Nostradamus letter to his son Caesar and Henry. Message to Henry. From Christ to Satan


To the invincible Henry, the Most Powerful,
To the Most Christian King of France, Secundus
completely devoted to him, I am your humble servant Michelle
Nostradamus wishes victory and happiness.

Most Christian and most victorious King, since I, after a long stay in the shadows, dared to show my face before the immeasurable splendor of Your Majesty, I have remained forever blinded by your royal attention bestowed on me. I will never cease to honor in my soul this day when I first appeared before Your Majesty, unique and at the same time so human. I have long been looking for an opportunity to express to you my good disposition of heart and my sincerity, through which my special skill would become known to Your Majesty to an even greater extent.

There is no way to make my heart speak by deeds, but my only desire is to emerge from my dark and hitherto unknown position and be transported into the radiance that surrounds the first Monarch in the Universe. At the same time, I pondered for a long time to whom I should dedicate these last three centuries of my prophecies, which complete the thousand. And only after much thought did I dare to make a daring decision: to address them to Your Majesty. It happened that people, as reported by the most serious author of the Life of Lycurgus, who came to the temple, were so amazed by the wealth of gifts brought to the immortal gods that they did not dare cross the threshold and bring their little. But seeing how your royal splendor is combined with incomparable humanity, I still brought you my gift differently from the way they bring it to the Persian kings, whom you cannot approach.

I turned and dedicated my prophetic inspirations to the most prudent and wise ruler. They are built mainly on natural instinct in accordance with poetic inspiration, but without the strict rules of poetry. Most of them are calculated and correspond to years, months and weeks, according to regions, regions and cities of Europe, including also Africa and part of Asia according to the transformation of countries, as they opened up to me due to natural ways and interrelations.

It may be objected that for someone who needs to rub their eyes (use a handkerchief) in order to see better, the rhyme will be as noticeable as the meaning is unclear. However, most humane of kings, most of my prophecies are so sensitive that they cannot be stated directly. And yet I hope that I can capture in black and white the meaning of these prophecies, where the years, cities, villages and regions are named, from which a significant part will come, in the same way, from the year 1585 and from the year 1606, starting from the present time, March 14 1557, and up to an event that is most carefully calculated for the beginning of the 7th millennium. According to these calculations and other sources, the enemies of Jesus Christ and His Church will become increasingly active.

While Minerva was favorable and free, I calculated that approximately the same number of events would occur in the future period as had occurred during all the past centuries. Thanks to this, people will know what will happen in the future, and everything will be exactly as written here, without adding or taking anything away. Some may say that there cannot be certain knowledge of the future, and this is true, at first I did not believe in my ability to predict based on my natural abilities inherited from my ancestors. I constantly underestimated this instinct of mine, but then I nevertheless made my spirit and my soul receptive and brought it into line with my calculations. Having pacified my soul in the face of Eternity, freeing it from worries, anxiety, irritation, I gained courage, strength and patience, which are a necessary condition for prophecy. The entire structure and harmony of the prophecies rests partly on the bronze tripod.

Many people will attribute to me the possession of those magical things that I do not have, but the one eternal God, who knows the hearts, is a good, true and just judge, and I pray him to protect me from the slander of slanderers. In the same way, you can ask in an unworthy manner how your most ancient ancestors, the kings of France, healed scrofula, as the kings of other nations healed snake bites, and others had the gift of prophecy. However, to talk about this here would be to go too far.

With the passage of time, which will come after my death, those who do not know all the meanness of evil minds will need my writings more than during my life. Even if I made any mistakes in calculating dates or not everything happens as it should. May Your Imperial Majesty forgive me. I declare before the Lord God and His saints that I do not write in this message anything contrary to the true Catholic (universal) faith, even when I resort to astronomical calculations for control. The dates of our most ancient ancestors are as follows (I trust myself to the official verification of the Holy Court):

The first man, Adam, lived approximately 1242 years before Noah, based not on the calculations of the pagans, as given by Varro, but only according to the testimony of the Bible and on the basis of my abilities and astronomical calculations. After Noah and the Flood until the appearance of Abraham, about 1080 years passed. Being a great astrologer like no one before him, Abraham was the first to reveal Chaldean wisdom. Then, about 515 and 516 years later, Moses came. The time period between David and Moses is about 570 years. Further, between the era of David and the time of our Savior Jesus Christ, born of a Virgin, according to the testimony of some chronographs, 1350 years passed. Some may say that some of these calculations are erroneous because they do not coincide with the calculations of Eusebius. Then comes the time of the deliverance of mankind, up to the disgusting Saracen faith, about 621. It is easy to calculate how much time has passed and whether my table is correct for all nations, but this is calculated from the celestial movements. We must not lose sight of the emotional excitement that I experienced from meetings with ancestors who visited me at certain hours. However, dear king, the gap in time requires that such future events be published in a coded (cryptic) language that does not give an unambiguous interpretation, but at the same time in such a way as to avoid ambiguity. Rather, they are simply clouded by natural admixture and are still close to the sayings of 1000 and 2 prophets who existed from the creation of the world, according to the Phoenician table of Joel, for the Lord says: “I will pour out my spirit from every flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy ". However, such prophecies came from the person of the Holy Spirit, who has supreme authority in eternity, and therefore some of this number of sons and daughters predicted great and amazing events.

As for me, I only acknowledge that everything comes from God, and do not assign to myself the title of prophet. All living things thank Him and offer their praise and glory to the Creator forever and ever. I have not added anything that derives its wisdom from blind chance. These prophecies come from God and from nature. Following in most cases the movement of the heavenly bodies, it was as if I was looking into a foggy fiery mirror. I saw in these vague images amazing and great events, misfortunes that befell significant servants of God. I saw the decline of God's Church and its defeat from those who come from the earth, associated with a thousand other misfortunes that must happen in the future in the course of time.

For the Lord will see the barrenness of the Great Wife, who will then bear two main children. The one who is far away in the role of a concubine, at the age of 18, due to youthful negligence, will be exposed to mortal danger and will not cross the line of 36 years. After this, three males and one female will remain, and two of them will not have a common father.

For this reason, great discord will arise between the three brothers, but they will soon come to an agreement, sending three or four quarters of Europe into awe. From the youngest the Christian monarchy will emerge, various sects will rise, but will quickly disappear. The Arabs will retreat, the kingdoms will unite and new laws will be proclaimed.

Of the remaining children, the very first will receive the land, in the coat of arms of which are furious lions in crowns, with fearless paws on weapons. The second, accompanied by the Romans (Latins), will go too far, so that the second road (path), filled with rage, will lie on Mount Jupiter. They will descend, seeking to capture the peak of the Pyrenees, but will not be able to return to the ancient monarchy, as the third flood of human blood will begin. Mars will not abstain (fast) for a long time.

The daughter will be forced to walk down the aisle for the sake of preserving the Christian Church. Their master will fall under the rule of new infidel pagans. Of her two children, one will be faithful to Catholicism, the other will be an infidel. The latter, to his great shame and later repentance, will seek to destroy the Catholic Church. He will take possession of Roman soil, Germany and Spain, and there he will, by force of arms, unite into one union the various sects that arose at 50 and 52 degrees of latitude.

Then in areas of Europe north of 48 degrees the ancient (or distant) religion will be revered. The force of agreement and unity will be so invincible and powerful that the West, South and East will tremble. These northerners are equal by nature and only their faith set them apart.

After that, the Barren Wife, whose powers are high in comparison with the other, will be accepted by the two nations. First, stubborn people (anixes), led by a tyrant who will start a fight with the masters of the world, then these masters themselves.

The second and third nations will spread far to the east of Europe, but will be defeated in Pannonia. By sea they will send the Myrmidons and Germans to Trinacria and the Adriatic. But they will all be defeated, the barbarian sects will suffer enormous losses and will be expelled from the Latin borders.

Then the great empire of the Antichrist will arise in the region of Attila and the troops of the new Xerxes will be so vast that the Holy Spirit, revealed at the 48th latitude, will be forced to move, expelling the vile Antichrist, who went to war against the great monarch, who at that time was the Grand Vicar of Jesus Christ, against his Church and against the kingdom that will stand forever and ever.

However, before that there will be a solar eclipse, the darkest than any since the creation of the world and the birth of Jesus Christ. And in October there will be a huge movement, such that it will seem as if the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and the earth has plunged into the abyss of hopeless darkness.

There will be signs in the spring and beyond, then great changes and great earthquakes as the world is divided into new spheres of influence. And at this time a new Babylon will arise, a despised daughter, growing out of the abominations of the first sacrifices. However, he will not be able to survive longer than 73 years and 7 months.

Then a new branch will arise from a tree that has remained fruitless for a long time, and a man will appear from the 50th latitude, bringing renewal to the entire church. Then there will be peace, harmony and unity between children whose domains are divided by different ideas and boundaries. And this peace will be so strong that the instigators and warmongers who exploit the differences of religions will be forever chained in a deep abyss. The kingdoms of madmen (slaves) who followed the lying sage will unite.

Countries, villages, cities, kingdoms and provinces that have forgotten their ancient traditions for the sake of liberation will fall into even greater slavery and secretly begin to be burdened by this imaginary freedom. When faith is completely lost, they will begin to push away the left side to turn to the right. The shrines that fell into disrepair after the victory of the Great Dog, who gave birth to the Bloody Dog, will be restored again. The Priest and the Holy Scripture will return to their former position. As in the days of the first Christians, Temples will be rebuilt, but the clergy will begin to debauch and wallow in luxury and commit a thousand crimes, leading the church to new ruin. When the church is at the height of its greatness, some mighty and armed ones will come against it, taking away both swords from it and leaving only an attractive emblem (or scabbard). The people will force him to go to the right (straighten the situation), not wanting to submit to the left side with a piercing (armed) hand, relying on its own provocations.

After this, from a branch that has long been barren, one will be born who will free the peoples of the Universe from this voluntary and obedient slavery. Someone will come to the defense of Mars (war), depriving Jupiter of all his honors in favor of a free city in another small Mesopotamia. The ruler will be taken from the center and placed in the higher regions (or suspended?), but he will not know about the conspiracy of the rebels led by the second Thrasybulus, who for a long time ran the show.

Then all the impurities will come to the surface, and the outrages will be revealed in the shadowed light, which will disappear at the end of his reign. The leaders of the Church will renounce the true faith. Of the three sects, the one in the middle will weaken due to the fault of its own praying supporters. The first will be destroyed throughout Europe and most of Africa by the third. The third sect will operate with the help of the “poor in spirit,” who will be exalted by people who indulge in luxury.

The plebeians (the people) will rise up and drive out the legislators. These countries will be so weakened by the people (teachings) of the East that it will seem as if the Creator released Satan from the Underworld so that he would give rise to the Great Male and Dagon, who would break through such a thing in the churches. a gap that neither the whites nor the reds will be able to understand what is happening, since they will have neither eyes nor hands.

They will lose their power, and such a strong persecution will begin against the church, which has never happened before.

During the intertime period, a terrible plague will arise that will consume two-thirds of humanity. Knee-high weeds will grow in the streets and no one will know the real owners of the fields and houses. The clergy will be almost completely ruined. The people of Mars will capture what returns from the City of the Sun, Malta and the Ierez Islands. The great chain stretched in front of the port bearing the name of the sea beast will fall.

In order to liberate Catulon, captured by the Mohammedans, a new invasion will take place from the shores of the sea. This attack will not be unsuccessful and the place where Abraham once lived will be taken by storm by people who honor the servants of Jupiter. This city of Achem will be surrounded on all sides by large hordes and will be subject to a long siege. His naval forces will be weakened by the Westerners. Great disasters will befall this kingdom, great cities will be desolate, and those who enter them will be struck by heavenly wrath.

The tomb, which has been revered for so long, will stand in the open air, in front of the Heavens, the Sun and the Moon. The holy place will turn into a stable for large and small livestock and will be adapted for base needs. Grief will come to pregnant women. Then the main eastern leader, who penetrated the deepest into the North and West, will be destroyed by the troops of the North, his supporters will be killed, and the rest will flee. His children, conceived by many women, were taken captive. Then what was spoken by the Prophet of Kings will be fulfilled: “Let him hear the groans of the captives and free the sons doomed to death.”

What kind of persecution will then begin against the rulers, especially against those who are by the sea and in the east. Their languages ​​will be mixed with the languages ​​of the Latins and Arabs through the Phoenicians. And all these eastern rulers will be expelled, but not only by the forces of Aquilon (North, Hyperborea) and not only because the time has come, this is also secretly helped by allies, three in number, one of whom is always looking for the death of the other and setting traps. And this new triumvirate (union of three) will last seven years and the fame of this sect will spread throughout the world. The holy and immaculate communion of prosphora will be restored.

Then the two rulers of Aquilon will defeat the peoples of the East. At the same time, such a noise and such a military thunderstorm will arise that the entire east will tremble before these Aquilonian brothers, who are not really brothers.

Therefore, King, in this part I have written down my predictions in a confused form as to when they will happen. The chronology of what will be corresponds little, if at all, to what has been established before. But there is no error in astronomical calculations and the Holy Scriptures. If I wanted, I would give an exact date for each quatrain. But few people would like this, as well as my interpretation of these events. Therefore, I will not do this, unless Your Majesty gives Me freedom and delivers me from the slander of slanderers.

In any case, when calculating years, the time elapsed from the creation of the world to the birth of Noah is 1506 years. From the birth of Noah to the completion of the construction of the Ark before the coming flood that hit the Earth, another 600 years passed. What years are used as the basis for such calculations - solar, lunar, or a mixture of both? I believe. The Holy Scriptures adhere to the Solar calendar. At the end of these 600 years, Noah entered the Ark to escape the flood. The flood, which was worldwide, lasted a year and two months. From the end of the flood to the birth of Abraham another 295 years passed, and from that moment until the birth of Isaac 100 years, from Isaac to Jacob 60 years. From the time Jacob moved to Egypt until he left there, 130 years passed. From the time the children of Israel settled in Egypt until the time of their exodus, 430 years passed. From the moment of their exodus from Egypt until the construction of the temple by Solomon in the 4th year of his reign is 480 years. From the time of the construction of the temple to the time of Jesus Christ (or the construction of the temple of our Lord Jesus Christ), according to the Holy Scriptures, 490 years passed. Thus, my table, supplemented by the Holy Scriptures, gives a total of 4173 years, more or less (plus or minus) 8 months. I do not mention the time that has passed since the coming of Jesus Christ, due to the split of sects, and calculate my prophecies according to the order of the chain, which has its own solution, all this according to the rules of Astronomy and on the basis of my natural instincts (abilities).

I have established when Saturn will begin its revolution: from April 7 to August 25. Jupiter - from June 14 to October 7, Mars - from April 17 to June 22, Venus - from April 9 to May 22 and Mercury - from February 3 to 24 and then from June 1 to 24 and from September 25 to October 16. Saturn will be in Capricorn, Jupiter will be in Aquarius, Mars will be in Scorpio, Venus will be in Pisces and Mercury for one month will be in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius, the head of the Dragon will be in Libra and its tail will be in the sign opposite to it, Aries. This is followed by the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury with the square of Mars and Mercury. The Dragon's Head is in conjunction with the Sun and Jupiter.

The year will be without an eclipse and peaceful, but not everywhere. It will mark the beginning of a long period. At the beginning of this year there will begin a great persecution of the church, such as has never happened in Africa. And the persecution will continue until 1792, when it seems that the moment of renewal of the era has arrived.

After this, the Roman people will begin to rise, drive away the fog and regain some of their former greatness.

It will not do without some strife and constant movements. Then Venice will spread its mighty wings and rise so high that the differences between it and Ancient Rome will become almost invisible. At this time, the Byzantine sail will connect with the Ligurians, with the support of the northern fleet, but difficulties will arise, since the two Cretans do not keep their faith. The ships erected by the ancient supporters of Mars will sail in the waters of Neptune. Great discord will arise in Adria; what was united will fall apart. Where there was and still is a great city, only one house will remain. Pampotan (Pompatan, arrogant) will absorb the interfluves of Europe up to 45 degrees and others at 41, 42 and 37 degrees.

At this time, in the territory of these countries, the forces of hell will stir up opponents of the Church of Jesus Christ. The second Antichrist will come, who will lead persecution against the Church and its true shepherd, relying on the power of three earthly rulers, who, due to their ignorance, will believe the false speeches of a madman, sharper than a sword. The kingdom of this Antichrist will not last longer than the one generated by the century. And another, from the city of Planca (literally meaning "Wandering"), accompanied by chosen ones from Modena and Terrara. He will be supported by the Adriatic and the Ligurians and will be close to the great Trinacria. Then Mount Jupiter will continue its journey.

After this, the Gallic Ogmius will arrive with such a large number of people that even far from the empire the power of his great law will be revealed. Then ignorant criminals will begin to generously shed the blood of innocents. Terrible floods are due to the fact that the memory of the things contained in these instruments will be lost down to the letters. This will happen to the Saquilonians (Hyperboreans) by the will of God.

Then Satan will be chained again, and great peace will be established among people. The Church of Jesus will no longer suffer persecution, although the Azostans will still try to mix honey with the poisonous malice of their temptation. This will be around the seventh Millennium, when the shrines of Christ will no longer be trampled upon by the infidels who came from Aquilon. The world will then approach the greatest change, but according to my calculations, time continues to move forward.

Several years ago I wrote in a letter addressed to my son Caesar Nostradamus that I spoke more openly about some things, but did not make predictions. Right here. Your Majesty, some great and amazing events are predicted that will happen to those who will live after us.

At this time, which is astrologically calculated in harmony with the Holy Scriptures, great persecution of the clergy by the Aquilonian rulers will begin and this will continue for eleven years or a little less, then the ruler of Aquilon (Hyperborea) will fall. Then a leader would rise to unite the south, and the people of the church would be subjected to even more severe persecution for three years due to the temptation of one who would have unlimited influence over the militarized church. God's holy people, keeping the Divine Law, will experience terrible persecution, and the blood of true Christians will flow everywhere. One of these rulers will be praised by his retinue and supporters for shedding more blood of the church's supporters than anyone else could shed wine. This ruler will commit incredible crimes against the Church. Rivers of human blood will flow through the streets and in churches, like water after a rainstorm. On the other hand, the sea will turn red from a sea battle, so one ruler will say to another: “Sea battles have made the sea turn red.”

Further, in the same and subsequent years, people will be terrified by a terrible plague, even more ferocious due to the outbreak of famine. No one remembers such adversity since the time of the first Christians. Disasters will engulf all Roman lands and their traces will also remain in some areas (countries) of Spain.

After these events, the third king of Aquilon, who learned about the people's dissatisfaction with his main title, met a powerful army, deviated from the customs of his predecessors and returned almost everything to its original place. The Pope will be given back his powers. But soon this ruler will be saddened and abandoned by everyone. Then there will be upheavals again in the Catholic Church, it will be ruined by the pagans, and the Old and New Testaments will be ridiculed and burned.

Then the hellish prince Antichrist himself will appear for the last time, and for 25 years all the kingdoms of Christians and even infidels will tremble with fear. Even more brutal wars and battles will begin. Cities, villages, doors and other buildings will be destroyed and set on fire, and all this is connected with the great living of the blood of the innocent, violence against wives and widows. Desperate, they will throw themselves at the walls with babies in their arms. So much evil will be committed by the forces of Satan that almost the entire world will be depopulated and desolate. But even before these events begin, many unprecedented birds will shout “Now, now,” but then disappear.

When this cruel time ends, the second age of Saturn, the Golden Age, will begin. The Creator will hear about the misfortunes of his people and will again order Satan to be chained, plunging him into the deepest abyss. Then great peace will be concluded between God and people. Satan will remain chained for a thousand years before he is released. These figures are based on the study of the Holy Scriptures and the celestial movements of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and others, as can be seen from individual quatrains. I could calculate all this more accurately and relate it even more closely to the Holy Scriptures, Gracious King, but some of it would cause censorship difficulties. So I put the pen aside for the night's rest.

Much, O King of power, will soon happen and become clear, but I cannot and do not want to write about it in a letter addressed to you. To comprehend some of the horrific events, few of them need to be shown for better understanding. Since your merits, humanity and piety before God are so great, you alone are worthy of the title of Most Christian King, having the highest authority in deciding matters of religion.

I ask, merciful King, only one thing - that you, filled with exceptional and wise philanthropy, understand my bold, sincere desire to be devoted to Your Majesty. Since I had the honor of seeing your greatness, I have been encouraged by the thought that the value of this work of mine will approach you from afar.

Appendix II

Letter to Henry II

Invincible, most powerful

and the most Christian king of France

Henry II

from Michel Nostradamus,

his humble and loyal servant,

wishes for victory and happiness.

Important reasons prompted me to turn to you, Your Majesty. My face remained gloomy until I decided to appear before You, O most Christian and invincible of kings, being confident that Your power is immeasurable. I had a presentiment of how dazzling this audience would be. Blessed be the day when I can appear before Your Majesty. I am confident in your philanthropy and I know that no one can compare with you in it. And in anticipation of a personal meeting with you, Your Majesty, I would like to introduce you to my work with an open heart and good intentions. But it seemed to me that I could not do this in a worthy manner, since my consciousness was clouded and unclear, until it was illuminated by the radiance emanating from the face of the greatest of monarchs. I thought for a long time to whom to dedicate the last three centuries of my prophecies, totaling a thousand quatrains. And after much reflection, I dare to dedicate my work to Your Majesty. This does not scare me, for the great Plutarch himself once, describing the life of Lycurgus, noted with surprise how abundant the sacrifices and offerings were made to the pagan gods in ancient temples. And many avoided appearing there again, for the people were amazed at the enormous cost of the sacrifices. But I see how successfully the greatness of a king is combined in you with incomparable philanthropy, and therefore I address you not as the Shah of Persia, to whom it is impossible even to approach, but as a kind, reasonable and wise monarch.

To you, Your Majesty, I dedicate my prophecies based on calculations performed during the night vigils. While working on the centuries, I was guided more by instinct and poetic inspiration than by the rules of versification.

Most of my prophecies can be correlated with years, months and weeks of events that will occur in the countries, cities and towns of Europe. I was less interested in what would happen in Africa and Asia in terms of changes in the way of government depending on spiritual development, but always and in everything I followed truth and nature.

Someone might object that the rhymes of my quatrains are as easy and simple to learn as their meaning is dark. But, Your Royal Majesty, I know of many prophetic quatrains that are so difficult to understand that at present no one can explain them. However, I flatter myself with the hope that I will be able to predict what will happen in countries, towns and villages, as well as what will happen to their authorities. The events of 1585 and 1606 will be especially important in relation to today's March 14, 1557. But in my insights into future events, based on astronomical calculations and the sciences I had acquired, I reached the beginning of the seventh millennium, a time when the ranks of the enemies of the Church and Christ would increase. All this was determined and completed by me with the utmost precision and within the limits available to me, and for all future and past times, while Minerva libera ex non invita, that is, while Minerva was favorable. I trusted the present to the future and the past, determining the course of events in the world in full accordance with what was written here, without adding or subtracting anything. Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas, that is, everything that relates to the future cannot be determined unambiguously.

I undertake to assert, Your Majesty, that my gift of divination was inherited from my ancestors, and I think that I can foresee a lot if I manage to combine the innate instinct of a predictor with the art of complex calculations. A necessary condition for this is mental balance, a state of mind favorable to prophecy and the liberation of the soul from worries and worries. I made most of my prophecies with the help of a bronze tripod, trepode aeneo, although some people attribute to me the possession of magical objects. In fact, neither I nor anyone else has them. And the true judge of all of us is the immortal God, good, righteous and merciful, to whom all the secrets of human hearts are revealed. May He protect me from the furious attacks and slander and ignorance of those who are obsessed with the passion of interrogation and persecution. Your ancestors, the kings of France, were also healed in ancient times from mental illness caused by royal malice. There were and are people who know how to treat those who have been bitten by poisonous creatures. But similar to them are the prophets, guided by an unerring instinct, who correctly foresaw what happened, as well as what will happen, including the most terrible thing that is destined to happen, so terrible that it is better to keep silent about it. I do this in defiance of those who have been stifled by rage for so long and for a long time. I hope that after my death my works will be more respected than during my lifetime.

If, however, I have made a mistake anywhere in calculating the timing of future events, or in any other place, and this will make an unfavorable impression on you, Your Royal Majesty, I ask, with your characteristic magnanimity, to forgive me.

I swear by God and all the saints that neither in this letter nor in any other of my writings did I speak against the Catholic Church, in particular precisely because I was always guided by astronomical calculations based on my knowledge. I am aware that, in determining the extent of past eras in time, I could well fall into inaccuracy. If this is not so, I ask pundits to correct me. So, our forefather Adam lived 1242 years before Noah, which is consistent with my understanding of the Holy Scriptures, and not with time calculation according to old family records, as Varro did. After Noah and the Flood, about 1480 years passed until the appearance of Adam, who is revered as the great astrologer and creator of the Chaldean alphabet. After 515 or 516 years, Moses appeared. From Moses to David another 670 years passed, and from David to our Savior Jesus Christ, the son of the Virgin Mary, according to some chronographs, 1350 years. Some may object to my calculations, arguing that they contradict the calculations of Eusebius. From the Savior to our time, if we do not fall into the vile heresy of the Saracens, approximately 624 years have passed. From this date on, it is no longer difficult to calculate the past years. All calculations were made by me taking into account the revolutions of celestial bodies in a state of inspiration, and my ability to experience this feeling was inherited by me from my ancestors.

But to avoid danger, O great king, it is necessary to mark such secret phenomena exclusively with the enigmatic line. In this case, it is extremely important that the enigmatic string be unambiguous, without amphibolic calculations and ambiguities. But at the same time, it is desirable, using vague uncertainty, to indicate through internal similarity the essence of one of the thousand and two prophecies known to us from the creation of the world in accordance with the calculations and Punic chronicle of Joel. Effundum Spiritum meum super omnem carnem et prophetabunt filii vestri et filiae vestrae, that is, pour out my spirit on all flesh, and your daughters and your sons will prophesy. Prophecies come from the mouth of the Holy Spirit, whose power is immeasurable and eternal, but we learn about it with the help of the heavenly bodies. Those who believe that the gift of prophecy depends on the possession of great and immortal things are mistaken. I am an opponent of everything that is displeasing to the Lord God, and everything that comes from God is true for me. Truly Divine a fato, but a Deo a natura which proceeds from fate, but from God and nature, that is, from fate, but through God and nature. And the Divine in my understanding is connected with the movement and course of the heavenly bodies. It’s as if you are looking through a magnifying glass and seeing through the fog great, sad and tragic events that fill everyone who indulges in prayerful contemplation with fear. The future of God's temples is dire, and fear will grip the hearts and souls of those who built and strengthened these shrines on earth. Thousands of disasters await them, with which the coming centuries will be filled.

But the Lord will bestow mercy on the Great Wife, who was considered barren. At the risk of her life, she will give birth to two children at the age of eighteen. At this age she will be in danger, and at 36 she may lose her life. In total she will have three boys and a girl. And everyone will have different fathers. Friction will arise between the brothers, which will then be resolved. Together they will make three quarters of Europe tremble. The youngest of the brothers will strengthen Christianity, support sects and beliefs, but again overthrow them. The Arabs will be driven out. He will unite states and create new laws. His elder brother will become the lord of fierce lions with crowns on their heads. The second son, with the support of the Latins, sowing fear and horror around himself, will penetrate inside the lion's camp and climb the Pyrenees. He will overthrow the ancient monarchy and cause a worldwide flood with seas of blood instead of water. Mars will forget for a long time how to fast. The daughter was given to preserve the Christian Church, and her ruler will become the destroyer of new pagan sects. She will give birth to two children: one will be devoted to the Catholic faith, and the other will not. This latter will encroach on the Catholic Church, which he will later repent of, but will create a union of three regions: Italy, Germany and Spain. Under his hand will be the lands between the fiftieth and fifty-second degrees of northern latitude. And the more northern territories will find themselves under the rule of unlimited power, which will cause fear in the West, the East, and the South. Even with the help of military force and allied actions it will not be possible to overcome it. Despite the general similarity, people from the North will have a different faith. After this, another barren Wife will appear, more powerful than the first. It is recognized by two peoples. The first of them will oppose those who exceed him in power. The second and third will undertake a campaign in Eastern Europe and Pannonia, they will send their ships to Sicily and the Adriatic. The Myrmidons and Germans will be conquered by them. The Latins will defeat the barbarian sect and expel it from their borders. But after this the kingdom of the Antichrist will come. Countless Attilas and Xerxes will appear, and masses of people will accompany them. But the grace of the Holy Spirit will descend starting from 48 degrees of latitude and will drive away the vile Antichrist, who went to war against Christ, His church and His kingdom per tempus et in occasione temporis, that is, now and forever. But before that, the most complete eclipse known since the creation of the world, the birth and crucifixion of Christ, and to this day will occur. And the Earth, as it were, will go astray and plunge into eternal darkness. And in the spring and after it there will be a great revolution, the fall of kingdoms and earthquakes. And these will be signs of the birth of a new Babylon, and with it spiritual emptiness and fornication. And this time has been allotted 73 years and seven months. And after this, a barren virgin will appear, who is destined to renew the Christian church. And there will be long-lasting peace, unity, and harmony between countries and peoples. And even the most notorious troublemakers and heresiarchs, troublemakers, will be taken into chains and thrown into the deepest abysses. But they will strive to recreate the kingdom of fear and violence through deception under the guise of wisdom. And then the countries and peoples who have left the path of freedom for the sake of freedom will again be enslaved and will harbor anger against those who took away their freedom and faith. Once again the flames of a great rebellion will ignite, causing an even greater shift to the right. The restoration of the desecrated shrines destroyed after the victory of the Great Dog will begin again. The councils will rise in their former form, the clergy will again come into power and continue their activities until they again fall into the sin of debauchery and luxury and again commit thousands of crimes. While it reaches the limits of its prosperity, new warriors and peoples will appear who will take away two swords from it, leaving only the scabbard. The people, exhausted by deception and treachery, will not want to reconcile and submit to the tyranny of an iron hand. At this time, from a barren branch will be born one who will free the people from voluntary slavery. Under the sign of Mars, he will deprive Jupiter of his greatness and build a free city in the new small Mesopotamia. The leader and head of the city will appear from the middle strata and rise high above the earth. But he will not know anything about the conspiracy of the second Thrasybulus, who had been preparing for it for a long time. And then the greatest abominations will become public and the light of truth will shine through the darkness. But by the end of his reign, this light will fade. And many pillars of the church will renounce Christ and the true faith. And three sects will arise. The second of them will be brought to decay by the believers themselves. The first will spread in Europe, and part of Africa will fall under the rule of the third sect. And lust, luxury, adultery and debauchery will triumph. The mob seduced by them will rise up and drive out the zealots of law and order. And it will seem that in countries weakened by the vicious influence of the East, God the Creator released Satan himself from the jaws of hell so that the Great Dog and Gog and Magog could appear. And they will lead the churches into such great devastation that both whites and reds, left without eyes and without hands, will not be able to realize the full depth of this fall. But they will not escape the judgment, and they will lose their power.

And again, unprecedentedly severe persecution will fall on the church, and a severe pestilence will cover two-thirds of the world. And it will be impossible to establish who owns the houses and possessions. And the streets will be overgrown with tall grass. The clergy will be exterminated. The usurper will take possession of everything that came from the sunny city, from Malta, the Hiere Islands. And the great chain will be removed from the port of the Sea Bull to make navigation free.

From the sea coast, one should expect attacks related to opposition to the Mohammedans during their first attempt to capture the Kostulan Mountains. The area where Abraham once lived will be attacked. The great city of Aachen will be surrounded on all sides by a large army. It will be well armed, but its naval power will be weakened by Westerners.

This kingdom will be destroyed to the ground, its cities will become deserted. All who set foot on his land will suffer cruel punishment. The Holy Sepulcher will be under the bare sky, open to the sun and moon, the holy place will be desecrated, turning it into a stable and shelter for cattle. Woe to the women who then bear fruit in their wombs! The ruler of the East, who has penetrated deeply into the North and West, will be defeated and killed. Those who remain will be put to flight. The children of the ruler from many women will be captured and thrown into prison. And the prediction of the Prophet King will come true: ut audi-ret gemitus compedictorum, et solveret filios in-terem, that is, may he hear the groaning of the prisoner, and may he release the sons of the dead.

The princes and governors of the countries neighboring the East will have to endure terrible oppression. The languages ​​of their peoples will be mixed with others. Latin and Arabic will merge with North African dialects. All eastern rulers will be expelled to foreign lands or destroyed. This will happen not so much due to the intervention of the northern rulers, but through the efforts of the three allies, who are responsible for many atrocities and are in constant struggle with each other. This triumvirate will operate for seven years. The teachings of the sect they represent will spread throughout the world, and heaven will accept a pure and innocent victim. And then two rulers will appear from the North who will defeat the East. The earth will tremble from the terrible roar of battles, and the East will tremble in horror before these unbrothers from the North.

I know, Sir, that I do not speak clearly enough about these acts, avoiding indications of the timing of events that should occur according to calculations, and even often come into conflict with what I have already predicted on the basis of astronomical observations and Holy Scripture. If necessary, I could accompany each quatrain with the exact date of the event. But few people will like this, as well as my interpretation of the future. Therefore, Your Majesty, I ask you not to insist on this, so as not to give my slanderers a reason to attack me.

That's how I reason. If we sum up the years that have passed since the creation of the world, we get 1506 years. From the birth of Noah to the construction of the ark and the Great Flood there are another 600 years. (The question arises as to which calendar - lunar, solar or mixed. I believe that the Holy Scriptures are talking about solar years.) After these years, Noah entered the ark to escape the flood. And the earth disappeared under water for one year and two months. From the end of the flood to the birth of Abraham, 295 years passed, from the Birth of Abraham to the birth of Isaac another 100 years, and from the birth of Isaac to the birth of Jacob 60 years. From the time of his arrival in Egypt until the exodus of his descendants from there, 130 years passed; from the exodus from Egypt to the construction of the temple by King Solomon in the fortieth year of his reign, 480 years passed. From this time to the Nativity of Christ, according to chronographs, another 490 years passed. My calculations based on the Holy Scriptures give a total of 4173 years and 8 months. I do not presume to judge the time that has passed from the Birth of Christ to the present day, since there are many conflicting opinions on this matter. I imagine my prophecies in the form of a certain chain, forming a circle, similar to an orbit. I connected them in a sequence in accordance with the laws of astronomy, guided by my innate instinct, taking into account the known period of time that it would take: Saturn to complete its revolution from April 7 to August 25, Jupiter from June 14 to October 7, Mars from 27 April to June 22, Venus - from April 9 to May 22, Mercury - from February 3 to 24, and then from June 1 to 24 and from September 25 to October 16. Saturn will be in the constellation Capricorn, Jupiter - Aquarius, Mars - Scorpio, Venus - in the constellation Pisces, the Moon - in the constellation Aquarius, the head of the constellation Draco - in the constellation Libra, and its tail on the opposite side of the constellation. After the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury in the square of Mars and Mercury, the head of the Dragon will conjoin the Sun and Jupiter. This year will pass in peace, without any eclipses. However, its beginning will be marked by such cruel persecution of the Christian Church as has never happened even in Africa. This will happen before 1792. And everyone will perceive this as the beginning of a time of renewal. The people of Rome will straighten their shoulders and drive away the darkness, regaining some of their ancient brilliance. This will not require great rework or changes.

Then Venice will reach unprecedented heights with mighty flapping of its wings, and its glory will be compared with the greatness of Ancient Rome. Then the Byzantine sails, in alliance with the Italians and the power of the North, will become an obstacle to the enemy’s path, but the Cretans will show disloyalty towards them. The waters of Neptune will close over the triumphal gates, which will be similar to those erected in ancient times by military men. The Adriatic will be tormented by discord. The former unity will disintegrate. In place of the big city there will remain a lonely house. Europe between the two rivers will include Pempotan at 45 degrees latitude, as well as other countries from 41, 42, and 47 degrees latitude. The forces of hell in these countries will rebel against Jesus Christ. The second Antichrist will appear and begin persecution against the church and its adherents, using the secular power of kings. They will be deceived by the words of a great man, more dangerous than a sword in the hands of a madman. With his death the reign of the Antichrist will come to an end. He will come from the city of Plancus, and will be born at the beginning of the century. His allies will be the elected representatives of Modena, Fulsi and Ferrara. He will be supported by the Ligurians in the Adriatic, and he himself will become closer to Great Trinacria. Then this Gallic Hercules will cross Mount Jupiter, accompanied by such a huge number of people that even far from the empire they will be subject to its laws. And after a while the blood of innocents will be shed. And there will be so much of it that those who spill it will almost choke.

After this, memory and documents about the events that took place will be lost due to major floods, and chronicles will cease. This awaits the northerners, but by the will of God they will be able to bind Satan again. Universal peace will come, the oppression of the Church of Christ will cease, despite the fact that the depraved Azostians will continue to mix the bile of their temptations into the honey. This will happen around the seventh millennium, if the atheists from the North do not come to trample Christian shrines. And the world will approach the great burnt offering. However, according to my calculations, it will exist for a long time after this.

In my message to my son Caesar Nostradamus several years ago, I openly stated that not everything I said was a prediction in the full sense of the word. But this message, Sir, contains a description of great and wonderful events that our descendants will see. Astrological calculations carried out in accordance with the Holy Scriptures allow me to assert that the persecution of the clergy will occur at the will of the northern ruler, who is in alliance with the eastern ruler. They would last 11 years or so and end after the fall of the northern lord.

Then a leader will appear who will unite the South. Under his rule, even more brutal persecution of the clergy will begin, and it will last three years. He who has supreme power over the militant church will fall into apostate temptation. All worshipers, saints, believers, and worshipers of God's law will suffer persecution: their blood will be shed without measure. And the blood shed by one of the Western rulers will be more than the wine ever made. And this will be credited to him by flatterers. This ruler will commit incredible crimes against the church: human blood will flood the streets and churches in streams, like water after heavy rains. And the rivers flowing nearby will turn red with blood. And one day the waters of the sea will turn red during a battle, and one of the rulers will say to the other that bellis rubuit navalibus aequor, that is, sea battles have colored the sea with cinnabar. At the same time and in subsequent years, a plague epidemic would break out, and it would be preceded by famine. The Latin peoples will experience a need such as has not been seen since the beginning of the Christian Church. Traces of these disasters will remain in some of Spain's possessions.

Then the third ruler of the North, prompted by the discontent of his people, will gather a huge army and surpass the deeds of his predecessors. He will be able to restore his previous position. The great high priest will be restored to his former rights, but he will be helpless when he returns to the shrines desecrated by the new pagans. Then the Old and New Testaments will be desecrated and burned. Antichrist will become the prince of hell. Christian countries and atheist states at war with them will enter a period of wars, conflicts and battles for twenty-five years. Cities, villages, castles and other buildings will be destroyed and burned. Blood will flow abundantly, not only of warriors, but also of virgins, women, and widows who will be dishonored. The heads of infants will be smashed against the city walls. And Satan, the prince of hell, will bring so much evil that the world will lie in desolation for a long time. But before that, strange birds will fly into the air with cries that foretell trouble. And these screams will be heard until the birds disappear from sight. But after that the time will come to do good, the kingdom of Saturn and the Golden Age will come. God the Father will say: “My people have suffered enough!” According to His will, shackles will be placed on Satan, and he himself will be cast into the abyss of hell. And the time will come for universal peace between God and man. Spiritual power will reach its limits, and Satan will remain in chains for a thousand years until he is released again.

And all these visions are permeated with the spirit of the Holy Scriptures and correspond to the position of the celestial bodies: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and other planets, which is confirmed by my quatrains. I could, Your Majesty, achieve even greater accuracy in my calculations, but, seeing ill-wishers ready to test me, I will allow myself to give my pen rest.

Multa etiam, o Rex omnium pontissime praeculara et sane in brevi ventura, sed omnia in hac tua epistola innectere non possumus, nec volumus: sed ad intelligenda quaedam facta horrida fata, pauca li-banda sunt, quamvis tanta fit in omnes tua amplitudo et humanitas homines, deosque pietas ut solus amplissimo et Christianissimo Regis nomine, et ad quem summa totius religionis auctoritas deferatur dignus esse videare.

I ask you, Sir, with the philanthropy and kindness characteristic of Your Royal Majesty, in which I trust, to accept my assurances of my sincere desire to obey you, my incomparable king, since my eyes have seen the radiance of greatness emanating from you, and my work has not yet was in demand and recognized.

Most Submissive Michel Nostradamus Sa-lonae Petreae Provinciae.

Salon, June 21, 1557.

* There are many things, O mightiest of kings, that must happen in the near and distant future that I cannot and do not want to talk about in this message. Instead, I have given only some of the horrifying facts that formed its basis. Your greatness, philanthropy, and good faith are so great that, in my opinion, you alone deservedly bear the name of the most Christian of kings and enjoy the highest authority in matters of religions and beliefs.

From the book The Newest Book of Facts. Volume 3 [Physics, chemistry and technology. History and archaeology. Miscellaneous] author Kondrashov Anatoly Pavlovich

by Schaff Philip

The Epistle of Jude The Epistle of Jude, "brother of James [the Righteous]", is very short and has strong similarities to the second chapter of 2 Peter, but differs from the latter in its references to the famous apocryphal Book of Enoch and the myth of Michael's dispute with the devil over the body

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§ 91. Galatians See the introduction to my exposition of Galatians (1882). Galatians and Romans deal with the doctrine of sin and righteousness and the relationship of law and gospel. These messages preach salvation by free flowing grace and justification

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Epistle In this epistle, the apostle, with his characteristic frankness, expresses his feelings for his beloved flock, who are in the love of Christ. The letter is not systematic, not polemical, not apologetic, but personal and autobiographical in nature, recalling

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2. Henry III goes to Italy. - Council of Sutri (1046). - Refusal of Gregory VI from the papal rank. - Henry III appoints Clement II as pope, who crowns him emperor - Scene of the imperial coronation. - Transfer of the patriciate to Henry to his successors In September 1046,

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Appendix I Message from Nostradamus to his son Caesar To my son Caesar Nostradamus with wishes of health and happiness. By the time you, Caesar Nostradamus, my son, were born, I had already spent many nights in tireless labor and vigil for the common good of mankind. So I

author Ermakov. Alexander I.

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From the book Wehrmacht against the Jews. War of destruction author Ermakov. Alexander I.

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Message to HENRY The most invincible, the most powerful and the most Christian - Henry, King of France the Second, his humble and most humble servant and subject Michel Nostradamus wishes victory and prosperity. Having received permission from the highest contemplation, O most Christian

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The Epistle of Jude The writer of the epistle calls himself “a servant of Jesus Christ” and “brother of James” (v. 1). A reference to James without further qualification can only refer to James, the Brother of the Lord. Being the brother of Jacob, Judas himself turns out to be the brother of the Lord. Indeed, in

To the most invincible, powerful and most Christian - Henry, King of France the Second, his humble and most humble servant and subject Michel Nostradamus wishes victory and prosperity.

Having received the permission of the highest contemplation, O most Christian and most victorious king, when my person, who had been so long in oblivion, appeared before the immeasurable godlikeness of Your Majesty, I do not cease in my everlasting blindness to praise and highly extol the day when I first appeared before the incomparable and most human sovereign.

I have long been looking for any opportunity that would allow me to show my good will and good intentions, so that, through the ability given to me, I could fully present my knowledge before Your Most Gracious Majesty...

But to the most prudent and wisest prince I dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic predictions, composed rather on the basis of the unity of natural and poetic inspiration than following the rules of poetics, and composed according to astronomical calculations in accordance with years, months and weeks, regions, countries and most large and small cities throughout Europe, including also Africa and part of Asia, thus representing a diversity of lands located in most climatic regions.

And all this is composed in a natural way... the rhythm is as easy as understanding the meaning is difficult. And therefore, O most humane king, most of the prophetic quatrains are so difficult to understand that it will be difficult to explain or somehow interpret them. Nevertheless, I hope to indicate in my writings the years, cities and towns, regions where most of the events will take place, both in the year 1585 and in the year 1606, starting from the present time, namely, March 14, 1557, and reaching quite far, until the advent itself, calculated as accurately as my astronomical calculation and other knowledge allowed, which will take place at the beginning of the seventh millennium, when the opponents of Jesus Christ and his church will become more numerous, and everything has been compiled and calculated ... so accurately, as far as possible for me.

And everything was done ... by calendar calculation of almost the same number of events relating to the future as to the past, including the present and what is learned over time in all places according to my description, where nothing superfluous was added, although, as It is said that as far as the future is concerned, the truth cannot be completely definite.

And it is true, sir, that I inherited my natural gift from my ancestors... and I combined and coordinated this natural gift with calendar calculations. All is agreed upon and foretold partly by means of the brass tripod.

No matter how numerous there may be those who attribute to me what is mine, as well as what does not belong to me, only the one eternal God is the good, just and merciful seer of human destinies and the true judge, whom I ask to protect and protect me from slander of evil people who, from the same base motives, seek to find out why your most ancient ancestors, the kings of France, knew how to heal scrofula, other clans cured snake bites, and still others had a certain gift for the art of fortune telling and other cases about which it would take too long tell here.

However, for those who do not understand the cunning of evil spirits, my writings will mean more after some time has passed after the end of my earthly journey than during my life...

I call God and the saints as witnesses that I do not intend to state in this epistle anything inconsistent with the true Catholic faith, comparing astronomical calculations with my knowledge...

But the ravages of time, O most gracious King, require that such secret events should not be revealed except in mysterious terms, having one single meaning and one interpretation, without introducing into it anything ambiguous or ambiguous calculation, but rather in the obfuscation of meaning poured into them... as well as the calculations and the Punic Chronicle of Iodine. “My spirit will be wasted beyond my flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy.” But a similar prophecy proceeded from the mouth of the Holy Spirit, who manifested the highest and eternal heavenly power, and many of this number were predicted to have great and wonderful events.

...But everything comes from God and from nature and is accompanied by the movement of the heavenly current, so that great events become visible (as in a flaming mirror) like in a blurred vision - sad, wonderful and terrible disasters that are approaching thanks to the main figures ...

Memory is permeated with mysterious knowledge.
Underground waters burn from a candle,
The pale flame flickers and sparkles
And it casts rays into the destinies of centuries.

It's like God himself is behind me
(The bronze tripod was decorated with ligature).
He leads my trembling hand,
Lord and prince of heaven and earth,
(ts. 1, parts 1,2)

Let us, together with Nostradamus, look into the destinies of centuries through the prism of his predictions.

Translation from Old French:

Message to Henry the Second
(in modern French)


Povr icelle souueraine obseruation qui i"ay eu, o Tres-Chrestien & tres-victorieux Roy, depuis que ma face estant long temps obnubilee se presente au deuant de la deite de vostre maieste immesuree, depuis en ca i"ay este perpetuellement esblouy, ne desistant d "honorer & dignement venerer iceluy iour que premiere deuant icelle ie me presentay, comme a vne singuliere maieste tant humaine. Or cherchant quelque occasion par laquelle ie peusse manifester le bon coeur & franc courage, que moyenant iceluy mon pouuoir eusse faict ample extension de cognoissance enuers vostre serenissime maieste. Or voyant que par effets le declairer ne m"estoit possible, ioint auec mon singulier desir de ma tant longue obtenebration & obscurite, estre subitement esclarcie & transportee au deuant de la face du souuerain oeil, & du premier monarque de l"vniuers, tellement que i"ay este en doute longuement a qui ie viendrois consacrer ces trois Centuries du restant de mes Propheties, paracheuant la milliade & apres auoir longuement cogite d"vne temeraire audace, ay prins mo addresse enuers vostre maieste, n"estant pour cela estonne, comme raconte, le grauissime aucteur Plutarque en la vie de Lycurgue, que voyant les offres & presens qu"on faisoit par sacrifices aux temples des dieux immortels diceluy temps, & a celle fin que l"on ne s"estonnast par trop souuent desdictes fraiz & mises ne s"osoyent presenter aux temples.

Ce nonobstant voyant vostre splendeur Royalle, accompagnee d"vne incomparable humanite ay prins mon addresse, non comme aux Roys de Perse, qu"il n"estoit nullement permis d"aller a eux, ny moins s"en approcher. Mais, a vn tresprudent, a vn tressage Prince, i"ay consacre mes nocturnes & prophetiques supputations, composees plustot d"vn naturel instinct: accompagne d"vne fureur poetique, que par reigle de poesie, & la pluspart compose & accorde a la calculation Astronomique, correspondant aux ans, moys & sepmaines des regions, contrees, & de la pluspart des villes & tirez de toute l"Europe, comprenant de l"Affrique, & vne partie de l"Asie par le changement des regions, qui s"approchent la pluspart de tous ces climats, & compose d"vne naturelle faction: respondra quelqu"vn qui auroit bie besoin de soy moucher, la Rithme estre autant facile, comme l"intelligence du sens est difficile. Et pource, o tres humanissime Roy, la pluspart des quatrins prophetiques sont tellement scabreux, que l"on n"y scauroit donner voye n"y moins aucuns interpreter, toutesfois esperant de laisser par escrit les ans, villes, citez regions, ou la pluspart aduiendra, mesmes de l"annee 1585. & de l"annee 1606. accommencant depuis le temps preset, qui est le 14. de Mars, 1557. & passant outre bien loing iusques a l"aduenement qui sera apres au commencement du 7. millenaire profondement suppute, tat que mon calcul astronomique & autre scauoir s"a peu estendre ou les aduersaires de Iesus Christ & de son Eglise: commenceront plus fort de pulluler, le tout a este compose & calcule en iours & heures d"election & bien disposees, & le plus iustement, qu"il ma este possible & le jour Minerua libera, et non inuita, supputant presque autant des aduentures du temps aduenir, comme des eages passez, comprenant de present, & de ce que par le cours du temps par toutes regios l"on cognoistra aduenir, tout ainsi nommement comme il est escrit n"y meslant rien de superflu, combien que l"on dit: Quod de futuris non est determinata omnino veritas. Il est bien vray, Sire que pour mon naturel instinct qui m"a este donne par mes auites ne cuidant presager, & adious & accordant iceluy naturel instinct auec ma longue supputation vny, & vuidant l"ame, l"esprit, & le courage de toute cure, solicitude, & fascherie par repos & tranquilite de l"esprit. Le tout accorde & presage l"vne partie tripode aeneo. Combien qu"ils sont plusieurs qui m"attribuent ce qu"est autant a moy, comme de ce que n"en est rie, Dieu seul eternel, qui est perscrutateur des humains courages pie, iuste, & misericordieux, est le vray iuge, auquel ie prie qu"il me vueille defendre de la calomnie des meschans qui voudroyent aussi calomnieusement s"enquerir pour quelle cause tous vos antiquissimes progeniteurs Roys de France ont guery des escrouelles, & des autres nations ont guery de la morsure des serpens, les autres ont eu certain instinct de l"art d"iuinatrice, & d"autres cas qui seroyet loing icy a racopter. – Ce nonobstant ceux a qui la malignite de l "esprit malin ne sera comprins par le cours du temps apres la terrene mienne extinction, plus sera mon escrit qu"a mon viuant cependant si a ma supputation des ages ie faillois on ne pourroit estre selon la volute d"aucuns. Plaira a vostre plus qu"imperialle Maieste me pardoner protestant deuant Dieu & ses saincts, que ie ne pretends de mettre rien quelconque par escrit en la presente epistre, qui soit contre la vraye foy Catholique, conferant les calculations Astronomiques , iouxte mon scauoir car l "espace du temps de nos premiers, qui nous ont precedez sont tels, me remettant sous la correction du plus sain iugement, que le premier homme Adam fut deuant Noe enuiron mille deux cens quarate deux ans ne computant les temps par la supputation des Gentils, comme a mis par escrit Varron: mais tant seulement selon les sacrees Escriptures, & selon la foi- blesse de mon esprit, en mes calculations Astronomiques. – Apre Noe, de luy & de l"vniuersel deluge, vint Abraham enuiron mille huictante ans, lequel a este souuerain Astrologue selon aucuns, il inveta premier les lettres Chaldaiques: apres vint Moyse enuiron cinq cens quinze ou seize ans, & entre le temps de Dauid & Moyse ont este cinq cens septante ans la enuiron. – Puis apres entre le temps de Dauid, & le temps de nostre sauueur & redempteur Iesus-Christ, n"ay de l"vnique Vierge, ont este (selon aucuns Cronographes) mille trois cens cinquate ans: pourra obiecter quelqu"vn ceste supputation n"estre veritable, pource qu"elle differe a celle d"Eusebe. Et puis le temps de l"humaine redeption iusques a la seduction detestable des Sarrazins, sont este six cens vingt & vn an, la enuiron, depuis en ca l"on peut facilement colliger quels temps sont passez, si la mienne supputatio n"est bonne & valable par toutes natios, pource que tout a este calcule par le cours celeste, par association d"esmotion infuse a certaines heures delaissees par l"esmotion de mes antiques progeniteurs. Mais l"iniure du temps, o serenissime Roy, requiert que tels secrets euenemens ne soyet manifestez, que par aenigmatique sentence, n"ayant qu"vn seul sens, & vnique intelligence, sans y auoir rien mis d"ambigue n"amphibologique calculation: mais plustost sous obnubillee obscurite par vne naturelle infusion approchant a la sentence d"vn des mille & deux Prophetes, qui ont este depuis la creation du mode, iouxte la supputation & Chronique punique de Ioel, Effundam spiritu meum super omnem carnem, et prophetabunt filij vestri, et filiae vestrae. Mais telle Prophetie procedoit de la bouche du S. Esprit, qui estoit la souueraine puissance eternelle, adioincte auec la celeste a d"aucuns de ce nombre ont predit de grandes & emerueillables aduetures: Moy en cest endroict ie ne m"attribue nullement tel tiltre, ia a Dieu ne plaise, ie confesse bien que le tout vient de Dieu, & luy en rends graces, honneur & louange immortelle, sans y auoir mesle de la diuination que prouient a fato: mais a Deo, a natura, & la pluspart accompagnee du mouuement du cours celeste, tellement que voyant comme das vn mirouer ardant, comme par vision obnulilee, les grans euenemens tristes, prodigeux, & calamiteuses aduentures qui s"approchent par les, principaux culteurs. Premierement des temples de Dieu, secondement par ceux qui sont terrestrement soustenus s"approcher telle decadence, auecques mille autres calamiteuses aduentures, que par le cours du temps on cognoistra aduenir: car Dieu regardera la longue sterilite de la grand dame, qui puis apres conceura deux enfans principaux: -- mais elle periclitant, celle qui luy sera adioustee par la temerite de l "aage de mort periclitat dedans le dixhuictiesme, ne pouuant passer le trentesixiesme qu"en delaissera trois masles, & vnefemelle, & en aura deux, celuy qui n"en eut iamais d"vn mesmepere . , nouuelles Loix promulguees: des autres enfans e premier occupera les Lions furieux couronnez, tenans les pattes dessus les armes interpidez. Le second se profondera si auant par les Latins accompagne, que sera faicte la seconde voye tremblante & furibonde au mont Iouis descendant pour monter aux Pyrennees ne sera translatee a l "antique monarchie, sera faiste la troisiesme innodation de sang humain, ne se trouuera de long temps Mars en Caresme. Et sera donnee la fille par la conseruation de l"Eglise Chrestiene tombant son dominateur a la paganisme secte des nouueaux infidelles elle aura deux enfans, l"vn de fidelite, & l"autre d"infidelite par la cofirmation de l"Eglise Catholic. – Et l"autre qui a sa grande confusion & tarde repentance la voudra ruiner, seront trois regions par l"extreme difference des ligues, c"est assauoir la Romaine, la Germanie, l"Espagne, qui feront diuerses sectes par main militaire, delaissant le 50. & 52. degrez de hauteur, & feront tous hommage des religions loingtaines aux regions de l"Europe & de Septentrion de 48. degrez d"hauteur, qui premier par vaine timidite tremblera, puis les plus occidentaux, meridionaux & orientaux trembleront, telle sera leur puissance, que ce qui se fera pas concorde & vnion insuperable des conquestes belliques. De nature seront esgaux: mais grandement differents de foy. Apres cecy la Dame sterille de plus grande puissance que la seconde sera receue par deux peuples, par le premier obstine par celuy qui a eu puissance sur tous, par le deuxiesme & par le tiers qui estedra ses forces vers le circuit de l"Oriet de l"Europe aux pannons l"a proflige & succobe & par voile marine fera ses extensions a la Trinacrie Adriatique par Mirmidon, & Germaniques du tout succombe, & sera la secte Barbarique du tout des Latins grandement affligee & dechassee. – Puis le grand Empire de l"Antechrist commencera dans la Atila & Zerses descendre en nombre grand & innumerable, tellement quela venue du Sainct Esprit procedant du 48. degre, fera transmigrastion, dechassant a l"abomination de l"Antechrist, faisant guerre contre le royal qui sera le grand Vicaire de Iesus-Christ, & contre son Eglise, & son regne per tempus, et in occasione temporis, & precedera deuant vne eclypse solaire le plus obscur, & le plus tenebreux, qui soit este depuis creation du monde iusques a la mort & passion de Iesus-Christ, & de la iusques icy, & sera au moys d "octobre que quelque grade translatio sera faicte, & telle que l"on cuidera la pesanteur de la terre auoir perdu son naturel mouuement, & estre abismee en perpetuelles tenebres, seront precedens au teps vernal, & s"en ensuyuant apres d"extremes chagemens, permutations de regnes, par grand tremblement de terre, auec pullulation de la neufue Babylonne, fille miserable augmentee par l"abomination du premier holocauste, & ne tiendra tant seulement Septante trois ans, sept moys, puis apres en sortira du tige celle qui auoit demeure tant long teps sterille, procedat du cinquantesme degre, qui renouuellera toute l "Eglise chrestienne. Et sera faicte grande paix vnion & cocorde entre vns des enfans des fronts esgarez, & separez par diuers regnes sera faicte telle paix que demeurera attache au plus profond baratre le suscitateur & promoteur de la martiale faction par la diuersite des religieux, & sera vny le royaume du Rabieux: qui cotrefera le sage. Et les cotrees villes, citez, regnes, & prouinces qui auront laisse les premieres voyes pour le deliurer, se caftiuant plus profondement seront secrettement laschez de leur liberte, & parfaicte religion perdue, commencement ront de frapper dans la partie gauche, pour retourner a la dextre , & remettant la sainctete profligee de long temps, auec leur pristin escrit, qu"apres le grand chien sortira le plus gros mastin, qui fera destruction de tout, mesmes de ce qu"au parauat sera este perpetre, seront redressez les temples comme au premier temps, & sera restitue le clerc a son pristine estat, & commencera a meretricquer & luxurier, faire & comettre mille forfaits. Et estant proche d"vne autre desolation, par lors qu"elle sera a sa plus haute & sublime dignite se dresseront de potentats & mains militaires & luy feront ostez les deux glaiues, & ne luy demeurera que les enseignes, desquelles par moyen de la curuature qui les attire, le peuple le faisant aller droict, & ne voulat se condescendre a eux par le bout opposite de la main aigue, touchat terre, voudront stimuler iusques, a ce que naistra d"vn rameau de la sterile de long temps, Qui deliurera le peuple vniuers de celle seruitude benigne & volontaire, soy remettant a la protection de Mars spoliant Iupiter de tous ses honeurs & dignitez, pour la cite libre, constituee & assise dans vn autre exigue Mezopotamie, Et sera le chef & gouuerneur iette du milieu, & mis au lieu de l"air, ignorant la conspiration des coniurateurs, auec le second Trasibulus, qui de long temps aura manie tout cecy: Alors les immundicitez des abominations seront par grande honte obiectees & manifestees aux tenebres de la lumiere obtenebre, cessera deuers la fin du changement de son regne, & les clefs de l"Eglise seront en arriere de l"amour de Dieu, & plusieurs d"entre eux apostatizerot de la vraye foy, & des trois sectes, celle du milieu, par les Culteurs d'icelle, sera vn peu mis en decadence. La prime totallement par l"Europe, la plus part de l"Affrique exterminee de la tierce, moyennat les pauures d"esprit, que par insesez esleuez par la luxury libidineuse adultereront. La plebe se leuera soustenant, dechassera les adheras des legislateurs, & semblera que les regnes affoiblis par les Orientaux que Dieu le Createur aye deslie Satan des prisons infernalles, pour faire naistre le grand Dog & Dohan, les quels seront si grande fraction abominable aux Eglises, que les rouges ne les blancs sans yeux ne sans mains plus n "en iugeront, & leur sera ostee leur puissance. -- Alors sera faicte plus de persecutio aux Eglises, que ne fut iamais. Et sur ces entrefaictes naistra la pestilence si grande que trois pars du monde plus que les deux defaudront. Tellement qu"on ne scaura, cognoistre ne les appartenans des champs & maisons, & naistra l"herbe par les rues des cites plus haute que les genoux: Et au clerge sera faicte toute desolation, & vsurperont les martiaux ce que sera retourne de la cite du Soleil de Melite, & des isles Stechades, & sera ouuerte la grad chaisne du port qui pred sa denomination au boeuf marin. Et sera faite nouuelle incursion par les maritimes plages, Volant le saut castulum deliurer de la premiere reprinse Mahumetane. Et ne seront de leurs assaillemens vains, & au lieu que iadis fut l"habitation d"Abraham, sera assaillie par personnes qui auront en veneration les Iouialistes. Et icelle cite d"Achem sera enuironnee, & assaillie de toutes parts en tresgrande puissance de gens d"armes. Seront affoiblies leurs forces maritimes par les Occidentaux. Et a ce regne sera faicte grande desolation, & les plus grandes citez seront de peuplees, & ceux qui entreront dedans seront comprins a la vengeance de l"ire de Dieu. -- Et demeurera le sepulchre de tant grande veneration par l"espace de long temps soubs le serain a l"vniverselle vision des yeux du Ciel, du Soleil, & de la Lune. Et sera conuerty le lieu sacre en ebergement de troupeau menu & grand, & adapte en substances prophanes. O quelle calamiteuse affliction sera par lors aux femmes enceintes: & sera par lors du principal chef Oriental, la plus part esmeu par les Septentrionaux & Occidentaux vaincu, & mis a mort, profligez, & le reste en fuite, & ses enfans de plusieurs femmes emprisonnez, & par lors sera accomplie la Prophet du Royal Prophete: Vt audiret gemitus compeditorum, vt solueret filios interemptorum . Quelle grande oppression qui par lors sera faicte sur les Princes & gouuerneurs des Royaumes, mesmes de ceux qui seront maritimes & Orietaux, & leurs langues entremeslees a grande societe: la langue des Latins & des Arabes par la communication Punique, & seront tous ces Roys Orientaux chassez profligez, exterminez, no du tout par le moyen des forces des Roys d "Aquilon & par la proximite de nostre siecle par moyen des trois vnys secrettemet cerchant la mort, & insidies par embusches l"vn de l"autre, & durera le renouuellement de Triumuirat sept ans, que la renommee de telle secte fera son estendue par l"vnivers, & sera soustenu le sacrifice de la saincte & immaculee hostie: -- & seront lors les Seigneurs deux en nombre d"Aquilon, victorieux sur les Orientaux, & sera en iceux faict si grand bruit & tumulte bellique, que tout iceluy. Orient tremblera de la frayeur d'iceux freres, non freres Aquilonaires. Et pource, Sire, que par ce discours ie mets presque confusement ces predictions, & quand ce pourra estre & l "aduenement d"iceux, pour le denombrement du temps que s"ensuit, qu"il n"est nullemet ou bien peu conforme au superieur: lequel tant par voye Astronomique, que par autres mesmes des sacrees escritures, qui ne peuuent faillir nullement, -- que si ie voulois a vn chacun quatrain mettre le denombrement du temps, se pourroit faire: mais a tous ne seroit aggreable, ne moins les interpreter iusques a ce sire, que vostre maieste m"aye octroye ample puissance pour ce faire, pour ne donner cause aux calomniateurs de me mordre. -- Toutesfois contans, les ans depuis la creation du monde, iusques a la naissance de Noe, sont passez milcinq cens & six ans, -- & depuis la naissance de Noe iusques a la parfaicte frabrication de l "arche, approchant de l" vniuerselle mondation, passerent six cents ans (si les dos estoyet solitaires ou Lunaires, ou des dix mixtions) ie tiens ce que les sacrees escriptures tiennent qui estoyent Solaires. Et a la fin d"iceux six ans Noe entra dans l"arche pour estre sauue du deluge: & fut iceluy deluge, vniuersel sur terre, & dura vn au & deux mois. Et depuis la fin du deluge iusques a la natiuite d"Abraham, passa le nombre des ans de deux cens nonate cinq. Et depuis la natiuite d"Abraham iusques a la natiuite d"Isaac passerent cent ans. Et depuis Isaac iusques a Iacob, soixante ans des l"heure qu"il entra en Egypte iusques a l"yssue d"iceluy passerent cent trete ans. Et depuis l"entree de Iacob, en Egypte iusques a l"issue d"iceluy, passerent quatre cens trente ans. Et depuis l"yssue d"Egypte iusques a l"edification du Temple faicte par Salomon au quatriesme an de son regne, passerent quatre cens octate ou quatre vingts ans. Et depuis l"edification du temple iusques a Iesus Christ selon la supputation des hierographes, passerent quatre cens nonante ans. Et ainsi par ceste supputation que i"ay faicte, colligee par les sacres lettres, sont enuiron quatre mille cent septante trois ans & huict mois, peu ou moins: Or de Iesus Christ en ca par la diuersite des sectes ie laisse, & ayant suppute & calcule les presentes Propheties, le tout selon l"ordre de la chaisne qui contient sa revelation, le tout par doctrine Astonomique, & selon mon naturel instinct, & apres quelque temps &dans iceluy comprenant depuis le temps que Saturne qui tournera entre a sept du mois d"Auril, iusques au 15. d"Aoust Iupiter a 14. de Iuin iusques au 7. Octobre Mars depuis le 17. d"Auril, iusques au 22. de Iuin, Venus depuis le 9. d"Auril iusques au 22 .de May, Mercure depuis le 3. de Feurier, iusques au 24. dudit. En apres le premier de Iuin, iusques au 24. dudit, & du 25. de Septembre, iusques au 16. de Octobre, Saturne en Capricorne, Iupiter en Aquarius, Mars en Scorpio, Venus en Pisces, Mercure dans vn moys en Capricorne, Aquarius, & pisces, la lune en Aquarius la teste du Dragon en Libra: la queue a son signe opposite suyuant vne conionction de Iupiter a Mercure auec vn quadrin aspect de Mars a Mercure, & la teste du Dragon sera auec vne conionction du Soleil a Iupiter, l "annee sera pacifique sans eclypse, & non du tout, -- & sera le commencement comprenant ce de ce que durera & comencant icelle annee sera faicte plus grande persecution a l" Eglise Chrestienne, que n "a este faicte en Afrique, & durera ceste-icy iusques, a l"an mil sept cens nonante deux que l"o cuydera estre vne renouation de siecle: apres commencera le peuple Romain de se redresser, & de chasser quelques obscures tenebres, receuant quelque peu de leur pristine clarte, non sans grande diuision & continuel chagemens. Venise en apres en grande force & puissance leuera ses aisles si treshaut, ne disant gueres aux forces de l"antique Rome. Et en iceluy temps grandes voyles Bisantines associees aux Ligustiques par l "appuy & puissance Aquilonaire, donnera quelque empeschement que des deux Cretenses ne leur sera la foy tenuee. Les arcs edifiez par les antiques Martiaux, s" accompagneront aux ondes de Neptune. En l"Adriatique sera faicte discorde grande ce que sera uny sera separe, approchera de maison ce que paravant estoit & est grande cite, comprenant le Pompotam la Mesopotamie de l"Europe a quarante cinq & autres de quarante vn, quarante deux, & trente Sept. Et dans iceluy temps, & en icelles contrees la puissance infernale mettra a l"encontre de l"Eglise de Iesus Christ la puissance des aduersaires de sa loy, qui sera le second Antechrist, lequel persecurera icelle Eglise & son vray Vicaire, par moyen de la puissance des Roys temporels, qui seront par leur ignorance seduicts par langues, qui trencheront plus que nul glaiue entre les mains de l"insense. Le susdicts regne de l"Antechrist ne durera que iusques au definition de ce n"ay pres de l" aage & de l"autre a la cite de Plancus accompagnez de l"esleu de Modone Fulcy, par Ferrare, maintenu par Liguriens Adriaticques, & de la proximite de la grande Trinacrie: Puis passera le mot Iouis, Le Gallique ogmium, accompagne de si grand nombre que de bien loing l"Empire de sa grande loy sera presente, & par lors & quelque temps apres sera espanche profuseement le sang des Innocens par les nocens vn peu esleuez: alors par grands deluges la memoire des choses contenues de tels instruments receura innumerable perte, mesmes les lettres: qui sera deuers les Aquilonaires par la volonte diuine, & entre vnefois lie Satan. Et sera faicte paix vniuerselle entre les humains, & sera deliuree l"Eglise de Iesus Christ de toute tribulation, combien que par les Azos-tains voudroit mesler dedans le miel du fiel, & leur pestifere seduction: & cela sera proche du septiesme millenaire, que plus le sanctuaire de Iesus Christ ne sera conculque par les infideles qui viendront de l"Aquillon, le monde approchant de quelque grande conflagration combien que par mes supputations en mes propheties, le cours du temps aille beaucoup plus loing Dedans l"Epistre que ces ans passez ay dedie a mon fils Cesar, Nostradamus i"ay assez appertement declare aucuns poincts sans presage. Mais icy, o Sire, sont comprins plusieurs grands & merueillieux aduenemens, que ceu qui viendront apres le verrot. Et durant icelle supputation Astrologique, conferee aux sacrees lettres, la persecution des gens Ecclesiastiques prendra son origine par la puissance des Roys Aquilonaires, vnis auec les Orientaux. Et ceste persecution durera onze ans, quelque peu moins, que par lors defaillira le principal Roy Aquilonaire, lesquels ans accomplis suruiendra son vny Meridional, qui persecutera encore plus fort par l "espace de trois ans les gens d" Eglise, par la seductio apostatique , d"vn qui tiendra toute puissance absolue a l"Eglise militaire, & le sainct peuple de Dieu obseruateur de sa loy, & tout orde de religion sera grandement persecute & afflige tellement que le sang des vrais Ecclesiastiques, nagera par tout, & vn des horribles Roys temporels par ses adherans luy seront donnes telles louanges, qu"il aura plus respandu de sang humain des innocens Ecclesiastiques, que nul ne scauroit auoir du vin. & iceluy Roy comet- tra des forfaicts enuers l"Eglise incroyables, coulera le sang humain par les rues publiques, & temples, comme l"eau par pluye impetueuse, & rougiront de sang les plus prochains fleuues, & par autre guerre nauale rougira la mer, que le rapport d"vn Roy a l"autre luy sera dit: Bellis rubuit naualibus aequor. Puis dans la mesme annee & les suiuantes s"en ensuiura la plus horrible pestilence, & la plus meruelleuse par la famine precedente, & si grandes tribulations que iamais soit aduenue telle depuis la premiere fondation de l"Eglise Chrestienne, & par toutes les regions Latines, demeurant par les vestiges en aucunes contrees des Espaignes. Par lors le tiers Roy Aquilonaire entendat la plaincte du peuple de son principal tiltre, dressera si grande armee, & passera par les destroits de ses derniers auites & bisayeuls, qui remettra la plus part en son estat, & le grand Vicaire de la cappe sera remis en son pristin estat: mais desole, & puis du tout abandonne, & tournera estre Sancta Sanctorum destruicte par Paganisme & le vieux & nouueau Testament serot dechassez, bruslez, en apres l"Antechrist sera le prince infernal, encores par la derniere foy trembleront tous les Royaumes de la Chrestiente, & aussi des infideles, par l "espace de vingt cinq ans, & seront plus grieues guerres & batailles, & seront villes, citez chasteaux, & tous autres edifices bruslez, desolez, destruicts, auec grande effusion de sang vestal, mariees, & vefues violees, enfans de laict contre les murs des villes allidez & brisez, & tant de maux se commettront par le moyen de Satan, prince infernal, que presque le monde vniuersel se trouuera defaict & desole: & auant iceux advenemens aucuns oyseaux insolites crieront par l"air, Huy huy, & seront apres quelques temps esuanouys. Et apres que tel temps aura dure longuement, sera presque renouuelle vn autre regne de Saturne, & siecle d"or, Dieu le createur dira entendant l"affliction de son peuple, Satan sera mis, & lie dans l"abysme du barathre dans la profonde fosse: & adonc commencera entre Dieu & les hommes vne paix vniuerselle, -- & demeurera lie enuiron l "espace de mille ans, & tournera en sa plus grande force, la puissance Ecclesiastique, & puis tourne deslie. Que toutes ces figures sont iustement adaptees par les diuines lettres aux choses celestes visibles, c"est a scavoir, par Saturne, Iupiter, & Mars, & les autres conioincts, comme plus a plain par aucuns quadrins l"on pourra voir. Ie eusse calcule plus profondement, & adapte les vns auecques les autres. Mais voyant o Serenissime Roy, que quelqu"vns de la sensure trouueront difficulte, qui sera cause de retirer ma plume a mon repos nocturne: Multa etiam, o rex omnium potentissime, praeclara et sane in breui ventura, sed omnia in hac tua epistola innectere non possumus, nec volumus: sed ad intelligenta quaedam facta horrida fata, pauca libanda sunt, quamuis tanta sit in omnes tua amplitudo et humanitas homines , deosque pietas, vt solus amplissimo et Christianissimo Regis nomine, et ad quem summa totius religionis auctoritas deferatur dignus esse videare. Mais tant seulement ie vous requiers, o Roy tres clemet; par icelle vostre singuliere & prudente humanite, d "entendre plus tost le desir de mon courage, &le souuerain estude que i" ay d "obeyr a vostre Serenissime Maieste, depuis que mes yeux furent si proches de vostre splendeur Solaire, que la grandeur de Mon labeur n"attainct ne requiert.
De Salon, ce 27. de Iuin, 1558.

Faciebat Michael Nostradamus Salonae Petrae Prouinciae

Neviigranij ochenij-moschnij, ochenij- xristianij Genri Crol iz Franci vtorij:

Michelle Nostradamus

ochenij-unigenij, ij ochenij-p about vinij slugitel ij


viiganij ij velichij

Moschnij jetij svershenij obsledovanie kaj ja imej, o ! ochenij- xristianij & ochenij-viigranij Crol, zatem che moj likij estjanj dolgij vremij obmugij predstavit vo perednij do bogij do vashij moguchij nemerjanij, zatem na eta ja este neprerivnij razduvanij, ne zadi istinaj do gordenij & dost O jnij uvagajemj jetij dnij che pervennij perednij jetij ja sebij predstavlenij, cabbi odn znakovij moguchij stolkij umnaj. Mej shurshanij kajkoj sluchajnij pasred kotorijj ja mojjij opovestiti dobre serdij & francij smelost, che podvignaj jetij moj moschij jistij dejanj obbilnj razshirenie do soznanost iznanc vashej sijanj moguchij. Mej videnij che pasred dejstvij je objavljati ne maj stoit mogenij, edinj vis moj znakovij gelati iz maj stolkij dolgij dobivanie & obsledij, eslij vnezapnij iscorcij & perenesenij vo peredij do likij do sovershenij ochij & pervij edina tarxij vo ed inijij, stollnij che ja esti vo dumij dolgovremij kaj ja javlenij con socritij sej troij Sotenij do ostajuchj iz moij Providij, poreshenaj milliard & paslej imeti dlinnij con gatij odn otvajanj udachj, branij moj obratnij iznanc vashej moguchij, ne ostavlenij radij sej istinni, cabbi ra s caznj gravernij dejatel Plutarxij vo jitij Licurgij, che videnij darenij & prinoshenij kaj dejanjat pasred socritijij vo teremij bogij ne smertnij dvj seij vremij & sejj kon che ne istinnost pasred lishca zavershenij zadij govorij fraz & postavij ne osobenij prisnij vo teremij.

Sej neobstajanj videnij vashij bleschenij crolnij, vo sobranij odn ne con parnij umenij imanj branij moj obbratnij, ne cabbi Crolij Persij kaj ejnj ne udostojat nichejnij pozvolenij do itti na jij, rodij menij bblizitisa. Noj imat odn ochenij porudnij, ochenij starij Princi, ja imat con socritij moij nochnij & providij summirovanij, con postavij boleej vo odin rodnij ne istinij: vo sobranij odn jarenij pojuschij, che pasred pravilij pojuchij & bolej dolij con postavij & sogglasij na calesij ruchn ij Letnij imenij con raspredelenij naj godij, mesjac & sechenij po crajnij, con storonij & po bolej dolij jilij & derevnij po vsij Evropi, con branij do Afrikij & odn dolij Azij pasred zamennij crajnij, kaj bblignij bolej dolij do vsij etij clonenij & con postavij do odn rogdenij dejanie: obrat otvechajema okolnij kaj imat biti objazanij do samij mushkij, ritmij eslij imat legkij, cabbi razumenost do mislij est trudnij. Ij pochem, o! ochenij umennostnij Crol bolej dolij chetverij providcheskij bejashat stolnij scandalnij, che ne iscajenij davati videnij ne menij nikojnj megdu prjatati, vsij takij nadejnij ostavitti pasred iscrjabij godij, jillij, selij, crajnij, gdij bolej dolij pojavlena , meschenij ot godinj 1585 & do godinij 1606 ne con nachalnij zatem vremi prisnij, kaj esti 14 March, 1557 & proxodij drugij dobrenij dolgij blizkij pojavlenij kaj besha paslej vo con nachinanij 7 temenij glubinnij summirovanij casatj che mnoj calesij rucnoj letnij imenoj & drugij iscagenij po malij istinij delati gdij otvergenij ot Jesus Krist & ot svoj Cerkvij: con nachinat boles silij burruliti, jei vsij esti con postavij & calesij ruchnij vo dnijij & chasij crichanij & dobre zadij postavij & jei bolej julinij che maj esti moggnij & dnij Minerva svobodna, ij ne viezdna, summarnaj blisko nastolkij pojavlenij do vremij pojaviti , cabbi letij proxodij, con prinjataj vo prisnij & do sej che pasred techij vremij pasred vsij crajij izvestna pojaviti, vsij takij imenovanij cabbi jij esti iscrjabij ne ravnaj nichut do sverx polnij scolkij che govorij: kotorij do buduchij ne esti biti con nechnij imenij pravdij jij esti dobre pravdij, Carj, che dlja moj rodnij ne istinij kaj mnij esti dannij pasred moij imatij ne svedenij prestarij & durnij & sogglasnij sejij rodnij ne istinij vis maj dolgij summirovanie edinij & vidjachij lubij, ispertij & smelost do vsij lechenij, tverdost & ogorchen ie pasred peredix & plavvinj ot ispertij. Vsij sogglasij & prestarij odn dolij plutnij jarenij. Scol mnogij kaj eij bejashat mnogijij kaj moge pottrebnij sej kaj est vostolnij na moj, cabbi do sej che ne est libj, Bogij edinij vechnij, kaj presledovatel umenij s melostij picj, julij & nizecj cerdj, pravdij sudij, o kaj ja prosij kaj ij mi starij oboroniti ot clevetanij ot meschanij kaj velanjat tacgi clevetanijschenij vicavirati radij kotirijj cozij vsij vashij drevnisamij porogdenitelij Crolij Franci imat vojni izcrovji & drugij narodij imat vojni do merzkij do zmejinij , drugij imat imelj lishenj tajnj ne istinij do pjnostij & do drugij cozij kaj siroedij ledij vo scazatel.

Sej neobstajanj selij vo kaj zilobno s t izpertij zlobij ne besha con prinjatij pasred techij vremij paslej zemelnij moij ognetushenie, bolej besha mnoj izscrjabij che emij mnoj videnij meg tem takij maj summurovanij letij ja narruchij ne pojjij esti soglasnj volnij nekotorij. Prijatna imat vashij bolej kaj samij pervij moguchij mne proscheniti protestnaj peredij Bogij & svoij svjatij, che ja ne pritjazanj do postaviti nichut kojkogovij pasred iscrjabij na prisnij opis stolij kaj budij protivij pravdij verij Catholiceskij, con vverij cales ij ruchnij letnij imenij, sudij maj iscagenij jibo bes plochadij vo vremij ot nash pervij, kaj maij imat pregedij estij dalnij mnoj perepostavij podj con lechenie do bolij zdravj sugdenij, che pervij mugnij Odin bil peredij Noj okolinnj temij dvoj sotnij chatir na desjat dvoj (1242) godij ne con putati vremij paj summirovanij Genij dirij, cabbi imat post pasred iscrjabij Varron: noj stolkij edinnij soglasnj socritij Iscrjabijnij & soglasnj verij – obieggenj moj ispertij ij maij summirovanij Letnij imenoj.

Paslej Noj, ot jej & ot edinij polugij , javlenj Avraam okolinnj temij osmij na desjat (1080) godij, cotorij imat esti sovershenij Letnij slovij soglasnj nikagdij, jij naviezdnij pervij slovnij Shaldajskij:paslej javlenij Mojshi ok olinnj pjatok sotnij pjatok ij desjat (515) lib shest ij desjat (516) godij & megdij vremij David & Mojshi imat esti pjatok sotenij semij na desjat (570) godij okolinnj.

Zatem megdij vremij David ij vremij do nashij sovershenij & iscuppitel Jisus-Krist rodij ot edinij Devichnj, imat esti (soglasnj nikagdij Vremij scrjabij) temij troij sotenij pjatok na desjat (1350) godij (4757): mojna vozragati kojkakoj p ustij summirovanij ne esti vernij, poscol che jijj otlichnij ot sejj Ieshuj. Ij zatem vremij ot umnij iscuplenie blizkij sldcovanie obrat teshnj Corrichnj, imat esti shostij sotenij dvoj na desjat & odn (621) godij, okolinnj, biti poslj vo et malij legchenij sorrenie skolij vremij imat proxodij, takij moij summarnij ne esti dobre & pravdij pasred vsijij narodij che vsij esti calesij ruchnij pasred techij chijistj, pasred ssosednij ot smjatenie nastojanj na lishenj tajnij chasij obrat rastanij pasred smjatenie ot moj vetxij porogedenitelej. Noj edinij vo vremij, o ! sijanj Crol, perekavichnij che dalij socritij sobivannij ne sholkovij rukij delanij, che pasred jarj vulkanij sugdenost, ne javlenit kaj odin edinij smisl & edinij rasumenost, lishenij imeti nichut post ot okrugnij ne zemopolovij calesij ruchnij: noj luchshi j podij vozmugij obsledij pasred odn rodnij nastojanij bbliganij vo sugdenost ot edin do tmij & dvoj Providenij, kaj imat esti zatem tvorenij do porjad O c, sudij summirovanij & Vremenik finikij ot elinij, Affinj, bogij spertij moij svishe imenij car imenij, ij providenij vedij vestij, ij vedenij vestij. Noj tacijj Providij prosledij ot gubnij ot S. Ispertij, kaj ustoit svershenij moschnojst vechnij soedinnij vis chistij nekij do etij chislenij imat predsca z at velikajij & zamechatelnij pojavlenij: Moj vo seij mestnojj ja ne trebij nuchej takoj glavnij, imat ot Bogij ne prijatij, ja con veshat dobre che vsij javlenjat do Bogij & darenij milostij, gordij & slavlenje ne smertij, lishenij imeti neravnij do bojistvnij che predvidij vo vechij: noj vo Bogij, vo rodnij & bolej dolij soprovogdenij vo dvigenij vo techij chistij, takovij che videnij cabbi danij odn zercalij rdenij, cabbi videnij obnulenij, velikajij sobivannij grustnj, providenij & goremikatij pojavlenij kaj ppribligenij jij glav nij rukij delatel. Pervenij vo teremij Bogij, vtorejnij pasred selij kaj zemlistrojnij podtjanij bbligeniti takijj upadenost vis kaj tmij drugij goremikanij pojavlenij, che pasred techij vo vremij con gnutena pojavleniti: ibo Bogij prigladena dolgij stelnij do velikaj mugnij, kaj zatem poslej con videna dvoij nevinaj glavnij ( Romul, Rem): -- noj ejji perecrivanaj tejj kaj jij besha durnij pasred otvajanostj vo letij vo smert perecrivat vonutrij desjat-osmij (18- th hail ), ne mogenaj proxoditi tri na desjat shostij (36- th hail .) kaj obrat rastana troij mugskij & unij genskijj & po javlena dvoj, teij kaj ne imat nikadaj ot edin mugnij batij, ot troij bratij bejashat takijj otllichimst zatem edinij & sogglasij, che troij & chatirij dolnij Evropij droganjat: pasred men chj vo letij besha edina tarxij crestnij podtjanij & uvelichenij socritij izbranij & vnezapnij unigenij, Arabij perecovilij, Crolnij edinij, novij julij promovjenij: drugij nevinajij est pervij poccushena Levij jarenij coronnij, tjanenij lapij svishej orugij megdij pjatij. Vtorij uglublena takij peredij pasred Latinij soprovogdenij, che besha dejanij vtorij videnij treplenij & jarenij bolshj na gornij delenij zadij sedlanij chtob podnjati naj Pireneij ne besha perevod slovnij vo vetxij edina tarxij, besha vershinaj tretejnij navodnenie iz krov umenij, ne najdena vo dolgij vremij Mars vo Scoromij. Ij besha otdanaj devijj pasred con soxranenij vo Cerkvij Xrictianij padenaj svoj poginatel na poganizm socritij iz novij nevernij ejjij javlena dvij nevinaj, odn iz vernij & drugij nevernij pasred con derganie vo Cerkvij Catholic. Ij drugij kaj na sva con smeshenie & temnoj perepinanie jei jelanna rushiniti, bejashat troij crajnij pasred sverxnij otllichimst uzlij sej esti osagdenij Romanij Germanij Ispanij, kaj dejanjat dvoj vershij socritij pasred rukij voenaj, obrat rastanjat 50 & 52 stepenij do visij & dejanjat vsij pochitanij nabognij dolgotaanij vo crajnij vo Evropi & vo Samij severnij do 48 stepenij visij, kaj pervij pasred vijnij Stidlivj Trepplena, Zatem Bolej Vecernij, Sredinnij & Dalnij Treplenjat, Takij Besha Jij Moschnost, Che Sej Kaj dejana Passed Con Soglasj & Edinenij ne svershenij con kon con Kon ovilanj vojinskij.vo rodnij bejashiat izgojij: noj otelichinij otlichnij ot verij. Paslej teji Mugnij stelnaj do bolej velikaj moschnost che vtorij besha prijama pasred dvoj poludij, pasred pervij neotstupnij pasred seij kaj imat moschnost na vsij, pasred dvoinij & pasred tretij kaj ostavlenna svoj silij verxij crugij Dalnij Evropi naj Pannonij fail & usttupij & pasred volnij morenij dejana raztjanenij na Trojostrij Adriatikij pasred Muravjinij & Germanskij do vsij scconchanij & besha sechenij Borodij do vsij Latinij velichinij ogorchenij & vignanij.

Zatem velikaj samj pervij Antixrist con nachalna naj Atila & Corichnij zadij sedlati na chislenij velikaj & ne chislenij, stolnij kaja javlena do Svjatij Ispertij proslednaj do 48 stepenij, dejana megdijpogranichnij, vignanij obmiranie ot Antixrist, dejanij vojni protivij crolaj kaj besha velikaj vmestanj Iisus-Xrist & protivij svoj Cerkvij & svoj pravlenij vo vremij, ij vo sluchajnij vremenij & presledovana peredij odin zatemij solnechni bolej obsledij & bolej tenj brosj, kaj budij esti biti paslej tvorenij vo mirnij blizkij na smert & peregi va nie Iisus-Christ & do blizkij etj, & besha vo mesjac octjabrij che kojkoj velikaj peremeschenij besha dejani & tacij che svedena vesomatel zemli imati poterij svoj rodnij podvijnij & esti opustenij vo neprerivnij tenevij, bejashat pregedij vo vremij veshnaj & vo sledovanij paslej sverxnij zamenij per e meschenie pravlenij pasred velikaj trepplenij zemli, vis burrulenie vo novij Vavilonni, devijj bedovanaj ognenjanj pasred obmiranie pervij kada costernj & ne tjanenna stolkij edinstvenjsemij na desjat troij godij , semij mesjac, zatem paslej vijdena do s tvolj tejji kaj imat dominij stolkij dolgj vremij stelnij, prosledij do pjatok na desjatnij (50) stepenij, kaj perenovena vsij Cerkvij xristianij. Ij besha dejanij velikaj pokij edinenie & cin soglasij megdu edinij nevinajij do perdnij soxranij & otdelnij pasred dvoj vershij pravlenij besha dejanij takij pokij che progivana stjagnij na bolej glubokj maslodelij sverxchujatel & prodvigatel do vojenaj dejanie pa sred dvoj vershij bogenij & besha edinij crolnost iz Rabiij: kaj protivij dejana starj. Et con storonij jillij, selij, crajnij & projivanie kaj javlenjat ostavij pervijij jezdij radij svoboditi, cafarnij bolej glubinnaj bejashat socritnaj lasckij jeij svobodij & peredejanij bogenie prjatanij, con nachinanaj do barabbaniti nutrij dolij levshij , radij perecrugniti na lovcij & perepostavij svjatost polzijij do dolgij vremij . lugij vo svoj prestupnij stojanij & con nachinana vo mati plutovati & vivixati, delati & con postaviti tmij zlodejanij. Ij postavij blignij odin drugij razorenie, poj togdaj kaj ejji besha vo sva bolej visij & podjemnij dostojnij vodrugenjat vlastitelnij & rukij voenijij & jij dejanat ostrij iz dvoj kladinij & ne jij zadij mertvena kaj vostjagnij, dokajij poj srednij iz grebatelnij kaj svoj ocharovati, poludij dejanaj ittiti platij & ne jelat con sedlati do jix pasred bokij obboj storonij ot rukij jagij trogaj zemli, jelannjat stegati blizkij, na sej che rogdena odn prjamoj ot stelnoj vo dolgij vremij, kaj izbavlena poludij edinnij ot sejj slugiv ost blagodushij svoevolennaj, sebij perepostavlenaj na protivlenie ot Mars & ispolinaj Jupiter vo vsij svoj gordij & dostojnij, radij selij svobodnij, con sostavlenij & posagenij naj odin drugij izigovij Mesopotamij. Ij besha glav & gorodenij kiddij do sredij & postavi na legij iz jarij, neznaemaj con zapiranij con julivatelij, vis vtorijStrashnij volij kaj dolgij vremij javlena ruchnij vsij etij: Togdaj neimuchij iz obmiranij bejashat velikaj krasnj objatnij & rukoj ve shanij naj tenebrosij vo luchinij obrat tenebrosij ostana zadij vershij kon do zamenenij svoj pravlenij & cluchij Cercvij bejashat vo dalnij do lubij Bogij & mnogenij megdij eij otstuplenjat ot pravij verij & troij sechenij, sejj do sredij, pasred rukatijij do sejj besha vo malj post obrat sedanost. Pervij vsejnij pasred Evropi, bolej dolij Affrikij istorgenij do tret, edinenaj moschnij Espertij, kaj pasred naselij izbranij pasred laskovij lubovanij odurachivanjat. Poludij vershena podstenjat, izgnatena odnorechnij julnislovitelij & sobbrana che pravlenij obbesumjij pasred Dalnij che Bogij Tvoritel javij zadij lik Satan iz porubok vogeleznijij, chtob delati rogdeniti gromadij Dogonij &Dohlij kajij bejashat takij gromad ij droblenie obmiranaj voj Cercvij, che rigij ne belenkij lishenij zenkj ne lishenij rukij bolej ne sugdenjat & jij besha ostavij jij moschnost.

Togdaj besha dejanij bolej iz presledij vo Cercvij, kaj ne bil blizkij. Ij na sej megdudejanij rogdena smertelnost takij gromadij che troij dolij mirnij bolej che dvoj zadij dostanjat. Stolnij che ne sledena con znavati ne prinadlegnost poljanij & mazanij & rogdena drevij naj ulicaj selij bolej visij che ludij. Ij vo cercovnij besha deanij vsij razorenij & vosvershenjat voenij sej che besha obrat crugnij do selij Solnechnij do Smeshenij & do ostrovij Svjatij chadij & besha otverzij gromadij cepejnij do port kaj pregdij svaj biti nazvanij bik morskoj. Ij besha novij vtorgenie pasred morskij polegij, Volnaj scochij Crepostij obrat svoboditi ot pervij obrat branij Magometanij. Ij ne bejashat jij ossagdenij vijnij & na legij che zadij bil progivanie Abraam, besha ossadij maskovij kaj javlenjat pochitanie lubij lestnij. Ij isejj selij Abraamj besha okrugnij & ossadij vsij silij dolnij vo lishcj gromadij ludij orugij. Bejashat obbezumij jijij silij morskij pasred Vechernij. Ij sej pravlenij besha dejat gromadij razorenij & bolej gromadij selij bejashat vo narodijij & gitelij kaj vojdenjat vonutrij bejashat con branij vo mschenij do jarij Bogij.

Ij obrat mertvij zagrobnaj vo takojj gromadij pasred besplochadj vo dolgij vremij podij sijanj edinovershijj videnie zenkij Sijanij, Solncj & Luni. Ij besha con verchenij legij socritij vo obereganij tropnij melkij & gromadij & posobij suschestvenost providenij. O kakojj goremikanij ogorchenij besha poj togdaj naj gennij nagrugenij: & besha paj togdaj glavnij glav Dalnij bolej dolij izmenj pasred Severnij crajnij & Vechernij viigranij & post na smert, provalnij jei ostavj vo bejanij & svoj nevinaj vo mnogij gen nij zabrannij & paj togdaj besha sovershenj Providenij vo Crolij Providenij: Vt audiret gemitus compeditorum, vt solueret filios interemptorum. Kajj gromadij ugnettenie kaj paslej besha dejanij naj Princij & gorodenij Rcolevij, samij gitelij kaj bejashat morskij & Dalnij & jij jazikij megdijsmeshanij vo gromadij sosednij:jazikij Latinij & Arabij pasred soobbschevanij Finikij & bejashat vsij sej Crolij Daln ij gnattij provalnij istorgenij, ne do vsij paj srednij Silij Crolij Dalinj proji v anij do nashij vecij paj srednij troij edinij socritnij cercovnaj smert & nasigenj pasred zapadnij odn do drugij & dlena perenovlenij do Troijmugnij semij godij, kaj pereimenovanij tojj socritij dejana svoj rastjanutij poj edinij & besha podstenij soc rovlenij vo svjatij & nemugij hajanij.

& bejashat togdaj Sennij dvoj vo chslenij Okojemnij , viigranij naj Dalnij & na ixnij dejanij takij gromadij burij & smjatenij vojinij che vsij isejij. Dalnij drogana ot straxij isejij bratij, ne bratij Okojemorodij. Ij pochem, Car, che pasred sej sebj govorij ja postavij blisko con smeshenij sej predscazanie& kada se mogga esti & objavlenij isejij, chtob biti chislenij vremij che sledovat, che ne est nuchejjinij gdij dobre malij con polnij vo svershij : kajij stolkij pasred videnij Letnij imennij, che pasred drugij samij iz socritij scrjabijtvorimij, raj ne moggenij vijjti nichejjnij.

Che takij ja jelanij na cagdij chetirnij postaviti jej biti chislenij do vremij, prinadlegij delati: noj vsij ne bejashnij oggrubljat, ne menej jij megduprijatij blizkij na sej Car, che vashij Moguchij mene ostrogij obblnj moschnost radij sej dejati, chtob ne davati sluchaj naj goremikanij do moj mordij.

Vsijtakij con tjanij, godij biti paslej tvorenij do mirnij, blizkij na rogdenost Noj , bejashat proxodij tmij pjatok sotenij& shostij (1506) godij

& biti paslej rogdenost Noj blizkij na prodejanij corobijdejanie cavchegij, bblignij do edinnij mirodejanie, proxodnij shostij sotenij (600) godij ( takij tilnij bitinj solnechnij toj lunnij toj desjat smeshenij) ja tjanij sej che socritij scrjabijtvorimij tjannenij kaj bitijnij solnechnij. Ij na kon isejij shostij godij Noj vojdena nutrij cavchegij esti soxranij ot polugij : & bil isejij polugij edinovershij naj zemli& dlinena odn na dvoj mesjac . Ij biti paslej kon polugij blizkij na rodivij Abraam, proxoga chislij godij do dvoj sotenij devjat pjatok (295). Ij biti zatem rodivij Abraam blizkij rodivij Isaac proxogdenij sotenij(100) godij. Ij biti zatem Isaac blizkij Jacob, shostij na desjat , ot chasij kaj vojdena vo Egipti blizkij isxodij do isejij, proxogdenij sotenij trij (300) godij . Ij biti zatem vxodij Jacov vo Egipti blizkij isxodij do isejij, proxogdenij chatirij sotenij na trij na desjat(430) godij. Ij biti zaten isxodij iz Egipti blizkij vodrugenij Teremij dejanij Solnechnij imenij na chatirnij god svoj pravlenij, proxogdenij chatirij sotenij osmij toj chatirij dvoj na desjat(408-420) godij. Ij biti zatem vodrugenij teremij blizkij Ijsus Krist soglasnij summirovanie verxoscrjabij, proxogdenij chatirij sotenij devjat na desjat(490) godij. Ij itakij pasred sejij summirovanij che ja dejanij, sorrivanij pasred socritij slovnij, bejashat okolnij chatirij temij sotenij semij na desjat troij(4173) godij, malij toj menij. Ige ot Iisus Krist vo eta pasred dvojevershij socritij ja reshati& javlenaj summarnij & calesij rucij prisnij Providenij, vsij soglasnij porjadnij iz cepejnij kaj con tjanij sva ra z vejinie, vsij pasred obuchenij Letnij imenij & soglasnij moj rodnij ne istinij& paslej kojkoj vremij & nutrij isejij con branaj biti zatem vremij che Sataninij kaj cruglena megdij semij iz mesjac ot april blizkij 15 do avgust Upiter 14, from ijun blizkij 7 octjabrj Mars biti zaten 17, from april blizkij 22 ijun, Venus biti zatem 9, from april blizkij 22 do maj, Mercurij biti zatem 3, from fevral blizkij 24 do govorij. Vo paslej pervij jun blizkij 24 do govorij & do 25, ot sentjabrj blizkij 16 do octjabrj , Satanij vo Copitnij rogij , Upiter vo Vodnij , Mars vo Scrjabij , Venus vo Piscarij , mercurij nutrij odn srednij Copitnij rogij, Vodnij & Piscarij , Lun vo Vodnij , glavij Drakon vo Ravnij : kavircj na svoj znakj obboj storonij svivanaj edin con edinenij ot Jupiter do Mercurij vis edin chatirnij spechij ot Mars do Mercurij & glavij Drakon besha odin con edinenij ot Solncij do Upiter, godij besha pokojnij lishenij zatemij & ne do vsij .

& Besha Con Nachinanij Conje Sej Do Sej Che Dlinena & Con Nachalnaj Isejiji Godinj Besha dejanij Bolej Gromadij Presledovanie Cercvij Kristianiy Rikij & Dlinena Sej-Suj Blizkij Na Godij Tmij Semij Sotenij Desjat Dvoj (1792), Che, Che o svedena esti odn pernovlenie vjecij: Paslej con nachinana poludij romanij ot perevoderuziti & & nttti kojkoj mrachinj tenjamij kojkoj malij pestuP NIJ Svetlij, Ne Lishenij Gromadij Dvoj Javlenij & Contijej Zamenenie. Venicij vo paslej vo gromadij silij & moschnost vishina svoij letnij chrezvisij, ne govornaj vojnij naj silij vetxij Romij. Ij vo isejij vremij gromadijij vojnij Vizantinij ssosednij naj Lugurijskij pasred oppornij & moschnost Okojemnij davanna kojkoj pomeshanij che iz dvoj Slaboumnij ne jij besha verij vedenij. Lucj vodrugenij pasred vetxij Vojinij, vo soobschnaj naj volnij Neptunij. Vo Adriatikij besha dejanij zadij soglasij gromadij sej che besha edinij besha otdelnj, bbligena do mazanij sej che pojavlenij udostoit & esti gromadij selij, con branij Topotanij Mesopotamij do Evropi na chatirij na desjat pjatok & drugij do chatirij odn, chatirij dvoj & trij na desjat semij . K aj bejashat pasred jeij neznajanie sldcovanij pasred jazikij, kaj trechenjat bolej che nikaj kladinij megduj rukij nerazumnj. Svish gvrnj pravlenij ot Antikrist ne dlinena che blizkij na okonchnij do sej ne javit bliz letij & do drugij selij Mlechnij vo soobbschij ot izbranij iz Madeni, Vulchi, pasred Ferrari, podtjanij pasred Ligurijnij Adriatichnij & ot blignij ot velikaj Triostrij . Zatem posledovana movij luchinaj, Galovij ognenij soobbschij takij velikaj chislenij che dobre dolgaj samoj pervij ot sva velikaj julij besha prisnij & poj togdaj & kojkoj vremij paslej besha ispachkanij glubinnij krov nevinnij pasred vinovnij odn mal ij izbranij. Togdaj pasred gromadij polugij pamjatnij chastij con tanij do takij nastraivanj priemna nechislenij poterij samij slovnij, kaj besha zadij vertij Okojemnijij pasred jelanij bogij & megdij edinorasij vjazj Satan. Ij besha dejanij pokij edinenij megdu umnaj & besha svobodnij Cercvij Iisus Kris ot vsij prigorevanij, skolnij che pasred Azij-tajnij jelanjat meshati vonutrij medij jielch & iji bestijnij sladcovanie: seja besha blizkij do sedmijnij temijnij , che bolej svjatijnij Iisus Krist ne besha con rucij pasred nevernij, kaj javlennjat ot Okojeminj, mirnij bbligennaj do kojkoj velikaj con vlogenij skolnij che pasred maj summirovanij maj predskazij, techij vremij xodij mnogij bolej dlinij. Vonutrij Opis stolnij che sej godij proxodij ja biti darenij na moj sinij, Cezar, Nostradamus ja ostavij otpertij vicrichati poj cagdij mechenij lishenij predzkazij. Noj isi Car, bejashat con branij mnogenij velikaj & volshbinj sobitijnij, che seji kaj javlenjat paslej je uvidjat. Ij dlinenjaj isejij summirovanij Letnij slovlenij, con fferjanij naj svjachenij slovnij, presledovanij ludij Izstarcheskij branna svoj pervenij pasred moschnost Crolij Okajemnij, edinij vis Dalnij. Ij sejij presledovanie dlinena odin na desjat godij, kojkoj malij menej, che poj togdaj biti slablena glavnij crol Okojemnij, neskolkij godij sovershenij podjavlena svoj edin Poludenij, kaj presledena eschij bolej silij poj besmestij do troij godij Cercvij , pasred sladcovij ne postojkij, odn kaj tjanena vsij moschnost besuslovij Cercvij voenaj & svjatij poludij ot Bogij obozritel do sva julij & vsij porjadij bogenij besha gromadnij presledij & obbigenij stollkij che crov pravij izstarikovij vodnena vsij. Ij odin iz ujjasnij Crolij vremenij pasred svoj odnerechnij jij bejashat dannij takij lubovanij, che eij imana bolej rasplavij krov umenaj iz nevinnaj izstarcheskij che nikaj ne scazanij imeti vin. & isejij Crol con postavlena sverxdejanij nevershij Cercvij neverojatnij, techena krov umnaj poj ulicij poludnij & teremij, cabbi vodaj pasred plavij nepotushnij & rigenaj ot krov blignij plavvij & poj drugij vojnij vodnij rigena mor, che trubbit odn Cro l drugij jij besha govogit: vojni rubinij vodnij okrasiti. Zatem nutrij sammij godij & sledovanij na sledovana bolej ujjasnij smertnost & bolej neverojatnij pasred gladinij predshestvenij & takij velikaj prigorevanij che nikadaj estij pojavlenij takijj zatem pervij osnovanoj Cercvij Kristiannij & paj vsij krajnij latin ij zadij mertvij paj sledij vo nekijij con storonij Ispanij. Paj sledij tretij Crol Okojemnij ustennaj placanij ot poludij do svoj glavnij titulij, vodrugena takij velikaj orugij & proxogdena poj zadij stroij do svojij poslednij javlenij & predcij, kaj obrat postavlena bolej dolij svoj sostavnij & velikaj Vmestanj do cuppolnij besha obrat postavij vo svoj prestupnij sostavnij: noj razorij & zatem ot vsij pokidannij & vernena Svjatij Svjatejnij obrat strojenij pasred Poganij & vetxij & novij Chadovanij bejashat izgnannij pogenij. Ij paslej Antikrist besha prince nevernaj, eschijij pasred poslednij verij droganjat vsij Crolenij iz Kristianij & takgi nevernij poj bezmestij do dvoj na desjat pjatok godij & bejashat bolej gruznij vojnij & vojevanij & bejashat jilij, selij, xatenij & vsij drugij vodruzij pogenij, razorij, zadij stroij, vis velikaj ispuskanie krov vestijnij, mugnij & devijij nasilnij, nevinij iz lacanij protivij muravij jilij soidinij & brizgij & stolkij bedij con postavlenaj paj sredij Satan, prince nevernij, che blisko mirnij edinenij najdenna zadij dejanij & razorij. & peredij isejij sobitijnijij necijij ptichijij naxalnj crichanjat vo jarij, Nu ! Nu ! & paslej kojkoj vremij izvjanij. Ij paslej che toj vremij javlena dliti dolgovremij, besha blizko perenovlenij odn drugij pravleni Sataninij& vecij iz gar, Bogij tvoritel govorena ustijnij oggorchenie svoj poludij, Satan besha postavij & vjazij nutrij obuzdij vo barakij nutrij glubinnij podij : & ladenij con nachalna megdij Bojij& umnaj edin pokij edinenij .

Ij zadij mertvij vjazij okolnij bezmestij do tmij godij & cruglena vo svoj velikaj silij moschnost izstarcheskij& paslej vorotnij zadij vjazij . Che vsij sej likijij bejashat sugdenij podobnij poj bogijnij slovnij naj chastij sijanij vidimij, sej esti znavati poj Sataninij, Upiter & Mars & drugij con edinij, cabbi bolej polnij pasred nekij chatirnij mojna viditi. Ja javvij calesij rucij bolej glubinnij & podobij odinij vis katorij drugij. Noj videnij, o, Sijatelnijshij Crol, che kojkoj edinij iz chujanij najdenjat tjagkij, che besha sluchaj obrat tjanuti moj perijnij na moj rozdix nochnoj: Multa etiam, o rex omnium potentissime, praeclara et sane in breui ventura, sed omnia in hac tua epistola innectere non possumus, nec volumus: sed ad intelligenta quaedam facta horrida fata, pauca libanda sunt, quamuis tanta sit in omnes tua amplitudo et humanitas homines , deosque pietas, vt solus amplissimo et Christianissimo Regis nomine, et ad quem summa totius religionis auctoritas deferatur dignus esse videare.

Noj tolkij jedinij ja obrat kavirnij, o Crol chrez milostnij, poj isejij vashij znakjvidelenij & ostorognj umenost usteniti bolej scorij jelanij moj smelost & sovershenij izuchenij, kaj ja objazij vashij Sijatelnijshij Moguchest, zatem che moj zenkij bilij takij blizkij do vashij blesk delati Solnechnij, chem gromadij moj trudij ne dogonij delati ne obrat kovirij.

Likij padij Mishel Nostradamus Salonij camenij Provansij

To the Invincible, Most Mighty, Most Christian Henry King of France II

From Michel Nostradamus

the most humble and obedient servant and


victory and happiness

Extensive is the perfect examination I had, oh! a very Christian, very victorious King, then what in my person matured for a long time, I first imagine to the divine, immeasurable Majesty, then that I continuously improved not as a reproach to my honor and dignity and respect for one day, that first of all, I myself I present it as the only Majesty of my people. Meanwhile, having found some cases with the help of which I can inform you with a kind heart and with French courage, what prompted me to undertake enormous true deeds with extensive expansion to the awareness of the other side of the coin, Your Serene Majesty. Meanwhile, the clairvoyances that as a result I declare are not, perhaps, in unity with my only desire from my achievements and researches, which are sudden illumination and delivered before the face and perfect eyes of the first monarch in the universe, so many of them that I was in thinking for a long time, how to show the hidden secrets of these three Centuries, remaining in my Providence, solved by a billion and after not being beaten by the brave one in luck, who took my wrong side, Your Majesty, not abandoned for the sake of this truth, like the engraving narrator, actor Plutarch about the life of Lycurgus , that the clairvoyance of gifts and offerings, which are made through sacrifices in the temple to the immortal gods, is fragmented at this time and end, which is not the truth due to too complete and hidden phrases and shows that [the actions] in the temple are not particularly real.

This inconclusive clairvoyance, Your Serene Royal Highness, accompanied by incomparable humanity addressed to me, is not like the Prince of Persia, who will not deign anyone to even approach him, born less close. But there is one very modest, very wise prince, whom I dedicated to my night [vigils] and predictions summed up, compiled into one natural instinct, supports the furious poet, who, with the help of the rules of poetry and for the most part compilation and in accordance with the calculations of astronomy, distributing years, months and segments of regions, countries and for the most part cities and villages of all Europe, stretching to Africa, one part of Asia by replacing regions that are close to all these climates and constituted one natural phenomenon: which will answer, around which there will be a need to accept it Consider, the cycle, if it is easy for someone, then according to the understanding of thought it is difficult. And why, oh! a very humane King, most of the prophetic quatrains, being so obscene that they will not distort the clairvoyance given, nor reduce the significance of any interpretation, all this hope will remain thanks to the inventory of years, cities, villages, outskirts, where most of them are placed from the year 1585 to the year 1606, ending then with the present time, which is March 14, 1557 and passing through other very long ones until the phenomena that will be after the beginning of the 7th millennium, deep, summarized, regarding my astronomical calculations and others distorted to a small extent from the truth, where Jesus Christ is rejected and its own religion; stronger propagations [of heresies] will begin, all of them are compiled and calculated according to the days and hours of election and are greatly destroyed and in greater legality that it was possible for me and the day of Minerva, free and not invited, the events in the time of appearance are summarized almost as much as the years passing , understandable in the present and to this day, that with the help of the passage of time, with the help of areas known to appear, all are named as they are in the manuscript, not completely equal to the point of completeness, so much so that they say: what is in the future is not exactly the named truth. This is very true, Sire, that my natural instinct, which was given to me with the help of my appearance, I do not think that this natural instinct is wise and unwanted and inconsistent with my long general calculations and led by love, spirit and courage with all the care, perseverance and grief with the help of rest and peace of mind. All agreement and wisdom is one part of empty guile. There are so many of them that can be needed, those that are in so many [quantities] in me, how can I not smile from this, one, eternal God, who pursues people who are brave, verbose, fair to the low-hearted, truthful judges for whom I pray , that he will protect me in my old age from the slander of the philistines, who also want slanderous picking, because of which, due to all the most ancient ancestors of the kings of France, wars are bloody and among other peoples wars are vile and serpentine, for others a reliable instinct for art is a phenomenon and for others a raw food diet in ancient legends.

These unreasonable people, in whom malice, bitterness of spirit, will not understand the passage of time after the mundaneness of my fire extinguishing, will be in my manuscripts, what I saw in the meantime and I summed up over the years that I violated and what cannot be in accordance with the will some. Please, Your Most Imperial Majesty, forgive me, protesting before God and my saints, that I do not pretend to oppose anyone in the least with the help of what is written in this manuscript, which, so be it, is against the truth of the Catholic faith, trusting astronomical calculations, my judgment distortions or space in time by our First, which we follow in the distance, shifted by me to the correction of a more sound judgment that the first man Adam was before Noah about 1242 years, not taking into account the time for calculating his generation, as required in Varro’s manuscript: but only in in unified agreement with the Holy Scriptures and according to faith - [may be] offended by my spirit and my astronomical calculations.

After Noah, from him and from the Flood, the appearance of Abraham is about 1080 years old, with which not everyone agrees in perfect astrology, it is extracted from the letters of the Chaldeans: after the appearance of Moses about 515 or 516 years, between the time of David and Moses there are approximately 570 years.

Then between the time of David and the time before our perfect redeemer Jesus Christ, born of the only Virgin [Mary] there are (according to not every Chronology) 1350 years: it can be objected that from some omitted calculations [the account] is not correct, since it is different from this Yeshua. And then the time from the human redeemer to the seductive, hated Saracens is 621 years, approximately, then in a slightly slight distortion how much time will pass is not calculated by me accurately and truthfully for all peoples, because all calculations are made according to the flow of heaven, with the help of associative emotions, mixed on reliable time and lost emotions from my ancient predecessors. But the only one in time, oh! Bright King, the question is that far-hidden events are not in silken manifestos made with the help of furious volcanic judgments, which show neither a single meaning, nor a single rationality, devoid of any surrounding by amphibious calculations: but deprived of mature research with the help of natural a merger that brings together the judgment from one to a thousand and two Prophecies, which will then unite the earthly creation into an order based on the calculations and Chronology of the Phoenicians, the Hellenes of Athens, the Spirit of God, my above-mentioned royal dynasties and the prophecy that carries the message and information from the message. But such a Prediction comes from the Holy Spirit, who stands on perfect eternity, united with heaven, some prediction before this date, a great and wonderful phenomenon: In my place, I do not demand anything so important, not to have thanksgiving from God, I fully admit that everything is done turning to God and giving mercy, honor and glorification of the immortal, deprived of being close to the divine, that which is foreseen by fate: but in God, in nature and for the most part, accompanied by the flow of heaven, such that visions are, as it were, given from a mirror of fire, like vague visions, great sad events, providences and misfortunes, the appearance of which, with the help of them, brings the main creations closer. Firstly, in the temple of God, secondly, with the help of people who, by land management, have brought forward such a decline, with which a thousand other troubles will appear that over time will affect what is happening: namely, God will look after the long-childless great Lady, who will then give birth two main children [Romulus, Remus]:

But she will fall into decline from those who will be hated for her because of their courage by age, the killed one will fall at 18 [degrees], will not be able to pass 36 [degrees] and will be abandoned by three men and a young woman and two will appear, those who are not never had either father or mother, from three brothers there will be such a decline, then unity and agreement, which will throw three-quarters of Europe into confusion: from the younger ones there will be a Christian monarchy, supported and increased: in the chosen sector and sudden humiliation from the Arab conquests, royal alliances, new laws promulgated: other children will be the first to encroach upon the crown by angry Lions, stretch out their paws, rattling their weapons. The second [monarchy] will go so far ahead with the help of Latin support that the events of the second vision will be exciting and violent on the mountains of the louis, released to rise in the Pyrenees, will not be transferred to the ancient monarchy, a third flood will be made with human blood, Mars will not be found for a long time in Post. And the daughter will be betrayed for the sake of preserving the Christian Church, which fell with its ruler into a pagan sect; from the new infidels she will have two children, one of the faithful, the other of the infidels, in order to support the Catholic Church.

And others who, in their great confusion and late repentance that they wanted to destroy it, will be in three regions with too different alliances - these are the places of Rome, Germany and Spain, which will create various sects (orders) with the help of a military hand, leaving 50 and 52 degree of longitude and will do all the veneration of religion in the remote regions of Europe and the North up to 48 degrees of longitude, which will be the first to be agitated in vain bashfulness, then the more western, central and eastern ones will be agitated and such will be their power that those who will do in harmony and unity will not commit hostilities. Nature will be preserved, but with significant contradictions in faith. After this Virgin, the immaculate will be a greater power, which for the second will be accepted by two peoples, with the help of the first persistent one, the one who held power over all, with the help of the second and with the help of the third, which will leave its forces at the top of the circle of Eastern Europe in Pannonia, falling and yielding, and with the help of the sails of the sea will expand its possessions in the Trident of the Adriatic through the Myrmidons and Germans until the end and there will be a sector of barbarians until the Latin Empire, distressed and expelled.

Then the great empire of the Antichrist, which will begin with Attila and the Saracen, released in a great and innumerable number, as many as will appear before the Holy Spirit, proceeding to the 48th degree, carried out by a great migration of peoples, persecuted by the vile Antichrist, waging war against the king who will be the great viceroy of Jesus Christ, against his Church, through temporary and random temporary [popes] and the preceding eclipse of the solar very dark and strongly casting a shadow, which, so be it, will lead to the creation in the world of the death and passion of Jesus Christ and from this time on will be in in the month of October there will be some kind of great movement, there will be an event such that, I think, the mass of the Earth will lose its natural movement and sink into continuous shadows, it will be first in the spring and following after extreme replacements, rearrangements in the management of power, with the help of a great earthquake, with the birth of a new Babylonia, the poor daughter was burned with the help of vile first fires and such a single reign will not last 73 years, 8 months [ Religious wars from 1522 to 1596 ], then afterward a forefather will come out who will have a house immaculate for so long, following up to 50 degrees, who will renew the entire Christian Church. And there will be a great deed, peace, unity and harmony between united children, power will be preserved and divided through various governments and such peace will be created that society will be drawn into deeper oil-making by a psychic and promoter of military deeds with the help of various religions and there will be a united kingdom Slaves who will be disgusted by the act of wisdom. And the countries, towns, cities, outskirts and provinces that the First will visit in order to liberate them with the deepest deceit will be secretly caressed by their freedom and perfect hidden religion, they will begin to mint the left party in order to return by cunning and remake the holy benefit for a long time with their criminal scriptures, so that later the big puppy will grow into a huge watchdog [Luther Martin], who will destroy everything. In the areas where this will appear, crimes will be committed, temples will be recreated as in pagan times and the clergy will be rearranged into their criminal state, and the [image of] the Mother of God will begin to be deceived and distorted and a thousand atrocities will be committed. And one’s neighbor will cause ruin to one another, after which it will reach its peak and they will raise up a worthy one and install a ruler, and with a military hand he will sharpen two swords and they will not erect banners for him, who will extract his charm from a garbage dump, the people will force them to go pay [tithes] and will not want to condescend to him, standing to the side, touching the ground with an senile hand, wanting to whip until this day, that offspring will be born from a childless woman for a long time, who will free the people from this complacency and self-will, and will protect themselves from Mars and the gigantic Jupiter in all their pride and dignity for the sake of urban freedom, the constitution and will settle one after another in the cramped conditions of Mesopotamia. And the head of the government and the head of the city will cast lots and speak empty words, not noticing the conspiracy and conspirators with the second Terrible Buffalo [Zwingli], who will take control of all this for a long time. Then the poor of the vile in great shame, objecting and hanging manifestos, casting a shadow on the unshaded light, will stop the change of power and replace it with their rule and the key of the Church will be far from the love of God and apostasy from the right faith will multiply among them and these three sects from the middle with the help These cults will gradually destroy everything. Firstly, in all of Europe, most of Africa, up to a third of the united power of the Spirit will be rejected, which will be fooled through the dominance of the elect, with the help of flattering admiration. The plebs will rise, supporting, expel, fooled, the legalists, will gather, controlled by the maddened with the help of the East, so that God the Creator will reveal the reverse face of Satan and the terrible prison, to bring about the birth of the great Dog and the Dead [ Calvin, Savonarola], who will create such a great vile fragmentation in the Church that neither the red (cardinals) nor the white (popes), deprived of eyes, but not deprived of hands [raking] will no longer judge and they will lose their power.

Then there will be a greater act of persecution of the Church, which has never happened. And between these acts a plague will be born so great that three parts of the world and more than two will be destroyed. So much so that they won’t find the ends of the tracks, won’t recognize the identity of fields and houses, and grass will be born on the streets of cities that are taller than people. And in the church there will be destruction everywhere and wars will prevail such that they will return to the city of the Sun (Heliopolis), to the city of Confusion (Babylon) and to the islands of the Holy Children (islands of the Mediterranean Sea) and the great chain will be removed in the port, which was previously called the bull sea ​​(Constantinople). And there will be a new invasion on the sea coasts [ Ottoman Empire], Sailboats will attack the Fortress and liberate those taken by the Mohammedans first. And their siege will not be in vain, and in the places where Abraham previously lived, there will be a siege by people who will show respect for flattering love. And this city of Abraham [Jerusalem] will be surrounded and besieged on all sides by the very great power of armed men. Their sea forces from the West will be maddened. And this reign will do great destruction and the greatest cities [will be captured] by the people and the people who will go in and take captives with a vengeance furious against God [the Christian].

And the dead will rise from the grave in such great vengeance throughout the world for a long time under the radiance of heaven, seeing through the eyes of the Sky, the Sun and the Moon. And holy places will be transformed to protect the flocks, small and large, and adapted for the fulfillment of predictions. Oh, what misfortune and grief will there be after for pregnant women and will be after from the main Sultan of the East, most of them married from the North and West, defeated, put to death, fallen and left in flight and their children, wives captured and after will be in perfect Providence from the royal Providence : Vt audiret gemitus compeditorum, vt solueret filios interemptorum . What a great oppression that will later be made on the princes and city heads of the kingdom by the inhabitants themselves, who will be coastal and eastern and their language will be mixed into a great society: Latin and Arabic with the help of Phoenician connections and all these eastern kings will be expelled, overthrown, but not all due to the influence of the kings of the north, who lived until our century through the triple sacrament of the church, death and trapping one by the other, the renewal of the triumvirate will last seven years, which will rename these sects, make an expansion in space, will be supported by sacrifices in the sacrament, desecration of purity.

And then there will be two Masters among the Northern [ Prince Oleg, Prince Svyatoslav], who won the victory over the East and in their deeds there will be such great noise and confusion from the war that it will affect everyone. The East will tremble from the fear of these brothers, not brothers born in the North. And why, Sir, that because of my speech I found myself in great confusion from these predictions and when this could happen and when this happened, in order to be listed in time properly, which did not begin from scratch, where there is very little resemblance to the highest [ order], which only follow from the clairvoyance of Astronomy, which come from the Holy Scripture itself, which cannot come from nothing.

And that I would also like to classify each quatrain as a time belonging to the event, but all this will not be so pleasant, not least to interpret them closely, for which, Sire, in Your Majesty, I ask you to grant me extensive power for the sake of this act, to prevent trouble from happening to me.

Still, as it is said, 1506 years passed from the years after the creation of the world to the birth of Noah.

And then from the birth of Noah to the completion of the production of the ark, close to the universal peacemaking, 600 years passed (since the eclipses were solar or lunar or ten mixed), I support that solar [eclipses] were mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. And at the end of these six years, Noah will enter the ark to be saved from the flood. And this flood will be worldwide on earth and will last one or two months. And after the end of the flood, 295 years will pass until the birth of Abraham. And then 100 years pass from the birth of Abraham to the birth of Isaac. And then from Isaac to Jacob 60 years, from the time when he enters Egypt until the exodus from it hundreds of three years will pass. And then from Jacob’s entry into Egypt to his exit from it, 430 years will pass. And then from the exit from Egypt to the construction of the Temple, completed by Solomon in the fourth year of his reign, 408 or 420 years will pass. And then, from the construction of the temple to Jesus Christ, according to chronicle calculations, 490 years will pass. So, after these calculations that I have done, the distortions from the sacred manuscripts will be about 4173 years old, a little less. From Jesus Christ to this [day], with the help of the various sectors [of heaven], I have decided and shown the summation and calculation of these Prophecies, all according to the order of events that continue to develop, all with the help of the teachings of astronomy and according to my instinct. And after some time and in the present, then realizing the time that Saturn will circle between seven [cycles] of months: from April 22 to August 14th Jupiter, from June 7 to October Mars then 17th, from April 22 to June Venus then the 9th, from April 22 to May of Mercury then the 3rd, from February 24 to the above. And after the first of June until the 24th, before the above and until the 25th, from September 16th to October Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Aquarius, Mars in Scorpio, Venus in Pisces, Mercury in the middle of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the Moon in Aquarius, the head of the Dragon in Libra: the order of its sign opposite is twisted into one union from Jupiter to Mercury with one quadrant in visibility from Mars to Mercury and the head of the Dragon will be in one union from the Sun to Jupiter, the year will be peaceful, devoid of eclipses and not always so.

And there will be a beginning, understanding from this time, which will last and starting from this year there will be a very great act in the persecution of the Christian Church, which was not done in Africa and will last from here until 1792 [ The French Revolution] of the year, which is thought to be the renewal of the century: after the Latin people will begin to free themselves and expel something dark and casting a shadow, accepting something little by little from their criminal purifications, not without great division and continuous replacements. Venice will then, in great strength and power, raise its wings so high, not to mention wars in strength equal to Ancient Rome. And at this time, the great wars of Byzantium, connected with the Ligurian (Tyrrhenian) Sea with the support and power of the North, given by some of the madmen, that of the two Feeble-minded, it would not be from them that faith would come [ Ivan the Terrible, Selim the Terrible]. Bows will be planted with the help of ancient militancy in community with free Neptune. In the Adriatic there will be an event, a great discord, what was united will become separate, will approach the house, whose appearance will be honored and will become a great city, enclosed in the splendor of Mesopotamia [ Constantinople], in Europe at 45 and the other at 41, 42 and 37 degrees. And at this time and in these countries, a terrible power will be placed against the Church of Jesus Christ, the power of those who reject their law, which will be the second Antichrist, which will persecute this Church and its Vicar through temporary kings, who will rule through their ignorance, verbose flattery, which more than anyone will be cut with swords in the hands of the foolish. The above-mentioned reign of the Antichrist will not last, that until the end of this and no more than a century and another Milky Way accompanied, from the elect of Modena, Vulci, with the help of Ferrara, supported by Liguria and the Adriatic and close from the great Trident [Savonarola]. Then the fiery Gauls will follow with a radiant word, accompanied by such a great number that for a very long time the great empire will represent its great law and then, some time later, it will be tainted, drowned in the blood of the innocent from the guilty one of the few chosen ones [Napoleon I]. Then, with the help of a great influx of memories, the parts of the whole will unite into such an instrument that will receive innumerable disasters, the very words that will be addressed to the North with the help of the will of God and will immediately bind Satan. And universal peace will be created between people and the Church of Jesus Christ will be freed from all sins to such an extent that with the help of mysterious Asia they will want to mix honey with bile and his [Satan’s] mad sweetness and it will be close to seventh millennium that the holiness of Jesus Christ will no longer be touched by the infidels whom the North will reveal, the world will approach some great conclusion so much that, according to my calculations and predictions, the course of time will pass much longer. In the manuscript where these years are described, it is dedicated to my son Caesar, Nostradamus and where I deliberately openly declared every mark devoid of prediction. But here, O Sir, many great and mysterious events will take place, which those who come after will see. And these calculations of astrology, based on sacred texts, will continue, persecution of people who preach, will take their origin from the authorities kings of the North, united with the East. And this persecution will last 11 years, some shorter, when the main king of the North weakens, a few years later his ally Southerner will unexpectedly appear, who will persecute the Church even more strongly for three years, due to the temptation of the apostate, one who will hold absolute power over the militant Church and holy people, from God the observer of his law and the whole order of religion will be very much persecuted and upset so much that the blood of true preachers will flow everywhere. And one of the terrible temporary kings, with the help of his entourage, will give him such praise that he will have more spilled human blood from innocent preachers than no one untold could have so much wine. And this king will commit an incredible crime against the Church, human blood will flow through the crowded streets and churches like water due to stormy rain, and the nearest rivers will be warmed by the blood, and from another sea war the sea will turn red, so that one king will report to the other and say: “War The sea will be colored with ruby.” Then, in the same year and the following, a very terrible plague will come, more incredible from the famine of the previous one, and there will be such a great grief that such a thing has never appeared since the foundation of the Christian Church and will follow throughout all the Latin regions and revive in its wake in some Spanish countries. Then third king of the north[Peter I] will hear the groan of the people about his main title, will build a great army and go through the destruction of his parents and ancestors and who will restore most of his state and the great Viceroy, power will be restored in his criminal state, but ruined and then abandoned by everyone, he will return the holy of holies [The Church] destroyed by paganism and the Old and New Testaments will be expelled and burned. And after the Antichrist there will be the Terrible Prince [Hitler]. Once again, because of the last faith, the entire Christian kingdom will tremble, as well as the infidels, after a period of 25 years, and there will be more difficult wars and battles, and villages, cities, castles and all other buildings will be burned, destroyed and burned with the great shedding of blood of nuns, married and virgins raped, infants abandoned and broken from the walls of cities, and so many misfortunes will be accomplished through Satan, the Terrible Prince, that almost the entire universal world will be in disorder and ruin. And before these events, some impudent birds will shout in the air: “Well! Well!" and after some time they will wilt. And after such a time has lasted for a long time, the reign of Saturn and the Golden Age will be almost renewed one after the other, and God the Creator will say, having heard about the misfortunes of his people: “Satan will be brought and bound in bridle in prison, in the deep underworld!” And universal peace will be established between God and people.

And the Bound will remain for approximately 1000 years and the power of the Preachers will return in its greater power, and then the Bound will return. That all these images are justly similar to the divine scriptures and are visible in heavenly affairs, this is recognized through Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and other combinations, as can be seen more fully in some quatrains. But seeing, O Illustrious King, that some of them, due to insight, will be difficult to censor, that there will be an opportunity to put aside my pen for a night’s rest: Multa etiam, o rex omnium potentissime, praeclara et sane in breui ventura, sed omnia in hac tua epistola innectere non possumus,nec volumus: sed ad intelligenceda quaedam facta horrida fata, pauca libanda sunt , quamuis tanta sit in omnes tua amplitudo et humanitas homines, deosque pietas , vt solus amplissimo et Christianissimo Regis nomine, et ad quem summa totius religionis auctoritas deferatur dignus esse videare. tvenny in the times of the khennikov.calculated

But only one thing I ask of you, O king too gracious, because of this your only and prudent humanity, to hear a little earlier my courage and this highest research, which I owe to your most illustrious Majesty, because my eyes were so close to yours the brilliance of the Sun, which the merits of my work have not achieved and do not claim.

I swear on my face, Michel Nostradamus of Salon, Provence castle

Commentary on Nostradamus' letter to King Henry II:

From Christ to Satan

Of the three most famous translations of Nostradamus's letter to King Henry II, it is impossible to single out a single one that would satisfy the quality of the translation. Additionally, there are no comments to help the reader understand the context. But this is the most important thing.

One can partly understand the interpreters and Nostradamus scholars. The text of the letter is so confusing that the poor king could hardly understand the Prophet, with the exception of the rules of court etiquette requiring flattering addresses. Yes, and was Henry II even able to read the letter written a year before his death, predicted, however, by Nostradamus? So who was the letter addressed to? I believe that Catherine de Medici and, of course, descendants, future generations of Christians.

The fact that the letter is of a theological and religious nature can be understood from the very beginning of the letter, which contains the Jewish calendar from Adam to Jesus Christ and from Jesus Christ to the era of Satan (2242) for a period of 7000 years, modified by Nostradamus’s own calculations with the addition of 1000 years to 6000 years of the Jewish calendar. The era of Satan, in turn, is linked to the era of Saturn, whose name is translated from the Slavic language as Satanic. Saturn – sataninij – Satanic (praslav.). Everything seems logical, but what next? Further repetition of the cycle of human civilization.

The predictions of M. Nostradamus are based on astrological calculations and night visions, which are available only to true and chosen prophets, among whom Nostradamus considers himself.

Without undue modesty, on the tombstone of M. Nostradamus it is written:

« Here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, the only mortal who was worthy to capture with his almost divine pen, thanks to the influence of the stars, the future events of the whole world."[Nostradamus. Wikipedia].

In quatrain I.25 Nostradamus writes about himself:

Sera pafteur demi dieu honore. - The shepherd (shepherd) will be a demigod of honesty. – MichelleNostradamus.

The concept of Nostradamus's predictions is based on a map of the starry sky, divided into planets of the solar system and constellations by sectors and degrees, on which is superimposed a map of the world, which is also divided into sectors and degrees of latitude and longitude. When certain star signs and their eclipses coincide with the location of countries and cities on the world map, certain events, natural disasters, which, however, may not occur, are assumed. In this case, visions are added, the vision of Nostradamus, which confirms the ongoing event.

« My globe is much more convenient, especially since I need to know events exactly. For example, do you see this piece of land, the side of which is washed by the ocean? Look, here he is filled with fire. The war started there. If you bring your eyes closer, you will see details." [M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"].

It should be noted that this technique works with Nostradamus with amazing accuracy. Can at least one modern or past astrologer predictor compete with Nostradamus in foreseeing the future for at least one year? All modern predictions, including Vanga, are devoid of the main thing; they do not combine astrological calculations with the gift of foresight that Nostradamus had. In this sense, M. Nostradamus is a unique personality in the history of mankind.

I will not hide the fact that I was too picky about the quatrains and letters of Nostradamus, since my education relates to the natural sciences and I was raised in Soviet atheistic times, but the accuracy of Nostradamus’ predictions is close to the truth.

M. Nostradamus, in his letter and quatrains, consistently sets out the main events in the history of human civilization from antiquity to the history of the Middle Ages, the Ages of Enlightenment and to the present. It should be noted that most quatrains are not tied to astrological calculations, as interpreters of Nostradamus’ texts suggest, since in his letter Nostradamus writes that he could tie each quatrain to an astrological mark, but did not want to do this due to the fact that it was not for him “ like". Yes, and one can understand the predictor, because for this he would not have had enough of his entire life. The quatrains of Nostradamus do not have any order in their presentation. After the narration of the events of the Middle Ages, there follows a quatrain dedicated to ancient times, then the flagellation of the reformers, then a parable, a horoscope, and so on.

The main astrological marks of Nostradamus as translated by the author:

« God will look after the childless great Lady for a long time, who will then give birth to two main children» – the emergence of the Roman Empire.

« Then the great empire of the Antichrist, which will begin with Attila and Saracen“-invasion of the Huns and conquest of the Arabs.

« and from this time on in the month of October there will be some great movement, there will be an event such that, I think, the mass of the Earth will lose its natural movement and sink into continuous shadows, it will be first in the spring and following after extreme replacements, rearrangements in the management of power, with with the help of a great earthquake, with the birth of a new Babylonia, the poor daughter was burned with the help of the vile first fires [Holocaust] and such a single reign will not last 73 years, 8 months" ».

Astrologer P. Globa interpreted this date as a period of Soviet power, for which he suffered. In fact, Nostradamus wrote about the period of religious wars, which in historiography is marked from 1572 to 1592 (98). That is, 30-36 years, but where are the missing 43 years? In fact, the religious wars began with the manifesto of Zwigli, a Swiss reformer, who appeared in 1522, which corresponds to a period of 70-78 years! This is the era of religious wars, which coincides with the period of Soviet rule! It’s an amazing coincidence, but there are no miracles in the world, since historical events and cataclysms are periodically repeated due to the movement and relationship of the planets and amazingly coincide in history, superimposed on one another, creating confusion in the minds of interpreters.

The year 1572, August is the date of St. Bartholomew's Night, when thousands of Protestant Huguenots were massacred by Catholics and this massacre lasted until October 1572.

In M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita,” the author marks this date a year apart (1571), when Woland tells the arriving Margarita about his sore knee, as a memory of a meeting with a certain a charming witch on the Brocken Mountains (“Bald Mountain”, Germany). We will talk about the connection between the events of M. Bulgakov’s novel and the concept of Nostradamus later in a separate article.

«… so after that the big puppy will grow up to be a huge guard dog" - Protestant reformer Luther Martin, to whom Nostradamus dedicated several quatrains. In French, the word matin – mastin (Old French) has two meanings: “morning” and “watchdog”. But in the Slavic interpretation, mastin - Martin - Martin (pre-Slav.) indicates the opponent of Catholicism, Luther Martin. Additionally, the name Luther reinforces the connotation of “watchdog” as a fierce watchdog. The opponents of Catholicism were called “dogs” by the true Catholics, to whom Nostradamus belonged.

In general, the word “dog” is the most offensive in the Christian consciousness. In M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita,” the tax collector and chronicler Yeshua Levi, Matvey, called Yeshua that name when he first met Yeshua.

« Initially, he treated me with hostility and even insulted me, that is, he thought that he was insulting me by calling me dog, - here the prisoner grinned, - I personally don’t see anything bad in this beast to be offended by this word..."[M. Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”].

« And the head of government and the head of the city will cast lots and speak empty words, not noticing the conspiracy and conspirators with the second Terrible Buffalo" - Zwingli, the first reformer of the Christian church from Switzerland.

« so that God the Creator will reveal the reverse face of Satan and the terrible prison in order to bring about the birth of the great Dog and the Dead One, who will create such a great vile fragmentation in the Church that neither red (cardinals) nor white (popes), deprived of eyes, but not deprived of hands [ those who raked] will no longer be judged and they will lose their power." - we are talking about other reformers and opponents of church rule, Calvin and Savonarola, who are also mentioned in the quatrains.

Thus, Nostradamus listed all his opponents of the Reformation era and the sworn enemies of the Catholic Church.

The fact that most of the quatrains relate to the denunciation of Protestantism and paganism is shown by the number of mentions in the letter of the Christian, Catholic, and Jesus Christ Church - 17 times!

« And there will be a new invasion on the sea coasts, Sailboats will run into the Fortresses, and those taken by the Mohammedans will be the first to liberate." - the emergence of the Ottoman Empire, mentioned in quatrains.

« And this city of Abraham will be surrounded and besieged on all sides by the very great power of armed people." - Jerusalem.

« And then the two Masters will be among the Northern ones who won the victory over the East, and in their deeds there will be such great noise and confusion from the war that everyone will be affected. The East will tremble from the fear of these brothers, not brothers born in the North." - the first Russian princes Oleg and Svyatoslav, known in history for the fact that the first nailed a shield on the gates of Constantinople, and the second defeated the Khazar Khanate. Princes Oleg and Svyatoslav are of Norman and Celtic origin, that is, not Northern.

« And there will be a beginning, understanding from this time, which will last and starting from this year there will be a very great act in the persecution of the Christian Church, which was not done in Africa and will last from here until 1792, which I think is the renewal of the century" - The Great French Revolution of 1789-1794.

« And at this time, the great wars of Byzantium, connected with the Ligurian (Tyrrhenian) Sea with the support and power of the North, given by some of the crazy ones, that of the two Feeble-minded, faith would not come from them." - Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible, Selim I the Terrible, are mentioned in quatrains.

« and will become a great city, enclosed in the splendor of Mesopotamia» - Constantinople is the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

« The above stipulated reign of the Antichrist will not last, that until the end of this and no more than a century and another Milky Way accompanied, from the chosen ones of Modena, Vulci, with the help of Ferrara, supported by Liguria and the Adriatic and close from the great Trident" - probably Savonarola Girolamo. Born in Ferrara, he became famous in Florence for preaching against church authorities, mired in the sale of church positions, theft of property and lands.

« Then the fiery Gauls will follow with a radiant word, accompanied by such a great number that for a very long time the great empire will represent its great law and then, some time later, it will be tainted, drowned in the blood of the innocent from the guilty one of the few chosen ones." - French Emperor Napoleon I, mentioned in quatrains as not one of the elected rulers, that is, of low origin.

« Then, with the help of a great influx of memories, the parts of the whole will unite into such an instrument that will receive innumerable disasters, the very words that will be addressed to the North with the help of the will of God and will immediately bind Satan." - Nostradamus associates the appearance of Satan with the Northern rulers, possibly with Ivan the Terrible.

« Then third king of the north will hear the groan of the people about his main title, will build a great army and go through the destruction of his parents and ancestors and who will restore most of his state and the great Viceroy, power will be restored in his criminal state, but ruined and then abandoned by everyone, he will return the holy of holies [Church], destroyed by paganism and the old and new testaments will be expelled and burned" - Russian Emperor Peter I Alekseevich. Peter I really carried out grandiose reforms in Russia with the rearmament and restructuring of the army, the founding of a fleet, and access to the Baltic and Azov seas. The reforms hit hard at the structure of patriarchal state power, based on the boyar Duma. A deeply religious man, Tsar Peter I nevertheless actually separated secular power from the influence of the church, abolishing the patriarchate and placing a synod at the head of the Orthodox Church.

« And after the Antichrist there will be a Terrible Prince. Once again, because of the last faith, the entire Christian kingdom will tremble, as well as the infidels after a period of 25 years"-Hitler, who is not actually mentioned in the quatrains, although many wished so. The coincidence of the name Hitler and Gistar (the ancient name of the Danube) in the interpretation of some quatrains is unfounded. The time period from the First World War to the Second World War is about 25 years.

Thus, in a letter to King Henry II, Nostradamus, in the form of theses, outlined his historical concept of seeing the world based on astrological calculations and night visions during candle fortune telling. The presentation of the main events of the stories is consistent and historically accurate.

I am extremely grateful to A. Zigtsar, who collected materials on Nostradamus on his website, which allowed me to conduct thorough research on this topic.

From Christ to Master

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M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”

The completion of my work on translations of Nostradamus’ quatrains coincided with watching the film adaptation of M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” About 20 years ago, when there was enormous interest in this novel, perhaps to a lesser extent now, I read it and was disappointed. The only thing that left an impression was the interpretation of the Gospel stories, since I myself, to no lesser extent, had been dealing with this problem a long time ago. Having read the novel “The Master and Margarita” again, I saw the creative concept of M. Bulgakov’s novel in a new light, and found many parallels between the heroes of the novel and the personalities of Goethe and Nostradamus.

Of the currently existing interpretations of the novel, the following are known:

Response to militant atheist propaganda;

Hermetic interpretation of the novel;

Masonic interpretation of the novel;

Philosophical interpretation;

Interpretation by A.Zerkalov;

A. Barkov: “The Master and Margarita” is a novel about A. M. Gorky.

To date, researchers of M. Bulgakov’s work have not found a definition of the style of the novel “The Master and Margarita”. The novel is classified either as a satire, or as a historical novel, or as a fantastic narrative, or as a fusion of various genres of literary prose. The novel is, as it were, tailored from two historical slices of time: the time of Pilate and the time of Moscow in the 30s. All aspects of the satirical, moral, religious nature of the novel are well known from numerous studies by Bulgakov scholars of Russian and world level. I intend to offer my original version of the interpretation of the novel, different from the generally accepted concept. By revealing the writer's intention, one can highlight the characteristics of the characters, who will become more understandable and transparent.

All of the above interpretations of the novel have a right to exist, with the exception of A. Barkov’s version, which is too fantastic. At the same time, these versions are special cases of the novel’s concept, which should be considered in the totality of the general idea based on Goethe’s tragedy “Faust”. First of all, the pen of M. Bulgakov was aimed at criticizing atheistic propaganda in Soviet Russia, a satirical and grotesque presentation of the reality of events taking place in Moscow in the 30s and using all the satirical genres of famous Russian writers such as N.V. Gogol and M. E. Saltykova -. Shchedrin and at the same time criticizing the dogmatic, religious concept of Christianity with the help of an anti-evangelical interpretation of the gospels and depicting a down-to-earth image of Christ in contrast to the traditional man of the demigod.

The novel has its historical roots, which go deep into the Age of Enlightenment, growing out of the plot of the tragedy "Faust". M. Bulgakov used a style of presentation of the novel, characteristic of a hidden, allegorical satirical presentation of reality, used by writers and poets of antiquity, such as Ovid, Apuleius, the famous doctor, philosopher and predictor of the Middle Ages M. Nostradamus, the brilliant poet, thinker and natural scientist of the Enlightenment era Goethe.

This style in historical literature is called “metamorphoses,” when the plot of a work contains events and the names of characters in a distorted, exaggerated form, but which can be guessed and identified by a knowledgeable reader. This provides food for thought, mental play, and at the same time, such a style of presentation seems to save the author from persecution by censorship and dissent.

« I ask you one thing: write more -

With the influx of clever plays, so does the lust!

Confuse the crowd, mislead;

Otherwise - trust me - she's hard to please

Goethe "Faust. Prologue in the theater"

M. Chudakova pointed out the connection between the novel “The Master and Margarita” and the tragedy “Faust” in her studies of M. Bulgakov’s work, but none of the Bulgakov scholars could even guess how deep this connection was.

Firstly, M. Bulgakov largely borrowed episodes from the tragedy “Faust”. For example:

Scene 1. Night; Scene 4, Faust's Study – Faust's study/Master's room;

Scene 11. Street – meeting of Faust and Margarita/meeting of the Master and Margarita;

Scene 21. Walpurgis Night – night on Mount Brocken (“Bald Mountain”)/night on Bald Mountain;

Part II. Act 1. Masquerade – procession of Plutus/scene in a variety show.

Secondly, this is an analogy between the names of Mephistopheles from the tragedy “Faust” and Woland in the novel “The Master and Margarita”:

« Bulgakov's Woland received his name from Goethe's Mephistopheles. In the poem “Faust” it sounds only once, when Mephistopheles asks the evil spirits to part and give him way: “The nobleman Woland is coming!”» .

Thirdly, and this is very important, Woland’s assistant Koroviev-Fagot is the prototype of Doctor Faust (the prototype of Goethe). None of the Bulgakov scholars take Koroviev seriously, considering him a minor character, a fidgety and helpful former regent and at the same time a dark purple prince, described at the end of the novel as having suffered for a certain “pun” in his past life and having atoned for his sin through his activities in the Moscow events . We meet Koroviev in all the important Moscow events of the novel, from the point of view of the plot of the work; let us remember:

Berlioz's accident;

Incident in a variety show;

Choral singing;

Temporary registration in apartment No. 50;

Satan's Ball;

Telephone conversations, etc.

If we assume that Bulgakov’s sharp pen was aimed at the fight against godlessness, then the image of Goethe, known to his contemporaries as the “great pagan,” as well as numerous denunciations of the church in the tragedy “Faust,” then Korovin’s role in the novel The Master and Margarita is quite understandable.” , as Woland's assistant. Goethe-Faust made a deal with the devil and, as Woland's assistant, atoned for his sin by persecuting atheists in Moscow from the point of view of M. Bulgakov. They may object to me: Goethe’s Faust was accepted by the angels into heaven and did not fall into the hands of Mephistopheles, but this is the artist’s intention, to interpret the work from his own perspective. This is the right to dissent. The tragedy “Faust” is the same “pun” from which Doctor Faust, aka Goethe, aka Korovin – Bassoon Knight, suffered!

By the way, the episode with choral singing in the novel, which Korovin organized in the Moscow events, has a connection with Korovin’s former profession (regent - from the Latin Regent - ruling / pravlenij - board (praslav.)), the leader of the Orthodox church choir, as well as with an episode from Goethe's life when he organized public singing.

« Upon his return to Weimar, his admirers greeted him with a serenade, which gave Goethe the idea of ​​founding a singing society, or a “voluntary chapel,” as he called it. This idea was soon realized: a small circle was formed that organized rehearsals and concerts of choral singing on certain days, at which Goethe, who increasingly felt an attraction to music, was present.." [from the biography of Goethe, 1].

That's where Korovin's second name comes from - Bassoon , which many researchers associate with his appearance, which in general is also true, but not the main thing.

Thus, Korovin in M. Bulgakov’s novel is one of the main characters, if not the main one. This confirms that in the first edition of the novel the Master, whose role was played by Korovin-Faust, is missing. Obviously, the appearance of the Master is connected with the need for M. Bulgakov to introduce his own mask . The image of the Master introduced a new axis of opposition in the novel: Pilate - Yeshua, Pilate - Master. We will talk about the role of the Master in more detail later. In this case, Korovin-Faust was relegated to the background and further confused the intrigue of the novel.

The duality of M. Bulgakov's worldview

M. Bulgakov, like any great artist, had a dual vision of the world with all its passions. The author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and Goethe and Pushkin and Lermontov were such dualists. In the “Word” the author sympathizes with both pagans and Christians, lamenting the enmity that arose between different layers of society who opposed each other in religious struggle. This is how M. Nostradamus saw his era. This is how M. Bulgakov saw his era. Therefore, researchers often interpret works of genius from their own perspective, without grasping the essence of the concept. In Soviet times, in the novel “The Master and Margarita,” Bulgakov scholars saw the fight against God, criticism of the image of Christ and the Holy Scriptures; in our time, researchers of M. Bulgakov’s work see in the novel an denunciation of atheists. A genius is always rebellious in his spirit, ambiguous, just like the rebellious spirit of Lermontov’s demon. Nothing in history can be interpreted unambiguously, since everyone sees their own truth. But if the truth is based on morality, then morality is the same for everyone, for a Catholic, for a Protestant, and for an atheist, regardless of who said it first, the one who spoke it in the Sermon on the Mount, or it has been known since the time of Gilgamesh. It's all about attitude to the nature of being. Pantheists, which included Goethe, did not deny the divine origin of nature; they were against the dogmas that were established within the mainstream of the church. They were against errors that hampered the evolution of society, against the condemnation of dissent, which is actually the engine in the development of civilization and sciences. The essence of the fair development of society lies in the diversity of worldviews, their merging and dividing without the forcible establishment of any doctrines.

Characters of the novel

One of the key figures in the novel “The Master and Margarita” is Woland, who is the prototype of Mephistopheles in Goethe’s tragedy “Faust”.

« Mephistopheles (Mephistophel, Mephostophilis, Mephistophilus, possibly of Greek origin - “hating light”, from me - not, phos - light and philos - loving; according to another version of the ancient Hebrew. Origin from mephitz - destroyer and tofel - liar), the name of one of the spirits evil, demon, devil, demon, devil, most often according to legend, fallen angel, Satan." [TSB].

I am inclined to stick to the 1st version, because in Slavic:

Mephostophilis > ne -postoj -lubij – not permanent any (praslav.).

Satan - (Heb. s āţān - adversary in court, in a dispute or in war, obstructor, contradictor, accuser, earpiece, instigator).

Satan - satana > siderona / sideronij – side /outsider (praslav.).

Woland – Voland > djavolnij – devilish (proto-Slav) (inversion of the word Voland).

The prototypes of Woland proposed by Bulgakov scholars:

The Second Coming of Christ (?!);

Apostle Peter.

None of the images correspond to M. Bulgakov's plan. Imagine that Bulgakov’s Lenin, Stalin, Apostle Peter (in the image of Woland) tells unenlightened atheists about the image of Yeshua, Pilate, takes just retribution on bribe-takers, swindlers, careless godless writers, saves the Master, patronizes Margarita. Yes, this is just a holy man. Could this nonsense have occurred to Bulgakov?

No, no and NO! Although one can understand the researchers of the novel that somewhere there must be a leader of nations, a dictator. More on this later.

According to the artist's plan, Woland or Goethe's Mephistopheles is the enemy of God, with whose hands good and retribution are created. Let us recall the epigraph of the novel, taken from the tragedy “Faust”:

“ who are you, finally?

- I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good.» .

Woland is endowed with the features of M. Nostradamus and the master of the Masonic lodge!

What unites Woland with Nostradamus?

First of all, I dare to suggest that M. Bulgakov, as the most educated and intelligent man of his time, knowing several languages, must have been familiar with the letter of Nostradamus to King Henry II and translated something. This letter speaks of a period of 73 years, 8 months, when Satan will reign. True, this date refers to the period of religious wars of the 16th century, but the fact is that historical events often repeat themselves and 73 years of Soviet power in the 20th century may well correspond to 73 years of religious wars in the 16th century. Consequently, having comprehended this date, M. Bulgakov could assume, despite the fact that it did not end during the period of his life, that this refers to the era of the reign of Satan. This is the second source besides Faust for the concept of the novel. The tragedy “Faust” directly speaks of the connection between the image of Doctor Faustus and M. Nostradamus.

« I understood philosophy

I became a lawyer and a doctor...

With great zeal and labor

I got into theology, -

Then in the end

Become a fool from among the fools!" [ 1]

« Oh away! Run, run quickly

Free! Nostradamus to us

With your priceless book

The path was indicated by time.

Don't be deaf to the words of nature -

And you will know the course of the stars.

And your spirit will be full of strength,

When will the spirit answer the spirit!

A thread of wonderful, wondrous signs

Can't explain it with a dry mind.

O perfume! If in silence

You are soaring - answer me!»

It should be noted that the historical Faust (1480-1540) could not read the works of Nostradamus, since he died before their publication (1555).

Secondly, Woland is omniscient, insightful and has the gift of foresight.

He predicts Berlioz's death from an accident, drawing up a horoscope (see epigraph of the article).

« One, two... Mercury in the second house... the moon is gone... six - misfortune... evening - seven...» .

Thirdly, Woland is a big fan of the globe (the night sky and the world map), with the help of which he predicts world events at night. Margarita finds Woland on a simple bed, sloppily dressed (this is unworthy of the almighty Mephistopheles), as if after a night vigil, as Nostradamus did.

« Margarita saw a wide oak bed with wrinkled and crumpled dirty sheets and a pillow. ...Woland was stretched out wide on the bed, wearing only a nightgown, dirty and patched on the left shoulder. He tucked one bare leg under him and stretched the other onto the bench. Gella rubbed the knee of this dark leg with some kind of steaming ointment.» .

« He fell silent and began to turn his globe in front of him, made so skillfully that the blue oceans on it moved, and the hat on the pole lay as if it were real, icy and snowy. » .

« My globe is much more convenient, especially since I need to know events exactly.» .

This is nothing more than a method of astrological calculations accurate to the degree and prediction of events as a result of the night visions of Nostradamus.

Nostradamus died at Salon (1566) from complications of gout. In the novel, Woland suffers from gout:

“Gella, it’s time,” Woland said, and Gella disappeared from the room. “My leg hurt, and then this ball,” Woland continued..» .

Woland mentions the year 1571, this is the year before the bloody St. Bartholomew's Night predicted by Nostradamus, in the events of which he was certainly present.

“Those close to me claim that this is rheumatism,” said Woland, without taking his eyes off Margarita, but I strongly suspect that this pain in the knee was left to me as a souvenir by a charming witch whom I became closely acquainted with in the year one thousand five hundred and seventy-one in the Brokensky mountains, on the Devil's Cathedra.» .

Satan's Ball in the novel “The Master and Margarita” may be a figurative series of quatrains by M. Nostradamus, which reveal to us the history of countries, cities, kings and czars, dictators and executioners.

« Neither Gaius Caesar Caligula nor Messalina interested Margarita, just as none of the kings, dukes, cavaliers, suicides, poisoners, hanged men and procurers, jailers and sharpers, executioners, informers, traitors, madmen, detectives, molesters.» .

At the same time, Woland in the novel looks quite decent and at the ball he appears in all his splendor.

« Then a metamorphosis occurred. The patched shirt and worn-out shoes were gone. Woland found himself in some kind of black robe with a steel sword on his hip» .

Woland has a cigarette case and a watch with an inlaid triangle with dazzling diamonds inside (in the shape of an eye). This is one of the main symbols of the Masons. In this case, Woland appears before us as the head of the Masonic lodge. And at Satan's ball, Margarita perhaps goes through a mysterious rite of initiation into the Freemasons. There are other attributes in the novel that indicate Masonic symbols. These are swords, a seven-candle lamp, five-candles (symbols of five-pointed stars) on the Yershalaim temple.

« Judas turned around and saw that two giant five-candles were lit at a terrible height above the temple..» .

So, Woland is not so much Mephistopheles as the image of Nostradamus and the master of the Masonic lodge.

Where is the image of the dictator? We see him from the very beginning of the novel:

« In a white cloak with a bloody rootstock, a shuffling cavalry gait, early in the morning of the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan, the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate came out into the winged colonnade between the two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.» .

Woland was present at this event; one might say, this is the fruit of his thoughts and imagination. The fifth procurator (fifth Tsar Ivan the Terrible) of Judea, Pontius Pilate, is the image Stalin in the novel "The Master and Margarita"!

Pilate encamped in the palace of Herod the Great, who is an image Lenin . Stalin is a follower of Lenin, that is, the heir to the ideas (of the palace) of Lenin (Herod). Stalin seems to be in a different era, but he himself and his victim, namely Yeshua, are transposed in Soviet times into the image of the Master. Yeshua - Jesus Christ and the Master, as conceived by the artist, are one person.

« Jesus Christ is the Greek rendering of the Hebrew personal name Yeshu(a).

Christ - translation into Greek of the word messiah(Aram. mesiha, Heb. masiah - anointed).” .

masiah > master – Master (praslav.). This means that the Master is God’s anointed, identical with Jesus Christ. Most researchers associate the name Master in the novel with Bulgakov’s name – Mikhail. Master is a word belonging to Masonic terminology, master mason, creator, builder.

That is why the image of Christ in M. Bulgakov’s novel is so down-to-earth, far from a demigod man, and the events in Yershalaim are far from the gospel description. M. Bulgakov wanted to present the confrontation and rapprochement between the dictator and the victim as naturally as possible, without miracles and without resurrection.

Two slices of time, Judea and the country of the Soviets, Yershalaim and Moscow, the images of Pilate and Yeshua, Stalin and the Master, Judas and Aloysius Magarych, the head of the secret guard and Baron Meigel, separated by 2 millennia, seem to live together, penetrate each other and become similar according to the content of events and the relationship of heroes with each other. And the boundaries of Pilatov and Moscow times disappear, disappear and become an integral, unified part of the novel.

Woland said that he was present in Pilate’s events, but this is Bang Pilate’s faithful dog, who in the tragedy “Faust” turns from Faust the poodle into Mephistopheles. We see the same poodle on the knob of Woland’s cane. Lions similar to poodles sparkle on the armor of Rat-Slayer, some kind of dog runs around the place of Yeshua’s execution. Satan is everywhere in Yershalaim.

Quite a lot is known and at the same time too little about the relationship between Stalin and M. Bulgakov. Stalin highly valued Bulgakov’s work and often attended his plays, in particular, he watched “Days of the Turbins.” Did Stalin know about the existence of the novel “The Master and Margarita”? He probably knew. And smart Stalin understood the idea of ​​the novel. It was after the partial publication of the novel that M. Bulgakov, despite the visible support of Stalin, stopped publishing. In the novel “The Master and Margarita”, after completing the manuscript, the Master also stopped publishing and, moreover, was criticized, after which he fell ill. Stalin played with the famous writer like a cat with a mouse. He called M. Bulgakov on the phone and promised to meet, but the meeting never took place. Pilate (Stalin) was also inflamed with the desire to meet Yeshua (the Master), but, alas, the execution took place. The confrontation between Yeshua (the Master) and Pilate (Stalin) is a complex relationship between the artist and the authorities.

«… never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially among those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!"[2].

M. Bulgakov did not ask for anything and at the same time they did not give him anything. But all you had to do was put in a word into the silent receiver waiting for words. But this means entering into an alliance with the devil, this means betraying your honor and conscience. Ah, this conscience that torments the creator every day and gives him no peace. What is worse than the most sinful actions? Our own conscience, which torments us, keeps us from meanness and humiliation.

The hero of Goethe's tragedy "Faust" goes blind at the end of his life, and at the beginning of the poem he falls asleep from Mephistophilis' wine, throwing his head to the side on the back of his chair, sitting in his office.

« One day in March 1823, Goethe caught a bad cold and went to bed... On the morning of March 22, the agony began. Sitting in a chair, the dying poet talked with his relatives, doctor and servants around him about various subjects. His speech became less and less clear; the last words that could be made out were: “More light!” At half past eleven he leaned back in the corner of his chair and quietly fell asleep forever.." [biography, 1].

After completing the 3rd edition of the manuscript in 1936, M. Bulgakov became seriously ill, was paralyzed and blind, and never got up. M. Bulgakov died with the words “Let them know!” To whom were these dying words addressed? The people, Stalin? At the end of the novel, the Master forgives Pilate, and also in a human and Christian way M. Bulgakov forgives Stalin.


Azazello is not a repentant sinner, in contrast to Koroviev-Fagot-Faust, but a true assistant of Satan. The prototype of Azalello (Italian) - Azalel (Hebrew) in the ideas of Judaism is a demonic creature.

« In the Bible, Azazel is mentioned only in the context of describing the ritual of the “day of atonement (Yom Kippur); on this day, the sins of the people were transferred to two goats, one of which was intended as an atoning sacrifice for Yahweh, and the other (“scapegoat”) - “for Azazel” (Lev. 16, 8 in the synodal translation - “for the scapegoat”; the second goat were taken to the desert, the habitat of Azazel (16, 10).The idea of ​​the desert as the dwelling of the demonic principle is inherent in the New Testament story about the Temptation of Jesus Christ by the devil, as well as in the Christian “Lives” of the anchorites of the initial period of monasticism." [ 4].

Azazel – Azazel > kozazelnj –goat (praslav.). That is, Azalel is the goat deity of the Jews, to whom they sacrificed “scapegoats.”

The offering of a “scapegoat” as a sacrifice to God refers to the pagan cult of sacrificing sacred animals among various peoples, including goats, pigs, roosters, bears, etc.

« A person could also act as a scapegoat, on whom the sins of the people were periodically blamed.» .

« The scapegoat may finally be a godman.» .

Therefore, one can understand the persistence of the high priest of Judea, Kaifa, who insisted on the execution of Yeshua.

In Talmudic literature, Azezel is sometimes identified with Satan and Samael, as well as a fallen angel who consorted with women. In the novel, Azazel invites Margarita on a date with Woland and in the final scene poisons the Master and Margarita. Can this be interpreted as another agreement between the devil and the Master? Or is this the repose of the soul of the noble Master from worldly troubles? It's hard to guess anything.

Behemoth Cat

The cat in M. Bulgakov’s novel is a representative of evil spirits. In contrast to Mephistopheles’s poodle, the cat is closer in perception to the Russian reader, since back then in the 30s, and even in the 60s, in every cozy Moscow courtyard there always lived a cat, often black in color. The cat occupies a significant place in Russian folklore and various superstitions. Therefore, it is quite understandable to replace Goethe’s poodle with Bulgakov’s cat. A cat, like a poodle, is capable of demonic transformations and werewolf behavior, which is characteristic of evil spirits. As for the name of the cat - Behemoth, I can’t say anything definite about what M. Bulgakov’s intention was in this name. Researchers believe that the main prototype of the cat was a large black dog (say, Faust's poodle) by M. Bulgakov, whose name was Behemoth.

It can be assumed that the name Behemoth allegorically means “bohemian” - bohema - gypsy (French), otherwise the evil spirit of bohemia. Where "bohemia" is the environment of the artistic intelligentsia.


The prototype of Hella may be the ancient Greek goddess Hella, as a result of whose death the Hellespont Strait was formed. But there is no connection between this legend and Bulgakov’s Gella.

The image of Gella can be borrowed from Georgian mythology as a female deity - the deva Begella.

« Sometimes Begella was also represented as a woman from the devas - a beauty with long hair flowing to the ground.» .

The image of Gella can be borrowed from the divine Galatea (from Greek mythology), which is mentioned in the tragedy "Faust", as well as from Gala (noise), Gallu (Akkadian), which in Sumerian-Akkadian mythology are evil demons of the underworld.

But the closest thing to the image of Gella is the character from the story by N.V. Gogol's "Viy" - Pannochka who became a witch. Moreover, Gella is practically involved in a scene from the story “Viy”, transferred to the office of the financial director of the Variety Theater G.D. Rimsky.


Of course, the image of Margarita is associated with M. Bulgakov’s third and last wife, Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya, who preserved the manuscript of the novel “The Master and Margarita.”

At the same time, the image of Margarita is endowed with the features of Margarita from the tragedy “Faust”. But according to the concept of the novel, in my opinion, the prototype of Margarita is Mary Magdalene.

« Mary Magdalene (native of the city of Migdal-El, cf. Heb. migdal, Aram. Magdala, “tower”), in Christian traditions a woman from Galilee, a follower of Jesus Christ." [ 4].

In the Western Christian tradition, Mary Magdalene becomes the image of a repentant harlot.

Magdalene – Magdalina > ma-gereshnj –sinful mother (praslav.).

Margarita – Margarita > ma -kajinaj – mother penitent (praslav.).


Magdalene – Madeleine – penitent sinner (French).

In the novel by M. Bulgakov, Margarita is a symbol of devotion and boundless faith. It is not for nothing that Faust at the end of the poem visits the world of the shadows of the Mothers.

« The noble spirit avoided evil,

Was worthy of salvation;

The one who lived in aspirations for centuries -

Worthy of redemption.

The one for whom love comes from above

Heavenly interceded,

He will enter the host of bright angels,

Knows God's mercy." [ 1] .

« Goethe, in a conversation with Eckermann on June 6, 1831, said: “In these verses the key to Faust’s salvation is given - this is tireless activity until the end of life, which becomes higher and purer, and, moreover, this is eternal love that comes to the rescue." [Notes. 1].


The entire novel “The Master and Margarita” is permeated with satirical images and episodes.

M. Bulgakov used the entire spectrum of historical Russian satire from N.V. Gogol to M. Zoshchenko.

We see Gogolian devilry, which reminds us of a scene from Viy, in the office of financial director Rimsky:

« And at that time, the joyful, unexpected cry of a rooster came from the garden, from that low building behind the shooting range where the birds participating in the programs are kept. A loud, trained rooster trumpeted, announcing that dawn was rolling towards Moscow from the east.

Wild rage distorted the girl’s face, she let out a hoarse curse, and Varenukha squealed at the door and fell out of the air onto the floor.

The rooster crowed again, the girl clicked her teeth, and her red hair stood on end. With the third crow of the rooster, she turned and flew out. And after her, jumping up and stretching out horizontally in the air, resembling a flying Cupid, Varenukha slowly floated out the window through the desk» .

The scene from Saltykov-Shchedrin is reminiscent of the office of the chairman of the commission, Prokhor Petrovich:

« An empty suit sat behind a huge desk with a massive inkwell, and with a dry pen not dipped in ink, he ran across the paper..» .

The Gospel stories remind us of the Last Supper of 12 literary workers who wait in vain for Berlioz for a meeting in the Griboyedov House.

The abbreviation MASSOLIT, inscribed on the ticket of the poet Bezdomny, clearly indicates the “Liturgical Mass.”

Under the image of the poet Bezdomny it is not difficult to guess the famous proletarian poet Demyan Bedny.

The performance of the magician and wizard Woland at the Variety Theater is reminiscent of the procession of Plutus (Faust in disguise) at the masquerade in the tragedy “Faust”:

« How the thick crowd suddenly became alarmed,

Hurrying, pushing and grabbing gifts!

He pours out treasures as if in a dream, -

Everything was snapped up right away. But to me

It’s clear: he’s preparing a new deception.

The one who diligently catches his gifts,

In the end it has nothing;

The gift quickly flies away from him.

Poor fellow! He's fussing about in vain!

The string of pearls suddenly broke its connection.

You look - only a handful of honeys tickle your palm;

The deceived fool wants to drive them away,

But they buzz, circling overhead.

Others passionately await untold riches,

But they always catch frisky moths.

What a rogue! He promised gifts to everyone,

And all he gave was a sparkle of golden flowers!" [ 1] .

« Yes, instead of gold, a ticket with a treasure;

It is convenient for everyone: everyone knows what they are rich in;

No need to change or sell - free

Enjoy as much love or wine as you like.

And he wanted gold - he changed it right there;

If it’s not at the box office, they’ll flog it and find it.." [ 1] .

But Goethe did not even imagine how events would unfold with paper money, the introduction of which (for the first time in France in 1716) he attributed to the devil. In the novel “The Master and Margarita”, in the scene with the Variety Theater, money turns into empty pieces of paper. Indeed, in our time, money no longer has any gold equivalent and therefore it serves as a means of speculation and rampant crisis situations in the world economy.

Both geniuses strove for the light, but never achieved it.

« The pendulum of time will swing

Oh, my friend, be reasonable.

He will be branded by the crowd,

Who is independent and smart,

One who is mad in knowledge.

But don't be ashamed of your gray hairs,

What is meant to happen will happen.

And light will rise from the depths,

The sun will melt the thickness of the ice floes

And everything that happened will happen again


1.I. W. Goethe, tragedy “Faust”, ed. "DIL", Moscow, 2010

2.M. A. Bulgakov, novel “The Master and Margarita”, ed. "Fiction", Moscow, 1989

3. “The Master and Margarita”, Wikipedia, Internet

4. Myths of the peoples of the world, volume 1, 2, ed. "Soviet Encyclopedia", Moscow, 1991.

5.D.D. Frazer, The Golden Bough, ed. "Political Literature", Moscow, 1986

/ Nostradamus /

(Misha 04.05.2008 13:24:46 )
Dear Sirs!

As a result of a consistent series of “accidentally” discovered facts, I was able to unambiguously reveal the main secret goal of Nostradamus, in the complex of all the prophecies he wrote that have survived to this day. This goal could be called the main secret of Nostradamus, and in terms of the mission he completed, this would be true.
But the discovered facts prove that the completed mission of Nostradamus is only part of the greatest mystery, the origins of which go back to the immeasurable depths of human history.

The importance of the information that Nostradamus wanted to convey to humanity is so great and serious that I am forced to sincerely regret that I accidentally received the so-called “keys” to unlocking the secret, since I do not have any literary abilities for its worthy and most intelligible presentation. However, I am forced to make every effort and try to fulfill the desire of Michel Nostradamus to “come out of his long obscurity and obscurity”, which he wrote about in a letter to “King Henry II” - D. and M. Zim “Nostradamus Deciphered” 1998 edition , page 53:
“My only desire is to get out of my dark and still unknown situation”

In the following proof, Michel Nostradamus will appear in his true meaning for humanity, as the Great Religious Prophet or as he called himself in a letter: “The Great Priest in the Cap.”

This true meaning of Nostradamus for humanity has eluded all researchers of his prophecies for centuries for an objective reason, which was the necessary consistent preparation for the disclosure of the main secret through the efforts of many people who collected the necessary information or themselves showed prophetic abilities, coming close to its disclosure.
Without the efforts and prophetic abilities of these people, the secret would never have been revealed.
Therefore, the “accident” of my finding the “keys” to solving the mystery is very relative and is very likely a natural result.

The following main sources of information are used in the following proof:
- Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim “Nostradamus Deciphered” 1998 edition.
- John Hogue “Nostradamus – The Complete Collection of Prophecies” 2006 edition.
- Helena Blavatsky “Isis Unveiled” volumes 1 and 2, 2003 edition.
- Gospel of John.
- Revelation of John the Theologian - “Apocalypse”
- Book of the prophet Isaiah
- Gospel of Matthew
And other sources.


Today, having a colossal amount of facts, I can reasonably claim that Dmitry Zima, Nadezhda Zima and John Hoag have prophetic abilities or inexplicable intuition of colossal power. A huge number of facts and indisputable evidence allows me to be sincerely surprised that these people, without two main “keys,” repeatedly and sometimes from different sides almost came close to solving the mystery, but each time they stopped due to the lack of minimal, but still decisive information.
It is very likely that the study of the prophecies of Nostradamus mobilizes unknown forces hidden in a person, facilitating, on an intuitive level and in the complete absence of necessary information, to draw the right conclusions.
This intuition is evident in John Hoag's questions (page 7):
“While the debates around the name of Nostradamus do not subside, let’s think: is there something more in the lines of his prophecies, something that those arguing about him do not see? Have we overlooked the main thing behind the external inconsistency and apparent contradictions? Or maybe we see it, but don’t realize it? Does not the calculated obscurity of prophecies serve a higher purpose than a simple statement of events?

And in the correct reasoning of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim (page 144):
“We have already talked about the enormous task Nostradamus set for himself when sending his letter to people of the distant future. After all, he had to not only predict events with an accuracy of up to a year, carefully hiding them in the “Message to Henry,” but also take care that over the centuries, interest in his person would not fade away and numerous researchers would not spare their efforts to decipher it. Such a favorable state of affairs could be achieved only in one way: firstly, to make sure that the treasure and the bait lay in different places, and the bait should be so shiny that few would think of looking in another place. And secondly, from time to time, the interest of researchers must be fueled by new discoveries - without this, it would very soon fade away.”

Nostradamus never hid the fact that most quatrains do not lend themselves to any semantic interpretation, and he openly warned about this.
Letter to Henry - Nostradamus Deciphered, page 343:
“And therefore, O most humane King, most of the prophetic quatrains are so complex that they will not be understandable to any interpreter.”

Why did Michel Nostradamus make considerable efforts to write them?
We actually received an answer to this question from John Hoag and Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim, which can be summarized as follows:

“Most of the prophetic quatrains play the role of bait and at the same time a background, to cover up the main information for future humanity, which was supposed to be deciphered in a certain time period.”


Where is the main information located, and what major future events in the life of humanity does it report? If we discard the “materialistic armor”, then it is not difficult to find the main event and a very impressive consequence of this event.

John Hogue (Epistola to Henry II, pp. 499 and 500):
“Starting from the present time, which is March 14, 1557, and going far into the distance to the coming Coming, which will occur after the beginning of the seventh millennium, it is thoroughly calculated as regards my astronomical and other knowledge, allowing me to know when the enemies of Jesus Christ and his Churches will begin to multiply in number. I compiled and calculated everything on well-defined and well-placed days and hours and as accurately as possible.”

Since this is evidence, any error of interpretation or translation must be excluded. Therefore, if Nostradamus really wanted to warn humanity about the Coming, and perceived it as the main event for humanity, then it is quite logical to assume that there should be a prophecy reporting a fairly significant result of this Coming. Such a prophecy exists and is quite indisputable evidence that this is precisely the main information or event that Nostradamus wanted to report.

This evidence can be found on page 104 - Nostradamus by John Hoag:

Centuria 1 quatrain 48.

It is not difficult to understand that the result of the Coming will be the beginning of a new calendar for all humanity for 7000 years. What other more important event or outcome for humanity can compare to this, barring the Apocalypse?
An unequivocal or indisputable answer to this question can be the statement that the Advent and its subsequent result will, of course, be the main event. Consequently, the main information that Nostradamus wanted to convey to future humanity has undoubtedly been found.

As multiple or final confirmation that the information found is the main one, the subsequent proof will use many facts and dozens of intersecting prophecies, which together will clearly point to exactly this result. One example of such overlapping prophecies is the following prophecy from another source. (Part of publication in the newspaper “Oracle”)
“The calendar of the ancient Mayan Indians ends on December 23, 2012, since at the end of the 10th century, white bearded people in long clothes (twenty people) appeared on the banks of a river (in the region of central Mexico) on a “winged” ship.
The leader of these people gave the Indians mathematics, astronomy, a calendar and taught them a lot, including prohibiting bloodshed. All the scientific, cultural and religious achievements of the ancient peoples of America are associated with His name. His sign was the cross.
In 999, the pale-faced man, having fulfilled his mission, left the Indians and left two prophecies for the Indians:
The arrival of the conquistadors and the end of the fifth Sun on December 23, 2012.”

In order to understand which Sun is reported in this prophecy, it is enough to use or apply an additional source of information.

Helena Blavatsky's book “Isis Unveiled” volume 2:

Page 674
“Whenever humanity is ready to fall into materialism and moral degradation, the Supreme Spirit incarnates in its creation, chosen for this purpose.
"The 'Messenger of the Most High' is united with the duality of matter and soul, and when the triad is thus completed by the addition of the Crown, a savior is born who helps to put humanity back on the path of truth and virtue."
Page 592
“If any one wished to trace this doctrine from its source in the darkness of the period of tradition to the Seer of Patmos, he would not have to wander among the religious systems of all nations. He would find that the Babylonians taught that four Oannas (or Suns) appeared at four different periods; that the Hindus asserted their four yugas; that the Greeks, Romans and others firmly believed in the golden, silver, copper and iron ages, each of these eras being heralded by the appearance of a savior.”
If we add to the above that, according to Buddhist teachings, there is currently a fifth civilization, then we come to the revelation of an ancient prophecy, which reports that on December 23, 2012, the fifth Oannes will pass away and the old Mayan calendar will end, marking the beginning of another calendar for 7000 years .
Thus, we received indirect confirmation of Nostradamus’ prophecy about the Coming and its results from other sources.

Can there be any doubt that for a sincere believer, Michel Nostradamus, this was the main information that he wanted to communicate to future humanity? The answer to this question is clear and indisputable; this is the main information. But, in this case, could Nostradamus limit himself to a simple statement of the Coming and its result and at the same time create a gigantic background system covering up this information? Of course not. Therefore, it is quite reasonable and necessary to look for in his prophecies many prophecies related to the main goal. Taking into account the disclosure of the main information or the secret of Nostradamus, you won’t need to search for long.

John Hogue and Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima unanimously expressed a completely reasonable and again correct intuitive assertion that Nostradamus's letters publicly addressed to King Henry II and his own son were in fact sent into the future to another addressee.

“Letter to Henry II”, page 242 “Nostradamus Deciphered” by D. and N. Winter:
“So, seeing that it is impossible for me to appear through action, but my only desire is to come out of my long darkness and incomprehensibility and become clearer in the face of these higher eyes, this first monarch of the world. At the same time, I pondered for a long time to whom I should dedicate these last three centuries of my prophecies, which complete the thousand. And only after much thought did I dare to make a daring decision: to address them to Your Majesty.”

How to understand, this is Nostradamus’s own statement reporting that he devoted almost a third of his gigantic work (three hundred quatrains) to one person, that is, King Henry II, and at the same time, no one can detect this avalanche of prophetic information. But now there is no need to continue to be surprised and discuss this strange fact if we already know that Henry II failed to become the first monarch of the world and, especially since the main goal of Nostradamus has already been revealed. Therefore, it can be assumed with high probability that the three centuries and letters were dedicated and addressed to the one who will carry out the Coming and initiate a new chronology, that is, in one of the many variant names of the fifth Oannes or “Sun”. And in the further proof we will clearly and repeatedly verify the correctness of this assumption.


It is quite logical to assume that if Nostradamus wanted to report any details about the Coming (otherwise, why would he devote such a huge number of quatrains to this event), then, of course, he should have known and accordingly reported the name of the one who will come. The search for this name quickly resulted in a very serious discovery.
Centuria 10 quatrain 73. (D. and N. Winter – p. 202)
"The present time together with the past,
The great Jupiterian (Jupiter's man - John Hogue) will judge:
The world will be left to him too late,

“Then this Mount Jupiter, this Gallic Ogmium, will appear, accompanied by such a great number that from a very distant empire from its great law will be shown.”

If we apply an elementary attempt to decipher the meaning of this “name” used by Nostradamus, it will not give us any particular result, except that in ancient times Jupiter was personified with the highest Deity, therefore, the man of Jupiter or the Jupiterian can be revealed as a man of the highest God or God's man or man from the highest God. But this does not bring us any closer to revealing the secret of the name. It is in this case that the first “key” is required, which no one has been able to discover for 450 years.

This “key” can really only be found by chance. Any person who tries to find in the thousand-page works of Helena Blavatsky a few lines of text that is crucial for deciphering the name can be convinced of this.

"Isis Unveiled" volume 2, page 381:

“Iu or Jovis is the oldest Latin name for God.
As a man, he is Yu - Peter or Yu - Father.
Moreover, “pitar” is a Sanskrit word meaning “Father”.
As a feminine thing, he is Yu – but or Yu, the Comforter.”

If we wish to encrypt the name of a Jupiter or Jupiterian person using the found “key”, then with a simple replacement we will get the following name:
Jupiter - Yu Peter
The letter U is replaced by the Comforter
"Pitera" is equivalent to "Pitara" or the Father or from the Father

Therefore, if we wish, Jupiter can easily be encrypted as the Comforter from the Father. It turns out to be a really very strange name, which makes you want to look for a mention of it in religious literature. This search leads to the discovery of the second "key" and an extremely important discovery.

Gospel of John.
Chapter 12:
48. “He who rejects Me and does not accept My words has a judge for himself: the Word that I have spoken will judge him at the last day.”
Chapter 13:

Chapter 14:

Chapter 15:
26. “When the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will testify about Me,”
27. “And you also will testify, because you were with Me from the beginning.”
Chapter 16:

11. “about the judgment, that the prince of this world is condemned,”

Without exaggeration, we can say that the greatest secret has been revealed to us.
We found out whose Coming, Nostradamus calculated “on well-defined and well-placed days and hours and as accurately as possible” and we found the “Monarch” to whom Nostradamus addressed in letters and dedicated the last three centuries. His name is the Comforter from the Father or, in deciphered form, the man of Yu Peter.

Thus, indisputable proof of the correctness of the discovery of the main information or event in the form of the Advent and its consequences has been obtained. From this discovery it follows that Nostradamus took upon himself a prophetic mission from Jesus Christ (John) Himself in order to tell humanity all the information about the Comforter, all the circumstances of his Coming and the possible results of this Coming.
It was the revelation of this secret that Nostradamus “awaited” in order to “come out of his long darkness and incomprehensibility” and appear before humanity in his true position as the Great Religious Prophet who took the prophetic baton from Jesus Christ Himself (John).
Unfortunately, in our materialistic times it is very difficult to fully understand this revealed fact. Nevertheless, further proof will, with each new fact, increasingly strengthen the awareness of the greatness of the unfolding mystery of the universe.
The information obtained allows us to decipher many prophecies in quatrains relating to the Comforter from the Father - the man of Jupiter.
Quatrain 75, centuries 10:
(Jesus Christ)
He (the Comforter from the Father) will appear in the land of Asia, at home in Europe.

Quatrain 53, centuries 5:

The sun will be the law of the great Messiah (Comforter from the Father).”

The revealed connection between the prophecies of Nostradamus and Jesus Christ led us to the discovery of two names of the one who will carry out the Coming, that is, the Comforter from the Father or the man of Yu Peter. But which of these names was encrypted, and which name was the primary one, can also be found out by chance if you find the following information in the works of Helena Blavatsky.

“Isis Unveiled” volume 2, chapter “The Secrets of the Kabbalah”, note 292 page 314:
“Philo says that the Logos is the Interpreter of the highest God and asserts “that he must be God to us imperfect beings.” In his opinion, man was not created in the image of the Most High God, the Father of all, but in the image of the second God, who is his Word - the Logos."

“Logos was at first definitely called - Peter - (Peter in French and other European languages), which meant Rock or Stone according to Philo; Moreover, this word, as we have already proven elsewhere, in the Chaldean and Phoenician languages ​​meant “Interpreter.”
“Justin Martyr in all his writings calls him an “angel” and makes a clear distinction between the Logos and the Creator God:
“The Word of God is His Son... and he is also called an angel and an apostle, for he declares all that we should know (interprets), and is sent to declare all that is revealed.”

In the above text, we are presented with proof of the correct use of the Sanskrit word “pitar - father” to reveal the name Peter-Peter as the Father or from the Father (As a masculine word, he is Yu - Peter or Yu - Father).
This fact also follows from the above-mentioned indisputable fact of the equality of the meanings of the Logos of Peter-Peter and the Word of God or the Word from the Father.
This indisputably proves the correctness of the use of the “key” that made it possible to decipher the man Yu Peter as the Comforter from the Father.

As a result of the proven connection of the names, we find a direct connection between the prophecies of Jesus Christ (John), Michel Nostradamus and John the Theologian in the “Apocalypse”, who reported the Coming of the Logos and used only a different interpretation of his name, using the found “key”.

Revelation of John the Theologian - “Apocalypse”, chapter 19:
11. “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it was called Faithful and True, Who judges in righteousness and makes war.”
12. “His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; He had a name written, which no one knew except Himself;
13. “He was clothed in clothes stained with blood. His name is: the Word of God (Logos of Peter-Peter – Comforter from the Father – Yu Peter-Peter).”

IV. Gospel of John. Chapter 12:
48. “He who rejects Me and does not accept My words has a judge for himself: the Word (Logos of Peter-Peter - Comforter from the Father - Yu Peter-Peter), which I spoke, it will judge him on the last day.”

Thus, it has been indisputably proven that, regardless of attempts to apply any interpretations and regardless of attempts to translate into any languages, in the Gospel of John, in the Revelation of John the Theologian - “Apocalypse” and in numerous prophecies of Michel Nostradamus, the same name is actually written down revealed with the help of one “key”: Logos of Peter-Peter = Word of God = Comforter from the Father = Logos of Jupiter = man Yu Peter = Yu Peterian.

From the above revealed secret it follows that the Logos of Peter-Peter is the main more ancient name and it was this name that was encrypted by Jesus Christ (John) as the Comforter from the Father and was later encrypted in the Apocalypse as the Word of God.
Below we will provide almost indisputable proof of this fact.
Additionally, we already know that the Logos of Peter was also called the Interpreter, the Stone or the Rock. All this information and names, and not only these, were known to Nostradamus, and he repeatedly used them to encrypt quatrains that are directly related to the Logos of Peter. But before we begin to decipher the prophecies of Nostradamus, it is necessary to reveal a few more great secrets.


If from the above evidence it is clear that the names Logos Peter-Peter and the Word of God have equivalent meaning, then it remains unclear why Jesus Christ (John) placed between the Logos and the name Peter-Peter the name of God, that is, the Comforter or Yu.
If we interpret the promise of Jesus Christ (John) literally and apply the “key”, it turns out that Jesus Christ (John) promised to persuade the Father to send God from the Father to humanity, that is, the Comforter Peter-Peter or Yu Peter-Peter.
But this is not possible, since it is impossible to send God from God.

How can we understand this or what secret did Jesus Christ (John) want to tell?
In order to find an unequivocal and almost indisputable answer to this question, I will again quote Justin Martyr and Philo:
“The Word of God - the Logos of Peter is His Son... and he is also called an angel and an apostle, for he declares everything that we should know (interprets), and is sent to declare everything that is revealed.”
“Logos is the Interpreter of the highest God “he must be God for us imperfect beings.” Man was not created in the image of the Most High God, the Father of all, but in the image of the second God, who is his Word - the Logos."

From the above, it follows clearly and to the exclusion of any other interpretations that Jesus Christ (John) promised to persuade the Father to send a second God to humanity, that is, His Son. Consequently, after the names of God the Comforter or Yu and before the word Father - Peter-Peter there must necessarily be the word Son.
The addition of this word gives the only possible version of the logical meaning of the promise of Jesus Christ (John).
Only in this option can one send God the Son from the Father and nothing else.
If we perceive this name as the so-called “heavenly” one, then the earthly name will be as follows: Comforter-Son of Peter-Peter or Yu-Son of Peter-Peter.
But, in this case, we get rather strange variants of names for an earthly person.
However, the Mind that composed this encrypted message has a wisdom that is not measurable and not human, and we will have to be convinced of this fact.

To do this I will use the following:

Book by E. Blavatsky “Isis Unveiled” volume 2, page 57
"The wisdom by which the Father created the heavens is the Son, or Kabbalistic
androgynous Adam Kadmon. The Son at the same time is the masculine RA, the Light of Wisdom,
Prudence or Intelligence"
Now we have all the necessary information to reveal the secret message of Jesus Christ (John), for which it is enough to write the necessary words and letters in sequence. I will start with the so-called “heavenly” names, namely:
Logos of Peter-Peter, Word of God, Comforter-Son of the Father or God-Son of the Father
And now, with the help of a simple and absolutely correct rearrangement of letters and words, we will receive an earthly name absolutely equivalent to the “heavenly” name: YU-RA PETER-PETER.
I understand that in our time “materialism” has reached its apogee and it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to perceive the fact of revealing this greatest secret. However, the Mind that prepared the secret message took care of the evidence and we will have to verify this again and again.
Nostradamus and not only him will help us with this.

D. and N. Zima “Nostradamus Deciphered”, page 144:
“As you might guess, the role of bait was played superbly by the Centuries, and as for discoveries, they didn’t take long to arrive, since some quatrains contained very transparent hints. “If I wanted, I would give an exact date for each quatrain,” states Nostradamus in his “Message to Henry,” and to this phrase he had every reason to add: “... and would also name everyone by name.” Indeed, based on some quatrains, an amazing impression is created that the prophet knew absolutely everything, from the location of the action and the exact date of what was happening, right down to the appearance, names and surnames of the main characters. Since in the future we will talk about events of the near future, more than once or twice in the quatrains we will come across strange letter combinations, as if they do not carry any information. However, who knows - perhaps behind one of them is hidden the name of the great King, the true addressee of the “Message to Henry”, just as the names of Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Nicholas II were hidden behind a meaningless set of letters ... "
(The following quatrain followed below the above comment)
Centuria 8, quatrain 34:
“After the victory of Leon (Leo) in Lyon
There will be a massacre in the Jura Mountains: (Hecatomb)
Destruction of brown seven million.
Leon, Ulm (Vlm) in the mausoleum, death and grave"

Unfortunately, the translation of the second line is absolutely not correct except for the word mountain and the name, since we already know who Mount Yu Peter is and additionally below, we learn the true meaning of the word Hecatombe (hecatomb), which is written in the original old French form, in the book John Hoag on page 581:
(The text is written in English letters, but that doesn't matter)
Centuria 8, quatrain 34:
"Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon
Sus la montaigne de IURA Hecatombe
Delues brodes septieme million
Lyon, Vlme a Mausol mort tombe"

Nostradamus wrote each letter of the name in capital letters and at the same time placed this name next to the word Hecatombe. The meaning of this word was clearly explained by Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima in the comments to another quatrain.
"Nostradamus Deciphered", pages 246, 247:
Centuria 10, quatrain 74
“When the year turns to the great number seven,
(In the year when the great seventh number ends - variant translation by John Hogue)
At this time, the Hecatomb games appeared,

When the dead (placed) come out of their tomb.”
In the following comments you can again notice the incredible intuition of the authors:
“In the last quatrain, the Moon is not directly designated; instead, it speaks of “hecatomb games” that have a direct connection with this celestial body, or rather with the lunar goddess Hecate. The fact is that the hecatomb is the expiatory and bloodiest sacrifice of the ancient Greeks, when a whole hundred bulls were slaughtered in honor of the formidable goddess, the night huntress Hecate or Artemis, comparable to the Moon. And the reason for this was quite significant.
Frankly, this is a very sad story, and it is very unpleasant that it has the most direct relation to us. According to legend, one day people ignored the goddess, and she got upset. First, on her orders, a ferocious boar was released onto Earth, which destroyed fields, houses, civilians and hunters, until one day Meleager miraculously killed this monster. But the trials did not end there, for Artemis quarreled people among themselves, and a fierce massacre began again, this time between her own. All this chaos went down in history as the Calydonian hunt, and since then the ancient Greeks considered it prudent not to forget about Artemis and Hecate, preferring to slaughter a hundred bulls in her honor than to lie with bones on the battlefield.
The bulls, of course, have nothing to do with it - the moral of the fairy tale is different: we must not forget the gods and their commandments, otherwise we will destroy each other without any monsters. In a word, the gods bequeathed us agreement, but if there is no agreement, it means there will be war.
Let's now return to Nostradamus. How else can we understand his words “honor Artemis” other than as a call to remember the old commandments? Was it not for this that he composed his hecatomb-warning, so that we would have time to come to our senses and not bring things to a catastrophe? The people of Earth have forgotten their God and His laws, and such forgetfulness always has a disastrous outcome. Therefore, the king-peacemaker appears to the prophet under the symbol of the Moon or Crescent, because his main task is not to conquer the rebellious, but, on the contrary, to make a “redemptive sacrifice to Hekate-Moon” and return peace and harmony to Earth.”
D. and M, Winter, page 201:
"Celine (Luna) Monarch, peaceful Italy,
The states are united by the Christian King of the whole world,
Dying, he will want to sleep in the wounded earth,
After that, the pirates were expelled from the waves."
Centuria 4, quatrain 77

It is impossible to measure at what level of intuition the authors of the above commentary knew about the tasks of the Comforter from the Father, but it is something incredible.
Gospel of John:
8. “and He will come and convict the world about sin and about righteousness and about judgment”:
9. “about sin, that they do not believe in Me”;
10. “about the truth, that I go to My Father, and you will no longer see Me”;
11. “about the judgment, that the prince of this world is condemned.”

In this case, it is appropriate to repeat the phrase of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim: “One gets the amazing impression that the prophet knew absolutely everything, from the location of the action and the exact date of what was happening, right down to the appearance, names and surnames of the main characters.” Nostradamus really knew everything necessary to create a guidance system capable of accurately pointing to the person Yu Peter, and in the subsequent proof we will be convinced of this many times over.

The connection between the name Yura and the word hecatomb is absolutely not accidental and excludes any doubt, since it fully corresponds to the circumstances surrounding the Second Coming and the arrival of the Word of God:
Revelation of John the Theologian - “Apocalypse”, chapter 19
13. “He was clothed in clothes stained with blood. His name is the Word of God."
Gospel of Matthew – chapter 24:
“So it will be at the coming of the Son of Man: then there will be two in the field: one is taken away, and the other is left; two grinders in the millstones: one is taken and the other is left (50%).”


Since the Father has one Son, it is not difficult to guess who Yura Petra-Petera is, if we take into account the following statement by John Hogue on page 722:
“Jesus said about his return that he would come under a new name, like a thief in the night.”
Now a new understanding must come of what Jesus Christ Himself (John) wanted to communicate. Perhaps it is time to “contain” the meaning of what was said.
Gospel of John.
12. “I still have much to say to you, but you cannot bear it now”;
10. “about the truth, that I go to My Father, and you will no longer see Me”;
15. “If you love Me, keep My commandments”
16. “And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.”
26. “The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything that I have said to you.”
7. “But I tell you the truth; It is better for you that I go; for if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you; and if I go, I will send Him to you,”
20. “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives him whom I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.”
14. “He will glorify Me, because He will take from Me and tell it to you”;
16. “all that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that he will take from Mine and tell it to you.”

In concrete terms it looks like this:
- “He who receives whomever I send receives Me” - because it will be Me
- “For if I do not go, the Comforter will not come to you” - if I stay, then I will not be able to come in the future and it is better for you if I come to you after two thousand years, to save you from complete destruction, why else, me You will need to persuade the Father.
- “about the truth that I go to My Father, and you will no longer see Me” - in the same human form (“Long awaited, he will never return” - Nostradamus).
- “Because he will take from Me and tell you”, “He will take from Mine and tell you” - because a person with the name YURA PETER-PETER will be ME.

The greatest secret of the new name of Jesus Christ in His Second Coming has been clearly revealed, since He told us this name independently, using a simple encryption method. “Let those who have understanding understand” - this phrase was not said in vain and many times.


If after this we fail to finally “accommodate” what was said above, then Nostradamus, the Great Religious Prophet, who had all the necessary information from a source called the Holy Spirit emanating from God the Father, will help us again.

Letter to the Son (D. and N. Winter – pp. 333, 334):
“I draw your attention to the fact that people are free in their actions and the future of the human race is still unsteady and unclear, but everything is directed and inspired by the incomprehensible omnipotence of God, inspiration comes from Him, and not as a result of drunken madness and not through the lymphatic principle, but through the tongue stars Only those inspired by the breath of God can participate in the spirit of prophecy.
I have often predicted things that were hidden for a long time and yet came true. And all this happened due to inspiration and intuition coming from God.”

Nostradamus gave all the necessary information about the man Yu Peter and all the most important human events associated with him. This very large amount of information is found in letters and in many dozens of quatrains, but deciphering it is not very easy, as hundreds of researchers have been convinced of over more than four hundred years.
The first problem of decoding is that it is initially necessary to understand to whom Nostradamus addressed in his letters to the “Son”, “King Henry II” and dedicated the main disguised part of the prophecies, in the amount of three centuries (300 quatrains).
In the present proof, this problem is successfully and unambiguously solved.
The second problem of decoding is that Nostradamus deliberately violated the temporal order of events set out in the prophecies, by haphazardly separating quatrains and the order of events in the letters.
But this general rule of unsystematic division has several important exceptions, in the form of several connected blocks of quatrains, and only one most important block preserves both the ordinal and temporal sequence.
It is this block that occupies the main place in the total volume of all the information Nostradamus wanted to convey to humanity.
I bring to your attention this block with my comments, the correctness of which will be subsequently proven as much as possible.

1. Centuria 10 quatrain 71 (1954)

When they come to honor Thursday: (day of Jupiter - dies Jovis)
*(Birthday of the man Yu Peter: June 3, 1954, Thursday - Ascension of the Lord)
The one who will, never was so fair,
They will come from four parts to glorify him."
2. Centuria 10 quatrain 72 – (1999)
"There are seven months in the year 1999,
The Great Prince of Terror will arrive from the sky.
*(The introduction of the Holy Spirit into a person Yu Peter)
He will bring back the great king Genghis Khan.
Before and After Mars Rules Happily"
3. Centuria 10 quatrain 73 – (1999 – 2007)
"The present time together with the past
Judgment will be pronounced by the great man of Jupiter:
*(Public activities of the person Yu Peter - analysis of mistakes and prospects)
Late the world will be left to him, (“Late the world will learn about him” - another translation option)
And lawlessness from the church court"
4. Centuria 10 quatrain 74 – (2008 - ...)
“In the year when the great seventh number ends,
At this time, the Hecatomb games appear: (Hecatomb)
*(The beginning of the Apocalypse, until complete understanding or otherwise destruction)
Not long after that great thousandth century,
When the dead emerge from their tombstones"
5. Centuria 10 quatrain 75 – (… - 2012)
“Long awaited, he will never return.
He will appear in the land of Asia, at home in Europe."
*(Public appearance of the Logos Peter-Peter - God the Son of the Father and attempt at salvation)
He who is released from the great Hermes,
And he will rise above the kings of the east."
As an additional commentary on this block of quatrains, you can apply the following examples of prophecies that are very similar in content:

Epistle to Henry II (D. and N. Winter – p. 353)
“Then this mountain of Yu Peter, this Gallic ogmium, will appear, accompanied by such a great number that from a very distant empire from its great law will be shown.”

"Isis Unveiled" Volume 2, Page 312
“In the Zohar we find: “At the coming of the King Messiah, a white light will emanate from the sacred cubic stone of the Temple for forty days. It will spread until it embraces the whole world... At that time, the King Messiah will be revealed and he will be seen emerging from the gates of the garden of Odan. It will be revealed in the land of Galil."

"Isis Unveiled" Volume 1, Page 419
“The immortal spirit overshadows mortal man. He enters him, embraces his entire being, makes him God, who descends into his earthly abode.”

Gospel of John, chapter 16
13. “When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth: for He will not speak of Himself, but will speak whatever He hears, and will tell you the future”;

Epistle to Henry II - page 517 - John Hogue

D. and M, Winter, page 201, 202
“One Monarch will be created in the universe,
Which in the world and in life will not be long:
Then the fishing boat will lose its way,
And management will be carried out with great damage.”
Centuria 1, quatrain 4

And so, one can give many similar examples of similar prophecies.
But, at this point in the evidence, it is appropriate to show the facts that made it possible to make comments on the above block of quatrains, for which it will be necessary to decipher a sufficient number of prophecies of Nostradamus and other prophets.


“Hail, beloved child of the gods, noble son of Jupiter!
Receive great honors; it's time;
The serpent will die! Virgil

What we have before us is not a random coincidence, but a very definite prophecy.

“Case is a meaningless word. The world was created according to the laws of mathematics" Voltaire.


To unambiguously confirm the birthday of the person Yu Peter on Thursday, Nostradamus took care of additional evidence, which is located in another block of quatrains in century 1 with numbers 47, 48, 49, 50 (this block has more quatrains, but the selected numbers are enough for us to decipher ). This block, like the main block (Century 10 numbers 71, 72, 73, 74, 74), has a common connecting link or indicator, which is Thursday, the birthday of the person Yu Peter. It is not surprising that Thursday has an astronomical name as the day of Jupiter (dies Jovis) and accordingly, according to a very well-thought-out plot, this day should be the birthday of the man Jupiter.
Centuria 10, quatrain 71 (John Hoag, page 717 - see note)
“The earth and the air will freeze the very great water,
When they come to honor Thursday:
He who will be, never was so righteous,
They will come from four parts to glorify him.”
Centuria 1, quatrain 50 (John Hoag, page 105)

Since we already know to whom Nostradamus dedicated the main hidden part of his prophecies, the very content of the above quatrains quite obviously points to the person Yu Peter. In the quatrain 50 centuries 1, the first line encrypts the year of his birth. Unfortunately, I do not have any astronomical knowledge, and for this reason I was forced to reveal this year in a different way. Additional evidence that Thursday is related specifically to the person Yu Peter is the following fact:

In the main block, Thursday's birthday (71) is in temporal sequential connection with activation (72), performance of a certain function (73), punishment (74) and public appearance (75).

In the additional block of Century 1 there is no time sequence and Thursday is the birthday (50), has a connection (with a reverse ordinal report), indicating the address of the place of appearance (49), the final result of the Advent (47) and a description of the results of the hidden function in the period 1999 - 2007 (47).

Centuria 1, quatrain 50
“From the water trinity will be born
The one who makes Thursday his holiday:
His fame, glory, reign and power will increase,
The East will seethe with land and sea.”
Centuria 1, quatrain 49
“Long before such intrigues,

Centuria 1 quatrain 48.
“When about twenty years of the Moon’s reign,
Another will take power for 7000 years:
When the exhausted Sun ends his days,
Then my prophecy and terrible events will be fulfilled.”
Centuria 1, quatrain 47
“Speeches at Lake Leman (Geneva) become angry
The days drag on, turning into weeks:
Then months and years, after which everything will collapse,
The rulers will curse their useless power."
Thus, there is enough reason to recognize that Thursday is the birthday of the man Yu Peter, and in the future we will receive many additional confirmations of this established fact.


Nostradamus indicated the date of birth of the man Yu Peter, but disguised it in a very original way. He set up a so-called “beacon” to attract the attention of the man Yu Peter in a certain time period.

“Letter to Henry II” by D. and M. Winter, page 302:
“These prophecies come from God and from nature. Following in most cases the movement of the heavenly bodies so much that, seeing as if in a flaming mirror, as if through a foggy gaze, these great events are sad, wonderful, and disastrous adventures that are approaching from these main cults. Firstly, from the temples of God, and secondly, because of the rulers, ruin will approach and associated with a thousand other disastrous adventures, which will become known in the course of time.”
Then comes the phrase:
“For God will see it” and then a strange set of phrases follows
"the long sterility of the great lady,
who will then conceive two main children:
but her danger, the one that will be his side,
because of the audacity of youth, mortal danger at eighteen,
can't cross thirty-sixth
when he leaves three men and one woman,
and from that he will receive two,
one who was never from one single father.”

Only based on what is already known to whom Nostradamus dedicated the main part of his prophecies, more and more new prophecies are revealed to us. Regarding the last line, a rhetorical question is appropriate: Who else in this world can have two Fathers at the same time? There is only one correct answer to this question, namely: the man Yu Peter, who as a man has an earthly father, and as a bearer or broadcaster of the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father, is God the Son of the Father
Chapter 14:
26. “But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name...”
Chapter 15:
26. “When the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will testify about Me.”

Accordingly, it is quite clear that all the written phrases before the phrase “one who has never been from one single father” are directly related exclusively to the person Yu Peter and are not difficult to reveal.
“The one who will be his side” can only be his wife.
“The long barrenness of the great lady, who will then conceive two main children” - may mean that his wife gave birth to two late children and necessarily boys.
This statement follows from the fact that at the time of his wife’s death - “When he leaves three men and one woman,” there were two fairly adult sons (men), her husband, Yu Peter (the third man) and a woman (relative) nearby.
“Because of the insolence of youth, there was mortal danger at eighteen” - his wife was in mortal danger at the age of eighteen and had a very impudent character in life.
“and from that he will receive two” - the meaning of this phrase is known only to the man Yu Peter, but this cannot mean two wives.
“Cannot cross thirty-sixth” - this phrase requires careful consideration.
Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima translated this phrase and indicated exactly the thirty-sixth.
John Hoag, when translating this phrase, interpreted the number as a thirty-sixth birthday, thus suggesting the death of the man Yu Peter's wife before that age.
But this is not a correct interpretation and Nostradamus ruled out such an interpretation.
It was not by chance that he used “the long barrenness of the great lady” and “three men at the moment of death,” since this completely excludes the death of the wife of the man Yu Peter at thirty-six years old. Long-term infertility indicates a fairly mature age of the mother at the birth of two boys, who at the time of her death were already men, that is, adults. This fact undoubtedly points to her death at a later age. Consequently, Nostradamus clearly pointed to the thirty-sixth, which the wife of the man Yu Peter could not cross.

Thus, if we exclude the indication of age, this thirty-sixth can only mean June 3, that is, the third sixth - 3.6. The meaning of this date can be considered in two ways: either it is the date of birth of the wife of the man Yu Peter, or it is the date of birth of the man Yu Peter himself. Since we have no reason to suspect Nostradamus of indicating useless dates and we already know the main character, it is quite appropriate to conclude that June 3 means the birthday of the man Yu Peter. Also, this conclusion will find its confirmation in the further almost systematic coincidence of other prophecies.

It should be noted that the coincidence of all the instructions of Nostradamus, even only in the discovered “lighthouse” and plus the name Yura Peter-Peter, is possible only for one person on the planet. If we apply the theory of coincidence probability to this system of instructions in the “lighthouse,” then the probability figure will be several times greater than the entire population of the planet. If we add to this only the year of birth and the “address” of appearance, which will be disclosed further, then the coincidence of these instructions with another person is absolutely excluded, since the probability figure will be infinite.


The simplest way to determine the year of birth of the person Yu Peter would be to decipher the astronomical prophetic instructions of Nostradamus in quatrain 50 v.1:
“Out of the water trinity will be born”
But, unfortunately, I do not have the ability to decipher such a thing and for this reason, I was forced to find this year in a different way, using other prophecies.

John Hogue, in his comments to quatrain 50 of Centuria 4 on page 313, wrote the following:
“Helena Blavatsky predicted that in 1950 (otherwise she was talking about the early fifties) a great teacher from the East would appear, the catalyst of a new phase in the enlightenment of mankind. The prophecies of the Great Pyramids of Egypt call the period from 1953 to 2001 the Age of Osiris. It is believed that the Egyptian Messiah will return at this time.” “The era of Osiris will begin, the time of the coming of the Egyptian Messiah (1953 – 2001)”

The decoding of Helena Blavatsky can be applied to this prophecy.
"Isis Unveiled" Volume 1, Page 691:
“In the parable of the “Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew XXV), the Son of Man (Osiris is also called the Son) sits on the throne of his glory, holding judgment over the nations...”

Therefore, the Prophecy of the Great Pyramids of Egypt can be written in the following form and by applying the above information, you can immediately understand who this prophecy is talking about: “The era of the Son will begin, the time of the coming of the Egyptian Messiah.”
Now, if we try to find a year in the area of ​​the predicted years of occurrence 1950 -1953, in which June 3 was Thursday, then we will find the only possible year 1954, since the closest years with a similar coincidence are only 1948 and 1965.
Moreover, “by chance” the third of June 1954 was the day of the Ascension of the Lord, and also 1954 fits in with 1953, which was probably considered as the year of conception, that is, if we count from June 3, 1954, it turns out to be September 3, 1953, which completely fits with the Prophecy of the Great Pyramids of Egypt.
As a complement, we can cite the following intuitive statement from John Hogue, who, on pages 374 and 375, states that two adjacent quatrains in century 5 indicate:
1953 (conception):
“The law of the Sun and Venus is in discord,
Adapting the spirit of prophecy:
Neither one nor the other will be understood,
The sun will be the law of the great Messiah."
Centuria 5 quatrain 53

And 1954 (birth):
"From the Black Sea and Great Tartary

Will pierce Russia and Armenia,

Centuria 5 quatrain 54

This is a very accurate “hit” and one cannot help but notice the presence of too many strange “coincidences” that make it possible to assert the actual birth of the man Yu Peter on the day of the Ascension of the Lord, on Thursday the third of June 1954.


We are convinced that Nostradamus had all the necessary information about the Logos of Peter-Peter, including his heavenly and earthly name, year and date of birth, details of his personal life and even the life and death of his relatives and friends, and so on.
Accordingly, he knew the place of appearance and location of the man Yu Peter, and he encrypted this information not very difficult and presented it in great detail.
Nostradamus reported the first coordinate of the “address” without encryption.
Epistle to Henry II – page 517 – John Hoag:
“The coming of the Holy Spirit (Comforter Holy Spirit), originating from 48 degrees, will cause a migration, displacing the disgust of the Antichrist, the instigator of the war against the king, who will be the great priest of Jesus Christ, and his kingdom for a time and until the end of time.”

Here Nostradamus did not indicate latitude and longitude, however, he did so elsewhere in his letter.
Epistle to Henry II – pp. 514, 515 – John Hoag:
“And everyone will pay respect to the individual religions of Europe and the Russian north from 48 degrees latitude; the first will tremble from vain timidity, but subsequently those from the western lands, the southern ones and their strength, that which will be forged in harmony, and the Union is invincible for warlike conquests. They will be equal in nature, but extremely different in faith.”

Thus, the first and fairly indisputable coordinate is 48 degrees latitude.
Also, Nostradamus provided us with control evidence, which will be used in the future as a verification of the correctness of all found coordinates.
Nostradamus gave the second coordinate in longitude in a very original way in the already known quatrain 75 centuries 10:
“Long awaited, he will never return.
He will appear in the land of Asia, at home in Europe:
He who is released from the great Hermes,
And he will rise above the kings of the east."

It is quite clear here that it is not possible to be in Asia and Europe at the same time if you are not on the border. Consequently, if at the intersection of 48 degrees of latitude we find the border of Asia and Europe (which is very symbolic), then we will certainly find the man Yu Peter there. But there is a problem, since we do not know exactly where Nostradamus “saw” the border of Asia and Europe. In order to find this place, we will need to decipher the quatrain of Nostradamus located in the quatrain of century 1, between the quatrain - the birthday and the quatrain - the result of the Advent, namely:
Centuria 1, quatrain 49 (John Hoag)
“Long before such intrigues,
Those from the east by the power of the Moon:
The year 1700 will give rise to the departure of the great,
Almost conquering a corner of the northern land"

In the book “Nostradamus in 90 minutes” published by PROFIZDAT in 2006, the authors offer their intuitive but very correct interpretation of this quatrain:
“Two quatrains date back to the reign of Peter I - centuries 1st quatrain 49 and 2nd quatrain 68….
In 1699, Peter I defeated Turkey. The Peace of Constantinople on August 8, 1700 assigned Azov and the mouth of the Don River to Russia.
On August 9, 1700, Peter I declared war on Sweden."

And so, the place of the appearance and location of the man Jupiter has been found and it is here that 48 degrees of latitude should pass and the border of Asia and Europe should be located.
This same place is named in many prophecies as the land of Galil.

Now, in addition, we will begin to understand what, about whom, and about what “place” Nostradamus wrote in many quatrains and letters, which there is no longer any need to comment on.
Epistle to Henry II (D. and N. Winter – pp. 347, 348)
“Then will come from the branch that was considered barren for such a long time, will come from the fiftieth degree, who will renew the entire Christian Church. And the greatest peace, Union and concord will be established between the several children (of Religion), warring, lost and divided due to different governments, such peace will be concluded that the instigators and instigators of hostilities, using religious differences, will remain bound in the underworld, and will be united the kingdom of these Slaves: which will remake wisdom.”

Centuria 5 quatrain 54 (year of birth)
"From the Black Sea and Great Tartaria (Russia)
The king will appear, who will come to see France:
Will pierce Russia and Armenia,
And in Byzantium he will stop his great rod"

Century 2 quatrain 29
"The man from the East will rise from his throne,
Will cross the Apennines to see France:
He will fly from heaven, through rain and snow,
And he will hit everyone with his rod"
Centuria 10, quatrain 86:
“The king of Europe will come like a griffin,
Accompanied by those of the North,
Leads both white and red in a great army,
They will go against the Babylonian king."

Centuria 1, quatrain 50
“From the water trinity will be born
The one who makes Thursday his holiday:
His fame, glory, reign and power will increase,
The East will seethe with land and sea.”

Centuria 8, quatrain 99:
"By the power of three temporary monarchs
The sacred throne will be moved to another place:
Where is the essence of spirit and body
Will be restored and accepted as the true throne"

To this quatrain it is appropriate to show the commentary of John Hogue on pages 621, 622:
“The theme of the Apocalypse of Catholicism continues. Nostradamus and many other seers write that the last Pope (No. 111) and some cardinals will survive the destruction of Rome, which will be destroyed either as a result of a terrorist attack or as a result of a natural disaster. In any case, the three world leaders will help them and move the Holy See to another place where the revival of a new Catholicism will begin. This prophecy confirms the vision of Catholic prophets such as Gioachimo de Fiore (1130 - 1203), who predicted the Day of Judgment as the collapse of dogma and orthodoxy. The prophets said that this would happen at a time when people were mature enough to have a direct connection with God, or more precisely, with the divine, without resorting to an intermediary such as the church and the Bible. The last two lines echo the vision of de Fiore and other non-Christian seers, representatives of shamanism and Eastern traditions, predicting the coming of a new humanity that will restore harmony between the spiritual and physical aspects of life (the essence of spirit and body)."
“If you believe this, then the troubled year 1999 also has a positive aspect. It seems that Judgment Day in its direct sense may not happen; I would suggest that this will be the year of the Blossom of a new spiritual revolution, the like of which has never been known in the history of mankind.”

This commentary mentions an ancient prophecy, which can be deciphered using the found name of the Logos Peter and the “address” of his appearance.
John Hogue, quatrain 4th century 1, quatrain 93rd century 2, quatrain 47th century 5:
“In 1139, Saint Malachy of Ireland made a pilgrimage to Rome.
When he saw the city spread out before him, he fell to his knees in an ecstatic trance. He stood there for several hours, uttering obscure phrases in Latin, written down by a student accompanying the saint.
Each phrase spoken by Malachy contained names, heraldic emblems, or allusions to the origins of 111 Popes, ranging from his contemporary Celestine II to the last one to face Judgment Day.
The list of Saint Malachy is in the Vatican Pontifical Library.
“The prophecy of Saint Malachy ends with the lines about the tragic reign of the last Pope of Rome: “During the last reign of the Holy Roman Church, the one who feeds his sheep in the midst of great disasters will sit on the throne, and when everyone dies, the city on the Seven Hills will be completely destroyed and the terrible Judge will become judge the people."
According to the numerical order of the list of Saint Malachy, today the Pope is on the throne, number 110 in the list, named Gloria Olivarius (Glory of the Olive Branch). The name of the last guide who will meet the Day of Judgment and who has the serial number 111 is named as Petrus Romanus.
The name Petrus is easy to discover as it is short for Petra Russia.

This can no longer be called any coincidence, since today it is Pope No. 110 who is on the throne, which absolutely coincides in time with the appearance of the last No. 111 Petra Russia, taking into account the disclosed time of his birth, activation and the estimated time of public release limited to 2012 . As a result, we can undoubtedly state that the prophecies of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, Saint Malachy, Michel Nostradamus and Helena Blavatsky absolutely coincide in the time of the appearance of Yura Peter - God the Son of the Father, and this despite the fact that they are separated by hundreds and maybe thousands of years. To this we can add that it is very likely that there are hundreds of similar coincident prophecies.

All this is very similar, and even more than similar, to a deliberately created and very thoughtful “guidance” system, which has no time restrictions and is obviously implemented from the outside.

As an example, we can bring to your attention another undeniably fulfilled prophecy, made almost two thousand years ago and also coinciding in time.

In the year 51, in the second letter of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians in chapter 2, paragraph 3, two mandatory conditions were predicted, after the fulfillment of which, the Second Coming will occur or the day of Christ will take place:
“No one will deceive you in any way: for the day of Christ will not come, unless a falling away comes first, and the man of sin, the son of perdition, is not revealed first (Judas).”

In April 2006, the National Geographic Society in Washington published the text of an ancient manuscript called the “Gospel of Judas.”
The contents of the document represent precisely the revelation of the man of sin, Judas.
Consequently, and obviously, the second part of the prophecy came true

The document contains a version that Judas betrayed Christ at his request.
However, the Apostle Paul warned that the contents of the document would be false, that is, made for the purpose of entering the temple of God: “For the mystery of iniquity is already at work, but it will not be completed until it is taken out of the midst of the one who now restrains.”
The Bible commentary says the following:
“The verse explains the previous thought: the appearance of the wicked will only be a complete revelation, and not the very emergence of him, for the principle of evil, of which he was the embodiment, is already in action, albeit secretly, and precisely until the one who now holds back the bacchanalia of evil"
You and I have not heard anything until now from the ministers of Christian churches that they are expecting the Second Coming, despite the obvious and public fulfillment of the ancient prophecy.
Consequently, and obviously, the first part of the prophecy has come true, namely, the apostasy from faith, that is, they stopped waiting, much less believing.

The Apostle Paul also knew the new name of Christ at the Second Coming and called this day of Christ as the Parousia of Christ. It is quite obvious that the word Parousia was distorted by someone in the depths of many centuries, but today it is quite reasonable to restore it in the original, namely: Petrussia of Christ - Petra Russia - Petra Russia.
To call this an accident is no longer possible, and even stupid.
As an addition, we will be able to correctly understand the meaning of the prophecies of Casey and Vanga, who reported the appearance of the Spirit in Russia (at the beginning of the third millennium), which will save the world. Some optimists interpreted these prophecies as: “Spirituality” in Russia will save the world. But now it should be clear what the prophets wanted to communicate.

According to John Hogue, Nostradamus predicted that the name of the last Pope would be Peter, that is, similar to the name of St. Peter.

Even despite translation errors and incorrect interpretations, we understand the meaning of many quatrains of Nostradamus, who communicated to humanity the greatest secret of our universe and, with his most accurate prophecies, actually proved its existence. This secret is very dangerous, but the time is probably approaching when it will be unambiguously revealed and the word “materialism” will lose its meaning.

Centuria 2, quatrain 13 (John Hogue):
“A body without a soul will no longer be sacrificed,
The day of death will bring birth:
The divine spirit will make the soul happy,
Considering the word (Logos) in its eternity.”

Centuria 2, quatrain 27:
"The divine word will thunder from heaven,
The one who can no longer continue:
Revelation is a hidden secret,
So they will walk on top and in front"

We have an excellent opportunity to once again be convinced of the greatest wisdom of the Mind that created the “guidance” system, only partially revealed in this proof.

In Peter Laurie's book "The End of the World 2009" the following is written:
The Mystery of Numbers in the Bible:
“The word gematria comes from the Greek word geometry.”
Gematria was a system of interpreting the meaning of the numerical equivalents of words, and these meanings were found in a complex mathematical system.
“In the Pythagorean worldview, the universe was a dynamic harmony of opposition. It was night and day, summer and winter, male and female, fire and water.
This combination of opposites acts as the principle of Logos or proportionality.”
“Plato taught that harmonious combinations are important for achieving personal harmony - the union of opposites in each individual.”

“The number 666, as an image of the Sun, is part of two opposites.
The other part of this duality is the Moon.
In ancient times, the number 1080 was associated with the Moon.
The Sun is seen in a male form, the Moon in a female form.

The Sun is an active force, the Moon is a receptive force.
The Sun, out of harmony with the Moon, becomes destructive and destructive.
The addition of two parts of the opposite, that is, the Sun and the Moon, creates a third harmonizing factor called Logos.
In numerical terms, this sum of Moon 1080 + Sun 666 is equal to 1746.

In Greek, the number 1746 means the Universal Spirit."
Applying the information received, we receive indisputable proof of the connection or equivalence of the Logos, Yu Peter-Peter and the Holy Spirit.

That is, Yu or the Comforter as feminine is the Moon = 1080
"Celine Monarch, peaceful Italy,
The states are united by the Christian King of the whole world" - Nostradamus

Yu - Peter or Yu, - Father (pitar - father), as the masculine is the Sun = 666
Many peoples worshiped the Sun as the Supreme Deity - the Father.

As a result, the following indisputable equation or axiom is obtained:
Yu Peter-Peter = Logos = Moon + Sun = 1080 + 666 = 1746 = Holy Spirit
Logos = Holy Spirit = Yura Peter-Peter
“The Coming of the Holy Spirit, originating from 48 degrees” - it turns out that Nostradamus actually named the name of Yura Peter-Peter.

All this can no longer give rise to any doubts, just as it does not