Public financial management. State financial management bodies Structure of the financial system of the Russian Federation

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Management is understood as an element, a function of organized systems of various natures, ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintaining the mode of activity, and the implementation of their programs and goals. In the financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary, financial management is interpreted as “the conscious influence of governing bodies on the finances of the country, regions, economic entities and on financial processes, financial activities, carried out with the aim of achieving and maintaining balance, financial stability of the economy, generating income, profit, financial security of solved economic and social problems.”

In a financial management system, as in another managed system, there is an object and a subject of management. The objects of management are groups of financial relations, and the subjects are financial management bodies. Objects of financial management can also include relationships between business entities regarding the distribution of income (joint funds, equity participation, penalties, etc.; relationships between insurance organizations, on the one hand, and business entities and the population, on the other hand, regarding education and the use of insurance funds; relationships between business entities and higher-level organizations regarding the formation and distribution of cash funds created by a higher-level organization; relationships within enterprises, institutions, organizations for the distribution of revenue, the formation of cash income, savings, cash funds and their use. Objects financial management can also be classified according to the links of the financial system of the Russian Federation.On this basis, the following objects of financial management should be distinguished: state finance, finance of business entities and local finance.

The subjects of financial management are the legislative and executive authorities and management in accordance with their competence in the financial sector. It is legitimate to classify them according to the links of the financial system. Thus, the current management of public finances is carried out by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies. Local finance management is carried out by the financial authorities of municipalities. Large business entities create specialized financial management bodies (finance departments, financial management or departments); in small organizations, financial management functions are included in the job responsibilities of economists, mainly chief accountants.

The functions of financial management should include financial planning and forecasting, financial analysis, financial control, accounting of financial resources and other funds, and also, based on the use of all these functions, financial regulation.

Financial management is carried out through the use of appropriate management apparatus. General financial management is carried out by the highest authorities and management: the President of the Russian Federation and his Administration, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main body carrying out the current management of public finances is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The leadership of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Minister of Finance and his deputies. Before the entry into force of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 No. 314 “On the system and structure of federal executive bodies,” the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation had five first deputies, including one secretary of state, and seven deputies. The organizational structure of the Russian Ministry of Finance included 28 structural divisions. Specialized financial management functions were carried out by the following divisions of the Ministry of Finance: Department of Budget Policy, Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury, Department of Tax Policy, Department of State Internal Debt Management, Department of Industry Finance, Department of Budget Loans and Guarantees, Department of State Financial Control, Department of Interbudgetary Relations, etc.

In accordance with the Regulations “On the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 329, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of budgetary, tax, insurance, foreign exchange, banking, public debt, auditing, accounting and financial reporting, production, processing and circulation of precious metals and precious stones, customs duties, including determination of the customs value of goods and vehicles, investing funds to finance the funded part of the labor pension , organization and conduct of lotteries, production and circulation of security printed products, financial support of the public service, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing.

The main task of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is to develop a unified state financial (including budgetary, tax, insurance, foreign exchange, public debt), credit, monetary policy, as well as policies in the field of auditing, accounting and financial reporting, mining, production, processing precious metals and precious stones, customs duties (in terms of calculation and payment procedure), including determination of the customs value of goods and vehicles. To fulfill its tasks, the Ministry carries out the following main functions:

Development of a draft federal budget and a forecast of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;

Forecasting and cash planning for the execution and execution of the federal budget, drawing up a report on the execution of the federal budget and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;

Implementation of financial control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere;

Improving methods of budget planning and the procedure for budget financing, providing methodological guidance in this area, as well as in the area of ​​drawing up and executing the federal budget;

Management of state internal and external debt of the Russian Federation;

Functions of the issuer of government securities of the Russian Federation;

Coordination of fiscal and monetary policies in accordance with macroeconomic policy objectives;

Other functions.

An independent legal entity that is part of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Treasury bodies first appeared in Russia in 1863, when the State Treasury Department was formed within the Ministry of Finance, which is the executive body responsible for collecting state revenues, storing them and transferring funds from county to provincial treasuries or to the State Bank. In Soviet Russia, after the revolution of 1917, the Treasury bodies were abolished and created again only in 1992. The goals of creating the Treasury were the effective management of income and expenses in the process of executing the republican (later federal) budget of the Russian Federation, increasing efficiency in financing government programs, strengthening control for the receipt, targeted and economical use of public funds.

The structure of the Federal Treasury includes the Main Directorate of the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Territorial bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and Federal Treasury bodies in districts, cities and urban areas. Treasury bodies perform the following tasks:

Carry out cash management in treasury accounts, preliminary and current control of the targeted use of budget funds;

Compile a short-term forecast of the volume of federal budget resources;

Collect, process and analyze information on the state of public finances for public authorities and management;

Prepare reports on financial transactions according to the relevant budget;

Develop methodological and instructional materials for the implementation of the relevant budget.

To carry out these tasks, the Federal Treasury authorities:

Carry out cash execution of the federal budget and management of funds located in the corresponding accounts in the banking system, cash services to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, distribution of income between budgets of various levels;

Maintain a consolidated register of managers and recipients of federal budget funds, accounting for operations on the movement of federal budget funds, collecting, processing and analyzing information and reporting;

Carry out short-term forecasting of income and cash planning of federal budget expenditures.

When monitoring all receipts and payments of funds from budgets and extra-budgetary funds in the structure of the executive branch, the treasury performs the functions of a cashier and chief accountant. The information received from the Treasury allows the leadership of the Ministry of Finance and the Government of the Russian Federation to objectively assess the work of government bodies and optimize the distribution of budget flows among ministries and departments.

Financial management represents government actions related to the implementation of general financial policy, coordination of financial resources, and development of financial legislation.

In any society, the state uses finance to carry out its functions and tasks and achieve certain goals. Financial policy plays an important role in achieving the goals. In the process of its development and implementation, the conditions for fulfilling the tasks facing society are ensured; it acts as an active instrument of influence on economic processes.

Financial policy is a set of measures aimed at mobilizing financial resources, their distribution and use for the state to perform its functions.

Financial policy is part of the economic policy of the state. It is based on the theoretical concepts dominant in a given period, under the influence of which the country’s economic course is formed. So, until the end of the 20s. The economic and financial policies of foreign countries were based on the concepts of the neoclassical school. Their main focus was non-interference by the state in the economy, maintaining free competition, and using the market mechanism as the main regulator of economic processes.

Under the influence of the global economic crisis, the development of state monopolies in the 30-60s. Economic and financial policies were based on Keynesian and neo-Keynesian doctrines. They proceeded from the need to stimulate economic growth and regulate it through the widespread use of government intervention. Financial policy, along with its traditional tasks, used the links of the financial system as an instrument of state-monopoly regulation of the economy and social relations. Budget and tax policies were aimed at maintaining economic balance, easing cyclical crises, and smoothing out social contradictions.

Since the late 70s. The economic and financial policies of Great Britain, the USA and some other countries were based on a neoconservative strategy associated with the neoclassical direction of economic thought. It found expression in the concept of "supply economy", one of the main provisions of which is the limitation of the economic role of the state, its intervention in economic life and especially the social sphere. Other measures of this concept include the reprivatization of part of state property; strengthening the market mechanism of competition: shifting the center of gravity in the economic sphere to the problem of increasing supply, stimulating production, and its efficiency.

In financial terms, the neoconservative direction is based on the need to reduce the volume of redistribution of national income through the financial system; reducing the amount of social spending, in particular on education and health care; stimulating savings growth. Taxes play an important role. The goal is to reduce them, especially for large capital, and reduce the degree of progressiveness of taxation. The need to combat the budget deficit, which is one of the drivers of inflation, is being put forward.

At the same time, in a number of countries (France, Spain, Sweden) the economic concept of dirigisme, based on the views of post-Keynesianism, is preserved. They proceeded from the need to strengthen government intervention in the economy and thus adapt it to new economic conditions.

The main components of financial policy are:

  • tax, the main purpose of which is to withdraw part of the gross national product for national needs, to mobilize these funds and redistribute them through the budget;
  • budget policy is associated with the distribution of the state's funds and its use in accordance with the functions of the state;
  • monetary policy is aimed at changing the money supply in circulation, the volume of loans, the level of interest rates and other indicators of money circulation and the loan capital market.
In countries with developed market economies, most financial relations are outside the control of the state, because the bulk of financial resources are generated and used by their owners at their own discretion. The activities of private enterprises are carried out on the basis of the individual circulation of capital, therefore their monetary funds are separate, decentralized in nature. The state influences this area of ​​financial relations only through tax policy, regulation of credit relations, regulation of the financial market, the formation of a depreciation fund and a system of state support. In other words, what is happening is not financial management by the state, but influence through finance - the implementation of financial policy. As mentioned above, depending on economic policy, the state either establishes or weakens its intervention in the regulation of certain aspects of economic and social processes.

The sphere of direct public administration includes only public finances. This is a relationship to form only that part of the financial resources that are mobilized by the state in state and local budgets, special government funds and state-owned enterprises.

Public financial management bodies

Public finance management is carried out by special bodies using special techniques and methods, incl. various incentives and sanctions. The art of management consists in choosing the most effective method from among those available or creating conditions for the rational use of the methods used in order to quickly solve the problem. Management bodies can be divided into two groups: a) bodies of general (or legislative) financial management; b) operational financial management bodies.

Public financial management in economically developed countries is regulated by legislative bodies through the adoption of financial legislation, approval of the state budget and reports on its execution, the introduction or abolition of certain types of taxes, approval of the maximum amount of public debt, etc.

Depending on the government structure and political system, such legislative bodies are, for example, Parliament in Great Britain and France, Congress in the USA, Bundestag in Germany, etc.

The organization of operational financial management is carried out through the state financial apparatus, the composition and structure of which are also determined in accordance with the state structure of the country. They implement financial policies, develop instructions, methodological recommendations, and carry out work on operational financial planning, accounting, analysis and control.

Financial management at enterprises is carried out by financial departments and services. Their tasks include planning financial resources, distributing proceeds from the sale of products to the appropriate funds, managing cash, marketable securities, planning the capital structure of the company, maintaining accounting records, issues of further development of the enterprise, etc.

Financial management in economically developed countries is usually carried out by several government bodies. In the USA this is the Ministry of Finance (Treasury). Its functions include the development of financial and tax policies, the issue of banknotes and coinage, issues of internal loans and public debt management, control over the implementation of financial legislation and monetary circulation, and the collection of internal revenues. In addition, the Office of Management and Budget under the President is responsible for financial management. It makes up the expenditure portion of the federal budget and develops financial programs, organizes operational control over budget management and is the leading executive body.

The budget is administered by the Ministry of Finance, which collects internal revenue, as well as the Customs Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, which collect customs and tax revenues, respectively.

In the UK, financial management is carried out by a number of bodies. The main one is the treasury, which deals with the development, preparation and execution of the state budget, tax policy, financial and economic forecasting, international financial relations, and control over the expenditure of financial resources by state-owned enterprises. The Department of Customs Duties and Excise is in charge of issues of excise and customs duties and monitors the implementation of legislation in this area. The Department of Internal Revenue monitors the implementation of legislation governing the collection of direct taxes.

The Bank of England manages the public debt. Its competence includes issuing loans, repaying the capital amount of loans, and operations on current debt.

In Germany, financial management is mainly entrusted to the Federal Ministry of Finance. It develops the fundamentals of financial, tax, currency and credit policies, draws up a draft budget and medium-term financial plan, provides cash services to the budget, monitors its implementation, and also distributes resources between parts of the budget system. Financial management involves the Federal Office of Finance and the Federal Public Debt Office, subordinate to the Federal Ministry of Finance. The first department deals with tax audits of enterprises, taxation of foreign investments, and problems of eliminating double taxation; the second - operations to issue and repay loans and finance the budget deficit.

In France, financial management is carried out by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Budget. Its functions include: development of the state budget and control over its execution, cash management of the budget; collection of taxes, duties and other revenues; control over financial transactions; communication between the state and enterprises as a shareholder, creditor or guarantor; public accounting and control. The above functions are distributed among the corresponding main departments.

In Italy, the main financial management bodies are:

  • the treasury, which is responsible for government spending and financial control;
  • the Ministry of Finance, which collects revenue;
  • the Ministry of Budget and Planning, which draws up the state budget and coordinates financial resources;
  • the Ministry of the Interior, which is in charge of local finances.

Public financial management

The main tasks of modern tax policy in Russia:

· significant reduction and structural equalization of the tax burden ;

· minimizing the costs of execution and administration of tax legislation ;

· reducing the tax burden on the wage fund;

· optimization of taxation of foreign trade operations;

· creating conditions for the legalization of enterprise profits;

· reducing the number of taxes and limiting the arbitrariness of tax and customs authorities while simultaneously increasing the responsibility of taxpayers;

· increasing the tax burden on mineral extraction.

Monetary policy is formed by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank. Her tasks:

The main objectives of Russia's monetary policy:

· maintaining inflation at a level that ensures
conditions for economic growth, including lowering interest rates taking into account changes in external and internal factors of economic development;

· creation of new systems based on real-time calculations; development of non-cash payments, including through
application of modern banking technologies, the Internet,
expanding the use of payment cards;

· removal of most restrictions in the field of exchange control.

The implementation of financial policy is carried out with the help of the financial apparatus, which is understood as a certain structure of public finance management bodies.

Question 2: we designated the subjects and objects of the management of the GiMF, the structure of the governing bodies of the GiMF.

Management is a set of techniques and methods of purposefully influencing an object to achieve a set goal or a certain result.

Public financial management is a unity of managed and control systems (subsystems).

The purpose of public financial management is to implement financial policies.

[Control system (control subject):

set of financial institutions]

(Tools and methods of influence)

[Managed system (control object):

· monetary relations;

· financial flows]

The main methodological principles of financial policy and, accordingly, financial management are:

· dependence on the final goal;

· macroeconomic balance of all sectors of the economy;

· compliance with the interests of all members of society;

· use of economic laws;

· taking into account internal and external economic and political conditions based on real opportunities.

The ultimate goal of financial management is to ensure sustainability and financial independence, manifested by:

· in macroeconomic balance,

· zero budget deficit,

· in the growth of the population's well-being.

The control system influences the controlled system using tools and methods of influence. The methods of influence are the following:

Methods and forms of financial management:

· financial planning,

· financial forecasting,

· financial programming,

· financial regulation,

· financial control,

adoption of adequate financial legislation,

· financial monitoring and analysis.

Financial management is a process of purposeful influence, using special techniques and methods, on financial relations and the corresponding types of financial resources for the implementation of the functions of government entities and economic entities, the goals and objectives of their activities.

The control object (managed subsystem) of state and municipal finance is monetary relations and financial flows in the field of state and municipal finance.

..., and are accountable to the Federal Administration

Subjects of public finance management at the federal level:

President of the Russian Federation (Administration of the President of the Russian Federation)

Parliament of the Russian Federation (Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, consisting of two
chambers: Federation Council and State Duma)

Government of the Russian Federation

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Finance of Russia). It includes the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Insurance Supervision Service, the Federal Financial and Budgetary Supervision Service, the Federal Financial Monitoring Service, and the Federal Treasury.

Federal Customs Service (as part of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)

System of the Bank of Russia (Central Bank of the Russian Federation)

Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

Boards of state federal extra-budgetary funds. Subject of the federation.)

· sectoral and territorial redistribution of financial

Types of financial plans:

· Budget plan

· Financial plans of extra-budgetary funds

· Consolidated financial balance of the state (subject of the Russian Federation and municipal


· Balance of cash income and expenses of the population.

The consolidated financial balance of the state is developed by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Finance of Russia. This plan (another second name: balance of financial resources) reflects the formation and use of resources planned as part of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds, insurance and credit funds, monetary funds of enterprises and organizations, as well as funds of the population.

Why is such a plan needed? It allows us to identify the shortage of financial resources throughout the country and justify their redistribution if necessary.

Balance of monetary income and expenditure of the population. This plan reflects the movement of the population’s monetary resources in cash and non-cash form (all the population’s funds: payment for goods and services, everything). Why is such a plan needed? It is of great importance for planning cash turnover in the country, for planning retail trade turnover, for planning tax revenues and the necessary credit resources.

Financial forecasting is foreseeing the possible financial situation of the state, justifying the indicators of financial plans. Precedes financial plans.

When forecasting, the main development trends are identified; these are more aggregated indicators. Moreover, forecast indicators are not necessary for execution; they are a certain direction of movement. But plans are made based on forecasts. Plan - clarification of the forecast for a shorter period of time. But since this is a clarification, the plan indicators are necessarily feasible, unlike the forecast indicators.

The purpose of financial forecasting is to determine the realistically possible volume of financial resources, their sources of formation and use in the forecast period.

Financial forecasting involves:

· identifying internal reserves and opportunities for growth of financial resources;

· validity of drawing up and execution of the budget plan (budget control);

· effective use of labor, material and financial resources of state enterprises and organizations,
budgetary institutions;

· maximum mobilization of revenues to budgets of all levels (tax control).

An important role in the implementation of effective financial control is played by the level of organization of accounting in the country (accounting, budget, and tax). At the same time, reporting documentation is the main object of financial control.

Financial control classification:

· Depending on the entities exercising financial control, the following types are distinguished: national, departmental, on-farm, independent control, financial monitoring.

· Based on the time of implementation, financial control is divided into preliminary, current and subsequent.

· According to the methods of conducting, financial control is divided into inspections, surveys, supervision, economic analysis, audits.

Look in the textbook what applies: what is “preliminary”, “current”, “subsequent”, methods of implementation.

State financial control is carried out by legislative and executive authorities at all levels.

At the federal level, through the legislative branch, it is carried out by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, which reports to it.

The body of state financial control through the executive branch is the Ministry of Finance of Russia. A special role in the implementation of financial control is assigned to the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision and the Federal Treasury, which is under its jurisdiction.

Main functions of the FSFBN:

· conducting audits and checks of the legality and effectiveness of the use of federal budget funds, state extra-budgetary funds and material assets in federal ownership;

· carrying out measures to prevent, identify and suppress violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the financial and budgetary sphere;

· supervision over the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of financial and budgetary control and supervision;

· exercising, within its competence, control over the compliance of foreign exchange transactions carried out in the Russian Federation by residents and non-residents (except for credit institutions and currency exchanges) with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

· organization of the formation and maintenance of a unified information system for control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere.

The question arises: these functions are similar to the functions of the federal treasury. Is there duplication of functions? And if this happens, then why are there two of them? There is no duplication of functions. Similar functions of the federal treasury exist in terms of cash execution of the federal budget and the budget of state funds, and in order to avoid duplication of these functions, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation decided that the federal treasury bodies are assigned actions to carry out preliminary financial control(where they are going), and for the Federal Service for Financial Budget Supervision of subsequent control (then looks at where they were sent, where they went).

The next method is financial legislation.

Classification of financial and legal acts:

· in terms of legal force - laws and regulations;

· by level of power - acts of state power and acts of local self-government;

· according to the degree of regulation of spheres and links of the financial system - acts for management at any link (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and legal acts for regulating a separate link of finance.

The system for monitoring financial indicators and their analysis constitutes financial monitoring.

The following indicators are important for financial monitoring:

· taxable profit;

· net profit;

· product profitability in the form of the ratio of profits to costs;

· profitability of assets of business entities;

· budgeting based on goals and results. T

The essence of state and municipal finance management

optimization management of public finances

Financial management is a set of incentives and punishments for quickly solving the tasks of government policy.

The object of management is the financial system through the regulation of a set of financial relations. At present, in terms of the level of decentralization of budgetary resources, the Russian Federation is practically not inferior to most federal states, however, it formally maintains an extremely high, even by the standards of unitary states, centralization of fiscal powers. In addition, the contradictions between the decentralization of budgetary resources and the formal centralization of fiscal powers are aggravated by the presence of a number of macro-economic problems, sharp differences in the budgetary provision of regions and municipalities, and the uncertainty of the budgetary status of municipalities. Management subjects use specific methods of targeted influence on finances in each area and in each link of financial relations. At the same time, they also have common management techniques and methods.

Specific methods and forms of financial management are:

Financial planning;



Financial regulation;

Operational management;

Financial control

State and municipal finance are monetary relations that arise in the distribution process in connection with the formation of funds from state authorities and local self-government and their use to meet the social needs of citizens, regulate the economy, finance national defense and law enforcement, management and other state expenses and municipalities. With the help of state and municipal finances, state authorities and local governments regulate social processes, influence the development of priority sectors of the economy, smooth out differences in the level of socio-economic development of individual territories of the country, etc.

Lately there has been a lot of talk about changing the course of reforms, or more precisely, about adequate approaches to the financial strategy for the development of society. But this is not about abandoning the foundations of a market economy - market economy models always contain characteristic national-state features and distinctive features. The current situation in the Russian Federation clearly demonstrates the need to strengthen the regulatory role of the state in the financial sector of the economy.

The main problems in the field of state and municipal finances are: balancing budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds; improving the tax system; increasing the efficiency of use of state and municipal property; improving fiscal federalism; ensuring the unity of monetary and financial policies, strengthening financial control, etc.

Public financial management system

The main methodological principles of financial policy and, accordingly, financial management are:

Dependence on the final goal;

Macroeconomic balance of all sectors of the economy;

Compliance with the interests of all members of society;

Use of economic laws;

taking into account internal and external economic and political conditions based on real opportunities.

The goal of financial management is to ensure sustainability and financial independence, manifested in macroeconomic balance, budget surplus, reduction of public debt, the strength of the national currency, and ultimately in the growth of the well-being of the population.

The financial management system is shown in Fig. 1. As a result of the implementation of financial policy, GDP is redistributed, providing conditions for economic and social development.

General management of the financial system is carried out by the highest authorities and management.

The President of the Russian Federation determines the goals of financial policy, signs the budget plan, and has the right to veto financial legislation adopted by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Federation Council and State Duma) establishes taxes, fees, non-tax payments, approves the federal budget, adopts financial legislation (Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code of the Russian Federation), etc.

The Government of the Russian Federation develops the federal budget and acts as a coordinating center for financial management.

4. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Finance of Russia) is the central body that implements financial policy. It ensures the unity of financial, monetary and exchange rate policies in the Russian Federation and coordinates the activities of other federal executive authorities.

5. The Federal Tax Service and the Federal Customs Service exercise control over the correctness of calculation, completeness and timely payment of taxes, customs revenues, fees and other payments to budget funds. The Federal Agency for State Property Management organizes the management of state property in order to generate non-tax income (rent, income from the sale of state property). The Federal Service for Financial Markets controls the activities of stock market participants, thereby helping to increase revenues to the budget fund. The Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision carries out the functions of control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere, as well as the functions of a currency control authority. The Federal Financial Monitoring Service carries out the functions of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, as well as the development of state policy, legal regulation and coordination of activities in this area of ​​other federal executive authorities.

Rice. 1. Public finance management system of the Russian Federation

6. The Bank of Russia system is an important body for the implementation of monetary and financial policies. The Bank of Russia, along with the Federal Treasury, carries out cash execution of the budget and controls the activities of other credit institutions.

7. The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation controls the implementation of financial legislation and the movement of federal funds. It is independent from the Government of the Russian Federation and is accountable to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of financial policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their administrative-territorial and municipal entities is carried out by the relevant financial institutions.

Financial planning is a management activity to achieve balance and proportionality in the movement of cash flows and financial resources, i.e. the optimal ratio between the financial resources at the disposal of the state and the income remaining with business entities.

Financial planning is an integral part of national economic planning, is based on macroeconomic indicators of the forecast of socio-economic development and is aimed at coordinating the activities of all bodies of the financial system. The relative isolation of its individual links predetermines the need to develop a system of financial plans that reflect:

Features of forms and methods of formation and use of monetary funds;

Sectoral and territorial redistribution of financial resources.

Indicators of financial plans are the source material for analyzing the financial situation of the state, the information basis (base) for long-term planning. The system of financial plans allows us to identify objective relationships and long-term trends in changes in the structure of sources of financial resources (income of individuals and legal entities), as well as factors determining the development of these trends in the future. Currently, special attention is paid to medium-term financial planning (two to three years) as a basis for the development of annual and long-term budgets.

Financial forecasting is foreseeing the possible financial situation of the state, justifying the indicators of financial plans. Forecasts can be medium-term (5-10 years) and long-term (more than 10 years). Financial forecasting precedes the stage of drawing up financial plans; it is intended to develop a concept of financial policy for a certain period of development of society. The purpose of financial forecasting is to determine the realistically possible volume of financial resources, their sources of formation and use in the forecast period. Forecasts allow financial system authorities to outline different options for the development and improvement of finance, forms and methods of implementing financial policy.

Financial forecasting involves:

Construction of econometric models that describe the dynamics of financial plan indicators depending on the factors that determine (influence) economic processes;

Correlation and regression analysis;

Direct expert assessment.

Financial programming is a method of financial planning based on a program-target approach. It is intended:

To set priorities for government spending by area;

Increasing the efficiency of spending public funds;

Termination of financing in accordance with the choice of an alternative option.

The choice of program option depends, first of all, on economic (resource) factors. This takes into account not only the scale, significance and complexity of achieving the goal, but also the size of the existing reserves, the expected total effect, and potential losses from not achieving the goal. Programming as an important method of coordinating short- and long-term goals and measures in the field of financial policy is actively used in modern financial planning practice.

State financial control in the Russian Federation is a set of actions and operations to monitor compliance with legislative and regulatory legal acts, norms, standards and rules for the use of public funds. The direct subject of financial control is all cost indicators. The scope of financial control includes almost all transactions performed using money. Financial control contributes to:

Balance between the need for financial resources and the size of funds;

Ensuring timely and complete fulfillment of financial obligations to the state budget;

Identifying internal reserves and opportunities for growth of financial resources;

The validity of the preparation and execution of the budget plan (budget control);

Effective use of labor, material and financial resources of state enterprises and organizations, budgetary institutions;

Maximum mobilization of income to budgets of all levels.

Thus, financial control solves complex and diverse problems in various spheres of economic life of society. An important role in the implementation of effective financial control is played by the level of organization of accounting in the country (accounting, budgetary, tax).

Since in the financial sphere the objects of management are various types of financial relations, financial management is a process of purposeful influence, using special techniques and methods, on financial relations and the corresponding types of financial resources for the implementation of the functions of government entities and business entities, the goals and objectives of their activities. Public finance management aims to ensure: a) the relative balance of economic institutions of the state, legal entities and individuals; b) a deficit-free state budget; c) the stability of the national currency as a fundamental element in financial relations.

Specific methods and forms of financial management are:

financial planning;



financial regulation;

operational management;

financial control;

17. Financial management: objectives and principles

Financial management is a set of techniques and methods aimed at ensuring the development of the financial system of the state, or a specific business entity, in accordance with specified quantitative and qualitative parameters.

Principles of financial management:

· the comprehensive nature of financial policy as a whole and its elements;

· balance of income and expenses within the financial system;

· priority orientation not on maximizing and minimizing financial indicators, but on their optimization;

· interconnection of applied management methods;

· taking into account the specifics of the modern period.


· planning and forecasting of the financial side of the enterprise;

· making informed decisions on investing funds;

· coordination of financial activities of all departments;

· conducting operations on the financial market in order to mobilize financial resources.

18. Financial management bodies, their functions

Financial management is carried out through the use of appropriate management apparatus. General financial management is carried out by the highest authorities and management: the President of the Russian Federation and his Administration, the Federal Assembly, the Government of the Russian Federation.

President of the Russian Federation(Administration of the President of the Russian Federation) regulates the activities of financial bodies, has the right to veto financial legislation, signs the federal law on the federal budget of Russia, prepares and sends the Budget Message to the Federal Assembly.

Federal Assembly approves financial laws, reviews the draft federal budget of Russia and approves the law on the federal budget.

Government of the Russian Federation forms the federal budget, is a single center for financial management, and develops the conceptual framework of financial policy.

Main body The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is responsible for the current management of public finances.

The main task of the Ministry finance of the Russian Federation - development of a unified state financial, credit, monetary policy, as well as policies on auditing, accounting and financial reporting, mining, production, processing of precious stones, customs duties, including the determination of customs duties on goods and vehicles. To fulfill its tasks, the Ministry carries out the following main functions: – development of a draft federal budget and a forecast of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;

– forecasting and cash planning for the execution and execution of the federal budget, drawing up a report on the execution of the federal budget and the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation;

– financial control and supervision in the financial and budgetary sphere;

– improvement of budget planning methods and budget financing procedures, methodological guidance in this area, as well as in the field of drawing up and executing the federal budget;

– management of state internal and external debt of the Russian Federation;

– performing the functions of an issuer of government securities of the Russian Federation;

– coordination of fiscal and monetary policies in accordance with macroeconomic policy objectives.

An independent legal entity, The Federal Treasury is part of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.