trust a trusted medium in this matter. Only he can summon the necessary spirit. It is better to conduct spiritualistic seances in a relaxed state, with good thoughts.

You can summon the spirit yourself or seek help from a medium

Alternatively, you can use a Ouija board. Some tips to help summon the spirit of a deceased relative:

  • Relax, throw away all your problems and worries, free your mind
  • Don't be afraid. If the session is carried out incorrectly, an evil spirit will come. He will feed on your fears
  • Smoke the entire room before the session. incense
  • It is advisable not to eat or drink anything on the day of the ritual, do not drink alcohol for 3 days
  • call the spirit at night - after 12 and before 14 o'clock
  • place wax candles in the room
  • thread a black thread through a needle and make something like a pendulum
  • on a piece of paper write down all the questions that you would like to ask the deceased
  • call the name of the deceased and call to come
  • if the needle begins to move, it means the spirit of the deceased is nearby. You can leave the window open, this will make it easier for the soul to get into the room
  • If everything worked out for you and you received the answers, then do not forget to thank the spirit for coming and tell him that you are letting him go back

How to communicate and talk with a deceased relative?

Many people are interested in how to talk to dead people. It's not hard to do. There are several ways to do this:

  • Seek help from a medium. A good specialist in this field will provide you with such an opportunity. He will not only do this, but will also tell you what state the soul of the deceased is in, what kind of aura he has, what he is missing. But don't get too carried away with seances
  • You can communicate with the dead in your dreams. Sleep is considered a little death. In this state, all human organs stop working. A person simply plunges into oblivion and his consciousness turns off. It is in this state that it is easier to talk to the deceased
  • You can also communicate through paper. This method is similar to communicating through a Ouija board. Only in this case will you need paper with written letters and a saucer

You can talk to the dead in your sleep or call them

Can deceased relatives help living ones?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Even if this happens, it is in rare cases. The dead only help those who truly need it. They can do this through signs. But people don't always understand them correctly.

There is an opinion that after death the soul is not able to feel anything, it does not know what love or hatred is. Therefore, in this case, there can be no talk of any help.

You shouldn’t “burden” the spirits too much with your problems and requests. After all, man freed himself from the physical body and left the world. He lived a life full of not only joys, but also grief, tears, and sorrows. He drank his cup of sorrows to the dregs. Why would he even experience such emotions in heaven?

How to ask for help from deceased relatives?

In difficult life situations, people sometimes turn to deceased parents or relatives for help. There are many prayers and conspiracies for carrying out such actions. Some suggest going to the cemetery, others simply use household items when reading the plot. You should think about such rituals. They are true and they will not bring you even more trouble.

It is better to ask for help through prayer, but from God. This way you will find peace and tranquility. This will help you find a solution to even the most insoluble problem.

If you nevertheless decide to resort to the help of deceased relatives, then the conspiracy is given below. It should be read near the grave of the person from whom you are asking for help.
“My dear (my) father (mother) (name of the deceased), get up, wake up, look at me, at your baby. How I mourn in this white world. My dear, look at me, an orphan from your home, and comfort me with your kind words.”

You can communicate with a deceased person mentally. In a conversation with him, you can outline the situation and ask for advice. Some people go to church and pray. Within the walls of temples it is easier for them to concentrate and understand what the deceased wants to advise them.

You shouldn't turn to spirits for advice too often.
If you have any doubts about making a decision, go to the cemetery. At the grave of the deceased, you will express everything for and against this situation. And the first thing that comes to your mind, consider the advice of a deceased person

Will deceased relatives meet after death?

This question has always interested close people of a deceased relative. Even the priests do not give an exact answer.
Some mediums claim that will definitely meet. Indeed, in case of clinical death, people say that they met their loved ones there.

But in order to meet them again, a person must be cleansed of sins and go through Purgatory. And only then will he reach Paradise, where all his relatives are waiting for him.
The priests say in this regard that it is possible that they will meet if their final place of residence coincides. And only God knows this.

Do the souls of the dead come to their relatives?

People give many examples that prove that deceased relatives visit their loved ones. Some have things falling, others celebrate the light breeze that cannot occur indoors.

One woman said that her deceased son was calling her from that world. But no one can say for sure that this is the soul, and not a figment of their own imagination.

According to beliefs, the soul wanders the earth for another 40 days. At this time, she visits relatives, close and familiar people. Many people say that they feel the presence of the spirit of the deceased. Sometimes this happens in a dream.

If this happens after forty days, then you should think about it. This usually means that the soul has not found peace. Or the feeling of guilt haunts her, and she wanders in search of forgiveness. Priests advise go to church and light a candle for the repose.

Video: Contacts with the dead or life after death

Number of entries: 35

Hello, tomorrow my beloved fiance will be 9 days old, he died in the hospital, I want to know if we will meet after my death? And if we meet, will we still love each other, or will it completely disappear? I'm scared to think that he won't wait for me, for our meeting.


Dear Tatyana, only what is lost on earth will be completely lost. Those who have passed into that world do not forget their relatives, only the reality there is different and it is impossible to expect them to think about us the same way we think about them here. The deceased appears before God, and, of course, all his attention is directed to Him. But love for loved ones does not disappear because of this. Remember how it is during an exam: you take a ticket and only think about the answer. But at the same time love does not disappear! Pray for the deceased, do alms whenever possible, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, live the church life. This will serve both you and him for growth. God bless you!

Priest Sergius Osipov

Hello! After death, do family ties continue (marriage), or then, in eternity, we will not know each other that we are spouses?


Hello, Anatoly. We will definitely meet everyone, and we won’t forget anything. Not a single detail. But there will be no more family relationships. Here are the words of Christ: “In the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but remain as the angels of God in heaven” (Matt. 22.30).

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Father! Tell me please. My grandmother reposed before God. I love her very much, and after my time to die comes, I want to find her. Do you think she will have the same appearance as she did on earth? Will she be my grandmother? And there is one more question: if souls are born or reborn into another earthly body, do they already take on a different form, and do they develop love and affection for other people and souls? How can I understand this? I so want to meet grandma later, hug her, see her and be with her forever! Sorry for asking this question, but please, if you know, tell me. Will I be able to find her?


In heaven everyone will be like angels, this is indicated in the Holy Scriptures (Matthew 22:30); there will be no kinship in the earthly concept as we understand it, but the souls will partly remember each other. But please forget the idea of ​​souls being reborn into another body, these are such fantastic ideas that there is no need to talk about them seriously. I'm not saying that all these Buddhist ideas have nothing to do with Christianity.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, I have always been interested in the question: it is said that after the end of the world, sinners will go to hell, and the righteous will go to heaven. How to live FOREVER?


I don’t see a contradiction here, Ivan, everything is absolutely correct: the righteous will forever be in Paradise, and sinners will be in hell, this will be eternal life for both. Everything will be that way. However, I cannot help but make a reservation that in modern theology there are various doctrines about the finiteness of the torments of hell, that sinners, as if cleansed of their sins through torment, will be pardoned, or that, for example, that sinners will choose hell for themselves voluntarily, but we cannot know this for certain, and therefore it is more reasonable for us to trust the text of the Holy Scriptures, without further ado.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

As you know, in Paradise there will be neither morning, nor evening, nor night, but always day. It seems to me that the morning is beautiful, the evening is sweet and the night on earth is good. There will be no autumn and winter, but always spring and summer. I love autumn very much, like Pushkin, and I also enjoy the beauty of nature in winter. I, like many people, love all seasons. Also, people will not need drink, food, or clothing. Why is that?


Olga, in Paradise it will be so beautiful that a person on earth cannot not only imagine, but even think about it. I think, looking at the beauty of the heavenly abodes, you will understand that all the beauties of the Earth in comparison with them are just a pitiful shadow.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Tell me, will only baptized believers be saved and go to the heavenly Jerusalem, while baptized unbelievers and pagans will not? Or they will be judged according to their conscience, and those who lived with dignity will also go to heaven, but which one? Maybe there are different levels of heaven? I meet different points of view of the priests.


Hello Julia! No one can give you a definitive answer to this question. Our posthumous fate is in the hands of God. The Lord is an all-merciful judge, but also an all-righteous one, and God’s judgment is ultimately only a manifestation of the choice that man himself has already made during his life: whether he is with God or not. Let us think about what the Lord says: “No one will come to my Father except through Me.” This means that without Christ, outside the Church, there can be no salvation. It is true: without recognizing the Son of God in Christ, no one can be saved. But this does not mean that hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people who knew nothing about Christ and Christianity will be severely punished. Think, for example, of the American Indians before Columbus discovered America, or of the Africans, or of the Polynesians, or even of those people who may have heard something about Christianity, but never had the experience of preaching about it in their lives - which one could call it apostolic. But if a person saw the image of Christ in front of him, and suddenly for some reason he did not accept it and turned away, and, like the Jews during the life of Christ, said: “No, we have no king except Caesar, we do not want to be with you, Christ our God!” Whoever says this, we must assume, has no path to salvation, but about the fate of others, let us remember that the judgment is not ours, but the judgment of God and this judgment is just and merciful.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! Is it true that in the Kingdom of God (when we die), only those spouses who were married in the church during their lifetime will meet? Thank you.


Hello, Christina! The Lord himself in the Gospel says that after death people will not get married, they will be like the angels of God in heaven. If in the life of a family there was not only a wedding, a good beginning, but also a path traveled such that people were united here on earth by something that already belonged to eternity on earth, something that can be continued in eternity, then they will meet there. This will be a meeting in the fullness of joy, which will never cease, and if on earth they were united only by common passions, whether bodily, or a passion for acquisition, or mutual repulsion from the rest of the world, or only joint care, be it even care for children, or simply social closeness, in order to survive in certain circumstances, but internally they were alien to each other, then, of course, what can be continued here in eternity? The real result of life, and not something formal, makes this life here on earth the beginning of being beyond the limits of the visible world.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello. My beloved man and I did not have time to get married and get married. Is it possible, even though my beloved is no longer in this earthly life, to ask the Lord God to let us be together in eternal life? I know that this is my destiny, and prayer to God helps me every day. Could this be not only the salvation of our souls, but a test of our love? Thanks in advance for your answer.


Hello Anna. In eternal life there is no marriage, “for in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but remain as the angels of God in heaven.” You can completely ignore my words, but believe me, I wish you well. Beware of mystical dreams and fantasies. Adhere to sound Orthodox teaching as set forth by the Holy Fathers of the Eastern Church, and do not pay attention to the inventions of the ignorant. Everything is different in that life. There is not a single local concept known to us that would be applicable to that reality. “The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard, and the things that God has prepared for those who love Him have not entered into the heart of man.” The truth is simple and comprehensive, and It is revealed directly, and not in speculation and imagination, clothed in words. Christ gave a method for comprehending the Truth: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” This is already the sixth beatitude, and first we must learn humility, contrition of heart, meekness, constant thirst for God’s truth and mercy. These are the Commandments of the Lord, you can carry them out, because God accompanies those who follow them. Let us leave the fate of eternity to God’s judgment. We believe that God is good and only creates good things. And I have prepared the best for you, based on the state of your soul and heart in which you are now. Each of us can change this state of soul and heart. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello Father! Do relatives, close people and close friends see each other after death? Or will there be one of each?


Hello, Anatoly. Sooner or later, we will all find out the answer to this question personally. The soul will not remain alone, but until the resurrection (restoration) the soul has no freedom. The soul is not a person, but only the soul of a person. He will meet someone. But what will happen after the Resurrection is impossible to even imagine. “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor. 2.9)

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Bless the Fathers! My son’s 7-month-old son (baptized, inveterate) died. They were told that if we become pregnant with a new child before the 40th day, the soul of our baby will move into him and will live in the new child. Is it so? Forgive me, a sinner.


Why, Ekaterina, what nonsense! Who among the believers could say such a thing?! We need to throw these ideas out of our heads, celebrate the days of remembrance for our little son, as it should be, and then think about the future.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello. Explain how Christianity relates to the reincarnation of the soul? One woman, a Christian, said that in a past life she was in hell for her crimes, and now, when the LORD descends there, the repentant souls cry out, and he sends them to earth again for correction. How to relate to this and what to answer to a person who believes that we live more than one life? It’s a sinful thing, I used to think so too, but lately I’ve been thinking differently, but I can’t even explain to myself, neither the first nor the second. Forgive me and pray for me, a sinner.


Svetlana, the transmigration of human souls from body to body is an invention of the human mind, striving to explain, to the best of its ability, the incomprehensible aspects of existence. There is no such resettlement, and it is strange that a woman who calls herself a Christian can say such nonsense! What can you say to her? Let him try to bring evidence from Scripture for his point of view. They are not there!

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Where will a person go after death and will he meet his relatives there?


Zhenya, Scripture clearly speaks about the existence of Heaven and Hell, but where a person ends up depends on the person himself. In relation to relatives, such a meeting is quite possible if these relatives are in the same monasteries as the person himself.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, fathers! Quite a long time has passed, already 2 years, and I still cannot come to terms with the loss of my dearest person on earth, my precious mommy. There wasn’t a day that I didn’t cry, all my thoughts were only about her, nothing in life makes me happy. Do we have any consolation? Can we hope to meet our loved ones and consider our separation temporary? After all, in life everything cannot disappear without a trace. I do not know what to do.


Lena, we must approach death in a Christian way. There is not a single person on earth who would live forever. Every person is sentenced to death. “You will die,” God said to Adam when he expelled him from paradise. Dejection and despair are a sin, stop angering God, stop crying. You are harming not only yourself, but also your mother, you need to pray for the repose of her soul, and you are torturing her with your tears. Death is birth into a new, different life. The human soul does not perish, but lives forever, only where it will be later depends on our life. “By his deeds a person will be justified or condemned,” he will go to heaven or to hell. After death we will definitely meet, but whether we will be together depends on us now, on how we spend this life. Pray, repent, live like a Christian. Stop the useless tears.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! I read the book "Notes of the Living Deceased." By Elsa Barker. It says about the afterlife from the perspective of a person who has already died. And that this is all a real story. How should we feel about this?


Vera, this is fiction, please treat it that way. And for the future - so as not to read something dubious, and then not be tormented by questions - read better, as St. advised. Ignatius Brianchaninov, holy authors.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! I would like to ask Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev) a question. Father Victorin, it has been said here more than once that when living relatives greatly grieve for their departed relatives, it was said that one must understand that they are better off there than here, and you said: “another life, life in the Kingdom of Heaven, is much better, than here on earth, and if a person visits there at least once, he will not want to return back to this world full of evil.” If baptized small children die, they go to heaven. Let's leave, okay, little baptized children, if they somehow end up in heaven - this should probably be a consolation for loved ones. What should you do if an adult loved one has left, and you pray, but how do you know where he ended up? After all, as I understand it, on the 40th day everything was already decided where he should be - in heaven or in hell. And the fact that the deceased relative is better off there than here and should seem to calm down and stop shedding tears, as has been said here many times... After all, how could it be better if he ended up in hell? After all, we don’t know where exactly? And then, yes, heaven is good, understandable, but how can it be good, for example, for a mother without her child, in whom she doted on her, even if she ended up in heaven, but without her child. Father, I am confused in these questions, help me figure it out. Thank you.


Lyudmila, we were talking about babies. Baptized babies, if for some reason they die, always go to heaven. About an adult, when he dies, we cannot say specifically where he will go, to heaven or to hell. We can say affirmatively that a person has gone to heaven only if we clearly see that he leads a holy lifestyle, or if the person is completely atheist and an obvious sinner and does not repent of his sins, then we can say that the person perishes for the Kingdom of Heaven, and then presumably because only God decides. We orient ourselves based on the Commandments of God. After 40 days there is a private judgment - this is a preliminary place and this can be changed by our prayers to God and that is why we always pray for our departed ones. The final decision will be at the Last Judgment, when nothing can be corrected, the verdict will be final. As it is written in the Holy Scriptures, there a person will not ask about anything. If a mother has entered the Kingdom of Heaven, then she will be able to pray for her child. A mother's prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea. I think if they have such strong love during life, then they will be together after death. God is love. God loves man and does everything for our salvation. Everything depends on ourselves; if we want to be saved together with our children and do everything for this, then, of course, God will not leave us and will have mercy.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello! Do you think it’s possible to trust a site that contains stories of people who have experienced clinical death and the like? And in general, how to treat such people, people who saw something while unconscious? People who have seen something in a dream? People who have seen anything in similar states? What should I do? Thank you in advance.


Oleg, you should not trust such sites, as well as similar “revelations” of people who experienced clinical death in general: there is so much mixed in them that it is not possible to sort out where the truth is and where the lies are. Therefore, it is better to completely discard this murky source of information.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, fathers. I apologize in advance for the question. I just don’t know how to ask more correctly and delicately so as not to offend the Lord and you. I wouldn’t want it to look like leaving the hospital or serving time, so I repeatedly apologize. Please explain, if after all, the soul of the deceased ends up in hell after God’s Judgment, then this is forever? Can his family beg for forgiveness for him by daily praying in home prayer for his lost soul? Can the Lord, after 40 days, later, ever forgive a sinner and take him to Paradise? Is such His mercy possible? Is this written anywhere? I probably have a clouding of my mind, but I’m ashamed to admit that I have bad thoughts in my head all the time (I confessed to this), I want to find out, check, make sure. Here we go again... It's like I'm turning to a lawyer. Lord, don't let me go crazy! Once again forgive me, a sinner. I would be very grateful for your answer.

On the 3rd day after death, the soul ascends to worship God and goes through ordeals, where it can be detained for sins. How to appear before God on this day, on the 9th, on the 40th, if there is no intercessor and prayer book on earth, and the Angel, because of stinking sins, retreated?


Valery, the Lord is merciful and is able to have mercy even if none of the relatives pray on earth. In general, you and I are delving into areas in which we cannot know anything for certain. We only need to know one thing: how to live without sins and not fall into the abysses of hell.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Our grief for our dying loved ones would have been boundless and unsuccessful if the Lord had not given us eternal life. Our life would be pointless if it ended in death. But man was created for immortality, and Christ, by His resurrection, opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, eternal bliss for those who believed in Him and lived righteously. Our earthly life is a preparation for the future life, and this preparation ends with death. “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27). Then a person leaves all his earthly cares; his body disintegrates to rise again at the General Resurrection. But his soul continues to live, without ceasing its existence for a single moment. St. Ambrose of Milan teaches: “Since the soul continues to live after death, good remains, which is not lost with death, but increases. The soul is not held back by any obstacles posed by death, but is more active because it acts in its own sphere without any connection with a body that is rather a burden to her than a benefit" (St. Ambrose of Milan, "Death as a Good"). Anyone who wants to show their love for the dead and give them real help can best do this by praying for them and especially by commemorating them at the Liturgy (baptized only), when the particles taken for the living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words: “Washed “O Lord, the sins of those who were remembered here by Your honest Blood, by the prayers of Your saints.” They always need this, especially in those forty days when the soul of the deceased follows the path to eternal settlements. The body then feels nothing: it does not see the gathered loved ones, does not smell the smell of flowers, does not hear funeral speeches. But the soul feels the prayers offered for it, is grateful to those who offer them, and is spiritually close to them. You have the wrong idea about the afterlife. They don’t get married there, they don’t get married - there life is endless in Christ Jesus, Our Lord. Whether you get married or not is your personal decision. The Apostle Paul says, “It is better for you to remain like me, unmarried, but not everyone can accommodate this,” so that you do not sin, do not become inflamed in the flesh, it is better to get married. A married man worries about how to please his wife, but an unmarried man thinks about how to please God.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)


In the first days after separation from the body, the soul communicates with its native places and meets with deceased loved ones, or rather, with their souls. In other words, he communicates with what was precious in earthly life.

She gains a wonderful new ability - spiritual vision. Our body is a reliable gate with which we are closed from the world of spirits, so that our sworn enemies, fallen spirits, do not invade us and destroy us. Although they are so cunning that they find workarounds. And some serve them without seeing them themselves. But spiritual vision, which opens after death, allows the soul to see not only the spirits present in the surrounding space in huge numbers, in their true form, but also their deceased loved ones, who help the lonely soul get used to new, unusual conditions for it.

Many of those who have post-mortem experiences have spoken of encounters with deceased relatives or acquaintances. These meetings took place on earth, sometimes shortly before the soul left the body, and sometimes in the setting of the otherworldly world. For example, one woman who experienced temporary death heard a doctor tell her family that she was dying. Coming out of her body and rising up, she saw her dead relatives and friends. She recognized them, and they were glad that they met her.

Another woman saw her relatives greeting her and shaking her hands. They were dressed in white, rejoicing and looking happy. “And suddenly they turned their backs on me and began to move away; and my grandmother, looking over her shoulder, told me: “We will see you later, not this time.” She died at 96, and here she looked, well, forty to forty-five years old, healthy and happy.”

One man says that while he was dying of a heart attack at one end of the hospital, at the same time his own sister was dying of an attack of diabetes at the other end of the hospital. “When I left my body,” he says, “I suddenly met my sister. I was very happy about this because I loved her very much. While talking to her, I wanted to follow her, but she, turning to me, ordered me to stay where I was, explaining that my time had not yet come. When I woke up, I told my doctor that I had met my sister who had just passed away. The doctor didn't believe me. However, at my persistent request, he sent a nurse to check and found out that she had recently died, as I told him.” And there are a lot of similar stories. A soul that has passed into the afterlife often meets there those who were close to it. Although this meeting is usually short-lived. Because great trials and private judgment await the soul ahead. And only after a private trial is it decided whether the soul should be with its loved ones, or whether it is destined for another place. After all, the souls of dead people do not wander of their own free will, wherever they want. The Orthodox Church teaches that after the death of the body, the Lord determines for each soul its temporary place of residence - either in heaven or in hell. Therefore, meetings with the souls of deceased relatives should be accepted not as a rule, but as exceptions allowed by the Lord for the benefit of recently deceased people who either have yet to live on earth, or, if their souls are frightened by their new situation, help them.

The existence of the soul extends beyond the coffin, where it transfers everything that it is accustomed to, that was dear to it, and that it learned in its temporary earthly life. Way of thinking, life rules, inclinations - everything is transferred by the soul to the afterlife. Therefore, it is natural that at first the soul, by the grace of God, meets those who were closer to it in earthly life. But it happens that deceased loved ones appear to living people.

And this does not mean their imminent demise. The reasons can be different, and often incomprehensible to people living on earth. For example, after the resurrection of the Savior, many dead also appeared in Jerusalem (Matthew 27:52-53). But there were also cases when the dead appeared to admonish the living who were leading an unrighteous lifestyle. It is necessary, however, to distinguish true visions from demonic obsessions, after which only fear and an anxious state of mind remain. For cases of the appearance of souls from the afterlife are rare and always serve to admonish the living.

So, a few days before the ordeal (two or three), the soul, accompanied by protective angels, is on earth. She can visit those places that were dear to her, or go where she wanted to visit during her lifetime. The doctrine of the soul's presence on earth during the first days after death existed in the Orthodox Church already in the 4th century. Patristic tradition reports that the Angel who accompanied the Monk Macarius of Alexandria in the desert said: “The soul of the deceased receives from the Angel guarding it relief in the grief that it feels from separation from the body, which is why good hope is born in it. For for two days the soul, together with the Angels who are with it, is allowed to walk on the earth wherever it wants. Therefore, the soul that loves the body sometimes wanders near the house in which it was separated from the body, sometimes near the coffin in which the body is laid, and thus spends two days, like a bird, looking for a nest for itself. And a virtuous soul walks in those places in which it used to do the truth...”

It should be said that these days are not a mandatory rule for everyone. They are given only to those who have retained attachment to earthly worldly life, and for whom it is difficult to part with it and know that they will never again live in the world they left. But not all souls that part with their bodies are attached to earthly life. So, for example, the holy saints, who were not at all attached to worldly things, lived in constant anticipation of the transition to another world, are not even attracted to the places where they did good deeds, but immediately begin their ascent to heaven.

  1. Elya
  2. Alesya
  3. Danil
  4. Nailya
  5. Anonymous
  6. Igor
  7. Maria
  8. Alesya
  9. Andrey
  10. Anonymous
  11. Sp
  12. A...
  13. Ivan
  14. Karina
  15. Natalia
  16. Anonymous
  17. Arina
  18. Anonymous
  19. Gala
  20. Igor
  21. Tatiana
  22. Guzalia
  23. Alyona
  24. Love
  25. Lena
  26. Tanya
  27. Anonymous
  28. Anonymous
  29. Anonymous
  30. Anonymous
  31. Tatiana
  32. Andrey
  33. Rose
  34. Anonymous

Everything in our life is important, including death. Surely more than once everyone thought about what would happen next. Some are afraid of this moment, some are looking forward to it, and some simply live and do not remember that sooner or later life will come to an end. But it should be said that all our thoughts about death have a huge impact on our life, on its course, on our goals and desires, actions.

Most Christians are confident that physical death does not lead to the complete disappearance of a person. Remember that our creed leads to the fact that a person should strive to live forever, but since this is impossible, we truly believe that our body dies, but the soul leaves it and moves into a new, just born person and continues your existence on this planet. However, before entering a new body, the soul must come to the Father in order to “account” for the path traveled and tell about its earthly life. It is at this moment that we are accustomed to saying that it is decided in heaven where the soul will go after death: to hell or to heaven.

Third day after death

The third day is the day when the burial ceremony of the deceased is performed. Why the third one? This is connected with the Resurrection of Christ, which occurred precisely on the third day after death on the cross, and also on this day the celebration of the victory of Life over death took place. However, some authors understand this day in their own way and talk about it. As an example, we can take St. Simeon of Thessalonica, who says that the third day is a symbol of the fact that the deceased, as well as all his relatives, believe in the Holy Trinity, and therefore strive for the deceased to fall into the three Gospel virtues. What are these virtues, you ask? And everything is very simple: it is faith, hope and love that are familiar to everyone. If during life a person could not achieve this, then after death he has the opportunity to finally meet all three.

The third day is also associated with the fact that a person throughout his life performs certain actions and has his own specific thoughts. All this is expressed through three components: reason, will and feelings. Remember that at a funeral we ask that God forgive the deceased all his sins, which were committed in thought, deed and word.

There is also an opinion that the third day was chosen because on this day those who do not deny the memory of the three-day Resurrection of Christ gather in prayer.

Forty days after death

Another day when it is customary to commemorate a departed loved one. In church tradition, this day appeared for the “ascension of the Savior.” This ascension occurred precisely on the fortieth day after his Resurrection. Also, mention of this day can be found in the Apostolic Constitutions. It is also recommended here to remember the deceased on the third, ninth and fortieth day after his death. On the fortieth day, the people of Israel commemorated Moses, and so says the ancient custom.

Nothing can separate people who love each other, not even death. On the fortieth day, it is customary to pray for loved ones, beloved people, to ask God to forgive our loved one all his sins committed during life, and to give him paradise. It is this prayer that builds a bridge between the world of the living and the dead and allows us to “connect” with our loved ones.

Surely many have heard about the existence of the magpie - this is the Divine Liturgy, which consists of remembering the deceased every day for forty days. This time is of great significance not only for the soul of the deceased, but also for his loved ones. At this time, they must come to terms with the idea that a loved one is no longer around and let him go. From the moment of his death, his fate must be in the hands of God.

Days of commemoration

“Wake” - everyone knows this word, but does everyone know its exact meaning? Please note that these days are needed to pray for a deceased loved one. Relatives must ask the Lord for forgiveness and mercy, ask Him to grant them the Kingdom of Heaven and grant them life next to Himself. As already mentioned, this prayer is especially important on the third, ninth and fortieth days, which are considered special.

Every Christian who has lost a loved one should come to church for prayer these days, he should also ask the church to pray with him, and you can order a funeral service. In addition, on the ninth and fortieth days you need to visit the cemetery and organize a memorial meal for all loved ones. Also special days for commemoration with prayer include the first anniversary after the death of a person. Subsequent ones also matter, but not as strong as the first.

The Holy Fathers say that prayer alone on a certain day is not enough. Relatives remaining in the earthly world should do good deeds for the glory of the deceased. This is considered a manifestation of love for the departed.

Stuck between worlds

Sometimes it happens that inexplicable things happen in the house: water starts flowing from a closed tap, a closet door opens by itself, something falls from a shelf, and much more. For most people, such events are quite frightening. Some people rather run to church, some even call the priest home, and some do not pay attention to what is happening at all.

Most likely, these are deceased relatives trying to get in touch with their relatives. Here we can say that the soul of the deceased is in the house and wants to say something to his loved ones. But before you find out why she came, you should find out what happens to her in the other world.

Most often, such visits are made by souls who are stuck between this world and the other world. Some souls do not even understand where they are and where they should move next. Such a soul strives to return to its physical body, but can no longer do this, so it “hangs” between two worlds.

Such a soul continues to be aware of everything, to think, it sees and hears living people, but now they can no longer see it. Such souls are usually called ghosts, or ghosts. It is difficult to say how long such a soul will remain in this world. This may last several days, or it may drag on for more than one century. Most often, ghosts need help. They need help to reach the Creator and finally find peace.

The souls of the dead come to their loved ones in a dream

This is a common occurrence, perhaps one of the most common. You can often hear that someone’s soul came to say goodbye in a dream. Such phenomena have different meanings in individual cases. Such meetings do not please everyone, or rather, the vast majority of dreamers are frightened. Others do not pay any attention to who and under what circumstances they dream. Let's find out what dreams can tell about in which the souls of the dead see their relatives, and vice versa. The interpretations are usually like this:

  • A dream can be a warning about the approach of some events in life.
  • Perhaps the soul comes to ask for forgiveness for everything that was done during life.
  • In a dream, the soul of a deceased loved one can tell about how he “settled” there.
  • Through the dreamer to whom the soul has appeared, it can convey a message to another person.
  • The soul of a deceased person can ask his relatives and loved ones for help, appearing in a dream.

These are not all the reasons why the dead come to the living. Only the dreamer himself can more accurately determine the meaning of such a dream.

It doesn’t matter at all how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to his family when he leaves the body, the important thing is that it is trying to say something that was not said during life, or to help. After all, everyone knows that the soul does not die, but watches over us and tries to help and protect us in every possible way.

Strange calls

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether the soul of the deceased remembers his relatives, however, based on the events taking place, it can be assumed that he does. After all, many see these signs, feel the presence of a loved one nearby, and have dreams with his participation. But that's not all. Some souls try to contact their loved ones via telephone. People can receive messages from unknown numbers with strange content and receive calls. But if you try to call these numbers back, it turns out that they do not exist at all.

Usually such messages and calls are accompanied by strange noises and other sounds. It is the crackling and noise that is a kind of connection between the worlds. This may be one of the answers to the question of how the soul of the deceased says goodbye to family and friends. After all, calls come only in the first days after death, then less and less often, and then disappear altogether.

Souls can “call” for various reasons; perhaps the soul of the deceased is saying goodbye to relatives, wants to communicate something or warn about something. Don't be afraid of these calls and don't ignore them. On the contrary, try to understand their meaning, maybe they can help you, or maybe someone needs your help. The dead will not call just like that, for the purpose of entertainment.

Tactile sensations

This phenomenon can also be called widespread and quite real. we can feel the presence of a deceased relative through a breeze passing nearby or a certain touch. Some people simply sense his presence without any contact. Many people, in moments of intense sadness, feel that someone is hugging them, trying to hold them close at a time when no one is around. It is the soul of a loved one who comes to reassure his loved one or relative who is in a difficult situation and needs help.

As you can see, there are many ways in which the soul of the deceased says goodbye to his family. Some people believe in all these subtleties, many are afraid, and some completely deny the existence of such phenomena. It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how long the soul of the deceased remains with his relatives and how he says goodbye to them. Here, a lot depends on our faith and desire to meet at least once again with a loved one who has passed away. In any case, we must not forget about the dead; on the days of remembrance we must pray and ask God for forgiveness for them. Also remember that the souls of the dead see their loved ones and always take care of them.

Do the dead really see us and feel prayer?

Good health, Valentina. First of all, I would like to humanly try to calm you down, at least through an answer to help you drive away despondency and melancholy. You, being a Christian, probably know very well even without me that the Lord controls everything in this world. There is a lot of evidence of this, and the very first is in the Creed: “I believe in one God, the Father Almighty.” Without His will, nothing can happen either in this or in the next world. Also in the Gospel there are many places about birds that will not fall without the will of the Heavenly Father (Luke 12:6-7).

Based on the evidence presented, we cannot say that your son died due to a neurosurgeon’s mistake. He died primarily because the Lord allowed him to pass from this world to another. And directly on earth, the neurosurgeon’s mistake was only an “instrument” in the hands of God’s wise providence. If you look at it from this angle, then a person will inevitably humble himself before God’s providence (after all, God wanted and allowed this, not man, God, who is Love, who never makes mistakes and knows exactly what is good for us and when), and therefore, calm down a little. Having calmed down, a person will begin to think more clearly and pray more soberly, without wandering thoughts. This is the first and very important point that I would like to tell you about.

The second thing I would like to draw your attention to is the question of the existence of the soul outside the body. In your question you quote Holy Scripture and, while internally agreeing with it, you make a serious mistake. An equal sign was placed between the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament is the time when they were waiting for the coming of the Messiah; a time in which there was no clear understanding of either salvation or the fate of the soul after death. In a conversation with a Samaritan woman, this was expressed very well: “When the Messiah comes to tell us everything” (Gospel of John, chapter 4, verse 25). The very name Dilapidated already speaks for itself - that is, decayed, out of use. In his commentary on the Gospel of John, Theophylact of Bulgaria writes: “By “wine” you can understand the gospel teaching, and by “water” everything that preceded the Gospel, which was very watery and did not have the perfection of the gospel teaching. I will give an example: the Lord gave man different laws, one in paradise (Genesis 2:16-17), another under Noah (Genesis 9), a third under Abraham about circumcision (Genesis 17), a fourth through Moses ( Exodus 19; Exodus 20), fifth - through the prophets. All these laws are watery in comparison with the accuracy and power of the Gospel, if anyone understands them simply and literally. If someone delves into their spirit and understands what is hidden in them, he will find water turned into wine. For he who discerns spiritually what is said simply and is understood literally by many will, without a doubt, find in this water excellent wine, drunk subsequently and preserved by the bridegroom Christ, since the Gospel appeared in the last times (John 2-10), another reminder of the serpent and about ancient history (Num. 21:5-9), and thus at once, on the one hand, teaches us that the ancient is akin to the new and that one and the same Lawgiver of the Old and New Testaments, although Marcion, Manes and the rest of the collection of similar heretics reject the Old Testament, saying that it is the law of the evil demiurge (artist); on the other hand, it teaches that if the Jews avoided death by looking at the copper image of the serpent, then much more will we avoid spiritual death by looking at the Crucified One and believing in Him. Perhaps compare the image with the truth. There is the likeness of a serpent, having the appearance of a serpent, but not having poison: so here the Lord is a Man, but free from the poison of sin, coming in the likeness of the flesh of sin, that is, in the likeness of the flesh subject to sin, but He Himself is not the flesh of sin. Then those who looked on avoided physical death, and we avoid spiritual death. Then the hanged man healed the stings of snakes, and now Christ heals the wounds of the mental dragon (John 3-15).”

The Old Testament promised long life to those who pleased God in it, and the Gospel rewards such with life not temporary, but eternal and indestructible (John 3-16). It is a grave mistake to live according to the Old Testament; you must try to get away from this.

The third thing that needs to be said is the problem of Faith and Knowledge. Believing that your prayers, tears, sighs, heartache, all those services that you order are beneficial and help the soul of your son Alexander to purify - this is one thing. But knowing is another thing. We really want to see the results of our deeds right away. Where knowledge reigns, there is still very little faith. Such a person is not yet solid; he hesitates, sways, and is ready to fall. He who firmly believes does not need any phenomena from the other world. In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, at the very end, the rich man asks Abraham: “Send Lazarus to my father’s house.” Abraham objects: “They have the scriptures, let them believe them.” The rich man replies: “No, they won’t believe the scriptures, but if someone rises from the dead, they will.” Then Abraham said to him: “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, even if someone were raised from the dead, they would not believe it” (Luke 16:31).

There are people like this today who say: “Who has seen what is happening in hell? Who came from there and told us?” Let them listen to Abraham, who says that if we do not listen to the Scriptures, we will not believe those who would come to us from hell. This is obvious from the example of the Jews. They, since they did not listen to the Scriptures, did not believe even when they saw the dead risen, and even thought of killing Lazarus (John 12:10). In the same way, after many of the dead were resurrected during the Crucifixion of the Lord (Matthew 27:52), the Jews breathed even greater murder on the apostles. Moreover, if this resurrection of the dead were useful for our faith, the Lord would have done it often. But now nothing is more useful than a careful search of the Scriptures (John 5:39). The devil would have managed to resurrect the dead (although) in a ghostly way, and therefore would have misled the foolish, instilling among them a doctrine of hell worthy of its malice. But with our sound study of the Scriptures, the devil cannot invent anything like that. For they (the Scriptures) are a lamp and a light (2 Pet. 1:19), by the radiance of which the thief is discovered and revealed. So, you need to believe the Scriptures, and not demand the resurrection of the dead (Gospel of Luke, chapter 16, verses 19-31).

We do not need to look for visions and phenomena to confirm our knowledge. We need to direct all the strength of our soul and body to acquiring faith. God deals with each person in the best way from the point of view of his salvation and destiny in eternity.

It’s very difficult and painful for you now, it’s difficult to survive this grief. It seems to me that, perhaps, out of strong maternal love, you could, even without noticing it, love the creation more than the Creator, that is, your son more than God. This very attachment hurts you and hurts you. Please look at the Gospel of Luke, chapter 14, verse 26. If you look calmly, we will see that God exists as he was, and you are alive, and the soul of your son Alexander is alive. Patience to you, spiritual strength, faith and hope in God.

Why do the dead come in dreams: what are they trying to tell us?

There is a relatively small group of people who, according to them, are capable of seeing and communicating with the dead, spirits and other otherworldly entities, the existence of which has not been proven by official science, reports with reference to

At the same time, the evidence and statements received from these subjects sound quite convincing to the uninitiated average person. If you believe in all these seemingly supernatural things, a huge variety of different questions immediately arise. Why do they come to our world? What do they want to say or perhaps warn us about something? And does the human soul exist?

Meetings with the dead and ghosts in dreams

You shouldn’t immediately get scared or start leafing through various kinds of esoteric literature if in a dream you suddenly dreamed of a person who died long ago, advises our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk.

First, let's try to figure out what is the reason for this phenomenon, and what the dead are trying to tell us with this act. Also, depending on the characteristics of the dream, you can try to determine how the soul of a particular person feels in the other world.

So why do we dream about people with whom we knew during life or were even related? It should be understood that relationships with each specific person do not necessarily end immediately after his death.

After all, we never stop experiencing some feelings and emotions towards the deceased, the process of forgetting stretches for many years, and some memories remain with us for the rest of our lives. The relationship does not end; even after death, a certain spiritual connection remains, which allows you to feel and imagine painfully familiar features.

It is this connection, unfinished business, unfulfilled obligations - all this keeps the soul of the dead in our world, allowing us to postpone the process of final farewell.

So why do they come to us? It is much easier to explain this in relation to women, since they have always been the guardians of the clan and home, and therefore had the closest connection with past generations.

In this case, the souls of the dead may come to you for a certain energy boost, or simply in search of help, for example, providing some information that is very significant for them.

Why exactly in a dream?

In a normal state, a person is too busy with everyday affairs and worries and is not too susceptible to various kinds of mental fluctuations. In a dream, all basic thought and life processes slow down, we plunge into a sedentary state, very similar to death, and accordingly, it becomes much easier for the dead to make contact and convey their messages.

Most often, souls come in dreams to their closest relatives, to whom they were strongly attached during life. Contact is most likely in the first few months after death, when the deceased person still remains attached to his body, home, favorite places and retains his special habits.

As mentioned above, the dead come mainly to ask us for help. In the first time after death, the soul still experiences some needs, for example, it knows the feelings of hunger and thirst, emotions, attachment to certain things and favorite activities.

But since the physical body no longer exists, she herself is not able to satisfy all this, and it is you who may be able to help her with this. If in a dream the deceased asks you to feed him, read his favorite book, or warm him up, do not be afraid.

When you wake up, be sure to say this, making it clear that the wish was heard, and do all the necessary actions in order to fulfill it as much as possible. This will allow the soul to calm down and find long-awaited peace.

How to determine the state of soul of a dead person?

The dead can appear to us in dreams in completely different states and guises, which can tell us a lot with sufficient attention to detail. What should you focus on first?

First of all, take a closer look at how and what the deceased is wearing; good and neat clothes indicate a favorable state of the soul.

Also determine what specific age the dreamed person is. Youth and beauty are good signs, while senility and sickly appearance indicate some serious problems.

Try to smell the scent coming from the deceased person. If it is pleasant enough, then this means that the soul is most likely in a pleasant place, while sulfur fumes and stench clearly mean suffering and pain, and possibly hellish torment.

You can also draw certain conclusions based on what and how the soul talks to you. For example, a dead person can quite transparently hint at certain inconveniences and negative sensations experienced.

Your general emotional state after waking up is very important. If only positive sensations remain, it means that the dead person is satisfied and feels quite good in the afterlife. In the opposite situation, it is worth thinking about how you can alleviate his fate and help him find eternal peace.

How to help the deceased find peace

To help the soul of a loved one or someone you know well, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. To begin with, it should be remembered that the most important time that can ensure the departure of the soul into a happy and calm world is the first 40 days after death. During this period, it is necessary to collect as many wishes and blessings as possible from those closest to you.

The food used at the funeral plays a very important role; it is best to cook from organic products and limit alcohol consumption. You should not be the first to try the main dishes - the right to taste does not belong to you.

In order for the dead to be able to appreciate the meal prepared for him, it is necessary to put a very small amount of food and place it in front of the altar or image along with cutlery. It would also be useful to say a funeral prayer if such prayers exist in your religion...

Everything described above should have clarified some points related to the arrival of the dead in your dreams. If you remember some recommendations for yourself, they will allow you to better understand the causes and nature of your dreams and the appearance of the souls of dead people in them.

Reincarnation of the soul is a very controversial process, which scientists around the world have been discussing for decades. However, there are signs that can tell you whether you have lived before.

Several years ago, one of my relatives asked me a question: who can visit the dying three days before death? Because they are children, they watched for three days as their mother, and my aunt, talked to someone and laughed a lot, waved her hands, telling something herself. True, all this was in my head, because I couldn’t speak out loud due to my illness. Then my relative received an answer from the priests. But more than once in my life I have come across stories from relatives that before they die, some people talk to someone invisible. But everyone experiences “departures” differently. Various information is described by esotericists. Today I found the authors about this topic, which I propose here:

In this article we will answer the question of readers who clarify - who meets the soul of a newly deceased person after death?

Old concepts claimed that she was greeted by relatives who had died before the person. We do not dispute this fact, but continue to expand the concepts on this issue.
Each person meets individually. High souls, for example, do not need to be greeted by their relatives. When they find themselves in the next world, they partially remember the rules of the soul’s transition from the gross world to the subtle world and the possibilities of this existence.

They are met by Tall luminous Beings, called angels by people. In fact, these can be highly developed souls of former people who are intensively improving in a spiritual direction and have accumulated a large volume of high energies, providing them with a bright glow. Among them there may be angels from energy worlds. This, by the way, is another form of existence of the soul after the death of a person - luminous Essence-angels. But in this form, the person usually remains only in the subtle world, helping the Higher Essences work with the souls of dead people. In fact, such souls are assigned to work in the Separator (otherwise the Distributor).

Cosmic souls also do not meet their relatives, because they belong to other worlds, they do not need this as an act of consolation. In their worlds, everything could happen differently, so they are exempt from observing earthly rituals. But they are met by certain high Essences who specialize in working with cosmic souls, they immediately separate them from the general masses of mere mortals and send them to special compartments of the Distributor, intended for the souls of missionaries from other worlds, from where they are then sent to their cosmic Systems. They do not undergo the Judgment and do not spend a long time waiting for it, but they do undergo partial purification.

As for the souls of doctors, as we said earlier in other books, their souls do not fall into a common separator, but immediately fly to the Medical System (the Help System is also located here). They have their own Separator and their own Court there. The main emphasis in assessing their lives is not on the everyday side of existence, but on their medical activities and development in this quality of healing and quality of care. But in their Separator there is a distribution of souls according to their main specialization and qualifications. The souls of doctors are divided into Levels: low, medium, high. In the future, they will move on to treating other cosmic beings, and for this they will need to acquire new knowledge about other states of physical matter and the multiplicity of its subtle forms.

But let's return to the souls of mere mortals. They can be met both by relatives who died before them, and by luminous beings. Relatives are rarely genuine. Most often these are holograms of relatives. Few of those who died earlier remain free. Having passed the Court, he is distributed into his own world and begins to improve in it. So that the memory of his past earthly life does not interfere with his execution of the new program, it is often closed. A person seems to forget about everything that happened to him before and calmly exists in a new world. True, some souls can retain their memory for up to a year or more. Some low souls fall asleep, therefore, cannot meet their relatives.

For some middle and high souls, the memory is not blocked, they simply do not return to unnecessary memories themselves and consciously improve in the new world. Such souls gradually forget about the earthly plane, just as a person forgets about his early childhood and adolescence. He can remember individual moments, but not every day of his existence. And the new aspirations and tasks that he has to solve in the new world help him direct his soul towards the future, and not live with old memories.

Due to the fact that many souls forget about earthly existence and former relatives, and also because of their busyness, the High Essences do not distract them to meet with the souls of recently deceased relatives. After all, they are already in other worlds and returning to the Separator to old memories is unpleasant for them. On the one hand, this is too troublesome for the Higher Ones - to look for relatives already distributed somewhere in their worlds and distract them from work, and on the other hand, the relatives themselves have already forgotten a lot, and returning them to old and unnecessary, and sometimes painful memories is not reasonable.

In this regard, purely for humane reasons, the Higher Ones came up with the idea that after death souls would be greeted by holograms of former relatives. Why do we mention humanity?
After all, no one could have met the soul. But at the moment of death, many souls, flying out of the body, experience stress and great confusion. The soul is depressed because it has parted forever with its beloved body and with the beautiful earthly world; it is in confusion, since it often does not even understand what happened to it and what to do next. Therefore, in order to smooth out these negative impressions and speed up the adaptation of the soul in the new world, the Highest Ones came up with a procedure for meeting their relatives, reproduced in the form of holograms. But the soul, understanding little about them, takes them for real relatives.

At the end of each corridor-tunnel along which the soul flies, entering the Distributor, a technical device for producing holograms is installed. And data about all deceased relatives, including their appearance, corresponding to their stay in the earthly world, is in the computer of the Determinant, which led the student’s soul through life. (All souls look young in the next world. There are no old people there. And this is due to the properties of subtle matter and the new program of the soul, which does not include settings for the aging of the outer shell). So by the time the soul exits the tunnel into the “white” world, holograms of relatives are already waiting for him, they greet him with joyful exclamations, with love and help him accept what happened as a given and normal phenomenon.

After the meeting is over, the High Essences take the soul of the deceased to the waiting room, and the machine that reproduces the holograms is turned off, and all hologram relatives disappear.

(Pages 35-38 book “THE GREAT TRANSITION” Authors Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L.)

And some are met by ANGELS. An amazing vision of my Wonderful Interlocutor from the funeral of her good friend on March 22, 2014.

“Today I was at the funeral from very early morning, it was interesting and very beautiful. The family is very wide, there were a lot of people. And it is very strange today that in their family there are more men than women. The deceased Vitalia is very beautiful for her age, and despite the illness, she looked good and lay in the coffin all so bright and smiling.

And you must have, probably, THERE strong patrons that she went to the hospital two weeks ago with metastases in the bones, was in a coma for three days and left.

What was interesting was that I saw her, how she walked among her relatives. She came up to me, put her hand on my hands and asked, if possible, to tell her husband that she was grateful to him and forgives him. And then she stood in front of her sons. She played with the hair of one and pressed his head to her chest. She went up to the other and kissed him on the forehead. She still stood in front of her husband. She just patted me on the shoulder.

She looked at everyone with sympathy and a gentle smile, as if pitying them. And when they sang long prayers about the path of Jesus Christ, I saw how they came, like very tall Angels with lanterns in their hands. They were like the same. The colors of a pale moon, narrow faces with large eyes. The hair is the same light. And dresses of white silver that quietly swayed on them as they approached. And these Angels lined up as if in a corridor and stood there like that. The spectacle was breathtaking. And today I saw how they handed her the same lantern and she left along that corridor, and they went with her. I realized that she was one of them too.

Not a single tear fell from me, but I wanted to hug her like a sister before the road. I sat and looked, my mouth almost open.

And I also saw how, before she left, she made a cross at everyone and seemed to look around with some kind of diagram with her eyes. This is how I understood it, that this is according to the order of their departure. She smiled at me and tilted her head slightly. The deceased was similar in appearance to her earthly image, but shorter than those Angels. I had a double vision of her." (c).