Search with a frame on the map. The art of treasure hunting from A to Z: signs, protection from the Treasure Hunter, attracting good luck. On a blue candle

Types of paints for facades

Initially, dowsing was used for search purposes. Our ancestors daily faced practical problems on the solution of which their lives depended - finding a source of clean water, the best place to build housing and other important structures and objects, tracking animals and catching fish, determining the best time for sowing, predicting the weather, and many others. A vine in the hands of a skilled person provided invaluable assistance in this, making life easier not only for himself, but also for an entire clan or village.

With the growing demand for iron, copper and other ores and coal, the importance of dowsing has increased significantly. Most of Europe's medieval mineral deposits were discovered using vines. Ancient miners did not like to manually dig up millions of tons of soil and rock in search of the desired deposits, so they used accessible and simple search methods - dowsing and special signs (type of relief and vegetation, color of the bottom of the stream, etc.). The miner's skill in handling vines appeared quite quickly - after digging several empty holes in the rocky soil, you inevitably begin to master the necessary skill with all your efforts.

It seems incredible, but the military still uses dowsing to search for various objects in our time. We do not know whether the ancient commanders used dowsing, but it is reliably known that the Austro-Hungarian troops used dowsing operators during the First World War to search for sea mines. According to some reports, the US Coast Guard uses dowsing operators to determine the location and time of violation of the state's maritime borders. In the USSR, operator officers were trained, whose task was to track the movements of submarines and strategic bombers of a potential enemy. Needless to say that the data obtained was carefully checked and double-checked? The percentage of reliability was very high.

So, the use of dowsing to find objects is not something extremely unique and is available to most practitioners. The method gives excellent results and can be used to search for a wide range of objects and artifacts - lost keys, umbrellas, people, cars, determining the direction in the forest to the desired point, treasures, remains of ancient buildings in archeology, etc.

First, let's learn how to determine the cardinal directions using dowsing frames or a dowsing pendulum. This will help you navigate without a compass in unfamiliar areas and prevent you from getting lost. We take the frames in our hands and take the starting position. We form aloud the attitude “As soon as I face the North (South) the frames will cross.” After this, we begin to turn counterclockwise. As soon as you find yourself facing North, the dowsing frames will cross.

It is better to start practicing searching with such simple exercises. Firstly, you don’t need an assistant, because many people practice alone. Secondly, it’s easy to check yourself using a compass.

If you get lost in the forest, using dowsing frames you can get directions to your car, railway station, populated area, road, river, etc. The procedure is similar to that described above - we form the installation and begin to turn counterclockwise. As soon as you are facing in the right direction, the frames will cross. Additionally, you can specify the distance to the object. Example settings:

  • From me to my car is 1,2,3... km?
  • From me to the settlement N, the tourist parking lot is more than 3,5,10…. km?

As usual, when the correct distance is pronounced, the dowsing frames will cross.

A dowsing pendulum is also used for searching. However, it is better to work with it in “office” conditions. This is the so-called remote search. Such a search significantly saves time, mcbks and money. The search is carried out on a map, followed by a visit to the site and clarification of the location of the desired object or item.

So, today we started getting acquainted with an interesting direction in dowsing - searching for objects. With the help of dowsing, you can search for a wide variety of items and objects - lost and missing things, people, find the desired direction of movement, treasures and archaeological artifacts, etc.

If you would like to supplement the material or have experience in dowsing, be sure to leave your comment.

For those who do not know the essence of the problem - articles about and.

According to adherents of dowsing, using this method you can find lost objects, water, cables, breakdowns in the car, as well as places and objects that have a detrimental effect on the body and equipment, using tools such as a frame or a pendulum. The person in this case is supposedly the conductor of this knowledge, therefore this method does not work without the participation of the operator. To find what you are looking for, the operator needs to tune in, determine for himself how the frame or pendulum should react during the search process.

In addition, we decided to experimentally find out how well dowsing copes with searching for objects, in our case, with determining (searching for the right one) the color of the suit of a playing card.

Experimental procedure

Equipment used

The dowsing operator works using a special frame. It is usually made of wire (copper, iron, steel) with a diameter of 2-5 mm. The sizes and shapes of frames vary, but the most common are L- and U-shaped frames. Dowsing techniques using a special pendulum are also known.

During this experiment, both options were tested. In the first case, an L-shaped steel frame made of wire with a diameter of 2.5 mm was used. An ordinary silver ring without stones or other inserts, tied to a thick thread about 40 cm long, was used as a pendulum. This “home version” of the pendulum is offered by experienced biolocators for use by non-professionals at home.

A new deck of playing cards was also used during the experiment.

Description of the experiment

The experimenter and the operator sit at a table opposite each other. The experimenter places a card on the table, and the operator must determine the color of its suit - red or black.

After the operator pronounces the decision, the experimenter opens the card and enters the result into the table. In the first series of experiments, after this he shows it to the operator, in the second, the operator learns the results only after the end of the experiment. This eliminates card counting by the operator, orientation based on external signs (for example, the experimenter’s facial expression), and also reduces the influence of expectation, allowing the operator to focus on his feelings.

The experiment takes place in 3 stages.

The first stage - the operator makes a decision 72 times using the frame.

The second stage - the operator makes a decision 72 times using a pendulum.

The third stage - operator 72 determines the color of the card suit using his hand, without the use of intermediary devices.

Evaluation of the experiment results

If in one or more stages of a series of experiments the number of matches (the operator guessing the color of the card suit) differs from the statistically probable one (50:50 ± 15%, i.e. it turns out to be more than 47 or less than 25), then the result will be considered positive. After this, the following, more complex experiments will be carried out.

It is worth noting that the result of the experiment is considered positive if the number of matches deviates from the statistically probable value in any direction. Indeed, if the operator is too “unlucky” and does not guess the color more often than 65% of the time, this may mean that the method works, but the operator misunderstood his feelings and in the next series of experiments he needs to change tactics to the opposite.

Experiment results

Operator's feelings (in his words)

Working with the frame, the operator feels the attraction and repulsion of its doors. During “calibration”, he determines that the red card causes the frame flaps to repel each other, and the black card causes their mutual attraction.

While working with the ring, the operator feels slight vibrations in the ring and the tensioned thread. When “calibrated”, it determines that the red card causes the ring to oscillate left and right, and the black card causes it to oscillate in a perpendicular plane (back and forth). It is visually clear that the ring actually makes distinct oscillations a few seconds after the next card is placed on the table.

When trying to work without intermediary devices, the color of the cards is felt when you bring your hand to them at a distance of about 8-10 cm. The red card feels warm, and the black card feels cold.

Series 1: the operator is provided with information about the correctness of the decision made








Series 2: the operator has no information about the correctness of decisions

Results of the experiment when the operator worked with the frame


Results of the experiment when the operator worked with the ring


Results of the experiment when the operator worked without instruments



Based on the results of the experiment, we can conclude that the difference between the data obtained by different methods is small, and the results themselves are within the limits of statistical probability. Thus, the operator’s actions do not go beyond the scope of the ideomotor act, in which a priori knowledge (even if incorrect, obtained by simple guessing) controls micromovements.

Despite the fact that this is already the second experiment with a similar result (we did not publish the data of the first, conducted on January 4, 2016, because at that time we did not consider them significant), we cannot say that dowsing does not exist, because To. There can be an infinite number of reasons for failure. To search for evidence of the existence of extrasensory abilities, including dowsing, we want to prepare an experiment in the near future in which anyone can participate. If someone’s results go beyond the statistically probable, then this can be considered a precedent and further research can be carried out on the specific person and his abilities.

It is likely that readers' experiences will differ from the results of this experiment. Please write your feelings, constructive comments and suggestions in the comments. Also write your suggestions regarding this or other experiments. Comments that are not substantive will be ignored.

The group members express their gratitude to Vladimir and Inga Viktorovna.

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Dowsing pendulum

What is a dowsing pendulum?

The pendulum used in dowsing is a very simple device and consists of a plumb line (weight) on a thread or chain, which is set in motion by a person’s hand and serves to solve many everyday problems. It is also used to search for minerals, groundwater, geopathogenic zones, etc. Currently, the pendulum is the most commonly used tool in dowsing. Using a pendulum, you can obtain information that cannot be obtained in any other way. The pendulum reads information from energy structures, which allows it to extract information from the depths of a person’s subconscious.

From the history of the pendulum

The pendulum has been used for several thousand years. In ancient times, priests, sages, oracles, doctors, soothsayers and astrologers always carried with them objects made of metal or other substances suspended on threads or on thin chains, which were called not pendulums, but plumb lines. They served as plumb lines for obtaining unknown information from the present, past and future. They were held by a pendant between the index finger and thumb, and the plumb lines made linear, elliptical or circular movements, the values ​​of which were previously set by the owner of the plumb line.

In Ancient China, only aristocrats and rulers used plumb lines. Emperors always carried their plumb line with them and used it when making decisions. Using a plumb line, they drove out evil spirits and found out where they came from. Plumb lines were also used in India, from where this secret moved to Egypt. In Ancient Egypt, it was used to determine the best places for growing crops. In the schools of Ancient Greece, which were also medical schools, they also used plumb pendulums.

One of the historians of Ancient Rome, Marcellinus, who spoke about the structure of the pendulum, wrote about a tripod decorated with snakes and images of other animals, symbolizing divination and fortune telling. From the center of the tripod hung a ring that was supposed to answer questions asked. Those who used the pendulum were sentenced to death in ancient Rome. The main reason for the severe punishment was its use in conspiracies against the emperor. From Rome, applications of the pendulum reached Western Europe, where it was used for divination for centuries.

Ancient pendulums (plumb lines)

At the beginning of the 14th century, the Pope issued a bull that condemned the use of the ring for fortune telling. Over time, the practice of using the pendulum was forgotten. Science was not interested in the work of the pendulum until almost the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, until the Italian Campetti began to use it to detect minerals and groundwater, which aroused great interest in scientific circles and led to the emergence of many theories in which attempts were made to explain the work of the pendulum . After some time, doctors took advantage of the pendulum and used it for diagnostic purposes.

In 1834 in Paris, the director of the National History Museum, as a result of careful study and observation of the work of the pendulum, came to the conclusion that the movements of the pendulum are the result of an unconscious reaction of the person who uses it. At the beginning of the 20th century, the rural priest Merme, without leaving the door of his office, used a pendulum to find water in Colombia and oil in Africa. In addition, he has successfully searched for missing people all over the world. Soon the priest's talent was noticed, and he was invited as a specialist to archaeological excavations in Rome. After some time, Abbot Merme summarized his experience with the pendulum in the book “Principles and Practice of Radiesthesia,” which is still considered the main work in the field of dowsing.

In the 20th century, the pendulum, among other things, began to be used to determine the sex of unborn children. The instructions for one of the pendulums said that the pendulum in the form of a ball should be suspended above the palm of a pregnant woman. If it moves in circles, a girl will be born, if it moves in a straight line, a boy will be born. In 1930 in France, Abbé Lambert used a pendulum to search for underground water. Using a pendulum, he could detect both still and flowing water underground. In addition, he determined the depth at which the water was located, the direction of the flow and its volume.

During the wars, dowsing specialists used a pendulum to determine the progress of warships, and Vietnamese soldiers used it to search for underground tunnels and mines.

Many experts claim that the possibilities of the pendulum are limitless. His help is real in all areas of life.

External characteristics of the pendulum

A pendulum is a small weight attached to a thread, cord or chain. You can use a wedding ring tied to a thread or even a paper clip as a pendulum.

How to choose a pendulum

It is best to use the pendulum that is easy to use and appealing in appearance. The shape of the pendulum can be different, for example round, weight - from 2 to 20 g or more. You can use a lead weight, a button or a semi-precious stone on a chain as a pendulum tied to a thread. It is best to use quartz as a stone, as it retains natural energy well. Crystal pendulums are used for health improvement and healing.

The pendulum may be hollow inside. The hollow space is necessary in order to put inside a sample of what needs to be found before starting work. If you are looking for water, you can drop a few drops inside. If you are searching for oil, you can drop oil into the cavity. If you are looking for gold, you can put a grain of gold, etc. In principle, a cavity is not necessary for a pendulum, but it can be useful.

For dowsing work, special tools can also be used as a pendulum: a car key, jewelry, or another thing that can be hung on a chain or thread. If a pendulum is sold in a store, then before purchasing it, you should ask: “Is this pendulum in harmony with me?” If the answer is yes, the device can be purchased.

How to make a pendulum

You can successfully make a pendulum yourself. Working on its manufacture, a person puts his energy into it. In this case, the correct choice of the material from which it will be made plays an important role. The material you can choose is wood, crystal, glass, shell, float, thread spool, wax, etc. Some experts recommend using a crystal (semi-precious stone) that matches the person’s horoscope.

When making a pendulum from propolis or wax, a thread 3–5 cm long is taken. Unlike metals and other solid materials that have the ability to remember and accumulate information, pendulums made from wax and propolis have an amorphous structure, which allows them to cut off information without fixing it in to yourself. In addition, during prolonged work with a pendulum made of wax or propolis, these substances accumulate not information, but energy, which enters the general field of human energy, creating additional protection for him.

The pendulum can also be cut out of any soft material or any thing suitable in weight and shape can be adapted for it. A pendulum can be an unusual thing that has a special meaning or is visually attractive.

When choosing a metal pendulum, you should remember that metal, as a rule, serves as a conductor, which can negatively affect the results of research and experiments. Good pendulums are made of bronze, brass, silver, aluminum and copper. However, the best material is one that is not a conductor - glass, plastic, wood, etc.

The shape of the pendulum can be round, drop-shaped, spherical, cylindrical with rounded ends, spiral, cone-shaped with a pointed end. Its size can be 2.5 - 3 cm. The longer the pendulum, the slower it oscillates. You can hang the pendulum on a chain, silk or cotton thread, thin cord, which should not interfere with the movements of the pendulum. The length of a thread or chain is usually 20 - 30 cm. A pendulum on a short thread (10 cm) oscillates three times more often than a pendulum with a thread 100 cm long, right-left or in a circle. By changing the length of the pendulum, you can adjust the response time and at the same time sensitivity. Typically, the length of the thread depends on the sensitivity of the operator. Some experts obtain the best results with short threads, the length of which does not exceed 5-10 cm. Usually, the length of the most convenient thread is determined experimentally.

A pendulum with a thread can be placed in a case or bag so that it does not get tangled and absorbs less negative energy. As mentioned, the mass of the pendulum can be from 2 to 20 g or more. To make a pendulum weighing 100 grams oscillate, you need to apply a force four times greater than for a pendulum weighing 25 grams. But on the other hand, it accumulates more energy of motion than a light pendulum, and oscillates longer when the energy supply stops. In addition, it deviates less from the direction of its movement, it is less affected by interference, for example, walking when working on the ground, etc. Therefore, by using a heavier pendulum, interference with its oscillation or circular rotation can be largely eliminated, but this will happen at the expense sensitivity and response time.

If the pendulum will be used to work on a table in a sitting position, its weight can be 10–30 g, the length of the thread or chain can be 10–30 cm. If the pendulum will be mainly used for taking measurements on the ground while walking, its weight can be 80 -120 g, thread length – 80-120 cm.

How to work with a pendulum. Pendulum movements

The pendulum is activated by unconscious movements of the hand. The subconscious influences the muscles of the hand, forcing them to react to received impulses, causing an ideomotor reaction (ideo - thought, idea, motor - movement). The role of the pendulum is that it enhances this reaction, which without its movements would be imperceptible. There is a certain connection between the thoughts of the person in whose hands the pendulum is and the movements of the pendulum. Scientists say that the pendulum, opening access to the subconscious, is a continuation of the central nervous system. The pendulum does not provide information. Information is extracted from a person’s subconscious and enters consciousness through the central nervous system. The pendulum only amplifies and reveals the messages of the subconscious. The pendulum allows you to make contact with the subconscious at the request of a person.

The human subconscious is connected with the cosmic consciousness, to which any information is available. Therefore, in some cases, it happens that a person goes to bed with an unsolved problem, and wakes up in the morning with a ready-made solution. There are quite a lot of such examples. During sleep, the person’s subconscious turned to the cosmic consciousness for help, and in the morning gave him the correct answer. Therefore, you can ask the pendulum any question and receive an answer from the cosmic consciousness. The best result is obtained if these questions are important and the person really needs an answer. As a rule, the pendulum provides information more readily in more serious cases.

Scheme of working with a pendulum on the ground: A – correct holding of the pendulum; B – finding an underground burial site on the ground

Anyone can work with a pendulum. It is best to start working with a pendulum when no one is interfering. This way, you can achieve success faster. You can learn to work with a pendulum in about a month and acquire good skill in handling the device, but perfection is achieved over many years. As a rule, they practice with the right hand or the hand with which they write.

At the beginning of the lesson, you need to sit at the table without touching it with your stomach or other hand, lower your elbow on the table and lightly pinch the thread or chain of the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger so that the chain can swing freely. The palm of the hand in which the pendulum is held should be facing down, the pendulum should be at a height of 5 - 10 mm above the table and 30 cm from the trainee. The hand must be held in a certain position as calmly as possible, preferably motionless, so that it does not move in time with the pendulum and does not affect its oscillations. Legs and arms should not cross. When crossing, a certain effect is exerted on the pendulum, distorting the results of the work. For those who want to verify this, it is enough to hold the pendulum in front of you, move or cross your feet, and the pendulum will stop moving.

Next, you need to imagine quite intensively that the pendulum begins to move. And indeed, almost immediately he begins to move back and forth. At first the fluctuations will be timid, then more and more sweeping. The main types of pendulum movements are:

Oscillations (the pendulum moves back and forth or sideways in a straight line);

Revolutions (the pendulum does not sway, but performs rotational movements as if in a circle);

Turns to the right (the pendulum rotates clockwise);

Turns to the left (the pendulum rotates counterclockwise);

Elliptical movements (the pendulum makes an average movement, without practical application). Movement signals that the pendulum will change its movement, as it will move from one movement to another, start moving or stop.

Scheme of correct holding of pendulums and main types of movement

In order to stop the pendulum, it is enough to imagine that it must again take its vertical position. When practicing in a standing position, your elbow should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. In this case, the forearm should be parallel to the ground.

Before starting classes, you should easily and freely swing the pendulum in different directions to get comfortable with it. Then the longitudinal movements are converted into circular ones. The thread can be released to different lengths to determine in what position the pendulum will move most freely. The best option is 12 – 14 cm. To mark the best position of the pendulum for work, you can tie a knot on the thread in this place.

Having become accustomed to the movements of the pendulum, it is stopped mentally or with a free hand. To explain the movements of a pendulum, it is necessary to determine what they mean, learn all the meanings of each movement and stick to this in order to avoid mistakes in work. The following method is provided as an example, which anyone can modify as it is not required or perfect.

After the pendulum has stopped, you need to enter into a mental contract with yourself, according to which a turn to the right means: “yes”, “a lot”, “very much”, “very close”, “in good health”, “lives”, “sour” ", "positive", etc. (masculine); turning to the left means: “no”, “very little”, “very far”, “sick”, “died”, “alkaline”, “negative”, etc. (feminine); hesitation means "indifferent." These correspondences must be learned by heart and always adhere to them to avoid mistakes. However, if necessary and justified, they may be changed from time to time.

Some experts recommend that after stopping the pendulum, ask it to indicate which movement indicates the answer “no.” This question can be said silently or out loud. The pendulum may not respond immediately; you need to wait. At first he may move imperceptibly, but if you focus on the positive response for a while, the amplitude of his movements will gradually increase.

To acquire a certain skill, you can do these exercises for just an hour or several days - depending on who you are. After the work becomes habitual, the pendulum will begin to move immediately after it is above the table. If you have some difficulties, you can concentrate on the load and imagine how it moves from side to side, and the pendulum will really begin to swing. If the pendulum does not work, you need to put it aside, rest and start the exercise in a couple of minutes.

In case of difficulties, a mentor operator can help his student. To do this, he must place his right hand on the student’s right shoulder if the pendulum is in the student’s right hand. Usually after this the pendulum begins to swing. It has been noticed that the pendulum begins to work faster in those who have a stronger imagination and a quicker mind.


work with the pendulum daily for 7 minutes until it begins to swing back and forth, from side to side and in circles. If the pendulum begins to move regularly in these ways during each lesson, it means that the lessons were successful.

Shape Definition


You need to cut out 7-9 geometric shapes and put each shape in an envelope. Mix the envelopes and place them in front of you. Then you need to place the pendulum over each envelope in turn and ask yourself the question: “Is the circle in this envelope?” When the pendulum is above the envelope with the circle, it will rotate to the right, which will mean “yes”. The rotation must be precise. Above the remaining envelopes, the pendulum will rotate in a different direction, twitch, or stop.

Definition of color


You need to cut out several shapes (7 – 9), paint them in different colors and repeat the previous exercise. You should look for what color the pieces are in each envelope.

How to concentrate


When working with a pendulum, it is extremely important to learn the ability to concentrate. To test your ability to concentrate, you should do the following exercise. To perform the exercise, you need a circle with a diameter of 15 cm, divided into four parts by two intersecting lines. You need to hang a pendulum over the center of the circle and watch how it begins to move along one of two lines. The movements of the pendulum will become more and more intense.

Next, you should imagine that these movements slow down and finally stop altogether. The pendulum stops and then begins to move along another straight line of the circle. This same exercise can be performed with your eyes closed. Opening your eyes, you can notice that the pendulum is moving exactly in the direction that was imagined in the imagination. This exercise tests concentration and demonstrates control over a pendulum, which can be made to swing in any direction the operator's mind imagines.

Using a pendulum with your eyes closed


Close your eyes and mentally command the pendulum to move clockwise. After 20 seconds, open your eyes. When you open your eyes, you will notice that the pendulum is indeed moving clockwise. Then stop the pendulum, close your eyes again and mentally ask the pendulum to move counterclockwise. After 20 seconds, open your eyes. You will see that the pendulum has fulfilled your request, despite the fact that you did not specifically swing it.

How to ask questions to a pendulum

Before you start learning to ask questions to a pendulum, you need to firmly understand that you should not approach it with frivolous questions. If the question is asked seriously, the answer will be truthful. If the pendulum feels that it is being played with, it will answer what they want to hear from it.

Working with a pendulum at a table


The purpose of the exercise is to answer mentally posed questions using given oscillations of the pendulum.

Influences are questions of any kind that a person asks his subconscious, where they are compared with the cosmoenergetic information of the surrounding world. If the answer is found, then the corresponding information is automatically generated, which, as a neural movement program, innervates the muscles of the hand holding the indicator.

To perform the exercise, you need a tabletop indicator made of brass or any other weight from 10 to 30 g.

Progress of the exercise

Sitting comfortably at the table, you need to move into a state of supreme attentiveness and concentration. Then take the pendulum by the thread or chain between your thumb and forefinger. If the pendulum has completely stopped, you should mentally formulate the question as vividly and intensely as possible, with the constant idea that it should enter the subconscious area, where the answer will be found autonomously.

First, you need to ask only such questions so that the correctness of the answers obtained using the pendulum can be quickly and unambiguously verified. For example: “Will the weather be sunny tomorrow?”, “Will guests come to see me today?”, “Will guests call me on the phone today?”

You should only ask questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.” When practicing with a pendulum, you need to remember which of its movements indicates the answer “yes”. Then you need to ask the pendulum what its movements will correspond to the answers “no”, “I don’t want to answer”, “I don’t know”. From time to time these answers need to be rechecked, as they may change, especially if the pendulum has not been worked with for a long time (20 - 25 days).

Immediately after asking the question or after a few seconds, the pendulum can begin to rotate either clockwise to express an affirmative answer, or in the opposite direction if the answer to the question is negative.

Duration of exercise

Questioning the subconscious using a pendulum should last no more than two minutes.

Exercise frequency

The exercise must be performed once a day for a week at any time until it is performed flawlessly.

If there was a break in work, the pendulum should be asked whether its movements have changed, corresponding to a particular issue. Ask him questions that can be answered unambiguously in one of the four specified ways.

It's best to start with questions to which you already know the answers. You can, for example, ask: “Am I a woman?”, and if so, the pendulum should give an affirmative answer. If you are a man, the answer is no. You can ask questions about your age, number of children, name, marital status, etc. The main purpose of the questions is:

Study of pendulum movements;

Conviction of the validity of the pendulum's answers.

After some time, these questions can be asked mentally and out loud. And you can be sure that there is no difference. If the pendulum answers such questions, you can start asking it about what interests you.

The pendulum is capable of answering quite complex questions, since it can read the necessary information from the subconscious, transmitting it to the conscious mind. Consciousness can only accommodate a limited amount of information, while the resources of the subconscious are incomparably greater.

You should choose questions carefully, since the movements of the pendulum depend on the influence of your own will. For example, if there is a desire to know who will be born - a boy or a girl, and there is a desire that a boy will be born, the pendulum can reflect this desire and say that the birth will be a boy, despite the fact that in reality this will not be the case. When working with a pendulum, it is necessary to keep in mind that it can say what the person asking the question wants to hear.

If you want to get an answer to an important question from the pendulum, in order to maintain neutrality, you can ask another person to ask this question.

Some people who begin working with a pendulum ask him questions that he cannot answer due to certain limitations. For example, a pendulum cannot answer the question: “Should I spend my vacation in Sochi or St. Petersburg?” In this case, the question should be divided into two parts and asked about each city in turn. You need to ask: “Will I enjoy my vacation if I spend it in Sochi?” Then ask the same about St. Petersburg. Perhaps he will answer positively in both cases. Then you should ask him more specifically: “Will my vacation be more interesting if I spend it in Sochi rather than in St. Petersburg?”

When working with a pendulum, you should focus on the question, repeating it to yourself several times. If you have extraneous thoughts, it is necessary to return to the question again, since the pendulum can answer a random thought, and not the question asked.

What is dowsing? This is an innate or developed by training ability to determine the presence in the ground of water, metal or ..... any traces of long-past centuries. In general, dowsing does not involve the use of metal detectors or electronic instruments in general; however, we will consider its use as something that facilitates searching with a detector.

One of the confirmations that this method is not a myth can be considered the investment of serious money in dowsing by oil producing and geological exploration companies. Apparently the investments are justified, because gentlemen investors know how to count money.

There is no mysticism, such simple tools as frames or a pendulum only serve to enhance subtle and insignificantly perceptible, uncontrolled muscular movements of the shoulders and arms, and the person himself is the receiver of the information.

There are quite a few theories explaining the reasons for this phenomenon, but we will not consider them here, as well as the methodology for developing dowsing abilities in oneself. Yes, yes, development because experiments have shown that approximately 8 out of 10 people are quite capable of working as frame or pendulum operators. Those interested will find enough information on this issue in the literature and the Internet. We are interested in how dowsing can help in searching with a metal detector.

Initially, this is, of course, working with a pendulum. The pendulum is simply a weight weighing 30 grams on a string. When working, hold it between your thumb and index finger. The work is done on a map, no worse than a map or diagram drawn with your own hands. I have heard about people working on a computer monitor lying horizontally.

  1. The pendulum rotates clockwise - the reaction is positive.
  2. Rotates counterclockwise - the reaction is negative.
  3. Swings like a pendulum - the reaction is neutral.

Some operators exhibit individual reactions of the pendulum, and only the experimenter himself will understand them, through experience.

Moving a pencil or pen on the map, you think about the object you are looking for and wonder if it is here, while it is good to imagine the area being surveyed in real life.

And, of course, having received (if you have received) an answer from your pendulum, you take the detector and go for the treasures!

Actually, there are many ways to work with a pendulum; here I have given only one as an example.

Thus, they are looking for a lot of things - oil, gold, archaeological sites and missing people by the way.

Working with L-shaped rods or a V-shaped rod (similar to the willow rod of antiquity) is usually used directly on the ground and, accordingly, requires a somewhat greater investment of time and effort. As they say - with your legs, gentlemen, with your legs. L-shaped rods are held horizontally to the ground in each hand and parallel to each other. When they are above the object you are interested in, they cross. The V-shaped rod will simply move up and down when underneath it, in the ground, there is what you are looking for.

If you succeed, you will save time and effort, which means you will be able to explore a much larger number of interesting places.

Surely, even if the experiments with dowsing are successfully completed, it will not replace you with a high-quality metal detector. There's no need for that! But it will allow you to add pleasant variety to your search. And it’s also interesting to test your strength in a new business, but what if……….

You will need

  • - aluminum or copper thin-walled tube;
  • - copper, bronze or brass wire;
  • - plastic rod;
  • - drill;
  • - a pencil or other round object.


Start by making one for underground watercourses. For this purpose, you need to make 2 frames. Select the material. You need thin-walled tube and wire. Their diameters should be such that the wire frame fits freely inside the handle, but does not dangle too much. Usually a wire with a cross-section of 3-5 mm is taken, but it can be larger.

For handles, cut 2 pieces of aluminum or copper (brass, bronze) thin-walled tube 4 cm longer than the height of your fist. The tube, clenched in a fist, should protrude slightly at the top and bottom.

Make the actual frames. Cut 2 pieces. Since the frame will need to be bent into an L shape, calculate the length of the wire. The horizontal section should be approximately the length of your forearm, and the vertical section should be approximately the height of the already made handle. Bend the wire and insert it into the handle. Make the second frame in the same way.

Such frames can be used to search for both water and treasures. When working, hold the frames in two hands so that their horizontal parts are parallel. Keep your forearms horizontal. Bent elbows should not touch the body. When a search object is detected, the ends of the frames should turn towards each other and cross.

Frame for medical purposes and search and rescue work differently. Make a handle from a piece of plastic (textolite, ebonite, fluoroplastic or plexiglass) in the shape of a rod with a diameter of about 1 cm. Along the axis of the rod, drill a hole with a diameter slightly larger than the cross-section of the wire of the metal part of the frame and a depth of 3 cm.

Make the metal part of the frame. Take a piece of brass or bronze wire 15 cm long. Step back 3 cm from one end and bend the wire at an angle of 90°. Insert the short part into the hole in the handle and check how the frame rotates. If the rotation is not free enough, process the metal required end of the wire with a file or sandpaper along the thickness and from the end. If necessary, shorten this section.

Bend the horizontal part of the metal frame in the form of a spiral spring around the pencil, making 3-5 turns. To prevent the coils from touching each other, slightly stretch the spiral, which should be approximately in the middle of the frame. The horizontal part begins and ends with approximately equal length horizontal sections. This frame is used while holding it in one hand. The metal part is directed forward. The dowsing effect in this case manifests itself in the form of rotation of the frame in the handle.