Accounting for income and expenses of future periods. Carrying out an inventory of expenses


The main purpose of controlling income and expenses of future periods is an objective study of the state of accrual and write-off of expenses and income of future periods, the completeness and timeliness of display of information in consolidated documents and accounting registers, the correctness of accounting for income and expenses of future periods in accordance with the adopted accounting policy, the reliability of the display of balances in the statements of a business entity and the timeliness of correction of deviations at the enterprise.

The tasks of on-farm control of income and expenses of future periods are presented in Fig. 12.6.

Rice. 12.6. V Tasks of internal control of income and expenses of future periods

Checking account balances 69 “Deferred Income” 39 “Deferred Expenses” allows you to establish the accuracy and completeness of the reflection of transactions on these accounts.

A study of concluded agreements and orders of the manager on the opening of these accounts will make it possible to determine the existence and legality of these agreements and orders, as well as accruals and write-offs of income and expenses of future periods.

Having checked the correctness of the documentation of transactions, the inspector establishes the reliability, legality of the accrual and write-off of these income and expenses, as well as the correctness of the reflection of these transactions in accounting and reporting. Assessing the state of synthetic and analytical accounting of income and expenses will help the controller check their balance among themselves. Checking the company's compliance with tax legislation on transactions related to the accrual and write-off of income and expenses of future periods will help verify the correctness of the reflection of tax calculations.

Objects of control The enterprise has income and expenses for future periods.

Deferred expenses, in turn, can be further detailed, for example, deferred expenses include expenses associated with the development of new organizations, production facilities, workshops and units, expenses associated with the payment of rent for the use of fixed assets, expenses for subscriptions to periodicals, and the reserve for future payments and payments may include expenses for the payment of additional pensions, expenses for vacations to employees, expenses related to warranty obligations.

Future income is funds already received or what will be received not in this reporting period, but in others, those ahead. That is, we can consider this in such a way that when the debtors repay their debts and the creditor enterprise receives its future income, or the products are shipped to customers and the selling enterprise receives money.

Source of information for on-farm control at the enterprise there are primary documents, namely accounting registers used to reflect business transactions, the general ledger, preliminary control acts, accounts, payment orders, invoices, limit cards, receipt orders, receipts, lease agreements, checks, patents, cash registers orders, expense reports and other documentation. Also accounting accounts, accounting registers and reporting forms Form No. 1 "Balance, Form No. 3 "Cash flow statement" and other documentation.

Income at the enterprise arises at the time of shipment of products, that is, when ownership of the products passes from the seller to the buyer and at the same time the right to demand payment for their cost arises. Therefore, in this case, there is no future income.

In relation to the future prospects for the shipment of products and the receipt of funds, then these issues are inherent in planning the activities of the enterprise, and not in accounting, intended to record the facts of business activities.

Verification of documents that confirm the accrual and write-off of income and expenses of future periods and provision of future payments and payments can be carried out by checking both one document and several documents that confirm the same or interrelated transactions.

Document control techniques apply to accounting documents, entries in accounting registers, submitted reports, statistical and operational materials. The object of documentary control is information that characterizes completed business transactions.

By using formal verification The controller can check the correct document, which should contain all the information necessary to substantiate the accounts.

By using arithmetic check The controller checks accruals and write-offs of income and expenses for future periods.

By using regulatory audit checks the legality of a particular operation.

Logical check allows you to identify possible thefts using actual results and related documents.

Also, to control income and expenses of future periods, you can check several documents and carry out:

- counter check (comparison of two copies of the same document located at different enterprises or divisions). For example, our company writes off a significant amount of funds monthly for expenses incurred to pay lease payments for the use of fixed assets. The owner of the enterprise questioned the implementation of this operation, as well as the amount of monthly write-off. We can check this operation for help by submitting a request to the company from which we rent the object. This request will help to verify the information contained in the agreement, which is located at our enterprise, namely the amount of the rental payment, the rental period, etc.;

- mutual control (documents of different names and natures are compared, reflecting various aspects of the same operation). For example, the head of an enterprise can check the accuracy of the reflection of business transactions, namely the accrual and write-off of expenses incurred for subscriptions to periodicals;

- analytical check reporting and balance sheets (checking synthetic and analytical accounting).

Control at an enterprise depends not only on methods of checking documents, but also on a skillful combination of various methods, methods, and techniques for exercising control.

Control of income and expenses of future periods at the enterprise occurs in certain stages (Fig. 12.7).

Rice. 12.7. V

in accordance with fig. 12.7 at the first stage, general actions are carried out regarding the determination of the subject and object of control at the enterprise, in accordance with which regulatory legal acts, constituent documents, orders and other documents of a business entity are determined and analyzed, which reflect charges for writing off income and expenses of future periods, then there is a selection and accumulation of the necessary information. Next, the financial and statistical reporting of the business entity is studied, the administrative documents of the management body of the enterprise are studied, and the materials of previous control activities are examined.

Inspectors need to formulate problematic issues that need to be investigated and worked out, as a result of which conclusions will be drawn regarding the monitoring of income and expenses of future periods. After processing the research results, the form of presentation of the obtained verification data is determined and provided to the head of the enterprise, with the formulation and presentation of proposals for solving the problems posed.

So, internal control at an enterprise is a means of preventing theft and avoiding it in the future, which will be helped by the methodology and the stages of monitoring income and expenses of future periods. It has been established that with the help of an internal audit, the manager (owner) receives reliable and timely information about the object of the audit in order to make effective management decisions.

An important role in shaping the financial results of a company's activities is played by expenses and income of future periods. The concept of deferred expenses includes costs used in the present reporting period, but the cost of goods, works or services will be reflected in the next periods of time of the company’s activities.

Deferred income - an increase in material and monetary savings due to the receipt of assets or repayment of debt. These business and production operations are carried out on different accounting accounts: 97th “Deferred expenses”, 98th “Deferred income”.

Relevance of account 97

In order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 24, 2010 No. 186n, changes were made on the use of account 97 “Deferred expenses” in accounting; the use of the account is considered optional. When conducting business, often, some company expenses can be distributed into the cost of production in stages.

The current PBU allows for an even distribution of costs, for this it is necessary to record accounting transactions on account 97. The chief accountant independently decides on the need to maintain an account. 97. This item of enterprise accounting must be specified in the Regulations on Accounting Policies.

Deferred expenses include:

  • Preliminary work on the seasonal production process;
  • Study of new production operations, equipment and devices;
  • OS repairs throughout the current year (unless a reserve is planned);
  • Payment for services for mandatory product certification;
  • Purchasing a license, etc.

The debit of the active account 97 keeps records of the RBP, corresponding on Kt with accounts of a material and settlement nature: 10,50,51,70,69,76. At the end of the month or any other reporting period from account 97, these expenses are written off to Dt accounts 20,23,25,26,44.

BPO accounting

Example BPO accounting: an organization for business activities acquired a license in the amount of 51,300 rubles. The license was issued for 5 years, written off to cost evenly over 60 months, i.e. 51300/60 (months) = 855 rub. Accounting for the costs of obtaining a license is reflected in the following transactions:

BPR, indirectly or directly, is related to the future earnings of the enterprise. When allocating such costs, the accountant needs a clear justification for their connection with future income generation. Otherwise, it is better to account for expenses as ordinary production costs in reporting periods.

You need to know this: when compiling a balance sheet, RBPs used in one reporting period, but the entire amount is distributed in several, are reflected in one of the asset lines of the balance sheet: 1110,1150,1210,1260.

Advance, not deferred expenses

When determining production costs, you need to remember the clear distribution of these costs. There are expenses that are not included in the account. 97, they are advances:

  1. R&D costs;
  2. Subscription to printed publications;
  3. Payments related to rent.

Accounting for deferred income

Deferred income is considered to be income that is formed on account 98 “Deferred income”. They are characterized by the following operations:

  • Income that is received at the expense of subsequent stages of time (subaccount 98.1). For example: payment for renting an apartment, payment for cargo transportation, for passenger transportation on long-term tickets, etc.

Accounting for transactions on subaccount 98.1 is accompanied by the following transactions:

Dt76 Kt98.1 – rent accrued;

Dt98.1 Kt91.1 – financial result;

  • Receipt for free use (subaccount 98.2). These include received assets other than cash. Related wiring:

Dt 08,10,41 Kt98.2 – capitalization of material assets;

  • Receipts for shortfalls for previous years (subaccount 98.3). This sub-account keeps track of debt receipts during the reporting period for shortfalls for previous years; the accountant makes the following entries:

Dt94 Kt98.3 – shortage determined;

Dt76 Kt94 – write-off to the employee responsible for the shortage;

Dt98.3 Kt91.1 – increase in the amount of income not related to ordinary activities;

  • The difference is the amount that needs to be recovered from the guilty workers and the book value for shortages of material assets (subaccount 98.4).

Dt98.4 Kt91.1 - acceptance into the company’s income of an amount in excess of the detected shortage;

Dt73.2 Kt98.4 – identification of the employees at fault for detected shortages of inventory items.

You need to know this: the balance sheet line “Deferred income” and the liability line “Retained earnings” closely interact with each other, forming an increase in profit that is owed to the owner of the enterprise.

Inventory of income and expenses of future periods

When checking income and expenses of future periods, the created inventory commission examines the accuracy of the primary documents that were included in business transactions.

The result of the BBP inventory is the completion of form No. INV-11 “Act of Inventory of Deferred Expenses,” which reflects the total amount of costs used for the reporting period, with the remaining amount for subsequent reporting periods. Drawing up the act - in 2 copies: the first remains in the accounting department, the second - in the commission.

These expenses and income must be documented and have economic justification. There needs to be a clear distinction between BPO and recurrent costs. The tax office relies on these arguments to recognize the correctness of accounting for expenses and income.

revenue of the future periods- income received (accrued) in the reporting period, but relating to future reporting periods, as well as upcoming receipts of debt for shortfalls identified in the reporting period for previous years, etc. In accounting, such income is taken into account at account 98 “Deferred income”.

On the credit of account 98 “Deferred income” the amounts of income relating to future reporting periods are reflected, by debit– amounts of income transferred to the appropriate accounts upon the onset of the reporting period to which these incomes relate.

Account 98 “Deferred income” can be opened subaccounts.

On subaccount 98-1 “Income received for future periods” takes into account the movement of income received in the reporting period, but related to the future (rent or apartment payments, utility bills, revenue for freight transportation, etc.).

Receipt of utility bills is reflected by the entry:

Debit account 50 “Cashier”

Credit to account 98-1 “Income received for deferred periods.”

On subaccount 98-2 “Free receipts” The value of assets received by the organization free of charge is taken into account. When such assets are received, the following entry is recorded:

Debit of account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” Credit of account 98-2 “Gratuitous receipts”.

On subaccount 98-3 “Upcoming debt receipts for shortfalls identified in previous years” the movement of upcoming debt receipts for shortfalls identified in the reporting period for previous years is taken into account.

1. The amounts of shortages of valuables identified during previous reporting periods and recognized by the guilty parties are reflected:

Debit account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”

Credit to account 98-3 “Upcoming debt receipts for shortfalls identified in previous years.”

2. Debt accrued to the guilty person:

Debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”, subaccount “Settlements for compensation of material damage”

Credit to account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables.”

3. Debt for shortfalls has been repaid:

Debit account 50 “Cashier”

Credit to account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations”, subaccount “Settlements for compensation of material damage”.

4. Write-off of deferred income as debt is repaid:

Debit of account 98-3 “Upcoming debt receipts for shortfalls identified in previous years”

Credit to account 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount “Other income”.

Future expenses– expenses incurred in the reporting period, but related to future reporting periods (expenses associated with mining and preparatory work, seasonal work preparatory to production, etc.).

Deferred expenses are accounted for account 97 “Deferred expenses”. By debit this account reflects expenses incurred in a given period, but relating to future reporting periods, on loan– write-off of expenses for the reporting period. Write-off of deferred expenses is reflected by the entry:

Debit account 20 “Main production”, 23 “Auxiliary production”, 25 “General production expenses”, 26 “General business expenses”, 44 “Sales expenses”

Credit to account 97 “Deferred expenses”.

Future expenses- these are costs incurred by the organization in the previous and/or reporting periods, but subject to inclusion in the cost of products (works, services) in subsequent periods of the organization’s activities.

Dt 94 Kt 98-3 - reflects the amount of shortages of valuables recognized by guilty persons or sentenced to recovery by the court at the same time.

Dt 73-2 Kt 94 - the cost of material assets is attributed to the guilty person.

Dt 70 Kt 73-2 - the amount of the shortage is withheld from the wages of the guilty person.

Dt 50, 51 Kt 73-2 - the amount of the shortage is paid to the cash desk or to the current account.

As the debt for shortfalls is repaid, the amounts received are taken into account as part of other income as the profit of previous years identified in the reporting year - Dt 98-3 Kt 91-1.

Analytical accounting for subaccount 3 is maintained for each type of loss and shortage from damage to valuables.

Subaccount 4 takes into account the difference between the amount recovered from the guilty persons for missing material and other assets and the value at which they are listed on the organization’s balance sheet.

This difference arises between the cost of missing valuables, allocated to subaccount 73-2 “Calculations for compensation of material damage”, and their value reflected on account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”, since the debit of account 94 takes into account:

  • for missing or completely damaged inventory items - their actual cost;
  • for missing or completely damaged fixed assets - their residual value;
  • for partially damaged material assets - the amount of determined losses.

The shortage is attributed to the person at fault:

Dt 73-2 Kt 94 - for the accounting value of missing valuables;

Dt 73-2 Kt 98-4 - for the amount of the difference between the market value and the book price;

Dt 50.70 Kt 73-2 at the same time Dt 98-4 Kt 91-1 - compensation for the shortfall by the guilty party in the amount of the difference.

Analytical accounting for subaccount 4 is maintained for each type of loss and shortage from damage to valuables and for each guilty employee.

Synthetic accounting register - journal order No. 15.

When an organization uses an automated form of accounting using the 1C: Enterprise software product, the registers of synthetic accounting are the turnover of account 98 (General Ledger), analysis of account 98, balance sheet, etc. The analytical accounting registers are the turnover balance sheet for account 98, analysis of account 98 by sub-account, turnover between sub-accounts, account card 98, account card 98 by sub-account, etc.

Deferred expenses are expenses incurred in the reporting period, but related to future reporting periods. The main part of future expenses in organizations consists of expenses for preparation and development of production. In addition, deferred expenses include: expenses for the repair of fixed assets in seasonal industries; expenses for rent of fixed assets or their individual parts (premises); advertising expenses; to purchase licenses; expenses related to payment for telephone and radio communication services transferred for subsequent periods, etc.

Accounting for future expenses is carried out by debiting active account 97 “Future expenses” from the credit of the corresponding material, settlement and other accounts (10, 50, 51, 69, 70, 76, etc.). Monthly or at other times, expenses recorded on the debit of account 97 are written off to the debit of accounts 20, 23, 25, 26, 44, etc. The timing of writing off expenses of future periods, as well as the corresponding costs or other sources to which these expenses are written off, are regulated by legislative and other regulations or determined by the organizations themselves.

Of the total composition of future expenses, a separate calculation item under account 20 “Main production” reflects only the costs of preparation and development of production. The remaining expenses of future periods are written off from account 97 to the debit of collection and distribution (25, 26) or other accounts.

To account for income received in the reporting period, but relating to future periods, use passive account 98 “Deferred income”. On the credit side, the accounts take into account income related to future periods, future receipts of debts, income arising as a result of the excess of the missing values ​​recovered from the culprits over their book value. The debit of the account reflects the write-off of future income to the accounts for property accounting, settlements, account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

The following subaccounts can be opened to account 98 “Deferred income”:

  • 98-1 "Income received for future periods";
  • 98-2 "Gratuitous receipts";
  • 98-3 “Upcoming receipts of debts for shortfalls identified in previous years”;
  • 98-4 “The difference between the amount to be recovered from the guilty parties and the book value for shortages of valuables”, etc.

Subaccount 98-1 takes into account income received in the reporting period, but relating to future reporting periods - rent and apartment payments, utility bills, use of communications equipment, etc. The amounts of income received or accrued are reflected on the credit of account 98, subaccount 1 , and the debit of cash and settlement accounts; write-off of income for expenses of the current reporting period - by debiting subaccount 98-1 and crediting the corresponding cash or current accounts.

Subaccount 98-2 takes into account the value of assets received free of charge. Assets received free of charge are reflected at market value in the debit of property accounting accounts (08 “Investments in non-current assets”, 10 “Materials”, etc.) from the credit of subaccount 98-2. The amount of budget funds allocated to a commercial organization to finance expenses is recorded as a credit to subaccount 98-2 and a debit to account 86 “Targeted financing”.

Subaccount 98-3 takes into account upcoming receipts and debts for shortfalls identified in previous years. For the loan, subaccount 98-3 reflects the amounts of shortfalls identified in the reporting year for previous years, recognized by guilty persons or awarded for recovery from them by judicial authorities, in correspondence with account 94 “Shortages from loss and damage to valuables.” At the same time, account 94 is credited with these amounts and account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations” and subaccount 2 “Settlements for compensation of material damage” are debited.

As the debt for shortfalls is repaid, subaccount 73-2 is credited and accounts for cash or other property are debited. At the same time, the paid debt is reflected in the debit of account 98, subaccount 3, and the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

In subaccount 98-4, the difference between the amount recovered from the guilty parties for missing valuables and their accounting value is taken into account. The identified difference is reflected in the credit of account 98, subaccount 4, and the debit of account 73, subaccount 2. When repaying the debt for the identified difference, subaccount 73-2 is credited and the accounts for cash or other property are debited. At the same time, the repaid part of the difference is written off to the debit of subaccount 98-4 and the credit of account 91.

Analytical accounting for account 98 is carried out by:

  • - for subaccount 1 - for each type of income;
  • - for subaccount 2 - for each gratuitous receipt of valuables;
  • - for subaccount 3 - for each type of shortage;
  • - for subaccount 4 - by type of missing values.