The power of intention. Intention in Transurfing is a powerful tool for achieving goals! What is external intention


Do you know what external intention is? What about the fact that Reiki is an external force for the realization of intentions? Now I’ll show you an interesting pattern.

There is a misconception that inner intention- is to want something only for yourself, and external intention– when our desire will bring good and benefit to someone else.

How do you understand external intention?

There are other options.

For example, this:

Inner intention- These are attempts to implement your plans on your own. Achieving what you want through will, internal struggle with circumstances and with yourself. The imaginary need to overcome all kinds of obstacles and the endless race - “fighting windmills”

Outer Intent- this is movement in the flow of options and opportunities that the Universe “adjusts” for you when. This is an opportunity to achieve what you want in the simplest and fastest way. By using the external, you trust the Universe and know how to swim with the flow of options that it gives you.There is no struggle or resistance here, there is faith in the realization of what is planned and the knowledge that it will happen.

External intention and spiritual practices

It's not that simple here.

If we consider external intention within the framework of spiritual practices, then there are no such concepts as external and internal intention. That is, sometimes the realization of intentions comes from thoughts, and sometimes it comes from external force. In spiritual practices, external intention means that we do not act from the head, neither with the mind, nor with consciousness, but that some kind of force acts from the outside.

What does external force mean?

This means that you are resorting to the help of something that is beyond consciousness. You don’t concentrate on thoughts, don’t try to build pictures of the future in your head, don’t visualize.

If you want to learn how to create and manage your reality, you need to do more than just use your mind. Not only thoughts create reality. Reality is created by energy and our state, which includes thoughts, feelings and even the physiology of the body. And managing them using only the mind is very, very difficult.

For us, the external force is Reiki.

That is, it is a force that is beyond our consciousness. We use Reiki as an external force to realize our intentions (although when we dig much deeper, we find out that it is not really external)

With the help of external intention, the ancient Egyptians built giant pyramids, and Indian yogis lifted themselves off the floor and levitated. Behind this instrument lies colossal strength and power. We very often talk about how to correctly formulate an intention and what to do to speed up its implementation. But it turns out that many Transurfing practitioners have a very vague idea of ​​what intention essentially is. And therefore they do not know how to use it effectively.

We invite you to return to the roots and, after re-reading the first five, figure out what external intention in Transurfing actually is, and how to realize your goals with its help.

How is intention different from desire?

Since childhood, we are accustomed to making wishes, hoping for the best and expecting something from life. But in fact, desire itself has no power. Without the determination to act and the willingness to have, you won’t even be able to lift a finger. Your wish will come true only when you turn it into pure intention.

An example is going to the kiosk to buy a newspaper. You don’t doubt, don’t hope, don’t crave, don’t worry - you just go and choose the newspaper that you like best. You don't think that the seller might refuse you, do you? Or that the kiosk might not be there? This is exactly how pure intention works. All we need to do to realize our goals is to learn to treat them in the same way as going to the newspaper. Calmly, confidently, decisively, without doubts and inflated importance.

“It is not the desire itself that leads to realization, but the attitude towards what you want,” this is how Vadim Zeland formulates one of the main principles, which, having mastered in practice, you can easily get what you want. This attitude is the intention. This is a certain force that directs our movement in the space of options and helps us choose reality at our discretion.

The example of raising your hand is very illustrative. What happens if you just want to raise your hand? That's right, nothing. You will sit with your hands down and want to raise them. At what point will the hand go up? When your desire is combined with the determination to act. When you intend to do this. Only a firm attitude towards success will allow you to get what you want. Why reason and desire if you can simply allow yourself to have and act?

How is an intention different from a request or prayer?

Vadim Zeland writes that there is no point in asking an Angel, God or other higher powers, because the laws of the Universe are the same and impassive for everyone. You may experience gratitude - energy close to unconditional love, but no one needs your prayers, lamentations and requests for “give”, “I want”. It's like asking a store clerk to give you goods for free.

You don't need to ask when you have another, much greater right - the right to choose. You are free to choose your own destiny. Provided that you do not create excess potentials and spend all your energy on specific actions. Compare: you are lying on the couch and dreaming about your salary being increased. You ask God or the Universe for this, complain about life, explain how you need it, beg, repeat the words of the prayer. And... nothing happens. Or you get up from the couch, set a specific intention to increase your income - and with this confidence you go to advanced training courses. Or to the director. Or - look for a new job. And the Universe, seeing your determination to have more money and be active, is already opening all its doors to you.

How is external intention different from internal intention?

Intention in itself, as we have already said, is a combination of desire and action. But there is some much more powerful force - this is external intention. When the energy of external intention is connected to the matter, you not only get what you want, but do it easily and as if playfully, because the whole world around you helps you realize your goal.

Inner intention - this is the desire to do everything on your own, this is your perseverance, willpower, struggle with yourself and with circumstances, overcoming obstacles and an endless race. It can be illustrated by the following settings: “I insist that...”, “I will definitely achieve my goal,” “I am fighting for my place in the sun.”

Outer Intent - this is movement towards the goal in the simplest and shortest possible way of all existing ones. And on this path you do not need to fight the world and overcome obstacles. All doors will swing open in front of you. You will be able not only to realize your goals, but also to determine the very scenario of your life and manage your reality. It can be characterized by the formulas: “Circumstances are such that...”; “The goal is realized as if by itself...”; “The world itself gives me what I want”; “All doors open before me.”

Examples of external intent implementation

As a rule, all the most striking manifestations of the work of external intention are usually attributed either to magic and paranormal phenomena, or to great luck and luck. Let's give a few examples.

    The Egyptians built pyramids and other grandiose structures without the help of modern technologies using the energy of external intention. Mentions of this appear in ancient legends. In modern man, unfortunately, the ability to control external intention has almost atrophied.

    Some yogis in India manage to lift themselves off the floor during meditation. In fact, there is no magic here. With their intention, they tune in to the option in space in which their body hangs in the air.

    Jesus Christ said: “According to your faith, be it done to you.” In fact, the meaning of these words is much deeper than we are accustomed to think. By using the energy of external intention and having firm, unconditional faith, you can do anything, even walk on water and turn water into wine. Just choose the version of reality where possible.

    Psychics are able to move a pencil with the power of thought. And here, too, there is no mysticism that telekinesis implies. They simply sequentially select and implement those options where the pencil lies closer, further and even further from them. And outwardly it seems as if the pencil is moving. In fact, he remains motionless. Different versions of reality simply alternate and replace each other. And this is happening before our eyes. That is, magicians and psychics do not move the object itself. They move reality. Do you feel the difference?

So, let's sum up the intermediate results. Desire is concentration on the goal itself. It has no power. Internal intention is concentration on the process of moving towards a goal. External intention is concentration on the fact that the goal is realized itself. Inner intention will allow you to achieve your goal, bypassing all obstacles. External intention is to simply choose the version of reality in which your goal has already been realized.

How is an intent different from a target slide?

Target slides and intention in Transurfing are two different tools for realizing goals. But many practitioners sometimes confuse these concepts. Let's figure out what the difference is? In this video, Tatyana Samarina explains with specific examples how a target slide differs from an intention, and also gives advice on how to work with these Reality Transurfing tools.

External intention only works when it is “charged” with a sufficient amount of energy. And the amount of this energy, as you probably already guessed, depends on the level of personal energy of the one who proclaims the intention. As Vadim Zeland accurately puts it: “External intention represents absolute determination combined with high energy potential.”

You can “strengthen” your intention in a variety of ways. Let's list the main ones. And you can read more about these methods and techniques in separate articles in our encyclopedia “Transurfing from A to Z.”

The work of external intention at first glance may seem like magic, but this magic is devoid of fairy-tale attributes and operates according to very clear laws. You send a specific image into the mirror of the world - and gradually this reflection materializes in the mirror.

Remember that in order for your intention to be realized, it must be cleared of excess potential, lust, strong desires, importance and doubt. Forget about such concepts as diligence and diligence. Reduce importance. Don’t rush things, don’t demand instant results from the world, don’t ask: “When is it already?” When?!". Loosen your grip.

This state of total trust in the Universe must be grasped and felt. You simply let go of the world and allow it to be comfortable and friendly for you - right here and now. Your attention should be fixed not on the means of achieving the result, but on the final goal - as if it had already been achieved. Then the world itself will move towards you.

“Just trust the world - it knows better how to get to the goal, and it will take care of everything itself” (“Reality Transurfing”, Vadim Zeland).

Don't try to move the reflection in the mirror - it's already there, you can't change it. But it is in your will to move the image itself that you send to the mirror. That is, consciously change the direction of your thoughts and your attitude towards what is happening.

Know: the movement of options in space always follows the path of least resistance, and your intention is realized in the simplest and fastest way. The main thing is not to disturb him. And this is what most people usually do. They create problems for themselves, they begin to hit the water with their hands and row against the current. If you don’t stop the world from opening the right doors for you, you will definitely get what you want through a successful combination of circumstances.

7 mirror principles for realizing intentions

Let's summarize. In the fifth book, “Reality Transurfing,” Vadim Zeland identifies 7 basic principles by which the mirror world exists. It is these principles that will help you realize your intention.

First mirror principle: “The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it.”
Second mirror principle: “Reflection is formed in the unity of soul and mind.”
Third mirror principle: "The dual mirror reacts with a delay."
Fourth mirror principle: “The mirror simply states the content of the relationship, ignoring its direction.”
Fifth mirror principle: “The attention should be fixed on the final goal as if it had already been achieved.”
Sixth mirror principle: “Let go of your grip and let the world flow with the flow of options.”
Seventh mirror principle: “Perceive every reflection as positive.”

Intention in the books of Vadim Zeland

How to formulate intention correctly?

Now that we have examined in detail the very concept of intention in Transurfing, you can move on to specific actions: write down your intention according to all the rules and proclaim it to the Universe. We invite you to study the recommendations and step-by-step instructions on how to correctly formulate your intention.

External intention: reviews and success stories

It seemed that life was a continuous black streak. Now everything has changed!

“Now everything has changed! I live in Crimea (although I used to live in Siberia) with my beloved husband and children. We have a happy family. I do oriental dancing (although I used to think that I was not a flexible person at all and that I had nothing to do in dancing). I am very loved and appreciated in the group, I am one of the leaders. We have already performed on stage twice (although I used to be afraid of it like fire), and took 1st place. I love! I found the job I wanted, without the responsibility and without the hassle.”

Since then, for four years now I have been living according to Reality Transurfing

“Naturally, I passed. I came across exactly the questions to which I knew the answers. I passed that exam and was awarded a certificate. The mind simply screamed in surprise: “How is this possible? Where is common sense? But I just smiled back at him.
Continuing to practice Transurfing, I have already begun to slide through Japan, China, Thailand and nearby countries...”

Well, here it is, this external intention! This is how it works!

For me, everything immediately fell into place, everything became clear, and it was as if a stone had been lifted off my shoulders! Well, here it is, this external intention! This is how it works! I got the answer! The goal has been realized!

Are you ready to learn how to harness the power of outer intention? Do you want to achieve truly ambitious goals, and not just get a free space in the parking lot or the right product at a discount in the supermarket? Do you intend to really move reality? Now you know what power is hidden in the energy of external intention. With its help, you can really lift your body off the floor or build a pyramid. And even more so to help you, for example, found your own company and build a successful business.

“The power of external intention is so great that even an insignificant part of it is enough to obtain impressive results” (Vadim Zeland).

We invite you to the New Year's programs of the transurfing center!

Everything you can imagine can become reality. The Universe is full of opportunities and is ready to provide them to everyone, you just have to declare your intention.

“Life in the New Time”, online meeting, New Year’s ritual

This is not an ordinary New Year's online meeting, it is something much more. A holographic light ritual awaits you, associated with the energy of the New Time, in which we already live!

Many practices and surprises await you:

  • holographic light rituals and techniques;
  • new practices for shaping the upcoming successful year;
  • merging with the energies of the New Time!
Make your next 2020 your own on this New Year's program with rituals, energy practices and the launch of Intention!

New Year's program-ritual “Year of Plenty” in St. Petersburg

A new Artifact with a surprise for 2020, which you will create in the program, is a symbol of wealth. During the ritual you will work with energy centers; you will charge your Artifact in an atmosphere of magic and a powerful energy circle of like-minded people!

Is waiting for you:

  • 3 hours of New Year's magic and Transurfing practice;
  • a magical Artifact with a surprise inside;
  • setting and launching Intentions for abundance and prosperity through ritual;
  • instructions on how to use your New Artifact during 2020;
  • live communication with like-minded people and a Transurfing coach!

Why does a person need awareness?
“I cannot make someone aware just by listening to me.” A. Pint.

Forgotten is the person who does not need to accumulate knowledge and cram encyclopedias, who simply knows because he is the All. Whole, not cut into parts, because he is God.

Our planet Earth, belongs to the third generation of Cosmic Entities, is located in 12-quality space, therefore, is subject to the influence of twelve Masters - qualities. Currently, nine Qualities are working and 18 Zones of new density have been created. Now we can imagine quality as a flow, divided into consciously identifiable elements and arrange them as the density of matter increases. Having come to Earth and, as it were, reflected, man gave his stream of changed upper energies, qualitatively corresponding to the original ones, but in a denser form. As if continuing downwards, the niche of quality, repeating the meaning of the idea, but rearranging the form and making the energy heavier (Jacob’s Ladder.)

Jacob's Ladder

A person who has descended into the human body at least once, gone through all the layers and has a set of all bodies, including all the material, acquires karma. Including material from all layers, a person captures the entire set of qualities that he must master in his life experience, going through all 12 qualities through all phases of the cycle. This is his original karma, a natural necessity. He goes through all 12 phases of rays for each of the 12 qualities, united by zodiac signs or constellations of carriers of Pure Qualities. The speed of movement along the rays should be uniform, but a person, having free will, is capable of consciously accelerating this movement through his own labor. It all depends on the state of his soul: whether he strives for purity or hesitates for a long time in choosing between the attraction of animal programs and the call of the Spirit.
Most often, the quality that a person goes through coincides with his zodiac sign, in which the Sun is located relative to the Earth.

The process of passage usually lasts more than one life, and often takes place unconsciously. An individual works on the same quality from incarnation to incarnation until he is able to move on to the next one. The end of the passage of quality usually ends with leaving the physical body. It is important to understand to what extent people’s paths and their emanations are parodies of true qualities, how people changed them and drowned in them.
While a person perceives all situations encountered on the path unconsciously, that is, finds them random, he is not able to take the path of Truth himself. Not a single situation in life is accidental - we attract situations to ourselves with our emanations, our state. Coming to the physical plane, everyone is initially placed in those conditions in which it is easier for him to pass through the aspect of quality that he has not passed through. At any moment on our path, situations occur that we ourselves have attracted by the correspondence of energies, in which we can take the path of liberation or elevation, or fall even lower. Their forms are varied, but, in essence, they all belong to one of the 24 Zones of influence of qualities.
If a person “wakes up” and begins to consciously strive for speedy liberation from karmic knots, his path can be accelerated many times over, and more than one quality can be passed through in one life, up to the turning of the Wheel of Time. Having embarked on the path of returning to his original state, returning to the Father, he, as it were, starts his clock. This is often called the First Initiation. He is no longer subject to the usual flow of time for those around him, his consciousness is connected to a more general Whole - most likely to the level of his Birth Zone, where time moves slower relative to physical space, and faster on the physical plane. This is similar to the feeling of time in the highest states of a person, for example in meditation, when consciousness (subtle bodies) are included in the greater Whole, and the passing earthly hours seem to be minutes. At this time, the processes taking place in the human body slow down, prolonging youth. Therefore, people who have reached high states of consciousness grow old and die calmly, having completed their path.
A person who has taken the reverse path according to qualities does not go through them sequentially, but in the order of ascending through the layers of consciousness, that is, he sequentially goes through the qualities that influence his subtle bodies: first astral, then tonic, mutable and further, spontaneously static and stably transcendental .
For each individual, the passage of a quality has its own coloring, a pattern unique to him, but there is something common that unites everyone who masters the same quality.
The task of any conscious human being is to go through the evolutionary path of development as quickly as possible, consciously freeing itself from karmic knots. For this purpose, a contextual field was created for each individual. To achieve the ultimate reality, ten basic illusions were created one from another. The illusory world was created to help us understand what we are not. For hundreds of lifetimes, a human being has tried to climb Jacob's ladder, but for most people the attempts are unsuccessful. Life happens to most people. Most often, living under the rule of animal instincts, we wander from life to life, from incarnation to incarnation, not seeing or hearing anything.

The lower the energies in which a person’s life passes, the shorter his time, and at a certain moment time “collapses” and death occurs. At this moment, a person comes into conflict with the Law and, accordingly, dies in order to start all over again in the next life. A low level of consciousness does not allow us to understand that we are marking time. Only a high level of awareness of the life process on the physical plane will help us with this.

Mindfulness is the experience of awakened consciousness. A separate aspect of the All is aware of itself. He literally becomes self-aware. Then he gradually begins to realize all the other aspects, and then, the fact that others do not exist - Everything is One.
Words cannot describe everything. In short, how I understood it: Before incarnation on the physical plane, each individual analyzes his previous life path, draws conclusions and plans the process of his further development, taking into account the correction of mistakes. In the process of preparing for the next incarnation, the time, place, future parents and those who will go through this quality with us are selected. It is logical to assume that a chain is being built, which in any case leads to the result of the passage of Quality through the phases on Earth. Why is this being done? The fact is that at the moment of birth we lose our memory. This happens due to a sharp transition of our consciousness into our mind. All information remains at the subconscious level (soul). And who hears her? Only a few, intuitively, and a few, consciously. The subconscious and mind always, according to the law of external intention, coordinate their actions. So it turns out that we come from unknown where and go unknown where. All it takes is to hear your soul - extract the program from the subconscious and go through all 12 qualities through 12 properties - rays, each quality. Consciously acquire a sensory experience planned before incarnation.
Only a new Co-Knowledge will give a person the right to hope that the GATES OF HEAVEN will not close unexpectedly in front of him, for the new Co-Knowledge is the already changed Co-Knowledge of the CO-CREATOR, who accepts all the CANONS of Eternity and understands that the basis of the evolution of man and Space is eternal improvement !

The New Co-Knowledge is a completely different idea of ​​the role of man in the evolution of the Prime Creator, which means, in the Matrix of the Great Cosmos, and from this stems a completely different attitude of man towards the Manifested Plan, or towards life, already as a providence, the meaning of which is not Mammon, not life in vain, but a constant internal struggle for SELF-purification, without which a person cannot can live!
“The work of self-awareness leads to an increase in the vibrational frequency of your consciousness. Those who do not work to raise the vibration of their consciousness remain in the old matrix and continue to receive the old experiences." A. Pint.

Currently, we must learn to understand the issues of our consciousness, the universe, illusions, ultimate reality and reality with truth. On the basis of which you can consciously create your ultimate reality and learn to manage it. What is necessary to gain the experience of Being and happy evolution on the physical plane here and now.
You live each new day not to discover what it contains for you, but to create it. You create your reality every minute, probably without even knowing it.

We must remember: Consciousness is everything, and it gives rise to your experience. Group consciousness is very powerful and creates consequences of indescribable beauty or vileness.
The choice is always yours.
Consciousness—that is, what you are actually aware of—is the basis of all truth, and therefore of all spirituality.

Once again about External Intention.

Intention is the penetrating force that gives us the ability to perceive. We are not aware through perception, but rather we perceive as a result of the pressure and intervention of intention.
There is an immeasurable, indescribable force in the universe called intention. Absolutely everything that exists in the universe is connected to intention by a connecting link. People of knowledge (magicians) were trying to understand and use the connecting link. They especially cared about cleansing him from the influence of the everyday worries of ordinary life.
All that a person does on the path of knowledge is to convince himself of the presence of power hidden in his very being. Knowledge (magic) is a state of awareness, it is the ability to perceive something that is inaccessible to ordinary perception.
The ability to conserve energy will make it possible to master some of the energy fields that are inaccessible to you now. Once we master this power, it itself will begin to activate energy fields that are available to us, but not at our disposal. In this case, we begin to perceive something different, but not as imaginary, but as real and concrete. There is more to the world than we can see. We begin to know without words.
Natural knowledge of intention is available to everyone, but control of it belongs only to those who have explored it.
Part of learning to master awareness is practical knowledge. The goal of the training is to put the connecting link in order. To revive this link, an unshakable, fierce determination is required - a special state of mind called unbending intention.
Depending on the state and energy, a person is in one of the states of consciousness. States of consciousness were called differently, but the process of unfolding space in time by consciousness is the same. This is the Law. This is necessary for a person to acquire the ability to consciously choose the scenario of his life and implement it to gain sensory experience on the physical plane.
The subconscious mind remembers everything. Everything that was decided to be experienced in the physical body before incarnation. It instantly tunes in to the familiar option that flashed through its thoughts. The option that corresponds to the energy of thought and expectation is chosen. Thoughts and expectations are the driving force behind changing options. The option itself is chosen by intention. A desire, like a thought, flashes through the consciousness and is transformed into an intention. Intention is the driving force that transfers the subject to the sector with the corresponding scenario. The mind, in the role of a passive observer, does not control the situation. If the mind realizes that the situation is under control, it takes everything for granted and forms a desire. The material realization of desire has inertia.
It is not the desire that is realized, but the intention. Desire in itself does not give anything. The stronger it is, the more active the opposition. Desire is aimed at a goal. Intention for the process of achieving this goal. Intention is realized in action. Intention does not judge whether a goal is achievable or not. The decision has been made, all that remains is to act. You do not reason or desire, but simply have and act.
Tuning into the target sector works most effectively when all aspirations are directed towards one specific goal, and not towards several unrelated ones. External intention selects the life line on which the desired is realized and makes the transition to this line. It simply takes its toll dispassionately and unconditionally. External intention is a thing born in improvisation, like an insight. The subconscious mind includes external intention through impulse. This can be a conscious positive state. For example: joy, love, sincere gratitude.
Control of external intention is possible only with complete freedom. Managing intentions involves acquiring the ability to consciously choose the scenario of your life depending on the aspirations of the soul.
The nature of mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms:
1. Desire.
2. Inner intention.
3. External intention.
Inner intention aims to influence the world around us on the same life line. It only affects human behavior. It makes sense to choose an outer intention. In this case, you choose your own destiny. If your radiation parameters match your choice, then you will get what you want. Choice is your determination to have and act. Reaction energy is spent on action. Desire and action are united in intention. When solving a problem, take action. Don't think, don't complicate, don't compare. The problem will be resolved.
Internal intention is directed towards the goal directly. External intention is aimed at the process of self-realization of the goal. No doubts, discussions or haste. External intention inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately and inexorably moves the goal towards realization. We cannot receive or do anything without intention, and there is no intention without faith. We could not take a single step if we did not believe that it was possible. In this case, there must be not just faith, but knowledge. Knowledge eliminates doubt.

Knowledge without words, faith without doubt, action without hesitation. Internal intention merges with external intention when consciousness merges with subconsciousness.

If the soul and mind agree on what is desired, external intention gives the green light for self-realization of the goal. To realize a goal on the physical plane, it takes time, which means patience, concentration and endurance. For inert realization to unwind, certain neural chains must be formed, the state of thoughts and consciousness must change. Each cell of the body must accept the parameters of their radiation. A state of unbending confidence appears. The choice has been made.
It is important to know that the coordination of consciousness and subconscious leads to a result, but whether it is desired or not does not matter to them. More often than not, the soul and mind are united in their rejection of anything.
In reality, what we fear is highly likely to come true. In this case, events develop in accordance with expectations, fears and ideas. Expectations and fears acquired by the soul and mind in real life are realized instantly. In order for this not to happen, you need to firmly know what you want, and not avoid it. Give up negativity. Complaints, requests, grievances, doubts and lamentations. They are useless and no one needs them. They simply lead to stagnation and loss of energy. At the same time, joy, unconditional love, sincere gratitude are the radiation of creative energy.
Why do our desires sometimes not come true?
1. Excessive importance is attached to the event.
2. The inertia of implementation gives rise to vanity, impatience, and fear. Loss of confidence in the invisible. Lack of persistence in pursuit.
3. The desire of the mind to achieve everything at once. Several goals have been set that are not related to each other.
4. Simply and fundamentally, it is not the desire itself that leads to realization, but the attitude towards the desire.
Everything in this world is built on objective laws, and not on the desire to help someone. The laws of the Universe are absolutely dispassionate. To fulfill an external intention, you need to be: responsible, honest, gracious. In a conscious state, external intention does not contradict the will. The mind gives the subconscious freedom, and in return receives the consent of the subconscious. The unity of the mind and subconscious awakens external intention. The greatest of all powers of control over all human reality.

External intention is the case where “if Mohammed does not go to the mountain, then the mountain goes to Mohammed.” Did you think it was just a joke? The work of external intention is not necessarily accompanied by paranormal phenomena. In everyday life, we constantly encounter the results of external intention. In particular, our fears and worst expectations are realized precisely by external intention. But since in this case it works independently of our will, we do not realize how this happens. It is much more difficult to manage external intentions than internal ones.

Imagine that you land on an island where you are greeted by savages. Your life depends on how you position yourself. The first option is that you are a victim. You apologize, bring gifts, make excuses, flirt. In this case, your fate is to be eaten. The second option is that you are a conqueror. You show aggressiveness, attack, try to subdue. Your fate is either to win or die. The third option is that you present yourself as a master, a ruler. You extend your finger as if you have power, and they obey you, as if that’s the way it should be. As you guessed, the first two options relate to the work of internal intention, and the third option demonstrates the work of external intention. External intention simply selects the desired option.

A fly hitting the glass next to an open window has an inner intention. What do you think will be her outer intention? The answer suggests itself - fly out the window, but this is not so. If she flies back and looks around, she will see a closed glass and an open window. For her, it will simply be a more expanded vision of reality. External intention in its pure form opens the whole window for the fly.

Inner intention refers to any attempts to influence the world around us on the same life line. Everything that is possible within a single sector of the space of options is described by the known laws of natural science and fits into the framework of a materialistic worldview. External intention refers to attempts to choose a life line on which the desired will be realized.

Now it should be clear to you that flying through a closed window is an internal intention. The external intention is to move to the line of life, where the window opens. You can make superhuman efforts to move a pencil with your mind. Or you can scan the space of options with different pencil positions just by external intention.

Let's say you're sure you won't be able to find parking at the supermarket on Christmas Eve. The internal intention states: where will it come from if all people are now busy shopping. External intention clearly assumes that you are approaching a supermarket, and at that moment a place becomes free for you. External intention does not even firmly and unshakably believe in such a possibility - it simply dispassionately and unconditionally takes its toll.

External intention is a thing born in improvisation, like an insight. It is useless to prepare for external intention. All magical rituals are aimed at evoking the actual external intention. But ritual is just a preparation for magic, a theatrical prelude, decoration. Imagine that in a dream you are flying down a cliff, and in order not to fall, you must create the intention to hang in the air. There is no time to prepare and cast spells. All you have to do is set your mind to fly, and you will succeed. Spells and magical attributes only help to awaken the power that every person has, but cannot use.

Unfortunately, modern man's ability to control external intention has almost atrophied. People have even managed to completely forget that they once possessed this ability. Vague mentions appear only in ancient legends. Now there is no point in even trying to prove that the Egyptian pyramids and other similar structures were built with the help of an external intention. Any hypothesis will be accepted, but not this one. It seems to me that it would be very amusing for the builders of the pyramids to know that descendants, considering their ancient ancestors to be a backward civilization, would go out of their way to try to unravel their secret only within the framework of internal intention.

But people are not completely devoid of external intention. It's just very deeply blocked. Everything that is commonly understood as magic is nothing more than attempts to work with external intention. For centuries, alchemists tried unsuccessfully to find the philosopher's stone, which turns any object into gold. Many confusing and difficult to understand books are devoted to alchemy. But in fact, as legend says, the secret of the philosopher's stone consists of several lines carved on an emerald plate - the so-called emerald tablet. Why then are there so many books? Probably in order to understand these few lines.

You've probably heard about the Holy Grail. He was actively hunted by many, even representatives of the Third Reich. There are constantly legends about similar attributes that supposedly give unlimited strength and power. Naive misconceptions. No object can give power. Fetishes, spells and other magical things have no power in themselves. The power is in the outer intention of the people using them. Attributes only to some extent help the subconscious to turn on the dormant and poorly developed rudiments of external intention. Belief in the magical power of attributes provides the impetus for awakening external intention.

Ancient civilizations achieved such perfection that they did without magical rituals. Naturally, such power created the strongest excess potential. Therefore, civilizations like Atlantis, which revealed the secrets of outer intention, were destroyed from time to time by the balancing forces. The last such destruction is known to us from visible history as the Great Flood. Fragments of secret knowledge have reached us as magical practices, the purpose of which is to recreate what was lost. However, these are only weak and superficial attempts, following the wrong path of inner intention. The essence of strength and power - external intention - remains a mystery.

The predominant development of internal intention in people and the loss of external intention is induced by pendulums, since they feed on the energy of internal intention. Control of external intention is possible only if there is complete freedom from pendulums. We can say that here the pendulums won the final victory in the fight against man.

So, we have found out that the nature of mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms: desire, internal intention and external. Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. As you can see, desire has no power. You can think about the goal as much as you like, desire it, but nothing will change. Internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of one’s movement towards a goal. It already works, but it requires a lot of effort. External intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal itself is realized. External intention simply allows the goal to realize itself. This implies a firm conviction that an option for achieving the goal already exists, and all that remains is to choose this option. The goal is achieved with internal intention, and with external intention it is chosen.

Internal intention can be characterized by the formula: “I insist that...” External intention is subject to a completely different rule: “circumstances are such that...” or “it turns out that...” The difference is huge. In the first case, you actively influence the world so that it submits. In the second case, you take the position of an outside observer, everything turns out according to your will, but as if on its own. You don't change, you choose. Flying in a dream occurs precisely according to the formula “it turns out that I am flying,” and not “I insist on flying.”

Internal intention strives towards the goal directly, straight ahead. External intention is aimed at the process of independent goal realization. External intention is in no hurry to achieve the goal - it is already in your pocket. The fact that the goal will be achieved is not questioned or discussed at all. External intention inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately and inevitably moves the goal towards realization.

To distinguish where your internal intention works and where your external one, use approximately the following two-way comparisons: You are trying to achieve something from this world - the world itself gives you what you want; You are fighting for a place in the sun - the world itself opens its arms to you; You break into a locked door - the door itself swings open in front of you; You try to break through the wall - the wall itself opens up for you; You try to cause some events in your life - they come on their own. In general, with internal intent you are trying to move your implementation relative to the space of options, and with outer intent you are trying to move the space of options itself so that your implementation ends up where it needs to be. Do you understand the difference? The result is the same, but the ways to achieve it are completely different.

Outer Intent

Mind: This dream has a strange name. Is intention external?

Caretaker: If you act, guided only by considerations of ordinary experience in the material world, then this will be an internal intention. Most people do this, thinking that everything that happens obeys the laws of physics. In other words, they live without knowing that the other side of the mirror exists.

Let's say you move cubes with your hands in the material world. This is where your inner intention is at work. On the other side of the mirror - in the space of options - there are virtual copies of these cubes. If you create a slide picture in your thoughts where the cube itself moves to a new position, mental energy will “highlight” the corresponding option, and the cube will materialize at the target point.

Note that thoughts do not physically move an object. In this case, the “reality frame” is moved, where the cube is already in another place. The movement of the “frame” is carried out by external intention.

Thus, internal intention works in the material world, where the laws of physics operate, and external intention works on the other side of the mirror, in metaphysical space.

Mind: And where does this external intention come from?

Caretaker: It exists as a thought form - an image that is created in a person’s head. If the soul and mind converge in unity, the image takes on clear outlines, and then the dual mirror immediately materializes the corresponding “virtual prototype” from the space of options into reality. However, the unity of soul and mind is most often achieved only in the worst expectations, which is why they are realized, as if out of spite. In other cases, either the soul does not want to, or the mind does not believe, so it turns out that the thought form is blurred, and the mechanism of external intention does not start.

Soul: I always said: all my impulses fall into the dense cretinism of this wise guy!

Mind: Okay, let's better watch the dream.

Tucker: I’m lying here, reading about “External Intention” now - it’s simply amazing.

Denweb: Regarding external intention, I have one thought. I'm interested in your opinion: internal intention is when we go towards something, external intention is when they come to us. How can we make sure that everything comes to us on its own?

In physics, if an area of ​​high pressure is formed, it “dissolves” into areas where the pressure is lower, and equilibrium is established. If there is an area of ​​low pressure, then flows are obtained, directed from areas where the pressure is higher, to equalize the pressure to a certain equilibrium level.

Therefore, in order for everything to come to us on its own, we need to somehow greatly reduce the “pressure”, and the equilibrium forces will bring what is needed if they are tuned to this. It seems to me that the analogue of “pressure” in Transurfing can be importance. This means that to realize “low blood pressure” you need to reduce this importance very, very much. What importance? The importance of the person himself and his problems.

There are different techniques to reduce the importance of a person himself: Castaneda, for example, has different techniques for dealing with the Sense of Self-Importance (SIE). In religions, for example, prayers are used in which a person considers himself dust, dust before God and humbly asks him to forgive for something or solve some problem. To reduce the importance of the problem itself, it seems to me that Simoron’s methods are excellent when the problem is renamed into something funny and absurd.

Thus, we get a sketch of a technique: lower your heart rate, feeling like dust, ashes, an insignificant atom in front of the equilibrium forces, rename your problem into something funny, create a slide where this problem has already been solved, and from the position of zero importance demonstrate to the equilibrium forces this slide so that they (the balancing forces) know what exactly is needed for compensation. And then release everything to the will of equilibrium forces, not forgetting to follow the wave of luck. We need to think further about the specific nuances of the technique, while there is only a general sketch.

Andrzej: The underestimation of importance below zero somehow doesn’t purr to me at all. In my opinion, from the point of view of balancing forces, it is no different from overstating the importance. That is, there will be a reaction, but it is absolutely not a fact that it will be as it should be. And for understatement to work, it must be real, and not a mask to deceive the balancing forces and achieve the goal. You can't fool them, they don't think. I much prefer the recommended neutral “zeroing”. And the feeling of unity with the world - to feel all these grains of sand, specks of dust, atoms, to realize that you are not more important than them - but not worse.

Tucker: I also think this is overkill, the other extreme of this very importance. It won't work. Moreover, religions are the most powerful pendulums, the tasks of which you know; naturally, they subordinate the will of a person to themselves, perhaps also by greatly reducing their importance. Does God want his creation to consider itself dust?

Leshiy: I was already a loser, and now, after reading “Transurfing”, even more so. No, it's fun, of course. But I was the only one stuck. I can't find my goal. Apparently, he reduced the importance of everything too much. I even tried to look for something new. But nothing is as exciting as it should be. It was something like that in childhood, I was carried away, I was happy. How can I find it now? It seems to me that this is the most difficult question in Transurfing - how to truly find your goals? Is it possible to use external intention for this and how?

Andrzej: Yeah. I (and others) have the same problem. When I shook up my goals, they all turned out to be locally negative - to remove what is interfering now, so that it becomes calm and good. But there is no global positive goal... Finding Your goal is also quite a goal, even if not Your own, but a temporary one. I have already tuned in to this search and now from time to time I listen to myself, whether some picture of the future will purr...

M. M.: Do you remember don Juan’s commandments? The path leads to nowhere in any case, therefore there is no goal at all. And setting personal goals is nothing more than controlled (or uncontrolled, depending on the user) stupidity.

Denweb: You may be right about my theory... Although Walsh seems to have it in Conversations with God that God wants his creatures to know themselves in relation to him. The height of the tall can only be known in relation to something small. To know the light, you need darkness... Everything is relative. Perhaps there is something buried in this relativity. When I wrote “Feeling like dust,” I wanted to say: not THINK that I am dust, but feel it. Feeling is important to balancing forces, I think. Neutral grounding is also an option. In Simoron, as far as I remember, they work from this state. And very effective, in my experience. So far, the only means of influencing external intention are: getting rid of importance, slides and frames. So?

Leshiy: Transurfing worked today, and how! So, there was a test today, I don’t remember the name of the subject, but something related to SDH (transport network for telecommunications infrastructure - ed.)

). There was almost no time to read - what did the semester talk about? But I did everything according to the rules: I imagined that I passed it, scored... in the sense, I reduced the importance and waited for what would happen. Somehow they didn’t really knock everyone down, but they didn’t let them go without suffering. And I also skipped lectures successfully. So I sit down with the teacher and say the following phrase: “Well, I don’t have any passes, I think I can be given a test right away.” She didn't even look at the attendance sheet! He takes it and gives me a test. There were about five other people sitting near the teacher, answering the test questions. Their eyes are noticeably widened!!! You might say I was just lucky. But transurfing is aimed at increasing luck. It’s a pity that I only found such a thing at the end of my fifth year!

Tucker: I had a similar case when I was studying and passing an exam, it was a long time ago, Transurfing existed for me only in sensations... There was a difficult exam on some kind of law, everyone was very worried and prepared. The teacher is a very serious man. But we were a couple of slobs. We looked at it all - the line was long - we realized that this would not increase our knowledge, and decided to let the situation go (lower the importance), calmly went to the bar, drank a can of beer and just in time for the exam, come what may. It’s clear that you can’t ruin our mood; we agreed to everything. Imagine our surprise when it turned out that out of the entire group we had excellent (or good) grades, while the majority had satisfactory or even worse grades. Everything turned out to be very simple: apparently, the teacher got tired after two hours and was also ready for anything, in general, this was our option.

MaD_DoG: It became easy and fun when I came to one simple conclusion: if the work of external intention is activated only with the consent of the soul and mind, then there is a simple way to counteract the unwanted influence of this external intention. It’s enough just to consciously love the object of your fear, or hatred, or contempt...

Leshiy: I have a purely rhetorical question. One method of reducing the importance of something undone is to accept failure in advance. But, in this way, you begin to think about defeat, and, in theory, your thoughts should choose that space of options where your thoughts will come true and you will lose. Maybe this method of reducing importance is dangerous?

MaD_DoG: Exactly the same fear came to my mind while studying the Book. But first, I myself remembered D. Carnegie with his method of solving problematic situations - to come to terms with defeat and forget about it (one of the few useful things Carnegie had). It is the last condition, in my opinion, that is very important - forget about it, that is, reduce the importance to zero.

Leshiy: I watched the film several times as a child, I don’t remember the name. The point is that the child had a box of matches: you break the match, make a wish, and it comes true. I was always indignant in such stories, why they didn’t think of making another whole container of such matches for themselves after the last match. And regarding Transurfing - the same thing. Direct your intention to ensure that your wishes are always fulfilled, and the time between making and fulfilling is reduced to a minimum! Wouldn't this be the easiest way?

M. M.: Well, you guys are rednecks!))) You want to do nothing, and have all your wishes come true at once! But what about the principle that says that only those who are free from their desires are free? Nishkama karma.

Leshiy: Laziness is the engine of progress!!!

M.M.: No, you’ll have to work anyway. Not with muscles, but with attention.

Lily of the Valley: You don’t have to accept defeat. Just accept it for what it is and don’t worry about it. Defeat is the other side of victory, and victory is not always more necessary. Any event, both negative and positive, is given to a person so that he realizes himself. The diversity of life has its own charm, and the choice is yours. God has given man the right to choose, and he chooses... Just what and how is a matter of taste. And reducing importance involves accepting what is happening.

Svetlana: Everyone is not averse to having achievements, but working on them is unbearable. Having determined the most important direction, you can begin to carefully monitor how well your thoughts, words and actions correspond to the approved direction. After all, the entire way of life, daily routine and every movement can be linked to the intended goal. And then life will become purposeful. Many rush along the waves of the sea of ​​life, without an ultimate goal in mind and therefore without direction. Short goals of one life cannot serve as guidelines, because they are temporary, and by the end of the day of human life they cease to exist. And that's the best case scenario. Usually they disappear much earlier. Wisdom lies in drawing the longest line. And if every moment you keep in mind a distant goal, and not the surrounding appearance, the path will be straight. This will help you find the strength to resist ordinary life and its illusions.

Sarina: I observe how external intention works... So, before I had to run around the globe of my life, now I sit and it spins. Like Zeeland: “Life meets me halfway.” I'm afraid to believe it.

And the bells and bells - doo-doo.

I won't go to work today.

Let that shaggy bear work

And there’s no point in wandering around the forest and roaring.

Reason: It won’t work out, Darling, nothing comes that easy.

Soul: You're on your own again!

Reason: But these dreamers are completely insolent: they take the test and don’t remember the name of the subject. It doesn't happen like that!

Caretaker: It happens, and not like that yet. If the determination to have and act burns in the heart, and the mind is not clouded by doubt and fear, so-called miracles happen. A clear thought form instantly materializes in reality.

Desire in itself does not give anything; on the contrary, when desire, mixed with doubt, turns into lust, the chances of success drop sharply. However, the goal can be achieved even in the absence of unity of soul and mind, if one condition is met.

Soul: Quickly, quickly, tell me what this condition is?

Caretaker: When the image of a thought form is blurred, the mirror works with a delay. Therefore, it is necessary to turn the target slide in your thoughts for quite a long time - a picture in which the goal has already been achieved, as it were. Then the image will gradually begin to appear in reality.

Mind: Is that all? So simple?

Caretaker: Yes, you just need to systematically focus your attention on the target slide. Of course, this simple truth lies on the surface, but no one sees it. People are accustomed to performing routine actions only with internal intention.

For example, if you need to dig a long trench, a person understands that he will have to systematically work with a shovel. He does this and sees the results of his labor. With a dual mirror, everything is different. The delay period can last quite a long time. A person does not see any changes in the surrounding reality, which is why it seems to him that thoughts have no real power. So he doesn’t undertake to carry out routine actions with his mind’s eye.

Reason: You see, Darling, you still have to work.

Soul: Not for me, but for you - you are our doubter.

Caretaker: That's right: attention is the shovel of the mind.

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