The influence of modern society on the socialization of the individual. The influence of society on socialization. Personality and society, interaction and influence


Socialization is the process of assimilation by a human individual of patterns of behavior, psychological attitudes, social norms and values, knowledge, and skills that allow him to function successfully in society.

Any person, when born, finds himself surrounded by other people and gradually learns the model of their life and relationships with each other. This is the social environment formed by people, without which they cannot live. To become a member of this environment, a person must learn the rules and norms of the society in which he lives. The process of gradual assimilation of social rules and norms of the culture of the society surrounding a person is the socialization of the individual.

The concept of socialization was first introduced by a sociologist living in America in the 19th century, F. Giddings, as well as by the French psychologist G. Tarde. They defined the term “socialization” as the process of social development of a person, and his formation as an individual under the influence of the social environment. The most general concept of this process means the interaction of an individual with society on the basis of the rules and norms established by this society.

The relationship of an individual with society is widely studied, in addition to sociology, by such sciences as psychology, economics, ethnography, political science, pedagogy and others. Depending on what science studies socialization, the interpretation of this concept has its own specifics.

For example, in social science this concept denotes the process of human adaptation to the social environment. In pedagogy, the concept of “socialization” is sometimes interpreted as “education”, understood in the broad sense of the word. When raising a person, society purposefully transfers to him a certain system of knowledge, norms and concepts, acting on him unilaterally.

Socialization implies a two-way impact: the transfer of public social experience to a person on the one hand, and the manifestation by him of acquired social behavior, knowledge, norms and rules when interacting with the surrounding social environment. In pedagogy, great importance is attached to the adaptation of a person to society to the social groups and institutions that surround him throughout his life, starting with family, school, institute, and work collective.

Sociology can be called a basic science that studies society from all sides, drawing on all human experience and knowledge.

A person adapts socially through three main areas:

  • through its activities;
  • through communication with other people;
  • through the formation of self-awareness.

The manifestation of socialization occurs in the creation of stable connections within these spheres, as well as between them, i.e. a person adapts in society on the basis of:

  • its activities and its constant expansion,
  • entering into communication with more and more people;
  • awareness of oneself as an individual.

When mastering any activity, as well as its various types, a person chooses the directions in which he feels most comfortable and confident. This also occurs under the influence of other people's attitudes towards his activities. In the process of activity, a person’s social circle expands significantly, connections acquire a stable, deep character, which has a huge impact on a person and his adaptation in society. As a result, he develops internal self-esteem and identification of his personality. A person evaluates and develops his own image throughout his life. It can change under the influence of different social conditions, for example, when entering different social groups.

What types of socialization are there?

A person learns the rules of life throughout his life from the moment of birth to its end. A person isolated from society is not able to fully realize his potential as an individual. The assimilation of social norms of behavior transforms him from a biological element into a social being.

Studying this process, scientists explain its formation in different ways. One scientific point of view divides socialization into two types: primary and secondary, and associates them with periods of life. The first stage of life is associated with the assimilation of the basic rules and norms of human life in childhood and adolescence. Secondary social adaptation covers mature and old age and occurs in the second half of life.

Another point of view is not related to dividing the process into age stages. According to scientists, primary and secondary socialization last throughout life. A sign of primary adaptation is the influence of guides, which include people from the immediate environment: parents, relatives, friends. A person maintains an informal relationship with them. Secondary social adaptation occurs under the influence of norms and rules emanating from guides with whom a person has formal relationships. These are unfamiliar people, formal representatives of institutes, schools, production team administrations, the army, house management, etc.

What factors influence socialization?

The process of adaptation to society is influenced by many factors, but the following are considered the main ones:

  • hereditary properties of a person;
  • close physical social environment;
  • general culture;
  • level of group experience;
  • own unique experience.

The biological hereditary factor, as well as the immediate environment, showing patterns of cultural behavior of their social group, have a significant influence on the formation of personality. But the determining factors influencing the process of adaptation to society are group social experience and the unique experience gained by the individual himself.

Stages and stages of personality socialization

Primary and secondary socialization occur throughout life, forming and changing a person’s worldview in stages. After the initial stage of socialization, when a person moves away from the influence of parents, mentors and other guides of social life, he begins to independently acquire the experience of society and adapt to his environment. This continues until the very last days of a person’s life. At the same time, his usual environment of close people with whom he communicates informally may change more than once.

The conditions of formal society may also change: place of work, service, change in environment and place of residence. He has to adapt to a new society, rejecting the usual, previously received attitudes. This process is called secondary socialization or resocialization. This process occurs throughout one’s entire adult life, even if a person does not undergo dramatic changes, he has to adapt to emerging circumstances and fit into the surrounding society constantly.

What is desocialization?

The process opposite to socialization, when the meaning of values, connections, norms and life attitudes that a person previously guided and valued is lost, is called desocialization. For example, this happens when isolated from society, when a person goes to prison or, radically changing his worldview, goes to a monastery. Desocialization is often explained by psychological reasons, when a person deliberately leaves society, not accepting its rules and norms, and loses interest in life.

Ontological transformations of all aspects of life have led to the formation of a new society in which theoretical knowledge becomes the main source of policy formation and innovation - a post-industrial postmodern society. Postmodernity is a qualitatively new social state achieved by industrial societies that have gone through a long path of evolutionary development.

Approaches to understanding socialization in postmodern society

The distinctive characteristics of the new society are reflected in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres. In the postmodern era, there is a sharp increase in social and cultural diversity, social processes are becoming more diverse, people have new motives and incentives due to the influence of cultural factors.

From the point of view of personal socialization, the new era brings with it requirements such as:

  • rejection of ethnocentrism,
  • affirmation of pluralism,
  • attention to the individual, his subjective experiences,
  • differentiation of cultural uniformity.

In other words, numerous post-industrial transformations lead to a restructuring of the personal content of modern man, a change in the essence of socialization processes.

Definition 1

At its core, socialization is a process that results in the establishment of one or another type of relationship between the individual and society.

At various stages of historical development, this relationship represents the relationship between the individual and the social in a person, his orientation towards the priority of public or personal interests formed as a result of socialization.

The role of individual socialization in the process of ensuring the safety of society

A society striving for self-preservation and ensuring a lack of conflict, tries to endow the new generation with the skills and abilities of group survival developed and accepted specifically in this society.

In other words, the main goal of socialization from the standpoint of ensuring the safety and development of society is the formation of an individual who acts precisely as a component of this society, possessing its experience and bearing its characteristics.

The relationship between the individual, society and culture

The individual and society are interconnected and interdependent. Both the individual and society exist and develop within the framework of a certain cultural model.

Personality is the subject of interaction; society is a set of subjects of interaction, and culture is a set of meanings, norms and values ​​that interacting subjects have, objectifying and revealing these meanings.

The influence of postmodern society on the socialization of the individual

Cardinal institutional transformations in Russia in recent years have significantly deformed all aspects of social reality, including distorting the processes of interaction between the individual, society and culture. The traditional institutions of socialization for Russian society, including the education system, family, upbringing, etc., are currently being supplanted by the values ​​and cultural institutions of mass society.

As a result of the increasing influence of mass culture, the emergence of a consumer society, the meaning of human existence and its end in itself becomes prestigious status consumption, familiarization with the world of beautiful, prestigious things. The means become the goal, which leads to the alienation of the individual from the world of spiritual values, deforming the structure of their development, which, in turn, leads to significant difficulties in the process of implementing socialization as a process of ensuring the continuity of generations.

- a complex organism in which all cells are closely interconnected and the efficiency of the life of society as a whole depends on the activities of each of them.

In the body, new cells take the place of dying cells. So in society, new people are born every second who don’t know anything yet; no rules, no norms, no laws by which their parents live. They need to be taught everything so that they become independent members of society, active participants in its life, capable of teaching the new generation.

The process of assimilation by an individual of social norms, cultural values ​​and patterns of behavior of society to which it belongs is called socialization.

It includes the transfer and mastery of knowledge, abilities, skills, the formation of values, ideals, norms and rules of social behavior.

In sociological science it is customary to distinguish two main types of socialization:

  1. primary - the child’s assimilation of norms and values;
  2. secondary - the assimilation of new norms and values ​​by an adult.

Socialization is a set of agents and institutions that shape, guide, stimulate, and limit the development of a person.

Agents of Socialization- these are specific People, responsible for teaching cultural norms and social values. Socialization institutionsinstitutions, influencing the process of socialization and directing it.

Depending on the type of socialization, primary and secondary agents and institutions of socialization are considered.

Agents of primary socialization- parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, other relatives, friends, teachers, leaders of youth groups. The term “primary” refers to everything that constitutes a person’s immediate and immediate environment.

Agents of secondary socialization- representatives of the administration of a school, university, enterprise, army, police, church, media employees. The term “secondary” describes those who are in the second echelon of influence, having a less important impact on a person.

Primary institutions of socialization- this is family, school, peer group, etc. Secondary institutions- this is the state, its bodies, universities, church, media, etc.

The socialization process consists of several stages, stages

  1. Adaptation stage (birth - adolescence). At this stage, uncritical assimilation of social experience occurs; the main mechanism of socialization is imitation.
  2. The emergence of a desire to distinguish oneself from others is the stage of identification.
  3. The stage of integration, introduction into the life of society, which can proceed either safely or unfavorably.
  4. Labor stage. At this stage, social experience is reproduced and the environment is affected.
  5. Post-labor stage (old age). This stage is characterized by the transfer of social experience to new generations.

Stages of the process of personality socialization according to Erikson (1902-1976):

Infancy stage(from 0 to 1.5 years). At this stage, the mother plays the main role in the child’s life, she feeds, cares, gives affection, care, as a result, the child develops basic trust in the world. The dynamics of trust development depend on the mother. A lack of emotional communication with the baby leads to a sharp slowdown in the child’s psychological development.

Early childhood stage(from 1.5 to 4 years). This stage is associated with the formation of autonomy and independence. The child begins to walk and learns to control himself when performing bowel movements. Society and parents teach the child to be neat and tidy, and begin to shame him for having “wet pants.”

Childhood stage(from 4 to 6 years). At this stage, the child is already convinced that he is a person, since he runs, knows how to speak, expands the area of ​​mastery of the world, the child develops a sense of enterprise and initiative, which is embedded in the game. Play is important for a child, as it forms initiative and develops creativity. The child masters relationships between people through play, develops his psychological capabilities: will, memory, thinking, etc. But if parents strongly suppress the child and do not pay attention to his games, then this negatively affects the child’s development and contributes to the consolidation of passivity, uncertainty, and feelings of guilt.

Stage associated with primary school age(from 6 to 11 years old). At this stage, the child has already exhausted the possibilities of development within the family, and now the school introduces the child to knowledge about future activities and conveys the technological ethos of the culture. If a child successfully masters knowledge, he believes in himself, is confident, and calm. Failures at school lead to feelings of inferiority, lack of faith in one’s strengths, despair, and loss of interest in learning.

Adolescence stage(from 11 to 20 years). At this stage, the central form of ego-identity (personal “I”) is formed. Rapid physiological growth, puberty, concern about how he looks in front of others, the need to find his professional calling, abilities, skills - these are the questions that arise before a teenager, and these are already society’s demands on him for self-determination.

Youth stage(from 21 to 25 years old). At this stage, it becomes important for a person to search for a life partner, cooperate with people, strengthen ties with everyone, a person is not afraid of depersonalization, he mixes his identity with other people, a feeling of closeness, unity, cooperation, intimacy with certain people appears. However, if the diffusion of identity extends to this age, the person becomes isolated, isolation and loneliness become entrenched.

Maturity stage(from 25 to 55/60 years). At this stage, identity development continues throughout your life, and you feel the influence of other people, especially children: they confirm that they need you. At this same stage, the person invests himself in good, beloved work, caring for children, and is satisfied with his life.

Old age stage(over 55/60 years old). At this stage, a completed form of self-identity is created on the basis of the entire path of personal development; a person rethinks his entire life, realizes his “I” in spiritual thoughts about the years he has lived. A person “accepts” himself and his life, realizes the need for a logical conclusion to life, shows wisdom and a detached interest in life in the face of death.

At each stage of socialization, a person is influenced by certain factors, the ratio of which is different at different stages.

In general, five factors can be identified that influence the socialization process:

  1. biological heredity;
  2. physical environment;
  3. culture, social environment;
  4. group experience;
  5. individual experience.

Each person's biological heritage provides the “raw materials” that are then transformed into personality characteristics in a variety of ways. It is thanks to the biological factor that there is a huge diversity of individuals.

The process of socialization covers all layers of society. Within its framework adoption of new norms and values ​​to replace old ones called resocialization, and a person’s loss of social behavior skills is desocialization. Deviation in socialization is usually called deviation.

The socialization model is determined by, what society is committed to values what type of social interactions should be reproduced. Socialization is organized in such a way as to ensure the reproduction of the properties of the social system. If the main value of society is personal freedom, it creates such conditions. When a person is provided with certain conditions, he learns independence and responsibility, respect for his own and others’ individuality. This manifests itself everywhere: in the family, school, university, work, etc. Moreover, this liberal model of socialization presupposes an organic unity of freedom and responsibility.

The process of socialization of a person continues throughout his life, but it is especially intense in his youth. It is then that the foundation for the spiritual development of the individual is created, which increases the importance of the quality of education and increases responsibility society, which sets a certain coordinate system of the educational process, which includes formation of a worldview based on universal and spiritual values; development of creative thinking; development of high social activity, determination, needs and ability to work in a team, desire for new things and the ability to find optimal solutions to life problems in non-standard situations; the need for constant self-education and the formation of professional qualities; ability to make decisions independently; respect for laws and moral values; social responsibility, civil courage, develops a sense of inner freedom and self-esteem; nurturing the national self-awareness of Russian citizens.

Socialization is a complex, vital process. It largely depends on him how an individual will be able to realize his inclinations, abilities, and become a successful person.

Modern society is a mechanism that is complexly structured and at the same time striving for a single, global standard of values, on which the heritage of various cultures and traditions has left its mark. As you know, any macrosystem consists of many microcomponents, and society is no exception. Each individual representative, one way or another, contributes to the development of the entire “organism” as a whole, but in nature the law of feedback always operates and, in turn, each person is no less important and is almost the most important and its fundamental factor.

Where are you from?

From the moment of his birth, any person finds himself in a certain social environment, where its inherent traditions, customs, as well as religious and cultural values ​​play a role. Family, immediate environment and, finally, generally accepted canons by which the world lives, with which we begin to associate ourselves as soon as we enter conscious age, as if from plasticine they mold us into what will later become our main essence and determine that spiritual and moral vector, focusing on which we will build our future lives.

Thus, the influence of society on the development of personality is enormous and its importance at this level should in no case be diminished. But in the future, it does not stop. We constantly look back at the generally accepted rules of life when choosing one or another option for interacting with others and try to give an objective assessment of our behavior in accordance with these very standards. So the influence of society on a person’s personality continues until the end of his days. Society can execute, or it can also crown. He hangs labels by which our status and place in the hierarchy of our peers are determined. All this is reflected in the strengths and weaknesses of our personality and forces us to develop the ability to adapt to the situation depending on the circumstances.

Believe it or figure it out?

But the influence of society on personal development lies not only in this. The mixing of different cultural ideologies or their forced change (for example, moving to another country) can lead to the formation in the individual of a feeling of confusion and a breakdown in the individual’s consciousness the process of revaluation of values, which in turn is fraught with various negative consequences for the psychological state of a person.

The society around us usually clearly defines where is black and where is white, but between these two colors in life, as you know, there are many more shades and despite the undeniable influence of society on the individual, a lot in its formation and further development depends on the degree of self-improvement of a person and from his desire for a state of internal harmony and integrity, as well as for a compromise interaction with the social environment around him.

The influence of society on the formation of personality

The influence of society on the formation of personality





The influence of society on the formation of personality

Svezhentsev B.M. teacher of Russian language and literature



Society is the world of people. Man lives in this world. It is where one is born, develops, and becomes a personality. Through it he perceives certain knowledge, values, norms of behavior, etc. All this is associated with a number of important concepts such as socialization, society, personality, moral choice, moral responsibility.

Society is all of humanity in its history, present and future. The unification of people in society does not depend on someone's desire. Entry into human society occurs by declaration: every person born is naturally included in the life of society. And it, in turn, dictates the rules and laws that must be obeyed in order to exist in a given society. But at the same time, meeting certain conditions, it is important that a person be his own master!

In the modern world, this topic is relevant, as both society and man, as an integral part of it, existed, exist, and will always exist. Now an important problem is to find common ground and find compromises in the relationship between them. The subject of the study is personality, the formation of personality, since one is not immediately born with it.

The purpose for which this review is carried out is to identify the positive and negative aspects of the impact of society on a person. When considering certain examples, facts and patterns in the life of society, one can draw appropriate conclusions about the formation of a person in society.

For disclosure, the following issues are considered within the abstract: concepts of society, human socialization, the concept of personality, the need for communication for a person, his moral choice, his responsibility, human behavior in society.

This study will be conducted based on the study of relevant literature and its further analysis. In science, a part of the world is called a society. It includes not only all living people. Society is understood as continuously developing. This means that it has not only a present, but also a past and a future.

The appearance of society reflects the position of a person in it. Having been born, each person gradually begins to respect human culture, acquire his own characteristics, enter society, and assert himself among other people. This process of an individual entering society is called socialization. It begins in very early childhood and does not essentially stop until old age.

Socialization covers all processes of introducing a person to culture, his training and education, interaction with other people, his mastery of the values ​​and norms of society, the acquisition of certain rights and responsibilities, views and habits, etc. The result of socialization is a full-fledged personality. “Personality” is a polysemantic word. One of the meanings of the concept “personality” expresses the essence of a person - the most important thing that is inherent in a given person, the totality of his internal properties as a social being. This does not mean, of course, hair color, substance volume or leg length. We are talking about the traits of the mind, soul, behavior that are characteristic of this particular person - individual: what he loves, values, how he treats other people, is he able to help, do a good deed, is he able to keep his word firmly. It is very important whether a person has his own personal opinion, as well as the courage to openly express and defend it, make his own decisions, and, of course, be fully responsible for his actions. Or it floats with the flow, like a piece of wood, and is pliable to someone else’s will, like plasticine. The great German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) defined personality very expressively: it is a person’s ability to be his own master thanks to chosen firm principles. Be your own master. What does it mean? It probably means that we

we call “having character” - the ability to be an independent, independent, decisive, proactive person, i.e. as they say now, autonomous. This means having a developed consciousness of human dignity and responsibility, and being free from the dictates of other people. Autonomy is achieved through the process of education and self-education.

I. Kant believed that all these qualities - the ability to be your own master, to have principles - do not fall from the sky, as they say. They must be developed, and voluntarily, i.e. freely, subject to the good wishes of the person himself. In other words, everyone makes himself a person and is responsible for it himself. There is no other way to become an individual.

This is the opinion of I. Kant. Science has its own hypothesis. It lies in the fact that a person is not born, but becomes. Personality is formed in certain social conditions, gradually assimilating the experience of generations - language, knowledge, morality, law, customs - everything that makes a person human. A normal person spends his entire life shaping himself, replenishing his knowledge and culture, and improving spiritually. This happens through ordinary communication between a person and the society in which he lives.

“Communication” is a broad and multifaceted concept. A person reads a book, communicates, watches a play, gives a lecture, talks on the phone, talks with a friend - all this is communication. Despite all the differences in the understanding of the word “communication”, it expresses the exchange between people of certain results of their mental activity - acquired information, thoughts, judgments, assessments, feelings.

A person needs communication with another person from the moment of his birth. Through communication, a person gains knowledge about the world around him; with the help of communication, experience is transferred, and the assimilation of those cultural and moral values ​​that have been developed by humanity occurs. Thanks to communication, people learn to evaluate actions and relationships, learn rules of behavior, and apply them in practice. Such important human qualities as integrity, responsiveness, honesty, kindness, are not only manifested, but also formed in communication.

Any person evaluates himself as if through the eyes of other people. The more diverse one’s social circle, the more varied a person’s information about himself.

Personality is based on morality and moral principles. Moral rules give a person a model of behavior. But there are many rules, they are different, and a person always decides for himself what he should do: observe or not observe moral standards. In other words, a person always has freedom of choice.

In life, each of us, like a fairy-tale hero, must constantly think about and choose one or another decision. For example, you have two apples, one of them is large and beautiful, the other is clearly worse. A friend has come to see you. The thought arises: should I treat you or not? And if you give me a treat, which one should you take for yourself? Moral - and you know this - teaches: always share with your neighbor - give the best piece to a friend. But there is another selfish morality: your own shirt is closer to your body. Are you wondering: what to do? This is the choice of action, or more precisely, the moral choice. But cases are more complicated. And who controls and evaluates your choice?

The answer may be: the people around you are public opinion. Public opinion can evaluate our actions, our actions, when the choice has already been made, the action has been completed. Then public opinion decides what action we have committed - good or evil, honest or dishonest, useful or useless, smart or stupid, etc.

All our actions have certain consequences. There is a philosophical parable about a diligent woodcutter. He honestly collected firewood, was paid well and was praised for his hard work. Only one thing was hidden from him: the brushwood went to the fires of the Inquisition. It says that a person must always comprehend his actions, foresee their consequences, know what will happen as a result - good or evil. Because, even if we work hard and earn good money, but at the same time we do not think about the meaning of our activity, its social results, consequences, we can find ourselves in the position of a thoughtless woodcutter who has become a toy in the hands of evil and willy-nilly helps to commit crimes.

And one more thing: where are the guarantees that one day the naive woodcutter himself will not become a victim of evil and will not end up in that very fire? And the wood for the fire will be prepared by another naive woodcutter.

In short, each of us - whether we like it or not - always bears responsibility for the social results of our actions. Human behavior in general can be defined as one or another way of life, actions and actions of people. Sometimes it may seem that an individual's actions are entirely his own business. However, living in society, any individual is almost constantly surrounded by other people, and there are cases when conflicts arise between the individual and society, which are associated primarily with the deviant behavior of those who neglect social norms.

The life of any society is constantly changing and filled with contradictions, so social disagreements are inevitable. Moreover, they are a normal and sometimes necessary element of a person’s personal and social development. This is explained by the fact that conflicts can play not only a negative, but also a positive role in society. When characterizing “personality,” they mean “integrity,” which is born in society. Therefore, the main goal of personality development is a person’s more complete realization of himself, his abilities and capabilities, more complete self-expression and self-disclosure. But these qualities do not develop without the participation of other people, in isolation.

When in society, a person does not behave exactly the same as at home. In the house he feels free and easy: he doesn’t need to think about what to wear, what to eat, how to eat, what to say.

When he goes out into society, he is in constant tension. Each person needs to be able to adapt to the social conditions that surround him, since society has developed its own moral values, norms, foundations and requires unquestioning submission to them. This is where various kinds of conflicts arise between people in society, since a person does not always agree to follow the same social rules.

Every person in society simply needs to be able to evaluate their actions, assimilate certain laws and, most importantly, apply them in practice. After all, as you know, a person cannot live alone, therefore, whether he wants it or not, he has to behave as society demands.


As a result of the research, the set goal was achieved: a definition of the concept of personality and society, culture and communication was given, and the relationship between society and man was found. As a result, it becomes clear that the problem of personality and society is an immense, significant and complex problem, covering a huge field of research. As Seneca once said: “We are born to live together; our society is a vault of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other.” Thus, without individuals, there would be no society as a whole. When researching the main issues, it was considered what is positive and negative in the influence of society on a person. During the work, it can be noted that society influences each person individually, since all people are completely different. But in the end, it can be unequivocally stated that society shapes a person, lays in him the necessary base of qualities and lines of behavior. As a result, it can be noted that the optimal option will be considered the one in which a person can learn to perform actions and actions both in accordance with his moral principles and social ones at the same time. After all, a person and society cannot exist without each other - this was proven in ancient times.

The influence of society on a person

We are a biological species, but as individuals we can only emerge as a result of cultural evolution. The influence of society on a person is a process in which each individual representative has a certain impact on overall development.

Stages of personality formation

The process of becoming an individual as a personality begins from the moment of birth, when the factor of heredity lays the foundation for formation. Other factors of influence of society on human development:

  • natural environment, climatic features of the area of ​​residence;
  • a set of social norms and cultural values ​​accepted in the group;
  • a person’s assimilation of norms that provide influence on the socialization process;
  • subjective experience that accumulates when leaving different situations.

The natural factor is the most important condition for the harmonious development of society. The influence of society on the development of personality lies not only in practical significance, but also has artistic, scientific, and moral significance.

The influence of society on the formation of personality begins literally from the moment of birth. The socialization process can be divided into several age categories:

  • early up to 3 years;
  • from 3 to 11 years;
  • teenage, from 12 to 15 years;
  • adolescence (up to 18 years).

The most important thing in ensuring the influence of society on the individual is the institution of the family, as well as children's groups. By the age of 18, a practically formed young personality has his own opinions.

The influence of social groups on human psychology and behavior can be both positive and negative. The concept of personality is manifested in the totality of social qualities acquired in life.

The influence of a group of society is aimed at eliminating the negative qualities of an individual, and the presence of feedback allows us to evaluate the correctness of the chosen vector of development.

The group contains people with different levels of knowledge, skills and abilities. By communicating with people of a higher level of development, you can quickly achieve your goal and become successful.

The influence of society on the individual through groups is the requirement to fulfill norms. Communication skills are developed here, and positive emotions from communication increase self-esteem and give confidence.

If group interests become higher than the interests of its individual members and act to the detriment of society, then the negative influence of the group is noted. When the opinion of the majority is imposed, gifted individuals are under psychological pressure.

As a result, such people either became conformists or succumbed to social ostracism, even to the point of expulsion. Sometimes a group can initiate character development in a negative direction, the acquisition of bad habits.

This influence of society can be illustrated by the well-known saying “whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from it.”

The influence of the individual on society

Society in the modern understanding is a complex macrosystem striving for a single standard of values, taking into account the heritage of different cultures and traditions. Not only is the influence of society on the individual noted, but also the reverse process. A person’s influence on society is determined by the degree of development of mental abilities and the ability to effectively interact with groups.

In relation to the environment, a person can act in different roles: consumer, creator or destroyer. The lowest level of responsibility is consumer responsibility, when an individual limits his interests to mercantile and petty needs.

A higher level of responsibility involves increasing the influence of a person’s position on others. The degree of influence of an individual on society is determined by the ability to act. A strong and purposeful individual can influence changes in the world by rallying a group of like-minded people around him.

When performing a certain function in society, a person’s activity for the benefit of the environment is encouraged. The power of a positive example is one of the main tools of individual influence on society.

Many works of fiction raised pressing social issues, and writers had a significant impact on the course of history. Turgenev’s stories “Notes of a Hunter,” where the images of peasants are described with sympathy and love, showed the immorality of serfdom, and in Russia the public rose up to fight for its abolition.

The arguments given by Sholokhov in the story “The Fate of Man” led to the adoption of a law on the rehabilitation of prisoners of war, who had previously been tried as traitors to their homeland.

Society and people cannot exist and develop without dependence on each other. A.M. Gorky in his work “The Old Woman Izergil” showed that a person cannot be happy if he places himself above society. By sacrificing his life, like Danko, he will remain in history as an example of courage.

The multifaceted process of becoming a person is possible only with constant work on oneself and as a result of the influence of various groups.

Personality and society, interaction and influence

Personality and society. Why are these words always nearby? Personal characteristics are always called a certain set of properties of an individual that are useful for society and recognized by this very society. Try not to call lonely Robinson a person. Everyone is accustomed to correlating the concept of personality and society, personality in society. But is a single person who has crossed the strait, or who has lived for several years and retained a bright mind and health, not a person?

Naturally, for most people this is unacceptable, and everyone will consider a person to be a person who has achieved some success in properties or qualities that are significant for each society separately.

Each culture or social stratum, group, isolated from the rest of the community by a number of characteristics or restrictions, will have its own important and useful properties. It is the measure of an individual’s mastery of these significant properties that will (for society) determine the individual’s personal characteristics.

We consider any person as an individual, without division by gender, age or race. Personality in society is the degree of development of consciousness, mind, intellect, physical and psychological qualities, as well as the properties and ability of the individual to interact productively with the surrounding society. Naturally, these factors are also influenced by the level of development of society itself.

Is a person's position in relation to society important? Naturally! In relation to society, a person can be a consumer, creator or destroyer. Consumer – for me, has nothing to do with personality. This is an ordinary cog, or a lamb in the herd. His opinions or actions have little impact on society or the lives of other individuals. In turn, the position of the individual directly influences the lives of the individuals around him. The higher the level of personal development, the higher the degree of influence.

Personality begins to form even before birth, while in the womb; the formation of personality will already be influenced during this period by what kind of music the mother will listen to, what to eat and how to behave. All processes occurring during pregnancy have a direct impact on the mother’s emotions, and on the chemical composition of the blood, as well as on the metabolic processes inside the fetus, and as a result on the formation of its future psyche.

It turns out that the statement that personality formation begins together after birth is erroneous. A person already at the time of birth has a certain basic set, which changes or develops in the process of life.

Heredity also has a certain influence on the formation of personality; in this case, physical qualities and characteristics of the nervous system are laid down. If we raise and train the same child born into a family of Africans living in the wild or Africans living for several generations in the United States, we will see a different manifestation of the qualities necessary for survival. They will have different sense of smell, reaction speed, susceptibility to external influences, different immunity, and so on.

Is it possible to become a person without society? I doubt. Life without society is impossible for a person, at least at the stage of personality formation. Society, with its requirements, prohibitions, and restrictions, sets the vector for personal development. In a primitive society, certain properties are needed, and in modern society, others are needed. Different social strata and groups put forward completely different demands on a person.

Those properties that society considers important and necessary personality traits are gradually developed to one degree or another in people, as a response to an external stimulus.

Oddly enough, society in every possible way underestimates the properties and qualities of an individual, in exchange for recognition by the herd. To receive encouragement from the kindergarten teacher, the child will sit quietly and obey. Is this a personality trait?

My wife and I recently (immediately before writing the article) argued about personality traits and their list. We came to a short list of four points. A person is someone who is able to lead (leadership qualities), has his own opinion, is capable of self-learning, and is self-sufficient. Everything else can be entered into one of these points. Personal development implies a constant increase in demands on oneself, and compliance with these growing requirements.

The level of personality development can be assessed by the level of development of needs and the level of responsibility. The lowest level of responsibility implies only one’s own mercantile and petty needs. Next there may be a level of responsibility for your family, entrance, house, street, city, country, planet. It is possible that there are individuals for whom the level of responsibility is even higher or broader.

The level of personality development is also determined by the degree of ability to act. The more global the ideas, decisions and actions, the higher the level of personal development. To see or understand the level of personality development, it is enough to listen to what a person is talking or thinking about. Primitive people think only about their stomach or small household goods.

Also, the degree of personal development can be indirectly assessed by the ability to adapt to the environment or society. A true personality is able to feel at home in any place and under any circumstances, while maintaining the ability to adequately interact with the surrounding world and circumstances.

The ability of a person to maintain their properties and characteristics in any conditions can be amazing. Such people manage to maintain at least partially their habits anywhere on the planet. They may shave in the trenches under fire, carry a volume of their favorite poems in an overflowing backpack, or have any other quirks that are completely incomprehensible to others.

A person – an individual – finds in every day he lives an opportunity for self-development, even when doing the least favorite job, or being in places of forced confinement. Khodorkovsky manages to write books in prison and receive a legal education. Isn't this an example of a high level of personality development?

A developed personality increases demands on oneself and on others. In cases where the environment exerts excessive pressure, the personality always remains intact, even when under stress for a long time. A person always looks for the reasons for his failures within himself. At the same time, he can make decisions adequately and show persistence, and even cruelty, in achieving his goals. At the same time, one of my good friends, despite the fact that he is the head of an enterprise, manages to draw very good pictures, and has retained the sense of beauty, which, unfortunately, I have partially lost.

A developed personality - always has a sense of humor (although often peculiar), and smiles a lot, despite the influence of society.

Successful personal development to you!

The influence of society on a person: arguments, development

The formation of personality is affected by the influence of society. This is reflected in a person’s life form, his interests and success.

Methods of influence

For the full development of a person as an individual, communication with other people is necessary. This contributes to the rapid perception of social norms, established moral laws and value orientations.

Influence is a process that results in a complete or partial change in a person’s behavior, his interests, life goals, attitudes, and principles.

It can be negative or positive, is spontaneous, but is intrusive. Public influence is not subject to any control. Can be used to achieve positive or negative goals.

Psychology claims that influence should not have a negative impact on the formation of personality. Literacy, correctness, reasoned thought are the main requirements for psychological influence.

Positive influence

It consists of a positive change in a person, his personal growth. The environment matters. For the result to be truly positive, it is necessary to communicate with successful, intelligent, promising individuals from whom you can learn. Criticism from them will be reasoned, presented in a polite, tolerant form. Being around such people will motivate a person to become better, to try to achieve the same high level of development and self-organization.

Psychologists and sometimes hypnologists have a positive influence on personality change. These are representatives of such types of professional activities that require developed perception and correct personal assessment. Using various NLP techniques and suggestions, they help a person get rid of phobic and other mental disorders, understand their mistakes, and see possible prospects.

There are no two identical individuals in the world. Therefore, it is very important to learn to accept the opinions of others, evaluate them with dignity and not deny them.

A person who is able to accept thoughts that are completely contradictory to his thoughts is capable of self-improvement and work on himself. This will have a positive impact on decision making in the future.

Proper upbringing is another manifestation of a positive influence on the formation of personality. It is the basis for education of a certain nature. Parents teach the child how to behave correctly in society, what to do in a specific situation and what is best not to do. They are taught the basic laws of morality and norms of behavior.

The positive influence of society is manifested in:

  • eliminating complexes;
  • full formation of beliefs;
  • the ability to argue your opinion;
  • understanding that each person is a unique individual with his own beliefs and
  • reasoning that may not coincide among several people;
  • stimulating human development in the chosen direction;
  • eliminating negative emotions, replenishing positive ones, etc.

Modern scientific analysis has proven that some features of an individual’s behavior disappear when he leaves the social environment or leaves the sphere of influence of a certain group of people. Such a group is a place where a person can express himself - work on communication skills and suggestion techniques.

A properly formed team makes it possible to learn to perceive yourself and others, notice the mistakes of others and be able to see your own. A person learns to filter information; in the process of discussion, he forms his own opinion or views on specific situations and behavior patterns.

Negative influence

There is a period in everyone’s life when the environment is dominated by unsuccessful, unpromising people who drag a person to the bottom. Their criticism does not teach anything, but is only reflected in the form of psychological deformation of the individual. As a result, such an individual, under pressure from society, often acts to the detriment of his own interests.

There are 3 main reactions to such group behavior. Each of these components has its own characteristics:

  1. Suggestibility. A person unconsciously agrees with the opinions of others and accepts the behavior of the group. He doesn’t notice how his manner of communication and type of thinking are changing.
  2. Conformism. A state in which an individual outwardly agrees with certain statements, but internally remains with his own opinion. There is a divergence from the thinking of the individual and the group.
  3. Conscious agreement. An individual really changes his attitude towards something. The interests of the group are actively defended.

Under such negative influence of a group, a person may not have his own opinion. The degradation process is activated.

Consequences of negative influence:

  • increased emotionality;
  • decreased level of self-knowledge and self-expression;
  • depersonalization – renunciation of one’s interests and opinions;
  • development of interpersonal conflicts;
  • increased levels of anxiety and puzzlement, etc.

Another possible negative consequence of group influence may be the inability to unleash creative potential. The main reason is the reluctance of society to perceive a person with a distinctive type of thinking and a different vision of the world. All creative ideas are rejected. As a result, creative potential may disappear altogether or be stuck in development for a long time.

Even when an individual wants to show his independence, he is not allowed to do so. Self-esteem falls, and a person is unable to give an adequate assessment of himself, his actions and certain actions. He does not feel supported by others.

Dependence on the opinion of society

Codependency is a condition that arose due to the fact that a person was unable to resist the influence of others. The phenomenon is associated with decreased self-esteem and the predominance of negative emotions (anger, melancholy, irritation, nervousness, worry, anxiety, etc.).

Codependency not only negatively affects the nature of the individual, but also the emotional and psychological state of a person. He constantly worries about what others will think of him - whether they will judge him or encourage him, whether he will be able to fulfill the expectations of others or whether he will disappoint someone.

Codependent people spend all their vital energy and strength on processing negative emotions. They may have a desire to get rid of the negative impact of society, but they may not have the strength to take any action in this direction.

The main manifestations of codependency created on a negative basis:

  • intrusive help, even when there is no need for it;
  • feeling of insignificance without a relationship with someone;
  • energy is spent on maintaining relationships with others to gain security and peace of mind;
  • fear of doing something contrary to public opinion;
  • perceiving other people's problems as one's own;
  • extinction of creative potential;
  • lack of positive thinking and original decision making;
  • there is a sense of responsibility for the actions of others;
  • helping others even in cases where a person is forced to do something he does not want,
  • so as not to disappoint anyone;
  • may express indignation at injustice, but is unable to protect his own interests;
  • always feels like a puppet; there is a deviation of praise, compliments, and pleasant statements;
  • the patient blames himself for literally everything, even when he is really innocent;
  • always considers himself not good enough.

A codependent person does not know how to say “no”. Because of this, he often does things he doesn't like. He is literally addicted to helping other people. He constantly has a feeling of victimhood or his own insignificance.

The main problem of such people is the lack of a life goal. They constantly help someone, satisfy other people's desires, sacrificing their own dreams.

This public influence is reflected in the physical condition of the patient. Sleep disturbances appear, mental disorders and central nervous system diseases actively develop.

A codependent allows others to hurt themselves. He never speaks openly about his needs. Always agrees to the conditions of others, even if they do not satisfy him.

Such a person is afraid of mistakes and failures. Loses interest in his life. As a result, he becomes a workaholic. Doesn't trust anyone, not even himself. She is very worried when others let her down, which is why she becomes depressed. Suffers from eating disorders and is unable to control emotions.

Codependency also affects an individual's lifestyle. Instead of a cheerful and cheerful state, he is constantly irritated, sad, despondent and complains about everything he can. He points out mistakes to everyone without noticing his own. It combines responsibility and irresponsibility at the same time.


The best solution is to become independent on a psychological level. Stop being afraid to express yourself, break generally accepted norms, and act contrary to others. The main rule to follow is the absence of a negative impact on society.

Independence is the main characteristic of a strong personality. She is responsible for every action and is not afraid of condemnation or failure. Has financial independence. She is conscientious, listens to the opinions of others, but compares them with her own interests. There is healthy egoism.

Rules to follow if you need to protect yourself from the negative influence of the public:

  • Remember that you cannot please everyone. If the other person is not happy with something, don’t try to please him. This will eliminate the need to constantly obey the orders of this person.
  • Stop paying attention to inadequate or eternally dissatisfied people. This takes a lot of strength and vital energy, which can be put to more worthy use. If someone begins to pour out their soul or often share their problems, be able to stop such a person in time. You should explain that you are not ready or do not have time to listen to such complaints.
  • Relax more in the fresh air. Overwork has a negative impact on all aspects of health. It is important to learn meditation and often repeat motivating affirmations. Exercising helps a lot (even a regular walk in the park will do).
  • You must take responsibility only for your own actions and actions. Then there will be no time to think about others. You should create situations that enrich you with positive energy and make you happy.
  • Never give in to rudeness. This is one of the most effective methods of manipulation. Cold contempt can be used to make it clear that such communication is unacceptable. Know your worth.
  • Constantly conduct self-analysis. This will help you keep yourself in good shape and not succumb to social pressure. Try to develop only good qualities. Clearly define your goals, set your priorities, and think about your plan of action. Such an action makes a person strong and independent.
  • Learn to reject people who show pity. You can sympathize with someone, but doing it all the time is a bad decision. Remember the basic rule - no one owes anyone anything.
  • Get rid of the influence of social stereotypes. The most popular of them is social deception. Someone does good, and the other individual should also do something good in return. In this primitive way, many control others to achieve their own goals.
  • You can try to get rid of communication with unpleasant individuals or reduce any contact to a minimum. This will save vital energy and use it more productively.


The influence of other people can have a positive and negative impact on the formation of personality. It is important to learn not to succumb to negative influences, but to highlight the main thing from the positive ones.

The influence of society on the development of a child’s personality

Society plays a huge role in the development of the personality of each person, since it is by living among society that we also become human, accept or reject norms, rules, agree with other people’s opinions or impose our own. A person without society grows up in the likeness of an animal, and science has seen confirmation of this fact more than once: children raised by a pack of monkeys, wolves or dogs were more like animals than people - they were absolutely not adapted for life among us. It is society that makes a person an individual capable of living with others like himself and getting along in this world among people.

What is socialization?

A person by nature needs recognition and approval from the people around him, be it parents or friends. When a baby has just begun to get acquainted with this world, in addition to his physical needs, the praise of family and friends and a high appreciation of his merits are extremely important to him. As the child grows up, such an assessment provides him with confidence in himself, in his strength and in his uniqueness. Expanding the boundaries of his knowledge in society, the child is “cut down” by his further environment - friends do not admire his talents as much as parents, educators and teachers and are completely torn between 20–30 children, not devoting more than 10 minutes to each child. This is socialization, the child’s adaptation to the society around him.

Society is a community of cultures, living conditions, traditions, rules and norms of life; it is important not only how the child understands society, but also how positively society will accept the child. There are often cases when an absolutely normal child without any mental disabilities, simply with his own artistic or dreamy view of this world, getting into society, did not feel comfortable there. People do not like very different individuals, especially if it is impossible to break them and impose their point of view. However, a child must learn to live in society, to coexist with other opinions, other people’s actions, because each of us depends on the other, and by rejecting the norms and rules of society, a person will feel unclaimed and unnecessary, and this will negatively affect his psycho-emotional state.

A child is already born with a certain status in society, for example, based on the country and family in which the child was born, we can safely say that he is a son, a German, an aristocrat - this is an innate status that a little person will not change. But as he grows up, he can acquire other statuses with the help of certain social groups, for example, schoolboy, student, spouse, deputy, officer, etc. Depending on the status of his parents, the child will strive to obtain one or another position, achieve certain goals - and this is one of the merits of society, because the desire to obtain a certain status directly depends on position and approval in society.

And if a child gradually grows into a human being in society, then in most cases his uniqueness will be lost. Kids, who do not yet know about social norms and rules, always tell the truth, do not be hypocrites, talk about their every feeling and sensation - they are free in their “confession”, and that’s why they are so happy. Both at home and outside, the child begins to be put into frames - “this is not possible,” “this is wrong,” “this is uncivilized,” “you are doing badly,” “they don’t do that,” and everything in the same spirit. As a result, the free bird that just recently fluttered in the child’s soul gradually understands that in order to live in society, you need to obey the rules, you need to overpower yourself, in most cases, accept someone else’s opinion, even if you think completely differently. And if someone shows their “I” too brightly to everyone, they may not understand him, which is why many children, distinguished by their individuality and rebellious opinions, are often outcasts among their peers and society as a whole.

Factors influencing socialization

The socialization of a child is influenced by many factors, and first of all they depend on the environment surrounding the baby.

From birth, a child is in a microsociety, and it is this microsociety that has the greatest influence on his development. Microfactors that influence the socialization of a little person are family, kindergarten, school, peers, friends and classmates, that is, those groups that are in undeniable proximity to the child, with whom he encounters every day.

As a child grows, more and more people come into his life. Initially, these are relatives - mother, father, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, sisters and brothers. Then the circle of communication is supplemented by educators, peers, teachers, classmates, and friends. The older the baby, the more microfactors influence him.

This is a more generalized influence on the child, which forms his broad horizons and understanding of what is happening. Mesofactors include regional living conditions, type of settlement (metropolis, small town, town, village), ethnic attitudes, which in the same country, but in different parts of it can be completely opposite, as well as mass media (TV, Internet , newspapers, news).

If we consider the country as one of the factors influencing the child, then it will be a macro factor, since it is more global. Planetary, global, economic, environmental, demographic processes - these are the significant and undeniably important macrofactors influencing human socialization. People of the north are very different from the south, just as people in the east have completely different foundations than the advanced west. Therefore, in each country, class, and climate zone, socialization occurs differently. And this largely depends on the culture in which the child grows up, since it is this culture that determines the social norms and values ​​for a given class. The child must understand that there are people with a different culture, with different life values, with a different way of thinking - and this difference must be accepted, not condemned or fought with it, but simply get to know other peoples and get to know the world.

The influence of society at different age periods

As a child grows up, the number of social institutions that influence the development of his personality increases significantly, some fade into the background, others gain primacy. But each institution has its own educational significance, so ignoring at least one of them will lead to an unacceptable omission in the development of the child’s personality.

  • The influence of society on a child under 3 years of age

While the baby is still very small, he is influenced exclusively by microfactors, that is, family and immediate environment. The family is the most positive and loving social institution that raises a child in “greenhouse” conditions. These are those golden years when family and friends have an undeniable influence on the development of the child’s personality, and parents need to try to instill in their child all the best qualities that in the future will help him take a worthy place in society. The main task of parents is to form a positive emotional sphere for the little man and influence his external behavior, that is, from the first years of life, the baby must know and obey the basic rules of discipline and hygiene.

  • The influence of society on a child in preschool age

During this period of life, the influence of society on the child’s development becomes more diverse, as the child becomes familiar with the rules and guidelines of society. A child’s communication with peers in kindergarten is of enormous importance in the further formation of the child’s personality, because it is among them that the child learns to achieve his goal, understands how and with what he can receive praise not only from mom and dad, but also from other adults, that is educators. In a playful way, the child learns to interact with other children, and certain moral standards are established. Those who spent the entire 6 years at home instead of kindergarten before school do not have such a rich experience of communicating in society that they cannot positively influence the character and personality of the child.

An undeniable contribution to the socialization of the child is made by role-playing games, which prevail in groups in kindergarten. Seeing the style of behavior in his family, the child tries to impose it on others in the game, but is faced with the fact that peers may have their own opinions and their own rules. This way the child learns that not everyone’s family and communication rules are the same, and in older preschool age children learn cooperation at a basic level.

Another question is which kindergarten should you send your child to? Today we hear more and more of the concept of “at-home” kindergarten, where there are only 5–10 children in a group, and not 20, as in a regular preschool institution. The fewer children in the group, the more attention the teacher can pay to each of them, and this is extremely important in the development of thinking, the development of kindness and responsiveness in the child’s heart.

  • The influence of society at primary school age

The upbringing and influence of the family at the moment when the child goes to school weakens by at least half, since now for the child the school is the main institution of education. It is here that the child, in real time, gets the first idea of ​​real society, of discipline, order, respect for other people’s opinions, of learning in general, of the norms and rules of communication, of the difference between communication with peers and with older people in status, that is, with teachers.

At this age, the authority for children is undoubtedly adults - parents and teachers, and this is probably the last step when adults can still instill in a child the right thoughts and actions. The school should be the main educator of the child’s personality, even though it is aimed at teaching, not education.

  • The influence of society on a child during adolescence

Remember yourself as a teenager - the influence of the family is negligible, we absolutely do not listen to our parents, but now socialization outside the home becomes our main task. Authority among peers, the beginnings of a love relationship, the turning point from a dependent child to independence - this is one of the most important and difficult periods in a person’s life. The child spends most of his time among his peers, and after school he does not go home, but goes for a walk outside, and so on every day. Now the influence of society on the development of a child is enormous - his company, the people around him whom he has chosen as friends, their attitude towards him, authority or persecution. A person becomes independent, he improves himself so that his point of view is listened to, so that he is part of society, so that he is not expelled from society, because now all life is continuous communication, and without norms and rules it is almost impossible to survive among others of your own kind.

However, not all children in adolescence fly out of their nest like chicks. Some are still raised by the family, but this is only possible if an exclusively trusting relationship has been established between parents and child.

  • The influence of society on a child in adolescence

When a teenager enters adolescence, the family is no longer an educational institution for the vast majority of people. Now the formation of personality is influenced by the environment in which he is located - company and friends. Those personality traits that have developed in the child up to this point undergo some changes or are further strengthened depending on the social circle in which the child finds himself, depending on situations, on the ability to cope with them, depending on the character and type of temperament of the young person .

And if previously a child lived in society, relying on his parents, knowing that they would always help, advise, and come to the rescue, then at the age of 16–17 years people themselves solve their problems to the best of their ability, without involving adults in this. However, the development of personality in adolescence depends not so much on the influence of society, but on the activity and desire of the child to live in it. A person himself makes a decision - to obey certain norms and rules, or to protest against them.

Girls! Let's repost.

Thanks to this, experts come to us and give answers to our questions! Also, you can ask your question below. People like you or experts will give the answer. Thank you;-) Healthy babies to all! Ps. This applies to boys too! There are just more girls here ;-)

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Abstract 27. “Socialization and education of the individual. The influence of society on personal development"

Socialization is the process of personality formation, during which a person acquires skills, patterns of behavior and attitudes characteristic of his social role. This process should not be understood as a mechanical transfer from outside to inside, since in the course of socialization a person transforms the values ​​of his environment into his own.

Socialization includes both spontaneous and targeted influence. In the latter case, they sometimes talk about education, which is opposed to socialization in the narrow sense of the word.

Socialization has two non-mutually exclusive understandings:

    Socialization can be viewed as the process of internalizing social norms, during which an individual transforms external norms imposed on him by his environment into internal norms to which he voluntarily submits. In other words, the personality makes norms part of the self.

    Socialization can also be seen as an important component of social interaction: individuals strive to increase self-esteem by bringing their actions into line with the expectations of others, and through this desire they become socialized.

Socialization has two main forms, the choice between which largely depends on the biological and psychological characteristics of the person:

adaptation – passive adaptation to the environment, as a result of which a person acts in accordance with its requirements, norms and values;

integration is the active interaction of the individual with the environment, as a result of which not only the environment influences the individual, but also the individual changes the environment.

Socialization performs the following functions:

    the direct function of socialization is the formation of a personality capable of coexistence with other people and generally meeting the expectations of society;

    an indirect function is the translation of established forms of interaction, that is, the preservation of the traditional way of life. Indeed, a person can raise his children appropriately only if he himself has been sufficiently socialized.

The process of socialization begins in early childhood and stops in old age. Socialization at different stages of life is carried out by various institutions and social groups. In childhood, this is, as a rule, a family, kindergarten, school, peer groups, in adulthood - a work team, an adult’s own family, groups to which he belongs.

Primary socialization covers the period of childhood, secondary socialization covers the rest of a person’s life. Primary socialization, according to most studies, has the strongest influence on the development of personality, and secondary socialization seems to be superimposed on what was acquired during primary socialization. It is the family that provides the individual’s entry into other social structures at any level. How smoothly and conflict-free socialization was carried out determines how comfortable a person will feel in adulthood.

In the process of socialization, the individual develops his own image, which includes traces of the images of significant others from childhood. Indeed, how a person will behave in adulthood is largely determined by what role behavior was characteristic of his family members. The point is not only that the family in adulthood will be built largely on the model of one’s own family; we can say that the forms of interaction in the primary group will be transferred to interaction in secondary groups.

Macrofactors of socialization, their general characteristics. Country as a factor of socialization

macro factors (macro - large) - country, ethnic group, society, state, which influence the socialization of everyone living in certain countries (this influence is mediated by two other groups of factors). A country is a geographical and cultural phenomenon. This is a territory distinguished by geographical location, natural conditions, and having certain boundaries. It has state sovereignty (full or limited), and may be under the authority of another country (i.e., be a colony or trust territory). Several states can exist on the territory of one country (remember the divided Germany and Vietnam, and today China and Korea).

The natural and climatic conditions of various countries are different and have a direct and indirect impact on residents and their livelihoods. Geographical and climatic conditions force the inhabitants of the country from generation to generation to overcome existing difficulties or facilitate labor, as well as the economic development of the country. Natural-geographical conditions are just a kind of “framework” for the socialization process. Without playing an independent role in it, they, together with other factors, determine some of its specific features. The way the objective conditions of a country influence a person’s socialization is largely determined by how they are used and taken into account in their lives by the ethnic groups that have developed in the country, society and the state.

The concept of socialization factors, their classification.

Socialization takes place in the interaction of children, adolescents, and young men with a huge number of different conditions that more or less actively influence their development. These conditions affecting a person are usually called factors. In fact, not all of them have even been identified, and of the known ones, not all have been studied. Knowledge about the factors that were studied is very uneven: quite a lot is known about some, little about others, and very little about others. More or less studied conditions or factors of socialization can be conditionally combined into four groups. The first is megafactors (mega - very large, universal) - space, planet, world, which to one degree or another through other groups of factors influence the socialization of all inhabitants of the Earth. The second is macro factors (macro - large) - country, ethnicity, society, state, which influence the socialization of everyone living in certain countries (this influence is mediated by two other groups of factors). The third is mesofactors - (meso - average, intermediate), conditions for the socialization of large groups of people, distinguished: by the area and type of settlement in which they live (region, village, city, town); by belonging to the audience of certain mass communication networks (radio, television, etc.); according to belonging to certain subcultures. influence socialization both directly and indirectly through the fourth group - microfactors. These include factors that directly influence specific people who interact with them - family and home, neighborhood, peer groups, educational organizations, various public, state, religious, private and counter-social organizations, microsociety.

Society as a macrofactor of socialization. The influence of modern Russian society on the socialization of its members.

Society is a concept mainly of political science and sociology. It characterizes the totality of social relations between people that have developed in the country, the structure of which is the family, social, age, professional and other nominal and real groups, as well as the state. Society is an integral organism with its own gender, age and social structures, economy, ideology and culture, which has certain ways of social regulation of people's life. It should be emphasized that it is necessary to specifically talk about society as a factor of socialization because in Russia, until very recently, society was both factually and ideologically identified, and at the level of everyday consciousness it is still identified with the state. In recent years, there has been a rather difficult, and in practice even painful process of their division, denationalization of society, revival and, in many respects, the creation anew of the structures of civil society. It is so difficult because it affects the fundamental foundations of life. In the process of social differentiation in Russia, at least four trends are observed - the impoverishment (pauperization) of specialists, the criminalization and lumpenization of many social strata, as well as the formation of a middle class. The formation of the so-called middle class is based on various strata. It is characterized by: the value of work as a sphere of self-realization, the attitude towards property as a value, the established way of life of a “positive person”, the value of family and education. These values ​​are sources of self-esteem and the basis of personal self-acceptance. But the small size of the middle class does not allow it to determine the moral climate in society today. At the same time, it is he who usually represents the force that stabilizes society.