Proper nutrition to increase height. How to grow quickly? What should you eat to grow quickly? What foods to eat for baby's growth


Hello, dear readers and subscribers of the site! In this article we will talk about the right diet to naturally increase height. Correct from my point of view and not claiming to be the ultimate truth. Nevertheless, the products listed below are objectively very effective, which is confirmed by science. If you use them, listening to your feelings, you can achieve good results. The main thing is not to mix everything at once.


The main meal of the day, because after sleep the body can best absorb nutrients from food. Before breakfast, it is better to drink half a liter of clean water, maybe with honey. For breakfast, protein foods are more suitable, and carbohydrates to a lesser extent.

  • Porridge. Oatmeal, flaxseed, buckwheat, corn, rolled oats, pearl barley, millet.
  • Whole grain bread. Ideally, without thermophilic yeast, but made with sourdough.
  • Berries, green smoothies.
  • Fresh juice. Carrot, cabbage.
  • Dairy products.
  • Chicken eggs.

Dry crispy flakes, stars, rings that need to be filled with milk are, in most cases, absolutely useless products for increasing growth. They contain few useful substances and these substances are poorly absorbed.


You should also drink a glass of water 30 minutes before lunch. The daily diet for growth should contain as much plant and protein foods as possible.

  • Greens, berries, vegetables and fruits. A very important point in the diet. You need to eat at least 1–2 kilograms of fresh plant foods per day.
  • Fresh juice. Carrot, tomato, pomegranate.
  • Whole grain bread.
  • Sprouts. Oats, wheat, buckwheat.
  • Vegetable oils. Flaxseed, sesame.
  • Freshly chopped nuts. Walnuts, cedar, hazelnuts.
  • Meat. Beef, pork.
  • Dairy products.
  • Fish. Salmon, tuna, trout.
  • Bird. Chicken, turkey.


Don't eat foods with a high glycemic index at night! The amount of growth hormone produced by the body during sleep is noticeably reduced.

  • Fresh vegetables and herbs.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Herbal infusions. Ivan tea, lemon balm.
  • Seafood. Caviar, squid, shrimp, crab, lobster, mussels, seaweed, seaweed.
  • Chicken eggs.

Now about what inhibits growth and what is best to avoid.

1. Alcohol and smoking. God forbid smoking, drinking and the like. - this is the first thing that prevents you from growing, just like... There have been so many studies on this topic that only one correct conclusion can be drawn - completely rule it out. Even on holidays and even just a little bit.

2. Sweet carbonated drinks. They contain orthophosphoric acid, a powerful acidifying agent in the body. The neutralization reaction will consume calcium from the bones with all the consequences.

...that's the main thing!

And finally I give you recipe for an effective drink for growth. To prepare it you will need 400 ml of milk 2.5–3.5%, one raw chicken or quail egg, about 200 grams of greens. For 400 ml of milk, take one egg and a handful of greens. The resulting mixture is mixed well with a blender. If you want a sweeter cocktail, add sweet berries. Drink 400-500 ml 3 times a day, especially on training days. The results are excellent.

Warning: you probably know that bird flu is not asleep, and there are plenty of other diseases, so be careful with raw eggs. And then exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Now you know what products to increase height most effective. Health and good luck!

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

Many people know that human growth is genetically programmed in us, but if the diet is not balanced enough or the body lacks nutrients, a failure may occur.

Every parent worries about their children. We want to raise a healthy and happy person. That's why we try so hard to put the best into our children.

Nutrition is also, no exception. If you want to know which foods are essential in your child's diet for normal development, then read on.



Banana contains a lot of potassium, which is essential for human growth. You can eat them in their pure form or add them to porridge, cottage cheese and other products.

2. Oatmeal

If the child is small, then porridge with delicate flakes that does not take very long to cook is suitable. But if the child is no longer small, be sure to buy oatmeal, the most common one that needs to be cooked. This porridge has not undergone rough processing and contains many vitamins: A, B, E, K. All these substances actively affect bone and muscle tissue.


Eggs are a source of protein and vitamin D. Children should regularly eat chicken eggs, they affect development. And they promote growth.


Any legumes, be it peas, chickpeas or beans, contain large amounts of vitamin B, as well as other vitamins and microelements that promote the development of muscle and bone tissue.


The child must eat meat. Especially beef. It contains a lot of protein, iron, zinc. All this is necessary for the normal development and growth of the child. Also, vitamin B12, which is a growth vitamin.

6. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a must in a child’s diet. It contains a lot of calcium and other useful substances. If a child eats cottage cheese, then his body will produce vitamin D well from the sun's rays.


Nuts have a very beneficial effect on child development. Therefore, walnuts should be a must in a child’s diet.

Children sometimes grow by leaps and bounds, to the delight of adults. But this does not mean that a developing organism can not be helped. What foods are needed for a child's growth to be healthy and full of strength?

Heroic porridge

It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers exhorted us to eat porridge when we were children. Oatmeal is indeed the main food for the growth of children. Like no other porridge, it is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and a whole host of vitamins and minerals. It is better for children to cook rolled oats in milk with a fat content of 3.2% with the addition of 70–100 ml of water. You can sweeten the porridge with a banana, dried fruits or strawberries mashed with sugar. Sprinkle pumpkin seeds on your oatmeal - they also stimulate growth.

Beef is not greedy

What products should be on the menu for a child’s growth? Beef is the leader among meat in terms of protein reserves - the main building material for bones and muscles. Add to this the high content of iron, zinc, vitamins B 1 and B 12, necessary for proper development. For children, beef should be boiled or stewed, for example in tomato sauce. And you can serve mashed potatoes or pasta as a side dish. But remember, red meat is eaten no more than twice a week.

Symbol of life

Chicken eggs are an excellent product that affects the growth of a child. First of all, thanks to the easily digestible protein. However, the yolk is also valuable. It is full of vitamin D, with which calcium is absorbed much more efficiently. And without it there can be no talk of strong bones and teeth. The yolk also contains phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, which are essential for growth. One boiled egg for breakfast or dinner a couple of times a week is enough for a child.

Curd health

The list of products for child growth will be incomplete without cottage cheese. Milk protein is absorbed by the child's body easily and without residue. Its active substances improve the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which is important for healthy bones and teeth. Cottage cheese also contains valuable amino acids necessary for the development of the nervous and digestive systems. Ideally, children should be given fresh cottage cheese of medium fat content in combination with honey, fresh fruits or berries.

amphibious assault

When talking about which foods promote child growth, many doctors think of shrimp. They are rich in iodine, the lack of which can lead to developmental disorders. And due to the high level of vitamin B 12, the brain works better. The best option for preparing shrimp is to boil them in salted water with dill. By the way, it is best to give them to children for dinner, because they calm the nervous system and guarantee angelic sleep.

Magic beans

Another product that ensures the growth of a child is beans in all their variety. Plant protein is just as important for development as animal protein. And there is plenty of it in beans, peas and lentils. They also contain a range of minerals for bone and muscle growth. If the child ignores this product, beat 200 g of boiled milk with 20 ml of olive oil and fresh herbs in a blender. Even the most intractable picky eaters will like this pasta.

Tropical happiness

Among the foods that are beneficial for a child's growth, bananas occupy a special place. This is a real storehouse of potassium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine and iron. They are responsible for the proper development of the heart, blood vessels, bones and muscles. In addition, bananas are useful fuel for the body, which improves attention and memory. They are ideal as healthy snacks. Bananas are also added to fruit salads, cottage cheese casseroles and milk porridges.

Immunity from branch

Food products for child growth include: They contain a combination of beneficial substances that stimulates the growth of muscle cells and strengthens bone tissue. The abundance of iron, potassium and magnesium has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis. And red fruits also contain beta-carotene, which is necessary for weight loss and poor nail and hair growth. The healthiest way to eat apples is fresh and with the peel on. However, they are also good in smoothies, salads and baked goods.

Elixir of Growth

Since ancient times, walnuts have been considered a product that promotes child growth. They are rich in omega fats, essential for brain and nervous system development. Vitamin E, calcium and phosphorus are actively involved in the growth of the entire body. It is useful to chew nuts just like that, or add them to salads and desserts as a tasty decoration. You can also make nut milk. To do this, grind the kernels of 10 nuts, pour 100 ml of water over them for 3 hours, strain and add honey. You can also add nuts to yoghurts and cereals.

Sweet life

By the way, about honey. This unique product also helps children grow at an accelerated pace. Thanks to its presence in the diet, calcium and magnesium are absorbed much better, so children do not have problems with bones and teeth. Honey itself is rich in microelements that nourish and develop all body systems. To do this, it is enough to replace sugar in your usual dishes. Honey is also a source of energy and good mood.

By understanding which foods affect a child’s growth, you can easily fill his menu with the right ingredients. But first, make sure that none of the listed products causes allergies in your child.

Serving utensils

Beautiful, high-quality tableware plays an important role in the correct and convenient serving of dishes on your table. In addition, beautiful dishes certainly contribute to a good appetite! A large assortment is offered to you. The products are durable and lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe. Cook with pleasure!

Height, like other parameters of his physical development, is given to a person by nature, or rather, predetermined by a set of genetic characteristics inherited from our parents. But we are not talking here about any exact value, but rather about their range. Thus, growth potential is revealed depending on the conditions in which the child grows and develops. Among them: adequate physical activity, general health and proper, balanced nutrition.

Nutrition is perhaps the most important of these conditions. It must contain all the necessary standards of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals in accordance with age. But a meager diet, according to experts, can lead to a slowdown in growth and will not allow it to reach its maximum 2.

Growth Ingredients


Proteins are the building material without which a child’s body simply cannot grow fully. The child’s diet should contain both plant proteins, which are found in nuts and legumes, and animal proteins, which are rich in lean meat and fish, eggs and dairy products.

Iron, zinc and vitamins

All micronutrients are important for the proper growth and development of a child, but zinc, iron and vitamin A 3 are of particular importance. Good sources of these substances are lean beef, rabbit and chicken, legumes, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, and pumpkin.

Calcium and other minerals

Calcium is one of the most important minerals for a growing child. Many mothers know that a deficiency of this element at an early age can threaten the baby with the development of rickets. But, unfortunately, they forget to take care of the proper amount when the child grows up. But for the normal development of teeth and bones, it is necessary to ensure that a sufficiently large amount of calcium 4 is present in the children's diet, and therefore dairy products.

And, in addition, we should not forget that full absorption of nutrients is impossible without healthy intestinal microflora. You can maintain its balance with the help of the children's prebiotic DufaMishki, which is available in the form of lozenges in the shape of bears with a pleasant fruity taste. Just one lozenge a day will help normalize the balance of microflora, healthy digestion and complete absorption of nutrients.

The material was developed with the support of Abbott to improve patient health awareness. The information in the material does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. Contact your doctor.

  1. Lifshitz F. (2009). “Nutrition and Growth” Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology 1.4. 157–163.
  2. Zadik, Z., Sinai, T., Zung, A., et al. (2010). “Functional Food” for Acceleration of Growth in Short Children Born Small for Gestational Age. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 23(5), pp. 435-441.
  3. Calcium. Fact Sheet for Health Professionals // Office of Dietary Supplements. National Institutes for Health. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Url:

All children want to grow up quickly. Staying small is something out of scary fairy tales, such as “Little Mook” or “Dwarf Nose,” for example. True, in fairy tales a good wizard appears, and everything ends well. But it happens that a kind wizard appears in life - an endocrinologist, and then the dwarf begins to grow and turns into a beautiful young man.

What affects a child's growth? Firstly, of course, heredity. If mom and dad are short, it is difficult to expect that their daughter will have the height of a fashion model. In addition to heredity, growth is determined by many other things: nutrition, daily routine, and even the psychological atmosphere in the family.

A child should eat a lot of dairy products, as they contain calcium - a building material for a growing body. Every day you need to give your baby vegetables and fruits, because he needs vitamins. Carrots containing beta-carotene are especially useful. In order for this microelement to be better absorbed, raw carrots must be grated and seasoned with sour cream or butter. Protein products – meat, fish – are also necessary for normal growth. If the child is thin and eats sluggishly, it is useful to give him caviar (of course, in the absence of food allergies).

Those children who spend a lot of time outdoors, play outdoor games, and play sports grow better. By the way, if you want your child to be taller, when you choose a sports section, give preference not to strength sports, but to basketball, volleyball, and tennis.

Sleep plays a special role; it is not for nothing that they say that children grow in their sleep: 70% of growth hormone - somatotropin - is produced at night. If you put your baby to bed late, he sleeps restlessly, often wakes up, and the production of growth hormone is disrupted.

How to get your baby to fall asleep early and sleep soundly? We will have to temporarily subordinate the way of life of the whole family to the interests of the child. Turn off the TV early and send guests away. In the evening, play only calm games with your baby; before bed, tell a story, read or sing a lullaby. You can listen to calm music together.

The general atmosphere in the family is also very important for the child’s growth. There is such a concept - psycho-emotional short stature. It occurs in children not only in dysfunctional families. You can feed a child well, dress him well, buy him excellent toys, and at the same time not truly love him, but buy him off with expensive gifts to make up for his feelings of guilt.

When a child lacks true love and warmth, his growth slows down. Recently, psychologists calculated that in order for a family to have a favorable psycho-emotional atmosphere, it is necessary to hug and kiss loved ones at least eight times a day.

When to sound the alarm

The child grows fastest in the first year: his height increases by about 25 cm. Then the pace decreases: in the second year the baby grows by 8–12 cm, then by 4–6 cm annually.

If during the third year of life the child has grown less than 4 cm, he should be shown to an endocrinologist. Sometimes parents do not pay attention to the fact that their baby is lagging behind his peers in growth, and only realize it in adolescence, when it is already difficult to correct anything. If they had contacted specialists in time, they would have helped the child grow up.

Fortunately, most short children have what is called constitutional growth retardation. It turns out that their parents grew up in much the same way: for a long time they were at the bottom of physical education classes, and then suddenly they grew up and found themselves in the top five. These are boys and girls with late puberty. They do not require any treatment; they will catch up, or even surpass their peers by the age of 16–18.

But in some cases, a special examination - carried out only in a hospital - reveals a deficiency of growth hormone (GH) in the body. GH is produced by the pituitary gland under the control of hypothalamic structures. Its deficiency may be genetically determined or associated with disorders in the endocrine system. Previously, the fate of such children was predetermined; they were doomed to dwarf growth: a boy did not grow above 140 cm, and a girl - 130 cm. Today they can be helped.

Magic drops

Such children need treatment with growth hormone. GH, which is synthesized using a genetic engineering method, is identical to natural one and has virtually no side effects. Only a specialist can prescribe growth hormone after examination. Treatment lasts several years until the growth zones close (this is determined using an x-ray of the hands) and the growth effect ceases. GH is administered daily using a special syringe pen, the design of which allows not to lose a single drop of the precious drug.

GH deficiency is often combined with other endocrine pathology: dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, so treatment should be carried out under the constant supervision of an endocrinologist.

GH drugs are very expensive, a course of treatment for a month costs a thousand dollars, but Russian children are treated with GH drugs for free. What are the results? In the first year of treatment, it is possible to achieve an increase in height by 8–12 cm, in the second – by 6–8, and in the third – by 4–6. In the first two years, the body is saturated with the hormone, then growth rates become the same as in healthy children. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is.

Moscow endocrinologists have a patient whose height is now ninety-five meters, although without treatment he would not have grown above one and a half meters.

With familial short stature, the effect of using GH drugs is lower than with growth hormone deficiency; they need to be administered in larger quantities. In this case, you can increase your height by only 6–8 cm. If the parents’ height does not exceed 150–160 cm, the children’s height will be approximately the same.

Parents often ask doctors whether the second child will also grow poorly if the first child has a growth hormone deficiency? No, the second one can be born absolutely healthy, but before planning a pregnancy, you need to seek medical genetic consultation.

By the way

To determine approximately what the child's height will be when he becomes an adult, you need to add up the height of the mother and the height of the father, divide the resulting amount by two, and then add 6.5 centimeters for a boy or subtract the same amount if we are talking about a girl.

Our information

Muscovites can be examined for stunted growth at the Endocrinological Dispensary, tel. (499) 246–27–66, residents of other cities - in the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology of the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, tel. (495) 124–02–66.